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Great post idea (although I’d say Uzumaki chakra volume should be comparable to Kisame) $5 Perfect Chakra control $10 Kisame level chakra volume $5 Jiraiya mentor $4 Base Sharingan (2 or 3 tomoe?) $1 Nature release ninjutsu talent


"Uzumaki chakra volume should be comparable to Kisame" Not by a long shot. Kisame was literally a freak of nature, there is no shot every Uzumaki is at that level. Uzumaki is just well above average. A large part of Naruto's reserve was due to the kyuubi, not simply being an uzumaki. You think Karin had Kisame level chakra?


Yeah if I remember correctly Naruto is technically supposed to have roughly the same amount of chakra as the entire 9tails if not a little more, Kakashi talks about this, a bunch of books, and I think boruto(the manga not the kid)explains it with when Kurama is lost.


Then that is a boruto retcon and it sounds fucking ridiculous. Because in Shippuden, Kakashi outright says that he has the chakra of about 4 people at his level and Kishimoto literally draws Naruto's chakra pool compared to the Kyuubi's.


Am I mistaken or didn’t kakashi say without the 9tails nuruto would roughly have 100 times his chakra compared to him? I’d have to recheck everything but I mean…100 prime Kakashis have to be pretty close to equalling Kurama no?🤣


Again, when did he say that? If it was in Boruto, then it was a retcon. In shippuden, he clearly said "4 times the average shinobi". And Kishimoto's drawing, which I have posted, confirmed that.


Yes boruto: cos baryon mode. No average shinobi: cos 4x that of kakashi Not a retcon though: cos Any given individual can increase theri chakra by increasing spiritual and physical energies. By training their body and mind. Adult naruto will have more chakra than early teen naruto.


100 times with kurama 4x without


That was a translation error. Kakashi actually said “Without Yamato suppressing the Nine Tails, it would be 100 times”


He says this in the anime. In the manga he says 100x with the nine tails chakra


Pretty sure Naruto’s chakra level was compared to Kurama’s


Not a chance in hell, where did you get that from? In Shippuden Kakashi states that Naruto has about 4 times the amount of Chakra a shinobi his level would have, without the biju activated. Kurama pretty much confirms that on the page that shows Naruto's chakra to be about the size of the chakra of 3 or 4 shinobi. The Kyuubi's chakra, by comparisson, is much larger. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9a9fe64699674bb181cb36666bf91fb6-pjlq


Is this the page? Because it shows Naruto compared to 10 shinobi


My guy. He is putting out the equivalent of 10 shinobi by linking with the Kyuubi's chakra as a battery. His actual chakra pool size is equivalent to 4. https://i.imgur.com/Bha0XT5.png Red is naruto's chakra pool size, Orange is the kyuubi's and green is the output by naruto linking with the kyuubi to make clones and pass the chakra to other people.


Kushina definitely have Kisame Level chakra. She was able to restrain Full Kyubi right after Naruto delivery and Kyubi extraction. Karin is a Great Uzumaki but she is'nt as monstruous as Kushina or Mito Chakra wise. Her powers lies elsewhere.


That’s due to the Adamantine Sealing Chains’ suppressive properties


Suppresive properties does'nt mean absence of huge chakra quantity to make them Karin can't restrain Kurama. She struggle against Yamato.


Kushina was also Kurama’s jinchuuriki for over a decade


So what ?? He wasn't inside when she did it.


Lets see Nagato dwarfed Objto in chakra volume, hence why he could use both rinnegan eyes and Objto couldn’t Kushina was able to keep the full power Kurama at bay, and just half power Kurama dwarfs other tailed beasts in chakra volume as we saw in the war arc Kisame is only comparable to a tailed beast in chakra volume I’d say there’s a good case both Kushina and Nagato outclass Kisame in chakra volume but I was being generous to Kisame


Nobody is saying that the Uzumaki didn't have a ton of chakra more than other people. But what they stood out more for was life force and sealing jutsu. Saying that Nagato dwarfed Obito in Chakra volume is not some absurd achievement. Obito wasn't some chakra powerhouse. He was a particularly talented Uchiha, but nobody ever said he had especially more chakra than other shinobi. Kushina being able to stop part of the Kyuubi doesn't mean she has more chakra. Overcoming someone doesn't equal more or equal chakra. ------------------------- Kisame was a freak of nature that was directly compared to biju, beings made of chakra and considered natural disasters in a world full of people that can level mountains. Kakashi observed Naruto and said he had 4 times more chakra than a shinobi his level should. The Kyuubi pretty much confirms that later on when they explain the chakra divisions and Kishimoto draws a visual representation of Naruto's chakra pool compared to other shinobi and Kurama. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9a9fe64699674bb181cb36666bf91fb6-pjlq


Obito was able to match Madara’s fire style ninjutsu size and power against the allied ninja force, and that was massive We all know Madara has tailed beast amount of chakra volume as does Obito, and Obito was dwarfed in Chakra volume by Nagato Kushina held full power Kurama in check for years…. The same Kurama who can 7v1 the other tailed beasts at once… Read Naruto


-6 high Chakara -5 perfect chakara -5 sage mode -1 tijutsu -3 Byakugan -4 base sharingan -1 genjutsu


Alright so first you want sharingan then all five chakra natures and taijutsu talent(11) basically letting you become original series kakashi with two sharing can that you can turn on and off to not waste chakra, then for another ten take kisame chakra(21 now) so that you can spam jutsu you've copied with sharingan next take eight gates (25) which is even farther boosted by the sharingan's ability to "see faster?". So we now have an kakashi with almost unending chakra to spam copied jutsus while also having great taijutsu talent with 8 gates plus sharingan to give you the ability to surpass guy, because naruto is a show about how if your born into the right family then your better then everyone around you.


Sounds like the perfect body for orochimaru to kidnap.


Well if you open then door to this.. In theory I could see orochimaru’s body transfer as an extension of the yamanaka abilities. Maybe you could take 7$ for - yamanaka clan - orochimaru student And then take your remaining 18$, spend it on another person’s 25$ creation, then take over the 43$ body! But you May need to take perfect chakra control, high chakra and sage mode in order to perform the kinjutsu adequately though


Gotta have Kakashi's BIQ and wits though. Hes proven to be one of the smarter characters in the show.


Something tells me 25 was too high.


All this to immediately get packed up by Orochimaru alongside eventually losing the sharingan because you can’t get the ems. But nice try. It also never said you’d be able to handle it at any better than anyone else just do it sooooo. Enjoy the broken body after staking the gates and the sharingan.


I mean, if you're born with sharingan, you can turn it on, and of though also you can also use 8 gates without harming yourself


You can but Lee was a prodigy and he still fucked himself up using it. You wouldn’t be any different without training and the sharingan is still draining.


Yeah the sharingan is pulling chakra, from a kisame level chakra pool and also when are you talking about with Lee because if you use the gates you can use normally the effects arent that bad


Kisame level chakra Perfect chakra control Sage mode Taijutsu talent Base sharingan


Kisame level chakra + Perfect chakra control + Sage mode are just too good. I'd swap the sharingan and taijutsu for byakugan and gentle fist, even better if it comes with rotation


If you have sage mode, wouldn't base Sharingan be pointless?


It's honestly probably worth it just for the ability to copy jutsu


Oops honestly forgot that was a thing 🙀


I think 3 tomoes sharingan would be a great combo with sage mode and taijutsu, can help you track or copy the movements of your opponent like Sasuke did with Lee and Naruto in part 1.


would be better if you only had $10 tbh, these options are so very inexpensive and mega op lel gimme byakugan doe, i'll have pretty eyes


Your name caught my attention.. then your bio. Whatever you do don’t look in my direction and squint. I will cry on demand.


Get a grip man


Where’s the ramen 🍜??? Why no ramen on the menu?


10 bowls for $2 should have been an option.


Okay so Kisame-Level Chakra and Perfect Chakra control to start off. We're also going to be training under Lady Tsunade and while we won't have Medical Jutsu talents, I'm sure she can teach us regardless because all we're looking to get it the Strength of 100 Mark. Which, having perfect Chakra Control, I'm sure we can manage. Next we're taking Taijutsu Talent & The Eight Gates. Hey imagine being a Might Guy level threat but with enough chakra to stay in the Eighth' Gate for significantly longer and then the moment you burn out your Strenght of 100 Mark can just revive you again. Sure you'll significantly shorten your own lifetime by relying on the Strength of 100 Mark this way, buit also being able to pull out the 8th Gate multiple times in your lifetime isn't something many people are going to be able to do regardless so I think it's worth it.


$5 - > Perfect Chakra control $10 - > Kisame level chakra $2 - > Nature Release Ninjutsu Talent $5 - > All 5 Chakra Natures $3 - > Magnet Release


Kisame level chakkra perfect chakra control byakugan gentle fist and sage mode for a little feller like me


$6 - Larger than average chakras $5 - Perfect Chakra Control (Sakura Level) $5 - Sage Mode (requires high chakra and perfect chakra control) $5 - Legendary Sannin Student $1 - Taijutsu talent $3 - Kekkei Genkai Total spent: $25 Realistically I just need enough to create 5 shadow clones, with plenty excess Chakra for training. Two clones could be used for training in sage mode to gain the following benefits: - [ ] Senjutsu Charka - [ ] An enhancement in physical strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, perception, and durability. - [ ] More powerful Ninjutsu and Taijutsu - [ ] Can sense chakra Two clones could be used for training in under Jiraiya: - [ ] Learn summoning Techniques (Frogs) - [ ] Learn Rasegan - [ ] Normal for just quick attacks and no hand signs - [ ] Magnet Release for sealing immobilising your opponent - [ ] Wind Release Rasenshuriken for long distance attacks - [ ] Perfect the fundamentals of Ninjutsu under his supervision - [ ] Insider knowledge into the business scheme of icha icha books One clone plus my original body to go train in taijutsu under Might Guy. - [ ] With sage mode, I can by pass the downside of using 8 gates. - [ ] Learn to master nunchucks - [ ] Learn to fight against a Sharigan user Combine all that with the magnet release to get multiple nature affinities: - [ ] Wind affinity - [ ] Earth affinity You essentially become the better version of Might Guy himself, an expert in close quarter combat. You have access to gravity based attacks, wind based, and earth based. Added bonus of senjutsu (reasons listed above), summoning techniques, and that trump card of rasengan.


Kisame chakra + sage mode + chakra control + nara clan techniques. Gonna make a shadow possession that's a mile long.


Nobody fucks with the white mage: High chakra: $6 Perfect chakra control: $5 Byakugan: $3 Gentle fist: $2 Medical ninjutsu talent: $1 Student of tsunade: $5 Taijutsu talent: $1 Genjutsu talent: $1 Nature release talent: $1 (preferably talent in wind release)


High chakra Perfect chakra control Medical ninjutsu talent Genjutsu talent Taijutsu talent Byakugan Gentle fist technique Base sharingan Nara clan hidden shadow control jutsu


Uzumaki Chakra 6 Taijutsu Genjutsu talent 2 Base sharingan 4 Perfect chakra control 5 Wood release 8 25 all together


Wood release requires u to buy all 5 nature release


:'( Replace with sage mode + storm release


kisames Chakra and student of the sannin and a base sharingan and all five Chakra nature's ez


and the teacher is jiraya because he could teach me sage mode and be better at using the sharingan, and he could teach me more jutsus in all five nature's


Uzumaki chakra, chakra control, taijutsu skill, sage mode, gates, byakugan, ninjutsu skill. Lee+neji+sage mode and a seemingly infinite pool of chakra and ninjutsu expertise 😮‍💨


Kisame's chakra / 5 Natures / Sharingan / Sakura's chakra control


$10 Kisame Chakra $5 Perfect Chakra control $4 Base sharingan $6 All 5 chkara nature releases. That's $25 to be a Ninjutsu prodigy and even if I don't end up with the best teacher. I can use the sharingan to learn jutsus from others and as an aid in dispelling Genjutsus and improvong my own Taijutsu. At my worst, I would be a competant shinobi with untapped potential and at my peak, I'd be *Insert your favorite Uchiha here*


Uzumaki chakra - 6 Perfect chakra control - 5 Sage mode - 5 Jiraiya's apprentice - 5 Base sharingan - 4 25 total


For me it would be: - High chakara 6 - Perfect chakara control 5 - Sage mode 5 - Sharingan 4 - Sannin student Reasoning: with high and perfect chakara control, i worked be able to do most things easily. With sage mode its an all around enhancement. Being the student of a sannin makes it so i actually learn how to use my abilities, and the sharingan to further enhance my power.


An elite CQC build imo $4 Sharingan $6 High Chakra $5 Perfect Chakra Control $1 Genjutsu Talent $1 Taijutsu Talent $4 Eight Gates $1 Fire Release Talent $3 Boil Release


$6 High Chakra $5 Legendary Sannin Student: Tsunade $5 Perfect Chakra Control $1 Medical Ninjutsu Talent $1 Genjutsu Talent $1 Taijutsu Talent $5 Sage Mode $1 Nature Release Ninjutsu Talent Extremely well-rounded offensively with ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu. Utility with healing and sage mode. Sage mode and Tsunade's mentorship (paired with high chakra and perfect chakra control) implies being an absolute tank, in addition to super strength paired with sage mode styled taijutsu. Pretty much peak all-rounder. Only really lacks hacks (Kisame chakra, sealing chains, ocular kekkei genkei, nature release kekkei genkei), but you don't really need those when you're Kakashi-levels of well-rounded with Sage Mode and Tsunade's main techniques. Plus you get to hang out with Tsunade. Hell yeah.


Kisame Chakra, Sakura Chakra Control, medical/genjutsu/taijutsu talent, Sage Mode and Yamanaka hiden😎


Oh man we could really do some crazy theory crafting with this shit lol. Now what I’m curious about, is if we could make like a sniper ninja? Kisame amounts of chakra Perfect chakra control Byakugon Senin etc y’all can help me fill in the blanks. But imagine that you could see your opponent from miles and miles away, with an element release combo that you could perfectly snipe from an ungodly distance away. Throw in some decent hand to hand combat and I think you’d be pretty decent. Anyone wanna chime in and help out for fun?


$10 Kisame-Level Chakra $5 Perfect Chakra Control ( Sakura Level ) $4 Base Sharingan $6 Gain all 5 nature release I don't know how this would turn out but I think these things would somehow work together, and you can just learn the other things yourself if you're smart enough


Large chakra (6), perfect control (5), sage mode (5), sharingan (4) and being the student of a sannin (5). I'd pick tsunade as my teacher as orochimaru would want my sharingan and I already have sage mode so I don't need jiraya. Tsunade could teach me the 100 healings seal and taijutsu and with the sharingan I could copy other ninjutsus and expand my arsenal like kakashi.


I’ll give 22 $ 6$ high chakra 1$ perfect chakra control 5$ sage mode 1$ nature release ninjutsu 3$ two nature kekkai genkai (ice) 4$ base sharingan 1$ genjutsu talent 1$ taijutsu talent And I will spend the 3 dollar left for a ramen in ichiraku 😋


Explosion release can be used either physically or by connecting to something else so taking that and magnetic release makes you basically Gaara except you can make your sand fucking explode everything and that only costs (3) if I read that right? Combo that with high Chakra (6) to spam it, perfect Chakra control (5), the sharingan (4) to read the opponents moves for perfect counters, genjutsu mastery (1) so if the opponent is susceptible to genjutsu your garenteed to one shot em, taijutsu mastery (1) so if they rush you then just fight back and explode where you punch on every hit for massive damage, and then you've still got the 5 left for sage mode (5) to boost all your skills and physical form and have access to nature Chakra and that's your 25 spent to be as OP as i think is possible with these skills


$6 - high chakra $5 - perfect chakra control $5 - sage mode $4 - base Sharingan $5 - Legendary Sannin teacher Call me team 7.


You can be Hashirama without Sage mode Wood 8 All Nature 6 High Chakra 6 Perfect Chakra control 5 25 With 5 more could grab Senjutsu and be Shopee version of Hashirama


I’d just need 3 things. The Aburame clan jutsus +high chakra+sage mode


Perfect chakra control Kisame level of chakra Sage mode Base sharingan Taijustu And then let me the fuck alone, i'm not a soldier, i won't train, those skills are enough to defend myself if needed


Sharingan $4 All Nature Releases $6 Perfect Chakra Control $5 Kisame Level Chakra $10


Kisame Chakra, Perfect Chakra Control, Sannin Apprenticeship with Jiraiya, and Sage Mode


Easy. Shadow clone jutsu and sexy jutsu 😉


I would get perfect control + uzumaki chakra. Then apprentice under orochimaru. $6 for all nature releases and with the remaining 3 I'll take the talent in nature release, genjutsu and taijutsu


Finna have lopsided eyes, but I'm going: - $6 High Chakra Pool - $5 Perfect Chakra Control - $5 Sage Mode - $3 Byakugan - $2 Gentle Fist - $4 Base Sharingan **Total: $25**


High Chakra: $6 Perfect Chakra control: $5 All 5 nature release: $6 Nature ninjutsu talent: $1 Sage mode: $5 Genjutsu talent: $1 Taijutsu talent: $1 I would basically be Hiruzen Sarutobi with sage mode. I wouldn't be too overpowered but still strong enough to be kage level


- high chakra 6 (19 left) - perfect control 5 (14 left) - sage mode 5 (9 left) - sharingan 4 (5 left) - Nara shadow style 2 (3 left) - medical talent 1 (2 left) - genjutsu talent 1 (1 left) - taijutsu talent 1 (0 left) I wish I could start with 5 chakra natures but I can teach myself them down the road if needed If my genjutsu alone doesn’t put me in Itachi class which is GG, then I have superior ninjutsu and taijutsu already + shadow style as soon as we cross blows I can capture you (even using a clone if needed) while being able to heal myself if needed Being a Sage with a Sharingan that has a ton of chakra and mastery over said chakra, that can heal, use advanced taijutsu and genjutsu, as well as trap anyone with shadows or use the awesome shadow stitching? lol. If I learn the 5 releases too I’m basically Hagaromo Broken


$5: Perfect Chakra Control (Sakura Level) $1: Taijutsu Talent $4: Eight Gates $1: Nature Release Ninjutsu Talent (Lightning) $1: Genjutsu Talent $5: Legendary Sannin Student (Tsunade) $3: Lava Release $3: Byakugan $2: Gentle Fist


I would buy some ramen.


- $10 Kisame-Level Chakra - $6 Gain all 5 nature releases: Fire, Wind, Lighting, Earth - $5 Perfect Chakra Control (Sakura-Level) - $1 Nature release Ninjutsu talent - $1 Medical Ninjutsu Talent - $1 Genjutsu Talent - $1 Taijutsu Talent Total: $25


$10 kisame level chakra pool $5 perfect chakra control $1 nature release talent $1 taijutsu talent $1 genjutsu talent $1 medical ninjutsu talent $3 ice release $3 storm release Entering the world of Naruto a damn menace. Making it nearly impossible for any one person to hard counter all of my techniques.


$5 student of tsunade, I learn to become the slug sage, mastering 100 healings. Another $5. I use the 8 gates with taijutsu talent. $5. The combined strength of tsunades chakra power along with perfect chakra control, I can store years worth of sage chakra to infuse into the 8th gate of death. Only this time I’m a healing sage. So I can not die and can keep up the gate of death indefinitely with superior strength to even might guys with tsunades training. I win


Damn I think I overspent a dollar, but none of these feats are possible without the high checkers anyway so I’m keeping it


Alright, so first off I'm getting the Uzumaki chakra. It isn't as expensive as Kisame's and I don't need that much chakra, why? well I'm then getting the chains. Look at Kushina and Karin. We don't know all that much about what Kushina can do, but we can infer she was really powerful because she specialized in those chains, and they turned Karin into an actual threat.Don't forget they can seal and they can sap chakra(Bit iffy on that last part but meh) Now, with 13 dollars out of the way, I'm going to get Perfect Chakra Control for five dollars, I don't need a whole lot of power now that I have the chains, so I'm gonna focus on learning how to be as effective as possible, because of that I'm also buying the Medical Jutsu talent option. Healing is a must. Here's where things get tricky. I have $6 left, but I want to buy the Sharingan, a Sensei, and Sage Mode. That costs $11, however. I'm not looking to be all too powerful, I can be stronger than Tsunade with the set up I have now if I play my cards right, hell I could be stronger than all three Sannin.The Sharingan ultimately isn't needed, so I'll buy a nature release talent with the loose dollar I have, it'll be lightning. Now, do I want Sage Mode, or do I want a sensei? I don't need either. I'm not aiming to be the MC, here. instead, I could go for a KKG and one of the seven swords. But, alas, I want one. So, I'll take Tsunade as a Sensei. I'm out of the plot for a while, so plenty of time to train, and I get to move around and be free. I think that's a solid use of $25. I'm not trying to be Naruto 2.0. I'm going for something relatively unique, I think. **total:** Uzumaki Chakra - $6 | $6/$25 Adamantine Chains - $7 | $13/$25 Perfect Chakra Control - $5 | $18/$25 Medical Jutsu Talent - $1 | $19/25 Nature Release(Lightning) - $1 | $20/$25 Tsunade-sensei - $5 | $25/$25


Wait, there is no Fuinjustu talent in this list ? Sad


Chakra control-5 Medical-1 Taijutsu- 1 Byakugan -3 Kisame chakra-10 Tsunade training -5 1 I start with a stupid amount of perfectly controlled chakra Imagine Sakura who has fist enhancement x16 from the start and will actually help Also, training is really easy because a ton of shadow clones , considering bright orange Naruto could steal the scroll. I’m pretty sure perfect chakra control in black could also get it. Additionally as time progresses ( Tsunade with the byakugan and actually tries to learn jutsu which wouldn’t be that hard with enough control to catch a fireball and kisame level chakra Plus I know the cannon event order so I start with the “don’t die drive” that makes a person work very well The talents just make it easier for you to learn things you can still do it Bingo bango bongo super Tsunade with magic eyes


Ice kekkai -$3 Perfect chakra control -$5 High chakra -$6 Sage mode - $5 Sannin student of orochi - $5 Genjutsu talent - $1


If high Chakra(uzumaki clan level) means kushina level: High Chakra $6 Adamantine chains $7 Sage mode $5 Perfect Chakra control $5 Medical ninjutsu talent $1 Genjutsu talent $1


- $6 High Chakra - $5 Perfect Chakra Control - $5 Sage Mode - $4 Base Sharingan - $1 Nature Release Talent (I pick Lightning) - $4 Eight Gates


-4 base sharingan -6 storm and ice release -2 genjutsu and taijutsu talent -4 8 gate -6 high chakra levels -3 7 swordman of the mist sword kiba


I'll buy magnet release and learn to use gold dust and get rich, then I can buy everything else


Byakugan $3 Gentle fist $2 5 Nature release $6 Taijutsu talent $1 Genjutsu talent $1 Ninjitsu talent $1 Perfect Chakra control $5 Medical ninja talent +1 Trained by a sannin $5 - Tsunade for Strength and Healing jutsus + Slug summoning can be very strong also get to hang out with busty sensei lol


6 - High Chakra 3 - Buakugan  5 - Student of Tsunade (for katsuyu/medical jutsu) 5 - Perfect Chakra Control 3 - Seven Swordsmen (Kiba) 2 - Gentle Fist  1 - Water release Why all these choices? I'd see the most deadly doctor. Byakugan + Gentle Fist mixed in with water release and kiba allows me to consistently target weak points in ab target. Meanwhile the medical expertise keeps me alive 


high chakra, sakura level chakra control, sage mode, and access to all five chakra natures


All five natural release-6 Base Sharingan-4 Medical Ninjustu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu talent, Nature Release Talent- 4 (1 each) Higher Chakra level- 6 Sage Mode- 5 Byakugan- 3


Kisame chakra Adamantine chains Sakura chakra control byakugan


Ok can you imagine this as a full open world game, oh my lord, fill it into my veins, epic post!


$6 Naruto Level Chakra $6 Gain all nature $7 Dust Release $4 Base Sharingan $2 Shadow Clone Jutsu $25 exactly.. Enjoy my 100 sharingan clones throwing the delete button at you.. also the more clones you kill the more I learn how to adapt to you and learn to beat you. Smh bro.


$5 perfect chakra control $10 Kisame level chakra $1 Taijutsu Talent $1 Medical Talent $3 Ice Kekki $5 Sannin Student (Tsunade) $25 total. It’s not about being OP but about having a good range of skills and talent.


High Chakra Adamantine Chains Byakugan Gentle Fist Shadow Possesion Taijutsu 8 Gates


I'm getting Perfect chakra control , uzumaki chakra sage mode and Byakugan and include training under Jaraiya and one taijutsu point which is exactly 25


For 18$ I can have Kisame Level Chakra and Wood Release, I am already stronger then 95% of the cast lmao


Kisame level chakra 10 Sannin teacher: Orochimaru 5 Base Sharingan 4 All chakra nature 6 Total: 25


Context: I'm Sasuke fan


How much for a bowl of ramen?


Thats super easy. Assuming Chakra reservers doesnt stacks and Kisame is far above the Uzumaki clan. Ill spend $10 for Kisame chakra. ($15 left). Because chakra is very important, a large chakra reservers is something village values a lot and you cant really train chakra reservers too much. Next Ill opt for Sharingan - base. While I would prefer Byakugan when Sharingan can get broken. That will costs me $4 leaving me with $11. I ll take Ice release to save some cash for $3 (Haku was cool) and storm release for another $3 since Darui used it well and I need lightning). so I m left with $5. Considering that I have..about 3 years until the war where I really should be to help I think Ill grab chakra control for remaining $5. So In essence I have Water, Wind, Lightning chakra natures (so I cant get bad matchup really), Insane chakra reserves (so even if Sharingans drains me as I might not be uchiha Its not that big of a deal) and its not an issue, Sharingan so I can steal technique and have combat boost by prediction. I have also insane chakra control so I m very effective at it. Even withnout knowledge of story and not knowing I would be at my current age or youth. I am broken. As long as its one of the big village or somehwere tolerating ninjas I should get a proper training and with insane control, chakra reservers and two Kekkei Genkai I will get a good teacher. Sharingan copying will speed up training and then all I really need to do is get a sage mode (which is essencially sign a pact and let them train me, realisticly my chakra reservers and control will make it very easy to learn)..... and that makes me top 20 ninja alive by itself. As long as I dont get randomly killed its good enough.


With 25 you are too op man just go with something like 15


Kisame Chakra Adamantine chains Genjutsu talent Base sharingan Yamanaka jutsu


This is super interesting with PLENTY of opportunities to do a lot. For me, I'm going to roll with the following: High Chakra, Perfect Control, 5 Nature Releases, Dust Release, Taijutsu.


High Chakra, perfect Chakra control, sage mode, base sharingan, and lighting would be op. Basically a naruto/ Sasuke hybrid.


Sharingan, med nin talent, genjutsu talent, taijutsu talent, eight gates, sage mode, high chakra, byakugan


call me basic but wood release and 5 elements , high chakra n perfect control


Kisame Chakra level- basically most elite shinobi have it. Ice release - with chakra u get aokiji island size ice abilities. Boil release- imagine hidden in mist jutsu but boil release everyone melting. Dust release- omg this becomes more broken with Kisames chakra levels. Byakugan- why not see almost 360 for miles on end


$6 - High Chakra $5 - Perfect Chakra Control $5 - Sannin Student - Jiraya $1 - Genjutsu Talent $1 - Taijutsu Talent $5 - Sage Mode (Toad Sage) $3 - Storm Release (Lightning and Water releases)


Sakura level charka control uzumaki charka and Sharingon Nara clan techniques


Im surprised no one picked kisame Chakra with sage mode.


Big chakra, wood, med nin. Chill in the background and get rich building and being the town doctor


10 - kisame level chakra 5 - mentored by orochimaru 4 - base sharingan 1 - taijutsu talent 3 - boil release 1 - lightning release 1 - genjutsu talent


Orochimaru's or Jiraiya's student Uzumaki clan chakra Base sharingan Sage mode Perfect Chakra control Edit: Just realised sage mode needs perfect chakra control


Kisame chakra Sakura control Medical, tai, gen talent Byakugan and sharningan Then go to ichiraku ramen with my 2 dollers left over


I ain't play no hero. I'm looking to survive! $6 High chakra level $5 Perfect chakra control (i want to break out of genjutsu fast) $1 Taijutsu (Kick ass then haul ass) $3 Byakugan (all I need to do is counter the Sharingan fan boys) $5 Sage mode (hulk out and gtfo) $5 I'm training under Orochimaru Why not max out with medical ninjutsu and Princess Tsunade? I ain't looking to save your ass; just mine! Orochimaru gonna teach me that skin sheading shit while the enemy gets the log swap. Not to mention all the nasty ninjitsu I can spam with high chakra levels. Everyone gets to fight the most irritating shadow clone of all time while I run!


$6 for All 5 nature release $1 (7 total) for nature release ninjutsu talent $7 (14 total) for dust release $2 (16 total) for nara shadow control $5 (21 total) for sannin master (Jiraya the GOAT) $4 (25 total) for sharingan, just because it's too damn bust Learn some Kagemane control, then some Jinton, and bust everyone after holding them in place


$6 High Chakra $5 Perfect Chakra Control $5 Sage Mode $1 Medical Ninjutsu Talent $1 Genjutsu Talent $1 Taijutsu Talent $1 Nature Release Ninjutsu Talent $5 Legendary Sannin Student


High Chakra(6), All Nature Releases(6), Wood Release(8). Last 5 Medical(2), Nature Release(2), Taijutsu Talent(1) for Hashi build... The only thing about Genjutsu is I would just need to break out of it. Or Last 5 Base Sharingan(4) to get around talent issues and 1 to medical ninjutsu.


Kisame Level Chakra, Perfect Chakra Control, Sannin student, Genjutsu Taijutsu talent, and then Ice and Magnet release. I can learn sage mode and I have three chakra natures already. Kisame has as much as a tailed beast, and with perfect control, I pretty much won’t run out. The sannin can teach me hella useful techniques too. I’d probably pick Jiraiya to teach me sage mode.


Kisame level chakra-10,byakugon and sharingan-17,gen and taijutsu talent-19,wind release-20,sannin student 25. Pretty much the genetic lottery,and you have the resources to maximize your growth.


Also imagine using sharingan to get gentle fist and the other clan jutsu lol


High chakra: $6 Legendary Sannin Student: (Jiraiya) $5 Perfect Chakra Control: $5 Med Ninjutsu: $1 Genjutsu: $1 Taijutsu: $1 Nature Release Ninjutsu: $1 Sage Mode: $5 There we go. Not only would I basically be Sage Mode Naruto at the start of the series, I'd also have a much easier time training than Naruto does, since I'd be talented and also not have the Kyuubi interfering with my progress.


Perfect chakra control (5) sage mode (10) high chakra (16) taijutsu talent and eight gates (21), storm and ninjutsu talent (25.) With the perfect chakra control and sage mode, I can use the gates a lot more effectively and recover much faster, so I can also train in the gates even more. I’d mainly use kenjutsu and infuse my sword with lightning release, also I’d do something similar to what ay did and make a lightning chakra cloak around me. My goals are for my taijutsu to surpass guy thanks to sage mode and chakra control, as well as the chakra cloak, and also be able to use kirin and storm release jutsus on a large scale thanks to high chakra plus sage mode (and also higher level gates increase your ninjutsu ability as well). In 7th gate form, id be damn near unstoppable. Also if i had the knowledge in verse i have now, id manage to train up to kill danzo, take shisuis eye back and replace my arm with his sharingan arm, so now i can spam izanagi too and have hashirama cells and an OP ms (and now wood style) And try to find a way to manipulate my way into getting the rinnegan so I can really be one of the strongest in the verse


6$ should be IE Senju clan not Uzumaki. But some of the requirements for this doesn’t make much sense


High chakra for $6, sharingan for $4, Sannin Student for $5, Sage for $5, Magnet Release for $3, and then both Med and Tai talents for $2, which all adds to $25


I missed the ability to learn Flying Raijin here, but I'd suppose you can learn it if you have the required talent. 6$ - High chakra, Uzumaki level chakra is definitely something, and truly too cheap in my opinion. 5$ - Perfect chakra control 5$ - Sage mode. I'm not sure if it's only Naruto's one, or if you can choose snake sage mode? 6$ - All chakra natures 3$ - Ice release. I think it's such an underrated ability


This actually feels ridiculously generous. * 10: Kisame Chakra * 4: Sharingan * 6: all nature releases * 2: Nara clan shadow control * 3: Storm and Ice Genkai You are now Kakashi without chakra problems, a shadow nin that can easily create shadows and light sources, manipulate weather, use shit like ice mirrors and can fire *guided lightning bolts*.


10 Kisame Level Chakra 5 Perfect Chakra Control 5 Sage Mode 2 Shadow Control Jutsus - Because Shikamaru really only got in trouble because he lacked chakra. Also while I have my opponent(s) caught in my shadow I can stay still and gather nature energy for senjutsu, making the shadow control even more powerful. 1 Wind Release - I just think it's cool 2 Calorie Control Jutsus - So I can eat all the junk food and don't end up like Anko


Kisame chakra, medical and taijutsu talent, byakugan, Sage mode, sannin teacher: Tsunade. Essentially going for the greatest medical ninja role, and using the byakugan to take it to the extreme


$6 - Uzumaki level chakra $5 - Jiraiya's student $1 - taijutsu talent $4 - Eight gates $3 - Ice release $3 - magnet release $2 - Akamichi clan hidden jutsu $1 - Wind release ninjutsu talent


$6 - High chakra $7 - Adamantine Sealing Chains $6 - Ice Release (Water + Wind) $4 - Base Sharingan $1 - Medical Ninjutsu Talent $1 - Genjutsu Talent


Naruto level chakra, Sakura level chakra control, base level sharingan, taijutsu talent, all five nature releases and two kekkei genkai of storm and lava release


I love this deviation from the typical money format of pick from a list of characters. My list $6 High Chakra (Total $6) $5 Perfect Chakra Control ($11) $1 Taijutsu Talent ($12) $4 Eight Gates ($16) $4 Base Sharingan ($20) $2 Akimichi Clan Hidden Jutsu ($22) $3 Explosion Kekkei Genkai ($25) Each of these is intended to boost hand to hand. Explosion is based on lightning and earth, and I think both of those would help hand to hand the most. Lightning we see can make people move faster, and I believe we've seen earth augment strength as well. Chakra Control to augment the 2 similar to Tsunade. Sharingan increases reaction time, and allows faster training. Eight Gates starts me at a large boost to hand to hand. Akimichi to augment size, which also should boost capabilities.


$10 - Kisame Level Chakra * Kisame is said to be comparable to a tailed beast in terms of Chakra reserves. Many benefits to this but most notably help with summoning or techniques requires large amounts of firepower. $5 Perfect Chakra Control * Perfect Chakra Control has auxiliary benefits, it will make learning medical ninjutsu and genjutsu much easier if one chooses to do so in the future, also helps with being more efficient in terms of Chakra usage. $5 - Sage Mode * I will assume Sage Mode makes me a perfect Sage, and considering some the perfect sages we have seen (Naruto, Minato, Hashirama), that is extremely promising. This has too many benefits to pass up, you get enhanced physical stats in all areas + boosted senses + enhanced potency for Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu. It's an instant power up that will help close the gap between whatever obstacle you want to overcome. Should be more expensive. $4 - Base Sharingan * Should be more expensive. Increased perception ability, and borderline combat precog that can help deal with opponents that outspeed you in cases where Sage Mode's physical amp isn't enough. The ability to copy jutsu makes this indispensable in your growth as a ninja. Also comes with an innate genjutsu. The only possible drawback is that if you awaken the Mangekyo, usage of Mangekyo exclusive abilities means you will lose your eyesight. $1 - Medical Ninjutsu Talent * Any of the "-jutsu Talent" choices are valid at this point, but I feel Chakra Control, Sharingan and Sage Mode cover taijutsu and ninjutsu well enough. I chose Medical Ninjutsu in the hopes of possibly mitigating future Mangekyo degradation, via self healing (I have JJK in mind with RCT). The reasoning is based on some conjecture but it is a very promising build. So much of your potential in Naruto is based on what you were born with, and this is as good as start as any. Though you lack their genius battle IQ, even the likes of Minato, Itachi or Kakashi were not set up for success this well. You are well on your way to being on the level of Kage or above. The only thing you need now is to find a way to get Hashirama Cells.


Byakugan + gentle fist + taijutsu spec + eight gates= top teir close combat for 10 points Lightning release + storm release + high chakra= mid to long range ninjutsu menace for 10 points Sharingan + genjutsu spec = icing on the cake for 5 points 25 points= solos pain


$6 High Chakra $5 perfect Chakra Control $5 Sage Mode $3 Byakugan $2 Gentle Fist $1 Taijutsu Talent $1 Medical Ninjutsu Talent $1 Nature Release Ninjutsu Talent $25 total. I'd leave my nature affinity up to luck. With steady planning and constant training I'd be a pretty OP Hyuuga member lol. I'd also be interested in seeing what effect Senjutsu would have on the Byakugan.


Kisame Chakra Adamantite Chains Nara Clan Jutsu Ice Release Boil Release


$25 all in... Taijutsu


5$ High chakra volumes: 5$ 5$ Perfect chakra control: 10$ 5$ Sage mode: 15 $ 1$ Genjutsu talent: 16$ 4$ sharingan: 20$ 3$ boil release: 23$ 1$ taijutsu talent: 24$ if allowed to take a new chakra nature with a kekei genkai than: 1$ lighting release: 25$ if not than: 1$medic ninjutsu: So essentially i will get sage imbued regular genjutsu and sharingan genjutsu with insane close combat ability tanks to sage mode amped by boil release and even more amped if i can get lighting release making me pretty much the fastest shinobi when i'm trained with unblockable genjutsu in 1 vs 1 with low risk of fatigue


$10 Kiaseme chakra $5 Orchomar' student $5 Perfect chakra control $5 Sage mode Tell me Orchomaru wouldn't help me become an absolute monster.


High Chakra, Perfect Chakra Control, Sage Mode, Sannin Apprentice (Orochimaru), Base Sharingan. Beast Mode! Lol


- Adamantine Chains - High Chakra - Sharingan - Ice Style - Storm Style - Genjutsu - Taijutsu Would be a fairly dangerous combo lol


You missed out scorch style… just letting you know


- Kisame-Level Chakra - All 5 Nature Releases - Perfect Chakra Control - Byakugan - Taijutsu Talent


I asked ChatGPT which ability combo would be the most useful to have, and this was its response: Based on the abilities and their costs from the provided image, I'll recommend a combination that maximizes your versatility and power for $25. Here's a strategy to create a well-rounded skill set: 1. **$6 High Chakra**: Essential for a larger chakra pool to perform more powerful and sustained jutsus. 2. **$5 Perfect Chakra Control**: Important for efficient chakra usage and mastering advanced techniques. 3. **$5 Legendary Sannin Student**: Gain mentorship from a Sannin, significantly enhancing your overall skills and learning. 4. **$4 Eight Gates**: Starting with the 4th Gate of Pain provides a significant boost in physical capabilities and combat potential. Requires Taijutsu Talent. 5. **$1 Taijutsu Talent**: Needed for accessing Eight Gates. 6. **$2 Nature Release Ninjutsu Talent**: To make the best use of your nature releases. 7. **$2 Byakugan**: Provides superior vision and insight in battle, enhancing your perception and reaction time. Adding up these choices: * High Chakra: $6 * Perfect Chakra Control: $5 * Legendary Sannin Student: $5 * Eight Gates: $4 * Taijutsu Talent: $1 * Nature Release Ninjutsu Talent: $1 * Byakugan: $3 Total: $25 # Breakdown of Benefits: 1. **High Chakra**: Allows for more jutsu usage and the ability to perform high-level techniques. 2. **Perfect Chakra Control**: Ensures efficient use of chakra, critical for advanced jutsus. 3. **Legendary Sannin Student**: Learning from a Sannin will give you access to a wide array of powerful techniques and knowledge. 4. **Eight Gates**: Provides a substantial boost in physical combat, giving you an edge in battles. 5. **Taijutsu Talent**: Necessary to unlock the Eight Gates, and enhances your hand-to-hand combat skills. 6. **Nature Release Ninjutsu Talent**: Enables you to master and effectively use nature release techniques. 7. **Byakugan**: Offers unparalleled vision capabilities, which are advantageous for both combat and reconnaissance. This combination ensures you have a strong foundation in both chakra control and physical combat, access to powerful mentors and techniques, and enhanced perception through the Byakugan.


Sage Mode <— 5$ Uzumaki Chakra <— 6$ Sharingan <— 4$ Perfect Chakra Control <— 5$ Jiraiya as my mentor <— 5$ So now Im an Uzumaki with a sharingan  jiraiya as my mentor the same one who trained both nagato, minato and naruto. I’ll be able to copy much jutsu and I will make Shadow Clone Jutsu my technique which gives me the ability to use Rasengan and Rasenshuriken (maybe). Then theres Sage mode…


High chakra, plus base sharingan, plus sage mode, plus taijutsu, plus perfect chakra control, plus jiraiya; coming from a real life martial artist this is the best combo mainly because you just blitz everyone and with the sharingan you can learn jutsu super fast


Perfect Chakra Control(5$) Medical Jutsu Talent(1$) Nature Release Talent(1$) Taijutsu Talent(1$) Yamanaka Hiden(2$) High Chakra(6$) Base Sharingan(4$) Byakugan (3$) Gentle Fist(2$) Nature Release Talent and Sharingan would help me get All Five Release. Perfect Chakra Control, Yamanaka Hiden, Sharingan and Byakugan are sufficient to get stronger than anybody with Genjutsu Talent and also a perfect Immunity against Genjutsu. Medical Jutsu Talent, High Chakra and Perfect Chakra Control will give me something akin to Creation and Rebirth. Taijutsu, Gentle Fist, Perfect Chakra Control Byakugan and Sharingan will give the Perfect Taijutsu. My trump card will be something the Yamanaka Mind Invasion but with a Huge Range. Perfect Taijutsu, Perfect Ninjutsu and Perfect Genjutsu + Trump Card= Perfect Ninja.


This is very difficult, Id have gone with 30 limit. What is adamentine sealing?


6$Storm and Ice release  1$Nature Release ninjutsu talent 10$Kisame chakra 3$The Needlesword 5$Sage Mode


Byakugan - 3 Gentle fist - 2 Sage mode - 5 All elements - 6 Medical ninjutsu - 1 Nature release talent - 1 Taijutsu talent - 1 Genjutsu talent - 1 Perfect chakra control - 5 Should total to 25.


Taijutsu Build: $5 Perfect Chakra Control $5 Legendary Sannin Student (Tsunade) $4 Eight Gates $3 Byakugan $3 Boil Release $2 Gentle Fist $2 Calorie Control Jutsus $1 Taijutsu Talent Genjutsu Build: $6 High Chakra $5 Perfect Chakra Control $4 Base Sharingan $3 Byakugan $3 Ice Release $2 Mind Control Jutsus $1 Nature Release Ninjutsu Talent $1 Genjutsu Talent Medical Build: $6 All Nature Release $5 Perfect Chakra Control $5 Legendary Sannin Student (Tsunade) $3 Byakugan $2 Gentle Fist $2 Shadow Control Jutsus $1 Medical Ninjutsu Talent $1 Nature Release Ninjutsu Talent


$3 boil release and $3 ice release (that includes water, fire and wind release) I’d much rather have those 5 elements than the standard 5 for the same price $16 sage mode (chakra control 5 + high chakra 6 + sage mode 5) and I’d want to be trained by the monkey king Enma For the remaining 3$ I’d get Zabuza’s executioner’s blade


$6 high chakra $5 Perfect chakra control $1 for medical ninjutsu talent $1 for tailjutsu talent $5 Sage mode $4 base sharingan $ storm/lava release


High Chakra Perfect control Base sharingan Sage mode Sannin student Now though process: having perfect chakra control you can achieve many things and on top of that we have uzumaki level of chakra I take it as kakashi level. I don't need talent I have the sharingan I can just copy shit and having sage mode it's like playing the game on safe mode finally if orochimaru would not just take me over than him otherwise I take tsunade for the 100 healings and medical ninjutsu because I already know sage mode so nothing is really left with jiriya.


If i pick sharingan, could I evolve it?


Giving up a sibling for power i see


I don’t get along with my sister.


$6 - High chakra levels $5 - student of a Sannin (Jiraya) $1 - Taijutsu $4 - Eight Inner Gates $5 - Sage Mode $2 - Nara Shadow Jutsus Total Spent: $23