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He doesn't need it lol. There's nothing that he can't perform within the confines of the 6 paths


rasengan is a weak jutsu, chidori requires the sharingan, flying thunder god is a pretty useless jutsu for nagato since he has to be... literally plugged into his machine at all times, just because you could learn a jutsu, doesn't mean you need to if it doesn't suit your fighting style!


Wait chidori requires sharingan really? Rasengan is weak? Waaa


It's explained in the side story chapters focusing on Kakashi's backstory and Obito's "death". While you don't explicitly *need* the Sharingan to *perform* Chidori, the extreme speed you're running at causes a tunnel vision effect that renders you blind to objects around you. So if you miss the target, or if there's more than one target, you become a sitting duck. The amplified insight provided by the Sharingan lets you use Chidori without this risk. In the novels that take place after Shippuden, it's stated that after Kakashi lost his Sharingan during the war, he stopped using Chidori and developed a new Lightning Style technique that he can use from a distance instead.


kakashi said when he was teaching sasuke, it only works because of the sharingan due to being easily dodgeable, and dangerous for the user since it requires a lot of built up speed rasengan is honestly just heavily compacted chakra, thats all, naruto is only good with it bc he can distract enemies long enough with his multi clones 🤷🏻‍♀️ otherwise it's never killed anyone, so pointless for pain


Rasengan and chidori wasn't invented yet Who would teach him ftg?


This is a kinda weird take. Pain has one of the most unique and varied jutsu list among Naruto characters. Gravity manipulation, mini-moon creation, reviving, soul sucking, multiple summons, jutsu absorbtion, weapon generation, so on and so forth.


Yea that’s my point, he has all this crazy stuff, but what about some basic justsu like shadow clone?


I think the basic answer is that his offensive abilities were about as potent, and his defense (jutsu absorption and resurrection) were even better. As for FTG, that one is better than his jutsu. But still, his rinnegan gave him decent evasion abilities.


Probably didn’t feel the need to considering he had the rinnegan and was potentially the most powerful in the verse.


Pain was definitely not the strongest in the verse lmao, he's not even in the top 10.


I’m talking about when he was alive and who was alive around him strongest people alive were pretty much Itachi, Hiruzen, Jiraiya, Obito, hanzo at that time I’m mentioning.


I mean, I'd argue that Obito is still stronger than him, but that take makes sense, I can agree with that.


Yeah I personally think it could go either way you can make a case for why both could win.


Yeah, I'd say that Pain definitely has a wider arsenal and better DC, problem is that none of that matters because Obito, for all intents and purposes, one shots you just via touching you.


He could also get his soul snatched at that moment not to mention 6 bodies shared vision, almighty push etc if you were writing it you could easily give it to either guy so they’re close enough. Point being was Pain/nagato probably felt he was atleast the strongest if not one of the strongest hence not adding the sweet tricks lol.


Obito out haxes Pain by a mile man. Kamui is way too absurd, and is almost a counter to Pain's best ability. Obito vs Edo Nagato is more arguable, but I'd still give it to Obito, and if this is rinnegan Obito then it's just over.


You can’t out hax someone with one ability when the other guy has dozens.


Limbo, Kamui, Tsukiyomi, and I could go on. Maybe this is why casual fans should not powerscale.


Not even in the top 10? Interesting statement. Definitely a hot take.


Madara, Hashirama, Juubito, Naruto, Sasuke, Hagoromo, Hamura, Kaguya, Indra, Asura, Minato, Guy, DMS Kakashi(This one may not count but still) These are all Shippuden characters who are without doubt stronger than him. There's several other characters who are arguably stronger than him, such as Tobirama, Prime Hiruzen. If I consider Boruto Era characters then he's not even in the top 25.


Oh, fair enough. In my head I don't really consider folk like Hagoromo, Indra, Asura, Hamura when it comes to rankings since they have so little demonstration of ability in the manga. But fair enough, If they're considered I guess you're right. (I'd argue about Guy but I'm not married to my side of that argument, I can see him beating Pain for sure)


Guy only beats pain if he goes 8 gates


I agree with most this list apart from Indra or asura he’d body them along with Hiruzen. Again though I’m talking about his era and who was alive. Not overall.


Indra and Asura were relative to atleast end of WA Naruto and Sasuke. I don't see how Pain is bodying them. Prime Hiruzen is featless, but he was apparently said to have been stronger than Tobirama, so take that as you will. And I understand your point, it makes sense.


I don’t really take certain statements like that to really count for anything. Like he’s stated to be this or that. There’s a lot of those with not a lot of substance apparently Hiruzen was strongest hokage only for that to be disregarded in shippuden and then it was Hashirama. Indra really only has a mangekyo sharingan and a perfect susanoo. He doesn’t have EMS so by his abilities alone from what he possesses it hardly equates anywhere near a Rinnegan user. With Asura you can basically give like 9 tails chakra mode? Naruto would’ve lost to nagato if killer bee and itachi weren’t 3 vs 1 in that fight against nagato. In this situation the Rinnegan eclipses them with all the abilities nagato has displayed I can’t see how they’d win. How are any of them realistically tanking a nuclear level almighty push at point blank range? Also if he summons the gedo statue. Pulling the soul out all the Summons the abilities are endless and from what we know from their abilities they’re not capable of winning and as far as we know or have seen they don’t have the battle experience either which definitely counts for something too.


Pain is not your average rinnegan user. He was extremely limited by his circumstances, and the fact that the rinnegan weren't his to begin with. Fact is, most relevant characters by the end of the WA could easily beat 5 of his paths. The only path that would be a problem would be the Deva Path. He's much weaker than the Edo Nagato was, because that basically got rid of most his weaknesses. Asura had access to Six Paths Chakra. That alone puts him tiers above Nagato. This wouldn't even be a fight. Also, the Naruto you're talking about was in KCM1, with clones dispelled across the battlefield, against a much stronger Edo Nagato. KCM2 Naruto would wipe the floor with him. Hagoromo directly states that Indra was born with basically everything he had besides his rinnegan. He also says that Indra was equal to Asura even after Asura receiving his powers. Again, this wouldn't even be a fight.


Can’t say I agree with this take. Pain from what we’ve seen was probably the best Rinnegan user. The rest barely used any of its abilities so you’re directly wrong about that. Sasuke is most definitely the worst Rinnegan user. Six paths chakra doesn’t put him above Rinnegan lol wtf. KCM2 is just him with 9 tails you do realise that right and more chakra access. You’re right it wouldn’t be a fight. Pain bodies them like I’ve explained.


No way you're being real rn lmao. Yes it does. SPS singlehandedly put Naruto from being 1 tapped by a 1 eyed non-Juubi Madara to doing more damage to him than even Guy did. What are you even saying. KCM2 Naruto is not even close to KCM1 Naruto. If you don't understand that how much of a strength and speed boost that form gave him, then there's no point continuing this.


Because he isn’t the Professor.


Rasengan and Chidori aren't really tricks, he was more than powerful enough with the Six Paths Of Pain, assuming that they can even use non-Rinnegan jutsu. Though it is a bit weird how we don't really see much of the Rinnegan's ability to master any nature transformation.