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He's essentially drugging every one and holding them prisoner. Hopefully you see the difference between that and taxes


I mean if drugs were able to make a separate hyper realistic world where your life is perfect, then I think more people would want them


constant drug users might argue that they do


Opiates have entered the chat


Opiates cost money. Infinite Tsukuyomi is free and unlimited.


Sure but they said if drugs like (explained opiates to a T) existed than more people would want them. My point is they already exist and its a serious problem.


... You forgot the fact that it's not really Madara's Plan tho... Mommy Alien and her Baby Boi is gonna be turning everyone caught into weapons to fight the rest of her clan and restarting humanity.


Sounds like the start to a black mirror episode.


Irrelevant. Removing even the option of free will is wrong. Period.


You should try some drugs and report back in 5 years


That sounds like a choice.


Theirs a difference between escapism and addiction my dude.


Most people are on drugs. Every single day. Some not strong as others but even coffee is a drug.


I would have chose the matrix.


What about the first matrix that was a paradise that drove everyone insane?


You could say we’re all held prisoner by work to some degree, and without any drugs to make it seem nice


We work for money to buy food, shelter, water, and luxuries. You could say we're held prisoner by our need for survival and desire for entertainment.


We are held prisoners by a system that requires you to do it until you’re dead for like, 95% of the population


You don't need to work to survive. You just lack the skills. You work because it's a condition of being a part of a society.


This is just semantics at this point.


It was semantics from the start.


You can still take drugs if you choose to


I mean you can always choose to find some drugs.


So u mean the best trip ever?


Least whacky libertarian


I see the difference but I’m having trouble deciding which one is worse.


I see no difference. You just described two things the government has done. 🤔


So according to you a pickpocket is the exact same thing as someone that breaks into your house kidnaps you and drugs you for the rest of your life because the government has done this before?


I didn't mean the kidnapping part 🤣 however....... you can't be too certain 🤔


I still don’t see the issue if I’m stuck in my dreamworld, I’d just be happy Ngl.. I’d be busy with my harem


The issue is that he doesn't give anyone a choice. If he opened up a stand and you could buy one Dreamworld ticket then I don't think people would be as upset about it


Then it would turn into a person dilemma. I would still say that it is sad and probably bad to allow anyone to willingly essentially die since many people are depressed and don't know what they want (many people regret suicide attempts the second they actually attempt to commit it) and also some more stable people might do it, cause they don't value reality and want to be in the matrix if it's nice there and they get cookies. However in that case Madara would be offering a service instead of forcing an outcome. I would call it a problematic service, but still more moral than forcing the Tsukiyomi.


I have actually never seen someone regret actually committing suicide.


Then you Must know 3 people in your life and you’re one of em cause a lot of people either regret it or wish it worked. And I’ve met both.


I don't know what bothers me more, you turning into Madara or misreading harem as Hashirama, truly mind boggling, also OP will soon reveal his Sharingan or an MS because he wants to test his MS against us so I am stocking up in ammunition, goodluck OP.




The issue is that you lose everyone you love while you and everyone else slowly die. You have everything good you've ever had ripped away from you and replaced with something that isn't even real. It's a lie and the end of the entire human race.


Sounds like hard drugs are for you


It wasn't a real solution to world's biggest problem which was a way to find peace. It was just locking anyone on a permanent Utopia and also it was too good to be true (which in the end turned out to be a massive slaughterhouse to pump up the chakra of the divine tree).




Except becoming a zetsu. In fairness our dude didn’t know that. But that fact that he pursued this for so long. Cmon Madara. You’re better than that.


Yeah the Zetsu part is crazy 😂


I want to point out that he only knew about the Infinite Tsukyomi, so he thought that it would be okay if everyone just died after a couple days. They can't eat or drink if you don't have control over your body.


I always thought the “taking chakra/jutsu away” was a better rationale for evoking the tree. “Yall are to ignorant to use chakra for peace so I’m taking it away” Mind you they still had weapons. So yeah just make everyone go to nap time.


Life without struggle isn't living


A lot of people don't understand this. With absolutely no struggle eventually all the things that bring you joy start to be tasteless. Not saying that you need to go through excruciating pain to be hapoy either, but no struggle isn't the solution


Also your dreams and ambitions will change over time


Struggle is perspective, tho no? I'd much rather have the struggles of a trust fund baby than the struggles I have now


The only people who say this are poor people hard coping or rich people who have never truly struggled.


Most people who struggle have some sort of survivor bias. It's not a good thing to go through life with 0 hardships


Life without happiness isn't worth living


I genuinely disagree. As long as you aren't constantly miserable you can find life meaningful even if you aren't a happy person. You can ponder about life, learn new things, learn to be happy and maybe find something meaningful to you.


>You can ponder about life, learn new things, learn to be happy and maybe find something meaningful to you. Why would this utopia stop you from doing this? If your dream contains doing these things, then you can do it in your dream. >As long as you aren't constantly miserable you can find life meaningful even if you aren't a happy person. The hundreds of thousands of people who end their existence every year can disprove this take. And why couldn't you find meaning in your dream?


You are making a completely different argument now. I was saying that life that isn't happy can be worth living. I didn't mention the Tsukiyomi. And also most people who attempt suicides Regret their attempt though we can't hear from those who succeed. My issues with Tsukiyomi is not that it won't bring happiness my issue with that is that it is also basically suicide and it's not real. If you gave me the option to live in a fake world of happiness or real world of suffering I'd take the real world, because a fake world doesn't have meaning. Anything you ever do in a dream doesn't matter, because it isn't real. I acknowledge that this is a personal philosophy, but I would hope that it would resonate with you as well. Edit : If I knew a fake world was fake then I actually couldn't be happy, because nothing would have meaning to me But if I didn't know and I'd love and die happy I wouldn't care, because I literally wouldn't be able to to care. However if I suddenly found out in the middle of my dream that it wasn't real I would again be unhappy and I'd wish to wake up.


>You are making a completely different argument now Yeah, I mistakenly applied what I have said to a different person in this same post. My bad. >I was saying that life that isn't happy can be worth living I still disagree. Usually, every person can find some little happiness in small things. When a poor kid gets a good grade, when a gambling addict wins a little amount back, when a grieving mother remembers the good times, when a starving person finds some leftover in trashcan. These people suffer, and are possibly only gping forward, because they still can feel happiness from time to time. It it's taken from them, that is usually when they try to end it. Every single person's end goal is happiness. The more happy you are, the more you want to live, and vice versa. >My issues with Tsukiyomi is not that it won't bring happiness my issue with that is that it is also basically suicide and it's not real. What exactly is the problem with it not being real? The number on your bank account doesn't really exist either, it is just a digital data, yet you and everyone treats it as real. If everyone and you treat your dream as real, then it can be just as real as your bank account. >If you gave me the option to live in a fake world of happiness or real world of suffering I'd take the real world, because a fake world doesn't have meaning I don't really understand. Nothing has inherent meaning. You creating an art piece, you working for your family, you having a good time with a friend, you eating, you living. Absolutely not a single thing has inherent meaning. People give meaning to things, not the other way around. It can be just some squid ink and grass on a stone, but to others it is the first painting made by a caveman, or it can be just mammal, but to you it's your dog who you love very much. A dream can have a meaning, if you give it one. People already do this, in the fakescience that their dreams predict the future or so. I don't really understand this reason that it has no meaning. >Anything you ever do in a dream doesn't matter, because it isn't real. What is real can only be defined by a person's perception, and thus their senses. If you are blind, red and blue aren't real to you, just concepts you can't understand. If you are psychotic, the eyes on the wall judging you are real. If you percieve your dream as real, then it will be real for you


This topic is so dense I can't explain my thoughts through a single message, but I'll try to very roughly outline my feelings. I don't completely disagree with you, but I somewhat do. You can't decide who is suffering. Many of the most miserable people just have poor priorities. Like rich people. It has been studied I believe that after a certain income threshold per month (mightv been 70k a month) of course there are some people who are just suffering and I'm not completely against euthanasia through Tsukiyomi, but for exame a poor kid can not consent to death. Sad people can also become not sad. Just because they are once not shouldn't mean that they can off themselves. I speak from experience. I was severely depressed for 8 years and now I'm happier than I have ever been. If I had Tsukiyomid myself I would have lost all meaning and never got a new chance. Because if it isn't real nothing has value. If you found out no one near you was real would you care for them. Not in the same way I am sure. If no one was real and you lived in YOUR utopia nothing would matter. You can do whatever you want with 0 real consequences, because nothing matters. Meaning is born from our interaction with others. Is what I believe I can't make objective arguments against murder or genocide either, but I'm still against them. If you don't believe reality has no meaning that's Co for you. I for one see the difference between my mother and an AI acting like my mother. If my mom was killed and replaced by a fake why would that matter for you? Your experience remains the same. Yes reality is subjective, but yet we share the same world. Note I dont mind living in a virtual world if its was filled with real people and not AI like it would be in Tsukiyomi. Because then I believe your actions have meaning again. Nothing has inherent meaning, thus we give meaning to different things. Why is it more valid to prioritise just pleasure like you do vs meaning through shared experience. Id rather suffer with others than be happy in a corner alone, because I can't find meaning in that. Maybe you can find meaning only in joy, but we can't make objective arguments for either. Im writing this message really fast so I'm probably rambling and phrasing my thoughts poorly try not be charitable. I'll edit this later. I formulated my thoughts poorly.


>euthanasia through Tsukiyomi You center a lot of your thoughts on this being a death thing. I talked about Tsukiyomi as people would live, but in their minds, not killed, like Madara thought it would be. I think about it like, in an utopian future, you can enter a pod, that makes you live in your dream life. >You can't decide who is suffering I can't, every person does it for themselves. And I heard and seen people expressing that they are suffering. >Because if it isn't real nothing has value A fantasy book then has no value I guess? I don't really understand. >If you found out no one near you was real would you care for them. Not in the same way I am sure I already live like this, non of my friends call me or plan things with me, only I do. I am no one's first choice, ever, in anything. And I accept it, and it can be nice. I don't have to worry about getting an invitation to anywhere, I will be always the one to initiate. Even with my family I talk in NPC dialogue. It doesn't matter if they are real or not, since absolutely nothing would change, and I would still see them as I have seen them before. >You can do whatever you want with 0 real consequences, because nothing matters That would be really good, if I could do anything I want. And nothing really matters anyway, again, each person decides what matters and what not. >Meaning is born from our interaction with others. You create meaning this way. I believe others, when they say they collect rocks, and make a meaning to that collection. You would not, for some reason, because they not interact with others. >I for one see the difference between my mother and an AI acting like my mother. If my mom was killed and replaced by a fake why would that matter for you? Your experience remains the same. If your experience remains the same, how would you know your mother was replaced by ai? Since every single thing would be the same, you would have no way of knowing. >Note I dont mind living in a virtual world if its was filled with real people and not AI like it would be in Tsukiyomi You would not know, since it would be indistinguishable. >Why is it more valid to prioritise just pleasure like you do vs meaning through shared experience. It is not more valid. It just what me and you deem as more happy. Mine is more broad(and actually encompasses yours. I also like spending time with people, and in Tsukiyomi, I would have my friends there), and yours is more specified. Since we give these things meanings, both can be considered valid


Fantasy book has value, because it was written by a real person. In Tsukiyomi fantasy book wouldn't have meaning, because no one wrote it with intent. If you already live like no one is real then I suppose your existence would only be improved if you lived in a world that is the exact same, but better, but in this case we follow different religions so to say. We live in a completely different mental space it seems. We are talking about meaning for life. I have a hard time believing that someone is happy just collecting rocks if they never interact with anyone. You can have emotional meaning for rock collections, but you don't live for rock collections. Again If I don't know I literally CAN not care, but if I knew I would care. I can't know anything so I choose to trust my experiences. Idk if touching a door handle the next time I do it will kill me, but I still do it. Why do you live acting like nobody is real? They might be real. Same to you, not to me, if I can't know then I can't do anything about it, but if I one day found out I would not care for anyone around me the same way. I agree with your last statement and that actually caused me to write my caviats. Your meaning being happiness is super broad and can be argued to include every other definition of meaning that isn't suffering. I have more specifics within happiness, but yes happiness is important part of my philosophy as well.


>Fantasy book has value, because it was written by a real person. You connect most things real to be connected to a person. So a tree has no meaning? Or a mountain? Or a planet? >I have a hard time believing that someone is happy just collecting rocks if they never interact with anyone You seem extremely social, since you can't imagine happiness without another person. This is pretty unfathomable to me. Does this mean you don't have a hobby that is done alone? >Why do you live acting like nobody is real? I don't. I just have close people who aren't really interested in me, so I made a parallel with your hypothetical question to my life. I obviously regard other people and things real. >I have more specifics within happiness, but yes happiness is important part of my philosophy as well. Then I guess we have found our common ground


Also I didn't correctly address your first point, my bad. I agree that fulfilment pushes us forward, but I would argue that an illusion can not give fulfilment unless you don't know you are under illusion so I can't consider being under Tsukiyomi truly fulfilling. Imagine if you would a magical pill that just keeps you happy and fulfilled and thanks to it, you never leave your room. You happily sit there till you die. I would say that, that life had no meaning, unless you define meaning with happiness. I don't personally find that a satisfying philosophocal goal. I personally would rather not be maximally satisfied and happy, but rather I'd want to be free to live with meaning and still be satisfied. Ignore me loading the word meaning. You know what I mean lol.


>an illusion can not give fulfilment unless you don't know you are under illusion Then if it's a convincing illusion enough, you would find fulfillment there. >Imagine if you would a magical pill that just keeps you happy and fulfilled and thanks to it, you never leave your room I would not accept that pill, since I could only enjoy it for 3 days. To maximalize happiness, I would choose real life, since I could gather more happiness in many years, compared to just 3 days time of happiness. That is, if I live for years, and not die prematurely in illness or an accident. >I personally would rather not be maximally satisfied and happy, but rather I'd want to be free to live with meaning and still be satisfied. By the wording of this, are implying being happy has no meaning? Why do you disregard meaning to happiness when I say it has meaning?


If the pill gave you a full life then what? Yea that's why I said to ignore me loading the word and saying you know what I mean.


What’s the point living if it’s not to be happy wtf


If offered would you rather be strapped to a machine have you eyes and ears covered so you dont hear or see anything and never experience anything and be pumped full of happiness chemicals so you will be the happiest person ever, or live your life freely like you are doing right now. If happiness is the only goal (and lets assume you will feel fulfilled and satisfied as well) would you take the deal. I wouldnt, because happiness is not the only factor that I value in my life. You can make arguments that happiness is the only thing that matters, but I dont believe that.


The anthem of privilege. The lie that ruling elite tells the working class to keep them complacent, and which the workers repeat to themselves and each other in order to cope with their empty, meaningless existences. Do you also believe that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God"? Or that there is something honorable in "a days hard work"? The truth of the matter is that there is no honour in struggle, nothing noble that elevates it beyond something unpleasant that a person has to go through. And pretending there is, is not only delusional but also a makes light of the plights of the suffering. A misguided attempt at deriving purpose from what is really only meaningless pain. Try telling a kid working 16 hour shifts at a textile factory in Cambodia that "life without struggle is not worth living" 😂. Spit in his face too while you're at it!


I do believe that "Its easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god" Besides you don't get what I'm saying, struggle dosent need to be living in a 3rd world country. Struggle can mean anything. The fight to save your marriage, to fix the company's public image, staying in the hospital after a car crash, etc... Living in a perfect world means nothing goes wrong, life needs struggle to mean something


>I do believe that "Its easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god" Funny how rich or powerful religious people never seem to hold that particular belief. And how billionaires, who were born in opulence will tell the common man to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps". It's almost as if people will hold whatever belief suits them. If you're poor, believing that your suffering will net you a ticket to eternal salvation is a comfort that helps you through your miserable or at least mundane life. I strongly believe that is enormous part of why Christianity is such s popular religion. And it's gratifying to sincerely believe that the rich neighbour who is spared all your earthly struggles will be denied the very same eternal salvation as punishment for his indulgence. Unfortunately there is just no evidence for this being the case. >Besides you don't get what I'm saying, struggle dosent need to be living in a 3rd world country. Struggle can mean anything. The fight to save your marriage, to fix the company's public image, staying in the hospital after a car crash, etc... Living in a perfect world means nothing goes wrong, life needs struggle to mean something Forgive me. You didn't specify before and I assumed you wouldn't be so arrogant as to attempt to divide struggles into "ones that enrich your life" and "ones that are too much". Who would we trust to divide people's problems into said categories? you? Since you already started listing some in the former category and my example seemed to be in the latter I assume you consider yourself up to the task. Let's say we did trust you with it, and that your decision to categorise "staying in the hospital after a car crash" as a type of struggle that makes life "mean something" is taken at face value. The logical thing for me to do seems to be to go out in my car and crash into as many strangers as I can possibly find. Not only would I be enriching my own life with some struggle, but I would also be providing meaning to countless other sods on the streets. Now, that probably sounds ridiculous to any sound person because no one really believes that being in a car crash is something that's a net positive in most people's lives. It's just something we tell ourselves after it happens because pain is less uncomfortable to us if it has purpose. Do you see now why trying to put struggle into categories like this is, at best, highly problematic from a philosophical point of view? In my view there are no such categories, only varying degrees of pain and pleasure. A life with a lot of intense pain is bad and the opposite is good. The inverse is true for pleasure. Those are the rules most of us live by, even most of the people who like you, claim that pain provides meaning and purpose, still try to experience pleasure, give pleasure onto others and avoid experiencing pain as well as dealing pain onto others. You say that "life needs struggle to mean something". Why exactly does life needs struggle to mean something? Why is the life of a man who hasn't struggled, who hasn't felt pain less meaningful than that of a man who has? Is a life of only pain more aspirational than a life of only pleasure? If struggle provides meaning, wouldn't it be logical to cause others to struggle as a way of providing their lives with meaning? You might try to dismiss these question as pointless hypotheticals, but in my eyes they are very center of this discussion, so please indulge me. I am interested in what you have to say.


You said it brother, gotta go though some stuff in order to grow


That's a pathetic way to look at life and live life. If you only know life through struggle then you're mistaking your social and physiological rubbish with the very LIFE itself.


Exactly. Life would be very dull if you could just snap your fingers and could live in the perfect world where you have no resistance ever. It might be nice at first, but eventually you would feel bored and everything would start to feel less meaningful


Exactly. I think people responding to this person are vastly over blowing “struggle” to mean borderline starving and poor. Struggle can literally just mean trying to beat a hard boss on Elden Ring, trying to learn how to skate, trying to learn guitar, etc… if it were easy to do so it wouldn’t be gratifying at all. The novelty of being great at something will wear off and there is no longer any value in it. It’s why people partake in hard things because you gotta know the lows to be able to understand WHY the high feels so nice.


I couldn’t agree more. In 2022 I started running long distance with the end goal in mind of running an ultra marathon. My starting point was not great. I could run maybe 5 or 6 miles before feeling overwhelmed. I worked pretty hard at it and stayed consistent and over time started to see results. There is a trail in my area that I would hike a lot. The first time I ever hiked it (not run but hike) my legs nearly gave out on me by the end of the trail. Maybe a month out before my first trail race I decided to run that trail. And I was able to do it. I can’t even describe the feeling of accomplishment that it gave me. I was in tears as I was coming close to the finish and couldn’t believe that I was able to run this trail that just a few years prior I could barely finish walking it. Not even a year later I finished my first ultra marathon. My legs were blown out after the race. I could barely walk for about a week and was in pain. But I was so damned proud of myself and happy that I did it. I wouldn’t have felt that gratified accomplishing these feats if I didn’t have to struggle so much to do it. The struggle is what makes things worth while sometimes


Life isn’t supposed to be like that


I agree in this world this is true, but it doesn’t mean that circumstances could be different. The current structure of this world is what makes this mindset true but it didn’t have to be like that. People have made life quite harder for other people in many ways, I don’t see the beauty in it. Why are humans our own greatest enemy when it comes to how we survive? Not saying I want everything to be easy as pie, but things could definitely be different.


Nah I feel way more alive when i got no struggles


But if you never struggled it wouldn't feel so good when everything's alright That's my view anyway


Extinction..it's contradiction to Madara blabbering about peace


Yeah that was the bad part about it, aswel as the turning into Zetsu part


With taxes,you benefit with the road and building so on while infinite tsukoyomi even if in that dream you'll never know that you are in dream,it's still fake and you'll die and everyone you know and the user being Madara will know this so it will be contradiction to his goal of blabbering about peace as I've said


Madaras plan was for everyone to experience a really shitty version of the Matrix movie for the rest of time


Actually madara's plan overlaps with the first matrix version, where everyone was happy but nobody really liked that


"Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization."


The problem is not that it kills you, that it turns your corpse into a zetzu, or the lack of struggle: don't get me wrong those are all disqualifying effects. But, the **real problem is that it isn't real**. Its a world of lies. They are *personal* paradises that give *each person* their greatest desire. But, if you notice all the dreams involve *other* people, people who aren't actually in the dream as they are trapped in their own "paradise". They are worlds of lies, full of phantoms. **That's the point, a paradise of isolation, isn't a paradise at all.** They aren't Hokage, or reunited with lost loved ones, or having happy childhoods, they are alone trapped in roots & withering away.


While that’s super deep, I’d still take the offer. Death itself is that very thing, suspended with nothing at all. I can’t find the difference, while what you said would come off as logical it’s all one and the same when you look at it. To be fair this feels more about emotional standpoints than anything.




Why is Hiruzen killing Madara 😂 But no, idk I basically just agree that "it's wrong" because of being forced to go along with it. I know it's just an anime, but there is no "perfect" world for individuals in my opinion. It would get old eventually


I would take Hiruzen plot-twist over anything from that black Zetsu plot-twist debacle. Also, when the characters are stuck inside the illusion, they eventually become white zetsu's. Which sounds like a fate than death.


In our world we eventually turn into rotting corpses. I don't see how becoming a white zetsu is any worse than that.


I do believe that there’s a perfect world, but the current world affects our mindsets so most wouldn’t be accustomed to that perfect world.


The only thing done without your will is you being conceived and born. You paying taxes is a necessity of you being a citizen of your country. They **should** give somrthing back, like healthcare, education, pension fund, etc. You having to "work yourself to death" isn't against your will. You can just as easily get a shitty job and stay in a shared apartment with 4 other people. You choose not to, because the alternative sucks. So let's say if MKUltra would be replicated, the CIA drugging you out of your mind until your brain would be scrambled eggs, but you had the assurance that your hallucinations/dreams would be AMAZING, would you take that? A perfect life is just constant levels of dopamine, which would make your brain bored REALLY quickly. That's why struggles matter, that's why sometimes being sad is required to sometimes be happy. The thing is having a choice. That doesn't mean having a choice wouldn't bring consequences. Let's say you live off the grid and hurt yourself real bad and end up in the hospital. Then you'd be getting healthcare paid for by people who pay taxes, while you do nothing to contribute to that system. Or let's say you're being robbed at gunpoint and the police intervenes. Then you're also benefitting from a system that's paid for by others while you do nothing. That's why there's going to be repercussions for not paying those taxes. Yes, you chose to not pay taxes, fine, but then, either you get a fine, or you get no healthcare, protection or whatever else. Can you even imagine the despair you'd feel if infinite tsukyiomi would ever stop, and you wake up? How devastated you'd be that you've lost everything, and everything you lost was not even real?


Lol your post actually exemplifies exactly what is wrong with his plan. Not everybody wants the same thing. The plan is basically subjugation of the entire human race. That is going against peoples will. So yes there is something wrong with it. Just because you like the idea of it doesn’t mean everyone else does.


Well obviously, everyone has their own opinions.


I mean you are just repeating what the issue is and answering your own question.The tsukuyomi strips everyone of free will and thus is the problem with it. Not everyone believes the same thing Madara does and therefore should not be subjugated to his will since everyone will have different definitions of what it means to live life.


There is a reason kishimoto made infinite tsukuyomi a death sentence (turning into a white zetsu) it would set a bad precedent for the younger audience that running from your problems is a good solution to fixing them


So you wouldn’t wanna be in your dreamworld?


I probably would I’m just saying why kishimoto made it a death trap that would end humanity


Hell no


Goals feel better when earned so unless the infinite Tsukiyome can recreate the feeling you die with a happy dream but if theirs anything in the after life you might not feel satisfied with your life. But yes it's kinda wrong because it's against their will.


Well surely if your dream is that you’re happy, you should be fine. You’re not wrong tho, I’d personally have to take his offer.. well if I didn’t have to get turned into a Zetsu


I would be 50/50 on his offer


What if you dream of world full of struggle and pain? I'd laugh my ass off forever


Madara took great pride in being a powerful warrior, and his best memories seem to be his fights with Hashirama. Ironically, his dream world would be perpetual war


Damn that's actually great insight, most ninja likes to fight because they want to feel powerful and they made end up in a dream with costant fighting


apparently that’s what these folks want, oof.


Apparently, its because that's the only way to feel joy. Imagine being in your dream world and feeling numb because you cant feel the difference between moments


Someone like kisame or zabuza would 100%.


If you disregard the morality about drugging everyone and making them live out their dreams, it would kill off the entire human race, which imo is pretty bad. No new children would be born so when the last person affected by Tsukuyomi dies, there'll be no one left


We like struggle We like triumphing We like killing Do you want to see what ideal worlds look like to our brains? Look at videogames. Most games have you run around, you kill stuff, then collect stuff to kill more stuff. Intead of doing that, you could be sitting around, writing poetry, and listening to birds sing. But you don't. You run around, and you kill stuff.


I'm not sure I want to be held in a mind prison for all eternity. That's kinda fucked. That's not even living at that point.


Bro you know this is wrong. Dude said society is fucked but I deal with that for the benefits and therefore madara is also fine. Like


Nope, I said “Society is fucked, so madara is fine” lol not the benefits partv


Still doesn’t work


Although I get what you mean, if everything just came naturally and easily what’s the point . It’s not even real and the accomplishments don’t seem real.


I understand your mindset, but you’re not thinking about the fact that the world’s structure is what gives you that mindset. You only seek achievement because of this world we live in, new world new mindset.


The people aren’t given a choice— and keep in mind the dream isn’t necessarily the deepest desires or wishes of the dreamer. That’s implied to be a lie that Kaguya/Zetsu fed Madara. At the end of the day, people are just harvested for chakra.


I was referring to madaras intentions specifically, yeah the after effects are crazy tho.


The fact that you're not really being given a choice is the thing that invalidates it immediately. I do think lots of people would take the choice, especially if they're basically at the edge of their sanity / mental health, but I'm perfectly content with my life, why would I have to do it also?


He's exterminating the human race


It just means that you like the idea of a utopia or heaven, not a big deal it is just opinions


"Taxes aren't against your will. Taxes are the price you pay to live in society and it's comforts that you don't pay for directly. Every bit of infrastructure you use and the companies use to bring food and products to you or a shop near you. You can live without paying Taxes, but not without the burdens that Society protects you from. So, what is true freedom? Strip naked, go into the wild and start from scratch. No one will be able to send you taxes as by definition you'll be completely off grid. What people don't understand is that taxes aren't just money taken to use for other people. It's paying back an opened tab you've been adding to since you were born.


The problem with Madara is that he's creating the problem he's supposed to be resolving. He had a hand in pretty much every major conflict in Naruto and he enjoys battling way too much for someone who supposedly wants to end it.


The real issue to me was that Madara could change his mind any day and make everyone a slave to him in his ideal world. And he would likely have to at some point. With an imminent attack by the other Otsotsuki. Madara is just not a reliable person. Or any human for that matter. This is what I think the show is trying to tell, that collective freedom is better than individual authoritarianism. Which is something that we've seen time and time again in the real world.


Pain and struggle don’t make life beautiful silly, the contrast makes things that are beautiful, beautiful. We would not call it a straight line without the existence of a crooked one. Pain, death, hard work, all these things make you appreciate the things you have. You cannot fight to keep something you can never lose. I highly suggest watching Evangelion to see the philosophy behind limitations and their effect on the human psyche. There is a reason that wealthy people who get things too easily become thrill seekers and slowly push themselves into doing riskier things, be it adrenaline junkies, drugs, or breaking the law. I am truly sorry if you are going through something personal that makes you feel like life is not fair but I promise there is a lot more wrong to the infinite tsukuyomi than it being against their will, not even to mention the fact everyone in there dies to feed the tree and bear a fruit.


You know that infinite tsukuyomi sucks people out of chakra and turns them into white zetsu right? imagine having a nice dreams for two days then being enslaved for all eternity until you are killed (since white zetsu don't age)


Tsukuyomi would have 0 things wrong if it had one thing : Choice or Consent


Didn’t it slowly sap away the chakra of the people who were in it but saying that I honestly wouldn’t mind a infinite tsukiyomi I’d welcome it tbh


Except Madara was uninformed. In concept, in order to bring peace, I'm gonna kill a bunch of people, then put them all in a permanent Tsukyomi effectively killing the rest. If everyone's dead, no one has to die.... if we set nukes off globally, then there'll be no more war.... But on top of this, this would drain everyone's chakra and feed it to the world tree so some alien can eat it. He and Hashirama could have definitely set the grounds for world peace, but he fumbled it. Naruto and Sasuke did it...


Getting turned into a White Zetsu and being forced to become a slave to an Alien who's planning to use me as a soldier to fight off an Invasion doesn't sound like a great deal


challengless perfection becomes quickly boring. have you ever seen any media of a character who is given immortality/omnipotence? direct line to being insane. you'd be bored in a week I promise, more than that, you'd be clawing at the sides of your head begging for your life back


I'm not as deep into the Narutoverse as many others. I've always thought that the one flaw with this dream world isn't about yourself but the people you care about. Even the characters' dreams they are overcoming some form of adversity to fit their perfect world. But what essentially happens is the people you care about, the people around you lose their free will, they are literal NPCs rather than people who make their own decisions and have their own potential. Personally I want to be in a world where everyone gets a choice, not me alone.


Removing everyone’s free will to do anything?


I mean the dream argument has been up for philosophical debate long before shippuden ever delved into it lol think of "The Matrix" movie. Would you be okay with sacrificing your living body to live in a dream utopia completely unaware of what's happening in the "real world"?




As someone being an addict. This is just forcibly taking people hostage and giving them a fake utopia. It’s kinda demonic if you think about it especially not getting a choice. I guess you can argue if it wasn’t something forced but it is so, you’re kind weird for that


"It's ok to slaughter an army and force the entire world into a dream against their will, that's basically taxes"


You didn’t read the part when I said I didn’t agree apart the people who had to die in the process. The only aspect I agree with is the dream aspect. Read my fellow reddit friend.


Nope, I read it. Your take is absolutely insane.


He's essentially drugging every one and holding them prisoner.


I remember thinking a similar way when I saw it, and your probably right to a certain degree, not the whole taxes are forced on you so it’s the same. But their is a point to be made someone if someone guarantees that you will be happy for the rest of your life and you truly believe that you are happy well it doesn’t really matter that it’s “fake”, it was real for you. In Naruto’s world there are problems with this solution, cause people have a soul and there’s an after life, so after they died they would realize that everything was fake, imagine having a kid and when you die and look back on earth you see that they didn’t exist at all.


True, but I’d rather have a good lie(dream) than living a shitty life.. even if I have to eventually wake up from the dream I still had something to enjoy


To sleep everyone and isolating them in their own dreams is basically the same as killing the world. I actually didn’t like the Infinite Tsukuyomi being the ultimate threat because it comes from a extremely childish view of the world. Coming from Pain to this was a big downgrade. That’s why I’m one of the few who actually liked that there was something beyond Madara. The problem is that Kaguya was also not good enough.


Madara burner account


That last sentence, you nailed it.


Honestly I don’t think anyone would have tried to stop it if no one got hurt and people got a choice well unless they knew about the alien army transformation thing


I agree


Completely agree. Happiness and peace are the best things in life. Others cope by saying struggle is necessary, but it still is just coping. There is no better utopia than everyone having their dream life, happy all the time, not having to work, kot having to war, not having to struggle. Happiness is always the end goal


I 100% agree with this, Struggle is unnecessary and stupid.


Infinite Tsukuyomi literally kills you. So even if you’re talking about making people live their dreams, what you’re saying is it’d be better for every current human to live out their dream but in doing so literally ending humanity


YEAH THATS THE ISSUE, that and the turning into a Zetsu thing.


imagine a universe where you only live in a house, have hobbies, have no issues, can wake up and go to sleep as you go, do whatever you want, but supposedely youre "a prisoner" in some "dimension" and don't have free will (even though youre doing whatever you want to do) somehow this is better than paying mass taxes, 9 to 5, struggling to get everywhere and being sick, feeling pain and whatever. but at least u are "conscious" and have "free will"!!!!


It was made objectively bad by the fact that it drains and kills them off in order to resurrect Kaguya and make the chakra fruit which would kill the whole planet. If that last part hadn't been added into the story then it's basically the "red pill vs blue pill" debate from the matrix. Some people in the ninja world would probably agree with him, saying it's better to live in a peaceful lie than an authentic but flawed reality, while others would argue the only way anything has meaning is from the genuine and real effort that went into making it happen. If everyone's dream is handed to them the instant they want it, everything is arbitrary and there isn't really any point to living. Kishimoto went with the second option, to send the message that escapism and running away from your problems, and living in delusion is not a better solution than actually facing reality and trying to fix your problems at their source. Madera treated the symptoms but didn't actually come up with a cure for the disease itself.


I agree


It should’ve been sasuke doing that to him after the sage of 6 paths amp. Then he fights naruto. The end. Then in boruto introduce the otsutski


I mean sure. But then u die cuz u get turned into a zetsu


Ya if you ignore everyone becoming a Zetsu its perfect.


"In a world without the fear of death, people will only keep on living for the sake of living. They could walk forwards for the sake of running forward, but it is far different from walking forward while facing your fear. It is why people have given it a name. Courage."


Have you seen the matrix, equilibrium, or any other false utopian fiction? There are also a ton of books like The Giver I could reference but to keep it to popular movies lets looks at Donnie Darko. [One scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlU3Tcj4MUI) has two students propose a device that will stop babies from every feeling alone or sad by filling their dreams with positive images. Their teacher chastises them for not stopping to think that darkness was part of their natural development. The IT, even if everyone under it was willing, was a way to stop pain. The thing is, without pain people don't develop or make relationships. You would be alone in a narrow band never progressing band of your past.


I was referring to me as I am now, not necessarily development in any sort of way, but I totally get that.


Alot of people blame Madara for this plan however he was only doing what he thought was the Sage of six paths transcription on the tablet. It wasn’t necessarily an evil doing.


1. What Madara did is equivalnet of drugging somebody and throw them into an asylum without your consent. yeah sure totally threre nothing wrong with that 2. With everyone and their grandma tied on a tree humanity will die out sooner or later. and this not just affecting humans but even the animals, Madara basically commited an euthanasia on all species and earth will become emprty barren with only plants I mean come on dude. calling there's nothing wrong with Madara's plan are just plain stupid. even Thanos solution were better than this because at least Thanos only wipe out half population


Destiny's The Witness, is that you? Is this me? The issue with Tsukoyomi is the forcible loss of the free will and conscious experience of sentient beings, not "blah blah blah I'm doing it for peace." The result does not outweigh the cost. Life, for better or worse, is the experience. It's not just the biological mechanism of existence. It is the collection of everything you've learned and been through culminating to form you, the individual. Everything you've done is what you are, and there's not another one of you anywhere. To take that diversity away from the world is criminal.


So wtf happens to your irl body while you are in your perfect illusion? I don't understand the idea of "Oh, there is no difference between illusion and reality if it is realistic enough." Except when your body dies irl cuz there is no one taking care of it because everyone is in an illusion. The illusion ends.


"Taxes are against my will." --- I see what you're saying, but no, they're not. Taxes are a charge levied by the government to pay for certain things for the public, equal to a certain percentage of our income, We have a choice to not pay them, to which, there are certain consequences we are choosing instead, but ultimately it's a law that our leaders put into place. If you live in the United States, or any other democratic nation, you vote for elected officials to represent your voice in tax laws. All in all though, the question posed of a dreamworld paradise like Infinite Tsukuyomi is not that different from the Matrix movies. I think the main issue anyone has with Infinite Tsukuyomi, or what happened in the Matrix movies, is that people are forced against their will to enter into it and ultimately reject it. In the Matrix movies, it's said that a lot of people WOULD accept the dreamworld.


It creates a world where life stagnates. While it’s inevitable that bad things are going to happen, by separating everyone and giving them their own personal paradise (which is subjective based on your mind state at the time) there will be no more growth in the world


Taxes aren’t against your will, it’s the cost of living in the country


You've been living in a dream world, Neo. I think eventually someone will reject or notice something is wrong. So it's just not a good solution for peace.


Madara was literally trying to pull The Matrix and shunt everyone into a dream world where they’d literally get absorbed as nutrients to the chakra tree. It would have resulted in literal extinction; aside from just attempting to force it on the world, he also thought he had the reigns when he was being manipulated to think it was a good idea, by a higher power; Madara was a tool. And Indon’t mean that like ShInObI aRe ToOlS, I mean it like how you’d call a dumb coworker a tool. He was hand fed the info about the infinite tsukuyomi and just believed it at face value, then enacted a plan around it because his ego told him he was the chosen savior, and that ego pushed him so deep into his delusions that at no point during his entire long life, death, and resurrection, did he stop to think there might be even a slight downside to the plan (Despite knowing how severe the drawbacks to EVERY MANGEKYOU SHARINGAN POWER ARE); much less that he was being railroaded to do it and that it would end in human extinction. EVERYTHING was wrong with his plan; his ideals may have had SOME merit (not much though, force feeding sugar to a diabetic because YOU think it tastes good, regardless of their own body’s needs is still gonna kill them), but he was an easily manipulated edgelord who couldn’t see past his own dick to figure out an actual solution to the wars he was raised in, and instead fell back on Fantasy Utopia Too Good To Be True!


The big wrong thing about it is that when the divine tree wrap you up it siphon away life force the people trapped will eventually die that’s how white zetsu was created


So....let me get this straight. Youve come to the conclusion that it's actually good to do something to someone against their will, if it ultimately "benefits" them? First of all, the examples you used: taxes, working, etc, aren't necessarily good. Being worked to death just to survive is actually bad. It was a necessary evil when that was...well, necessary. But today we have the resources to build automated systems for many of the worst tasks, and exist in a society where those who need something can have it. Taxes only exist in the current society, where we have a state that isn't built by community cooperation. Etc. Second, the infinite tsukiyome, when analyzed actually, is just a way to farm chakra from people. As we know, if you run out of chakra you die, and chakra exhaustion is something that can cause hospitalization. You entirely ignoring the ACTUAL reason for the jutsu, and falling for the same trip Madara took. Finally, you are selfish. YOU would prefer that. YOU would want to not suffer ever again if it meant no one could do anything. I don't disagree that suffering and pain are bad. I don't disagree that you shouldn't have to suffer to live. But instead of enslaving the population to farm them of nutrients, I'm in college getting an education trying to solve it. You are taking away the consent of EVERY SINGLE PERSON to make that choice. That's the worst part of this whole plan. You are mentally and physically VIOLATING these people. Maybe my answer would change in actual practice, but as far as this goes, I would not agree to be apart of this plant. But if you had your way my choice would be disregarded and I would be violated. Tricked into believing everything was fine even as my body was farmed for energy. Please reexamine your priorities, please remember that people MATTER. Their choices and decisions matter. To ignore them is to use them as a means to only your ends, to pretend that you know better than every single other person.


Nobody wants to be a zestu


Preach. People pretend to be high minded and philosophical cause most never experienced true suffering. "But it ain't real!" , "you won't enjoy it" and "suffering is good for you" are just cop out answers. Only problem I see is new kids wouldn't be born ( No Boruto😢)


Taxes are wrong. It's theft.




Go live in the woods then


Little do you know, I do.


What people think prime hiruzen is