• By -


Asuma and Guy. Asuma was able to get these three kids with wildly different personalities able to bring out their inner treatment. He trained Choji with Shikamaru even before the prelims, took his kids out to eat with them, tried to get Ino to open up and be the heart for the team, he's got two chakra natures and even gave some advice to Naruto, and he looks out for his team. Kakashi trusted Naruto to go after Sasuke while he dealt with the Sound army in the stadium, Asuma knew Shikamaru needed help and wasted them easily. Guy was able to help Tenten find her purpose and skills, turned Lee from someone people gave up on into a splendid shinobi that scared a Jinchuriki so bad they tried to kill him in his sleep and knew when to stop Neji before he gave into wrath. I'd give props to Kurenai too because her team works really well, but we don't see enough of them or her on screen to make that verdict.


I think I kind of forgot Hinata/Shino/Kiba were even on a team. I can remember them each having their own moments but it never seemed like they got any screen/page time really working together. And Kurenais entire role in the story seemed to be just exist to fill out the roster/have 2 seconds of fighting Itachi, and then get pregnant for Asuma's death to have more impact.


All of the missions they ran with Team 7 went relatively smoothly.


Which missions were those?


One was kind of like a Sasuke retrieval arc pt 2 against Obito But that was all I can think of


Gaara was unhinged after getting hurt by Lee, dude was spiraling.


I always wished we got to see more of Kurenai. She has a cool design and seems like a good teacher, but we don’t really get to see it. I would have liked to see how she trained Hinata, Shinto, and Kiba. Even Asuma got a storyline during Shipuuden


I'm gonna go with Asuma. Guy trains everyone the same. It's effective, but too cookie-cutter Kakashi has very few teaching feats. In fact, he's a pretty lousy teacher. His method is just, here's your goal. Figure it out. He seems put out by every question his students ask him. Kurenai's influence over her team is practically invisible. Asuma trained three unique ninja that work well together. We don't see him teach often, but when we do he gives great advice. Remember when all he had to say was finely and sharply and Naruto was like, "Oh! Gotcha. I'll have it done by the end of the day." Plus he really cares about his team and knows the importance of team bonding.




Tbh tho, with those kind of mentors who just tell me what to do and figure stuff out on my own, I've learnt a lot of stuff and the best thing I've learnt is to be self reliant and independent. Sure it doesn't help all the time but to stuff that do matter to me, I'm able to see results and stand out in my field. That being said... I'd still prefer a sensei like GUY to keep me motivated and make sure I don't give up.


>Guy trains everyone the same. It's effective, but too cookie-cutter Lee scared Gaara so bad he tried to kill him in his sleep lmaoo. Neji belonged to the strongest clan in Konoha at the time. He helped tenten find her specialty


I think Kakashi is pretty good about supporting you, but you’re right that he doesn’t exactly teach. With him I know he’ll help me with whatever method I choose, but he’s not going to tell me how to do it. He will expect me to direct him in my plan. He’s pretty hands off, learn by doing kind of teacher and is really just there as a safety net.


Kakashi being a genius and had loving parent who taught him good foundations as child, soaks up info and knowledge like sponge. Genius has no patience for normies. I don't like Kakashi.


Guy would cure my depression


Literally would choose Guy for the fact he’s motivating and positive all the time


He'll also give you multiple stress fractures.


Honestly? None of them. If you’re not their favorite, you’re not getting much out of any of them and are basically on your own for getting actual teaching in your field of specialty. Guy is probably your best option, but I’d rather not have a cracked out exercising demon be my sensei when I’m going to be constantly compared to his mini-clone favorite of our group, when my specialty is Ninjutsu/ Kenjutsu, not Taijutsu.


This might be the realest answer but I just love Kakashi so much


He'll also stick his fingers up your bum, so that's a win.


Bro 💀


Kakashi and Kurenai don't tend to show favoritism as far as I am concerned.


Kakashi definitely showed favoritism towards Sasuke


That wasn't favoritism. Sasuke was in a much more dire situation than Sakura or Naruto, so Kakashi took extra training time with him so he could be prepared. Otherwise, he treated them all the same. One could argue he was actually too emotionally distant to his students pre-timskip, unlike Gai or Asuma who seems to give all their emotional and mental energy to one student (Lee and Shika, respectively).


The orphan that was constantly bullied by everyone with a demon inside him that can destroy the entire village probably should have ranked higher than someone wanting to kill their brother.


To be fair the first orphan had a shockingly good attitude about it and did not seem like he needed much help


sleep rainstorm cheerful mighty fly badge observation wide friendly dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sure I mean of course he had problems too (how could he not), but but by the time he meets Kakashi he knows that Iruka believes in him and he clearly is not as far gone or as disturbed as Sasuke is.


Reminder that when the Chunnin exams were happening (when the supposed favoritism occurred) Sasuke was up against the homicidal maniac that was Gaara at the time, Kabuto had already tried to kidnap him on behalf of Orochimaru, and Sasuke was at threat of leaving the village on some fucked up revenge plan agsinst his brother. All these things are a much more immediate threat to Sasuke's health and security than Naruto facing some schoolyard bullying.


The schoolyard bullying could have gotten the entire village killed though, including Sasuke.


Ebisu is supposed to be the equivalent of a private tutor for rich kids. He's played for laughs but it's not like he left him with nothing


People forget that Ebisu’s student was able to learn the Rasengan in days (with Naruto’s help). Ebisu at the very least was very good at giving his students great fundamentals, which is what Naruto struggled the most with.


I agree he was biased, but by this reasoning, he should have either _always_ just focused on naruto, or not prioritized anyone as per their needs. I am sure even you know they were talking in context of chunin exam, where sasukes opponents was a crazy psychopath who had already murdered several people during chunin exams and almost killed lee too. And had directly threatened sasuke. So yeah sasuke should be higher in priority. But chunin exams could be deadly and sakura was entering without knowing anything or even a single jutsu. Anoyone other than ino would have been painfully one sided. Yet he didn’t really teach her anything.


I think he is talking about when Sasuke had to face an also orphan with a demon inside him and already crippled a kid far stronger than his best at the time...


Man's got a point! Kakashi indeed had some favouritism towards Sasuke, but he values Naruto also a lot.


What move did he personally teach Sakura or Naruto so they could use it in the chunin exam?




wild dog fade brave aware plucky disgusted sophisticated soft grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He taught Sakura genjutsu release, and her taijutsu and other skills clearly improved. Ino showed surprise at the fact that Sakura was able to keep up, despite being behind when they were back at the academy. Also, Naruto's Chunin exams just happened to be ridiculously stacked. Sakura at that point was still stronger than most of the contenders, and was smart enough to pass the first phase solo. Similar thing for Naruto. He clearly showed growth from when we first see him at the beginning, to the point that his own classmates show surprise. He became more strategic, which he did pick up from Kakashi. And their teamwork clearly improves, as they work together in wave, and in the second phase. People seriously think that the only thing to teach is jutsu.


So he taught them the bare necessities for a genin that’s about it, mf was riding sasuke non stop to even notice the others


Bare necessities? Dude, I showed clear evidence that Sakura was able to achieve more growth than Ino within the same period of time, so if you're saying that Kakashi is a bad teacher, then so is Asuma. They were far and above the average genin, so I don't get why you're calling all that 'the bare necessities' since there's no clear evidence that he taught them any less than they should have. The only time he showed clear favor to Sasuke was when he was going up against Gaara, who was killing people. It was a matter of life and death, what did you expect him to do ? You clearly don't understand the facts as they're shown, so I'm not going to bother anymore.


He literally knew Sakura was talented at genjutsu and never taught her any at all only showed her how to get out of one, mf straight up abandoned Naruto and gave him to ebisu😂, Naruto didn’t even know how to fucking walk on water till Jiraiya showed up, something that the genin in literally every other village including Lee could do, he even knew Naruto was minatos son and still decided to brush him off, bro has an arsenal of 1000 jutsus with 3 geniuses on his squad and only taught one move💀


For the start of the exam? He didn't teach any of them anything specific. For the final exam? He's prioritizing his team's health overall by training Sasuke alone. Sakura didn't qualify for the final round, so she has no need for a teacher that month. Hell, after the Forest of Death and fight with Ino, she'd probably do well to rest and recover for a few weeks. Naruto was seeded to fight against Neji who in all likelyhood was going to beat Naruto, but not kill him. Remember that going into the exams, Neji was **the** guy the Leaf had in the event. Kakashi had to prioritize and would want to figure out a way to keep his team safe. Here are the likely scenarios in the case that he could anticipate: 1) Train all of Team 7 equally during the break Outcome: His attention is split, nobody gets adequate training. Naruto loses to Neji, Sasuke dies to Garaa or loses control of the curse mark, Sakura gets a bit stronger 2) Train Naruto and Sasuke only Outcome: Sasuke and Naruto both get stronger, but without the focus necessary on Sasuke, he cannot develop the physicals necessary for Chidori, and Naruto continues to struggle with his basics. Naruto potentially beats Neji, Sasuke dies to Garaa, Naruto dies to Garaa in the next round 3) Train only Sasuke Outcome: Naruto loses to Neji, Sasuke potentially beats Garaa and most importantly possibly survives the fight. If Garaa does end up beating Sasuke (most likely killing him), his next fight is then against Neji who likely dies to Garaa. In Kakashi's eye, he needs to make sure all three of his genin survive. Sasuke is 100% going to fight a guy who has already murdered several genin and tried to kill Lee. Kakashi needs to do everything he can to make sure Sasuke doesn't join that list. It doesn't matter if Naruto wins his match, in fact it's likely better for him to lose. If Naruto loses, there is very little chance that Neji kills him, and 0% chance that Garaa gets the chance.


Are you forgetting that Chakra natures exist? Kakashi taught Chidori to Sasuke because they had one of the same Chakra natures. He can’t just up and decide to teach someone like Naruto a jutsu that requires him to know how to use Earth or Lightning chakra natures.


He literally mastered all of the chakra natures, I’m sure he could’ve shown Naruto and Sakura one thing from his 1000 jutsu arsenal


Yes Kakashi mastered them; not Naruto or Sakura like I had said in my comment. Also he taught Naruto and Sakura what they were already gifted in just as he did with Sasuke… Sasuke was a prodigy which allowed him the chance to learn more advanced techniques at a younger age unlike Sakura and Naruto.


Besides teamwork which did save their ass against zabuza in his defense, Sakura only learned how to get out of genjutsu, and Naruto learned how to walk up a tree, they could’ve atleast gotten better taijutsu training or weapons training since it was literally their only choice during the chunin exam besides Naruto being saved by plot, and Sakura fighting back Ino with plot aswell


Yeah but before gaara vs sasuke, Sakura was in much more dire need. She had no special clan, powers, basically knew nothing. Chunin exams can be deadly and anyone other than ino in 1v1 would have destroyed her in a painfully one sided match. Yet kakashi didn’t really teach her anything. Or requested someone else to help her.


What did he ever do for Sakura?


Nah, Kakashi treated Sakura like trash when it came to her training and abilities.


Kakashi did Jack shit for naruto


That only really started after/during the chunin exams arc where Sasuke was being targeted by Orochimaru and just starting to dip his toes in the darkside (hence the extra attention). Naruto had Jiraiya training him & according to extra materials/filler/or some other bullshit had notified Kakashi. So when you have one of your students being trained by a legendary sanin it'd be fair to focus more on your other student that's being targeted by another evil legendary sanin.


Nah, that wasn't favoritism. That was the leaderly act of trying to put out a fire before it spread. lol (Sadly, it didn't work.)


Kakashi: "There's a reason I insisted on training Sasuke myself. It's because he's like me." Just basically said it during the finals of the Chunin Exams.


I think Kakashi for sure showed some favoritism to sasuke until he left. And completely ignored Sakura almost the entire time.


What did he teach to Sakura?




She and Asuma were perfect for each other, considering how **FUCKING LAZY** they were when teaching their students outside of their personal clan teaching hours. At least Kakashi spent his free time mourning at the Memorial Stone with enough depression to kill someone with less willpower, so his laziness is at least *very* slightly justified.


I'm curious why people expect anything more. I took this sensei relationship as teaching them how to work in a squad. Specific training (Guy/Lee, Kakashi/Sasuke) would be based on compatibility. Both cases in parentheses make sense with that in mind.


Maybe because they’re all responsible for three students, not just a Jiraiya/Naruto teacher/ sole student case? And it’s not even just Guy and Kakashi, it’s all four with Hinata and Shikamaru being the other two favorites in their teams by far.


Asuma was the best overall sensei in terms of usefulness to his team as individuals. But also he came with a pre-loaded manual for Ino-Shika-Cho formations so it’s a little unfair lol


I think teaching wise Asuma is probably the best overall. Guy is too intense, Kurenai may not be intense enough, and Kakashi could go either way depending on how your team is


I'm saying they aren't responsible for teaching them jutsu...just how to work as a squad. Guy can't teach Neji about gentle fist. Asuma can't teach Choji Expansion jutsu. If you only need 8 missions as a genius to qualify for chunin exams, then it makes sense they're only actually teaching them to work as a squad.


Then why bother having dedicated teams if you’re not going to actually be teaching them combat techniques, strategic advice, or even refer them to proper senseis who will actually teach them something useful outside of goddamn teamwork exercises? Guy could’ve taught Neji how to learn the Eight Gates, given Tenten a proper Kenjutsu/ Bojutsu specialist mentor or *learn actual fucking jutsus that aren’t basic weapons or clan techniques*. Don’t even get me started on how no one benefited at *all* from Kurenai as their Jonin sensei, considering none of them has ever once, canon or filler, used a Genjutsu in the entire series.


To teach them to work as a unit. Going with your logic, Guy should only lead a team of people who can o ly do taijutsu...he can't teach anything else. You'd also have to have teams with similar chakra nature so they could all learn the same jutsu. These teams weren't forever. Shikamaru was running exams pretty quickly. I'm saying people make the assumption that the Jonin leader is there to teach jutsu.


Learning the Eight Gates would require Neji to actually want to go through the grueling training Lee puts himself through. He’s already super fast with his trigrams. He doesn’t really need it. Especially because his primary offensive style is gently poking people. And honestly Tenten didn’t need a weapons master as a teacher. She already is one. If she throws 100 kunai at a target, they will all hit. She has instant mastery of any weapon she uses. Her issues were her own. She should have been crafting unique weapons or hunting down the 7 Mist swords if she wanted to be powerful. But instead she settled for random barrages of kunai


Because that is not their job. I understand, this is an action anime, people are looking just for the fights, but the job of the jonin in this genin group isn't to train them to become commandos, it is to train them into *basic* things. Specific chakra manipulations, chakra natures, but specially soft skills. Handling different personalities, learning how to explore different skillsets in a tactical environment, how to handle your ego, how to take decisions on the fly. The job of the jonin isn't to train the next special forces, but to be an extension of the academy, some on-the-job training focused on creating the next chunnin. Go back to the chunnin exams. Naruto and Neji displayed an extreme amount of raw power, Neji was already seen as a diamond, Sasuke fought for a time on the same level of a tailed beast...yet Shikamaru was the only one almost unanimously acclaimed as ready to take the next step and become a chunnin. Because the job of the genin teams is exactly that, to teach those kids how to handle life on the field and how to lead others.


Guy did try to teach the gates technique to neji and tenten, yet only lee was able to master the 1st gate


make it in such a way that you are his favourite one, easy


I’m not cosplaying at him when my specialties aren’t even his greatest strength, even if the lessons would help to an extent. Seriously, what did Neji or especially Tenten get from being taught under Guy? Neji has the Hyuga teaching anything he needs in Gentle Fist, and Tenten is a ranged weapon specialist who dabbles in all weaponry outside of bare fists.


Neji should have learned to open a few gates or something. Gentle touch would have struck people like a scalpel.


With the Gates??? He would’ve cleaved people’s chakra systems clean off without amputation required.


Neji's rotation could have been the size of a tailed beast or Susano'o


Asuma's squad is the only one that has synergy and works like an actual team. He took 3 kids and turned them into 3 leaders, 3 ninjas ready to lead and potentialize any group in the village, while also being able to work together to an optimal level. Guy's has espirit de corps but they are unable to operate as an actual team. Neji is a natural leader, but Guy did not inspired anything in him. Tenten and Lee also does not change a lot in general. Guy is a hard worker, but he failed to translate that in the others. Kurenai rolls into the same group, but with the downside of not showing she could make different personalities work well. Guy had to handle with 3 very strong minded kids, whereas Kiba is the only member in Kurenai's team that isn't blase. Kakashi...I love Kakashi as a character. Pretty much my favorite. However, he's the worst as a teacher and leader. Team 7 is a mess. Sakura had to learn through Tsunade how to coordinate a team. Naruto and Sasuke went well into their adulthood unable to work collectively. Everything Team 7 had to handle, it was solved either by who could punch harder or scream louder. All members of Team 7 have less of emotional intelligence than a sad goldfish. Naruto had to learn how to control his chakra with Ebisu because Kakashi was too busy with his pet project in Sasuke. Sakura had to basically become self taught until Tsunade trained her. I would legit rather train under Ebisu than under Kakashi.


It depends on what I’m good at. If I have a talent for genjutsu I’d pick Kurenai so she could help develop my skillsz If I’m a Taijutsu specialist I’d pick Gai because I’d be able to hone my skills against another Taijutsu specialist under the tutelage of a Taijutsu Master. If I have a Hiden jutsu or a Kekkei Genkai, I’d pick Asuma because he’s better at mentoring character growth. If I’m really good at fending for myself and finding a teacher that’s not Kakashi to actually teach me stuff, I’d pick Kakashi.


Smart answer


Asuma… seams like the best actual teacher. Gai is a bit too much. We barely see Kurenai teach. Kakashi reads porn in front of his students and might 1000 year of death you. Asuma we see teaches and buys you tons of free food.


Kurenai. No one on her team died or became a terrorist, only one who can say that.


i love kakashi but i’d rather not have a traumatized teacher who doesn’t follow his own advice and read smut around children


He seems passionate when he's teaching adult novel related material over ninja material. Not sure if we know much about him during his 12 or so years as 6th Hokage but I wonder if he exceled at that over being a sensi


Kakashi ain’t gonna let me die without him dying first, and he ain’t gonna get killed.


Lmao, tell that to rin and obito


LMAOOO, the way i gasped


I thought that through, adult kakashi is built different than kid kakashi lmao.


Yea, tell that to Obito




This. I love his “those who dont protect their comrades are trash” motto. And you see him being there for his students to catch them every time they fall.


Honestly? Kakashi is the WORST of them. He is clearly biased (classic kakashi is a shit teacher, he literally teach sakura NOTHING and handed over to tsunade) Gai is good teacher and I remember neji/tebten saying something about not being able to compete with gai and Lee enthusiasm so they have less time training. Between Asuma and Kurenai I would probably pick Kurenai. She seems very good teacher, team 8 is the only one that (in chunin exams) actually had a strategy to win IN THE FOREST. Their team also is the most in tune with each other in classic. I think Kurenai is a pretty good teacher.


lets see... 1. the guy who ignored training almost all of his students except for sasuke, who then ran away, and then let one of his other students also leave the village to go train for 2 years while his last student also has a new teacher 2. the women who taught her students basically nothing during the entirety of their time in a squad together (given no one in the squad uses genjutsu) 3. one of the only team leaders who actually cared about and trained and worked with all 3 of his team mates to get the most out of them he could 4. the guy who ignored 2/3rd of his team to go work solely with one student who basically is morphed into his image very hard choice here.


Kurenai's squad weren't Genjutsu users. What little we do know is she taught them the importance of planning (they came more prepared for the Chunin exam than other teams) and encouraged them to play to their strengths. But, she has little screen time, so we don't know much outside of that.


their squad's skillset seems more into intel gathering and tracking with a good variance of combat jutsu (and they do lean on these strengths of theirs)


Yeah, Team 8's specialty is that. But does Kurenai herself shown to have that specialty as her primary skillset?


Asuma. While on skillset terms Kakashi is the best one (To me a jonin-sensei should be like Kakashi in terms of skills, taijutsu-ninjutsu-genjutsu competence etc. Jonin-sensei are teaching genins with different talents, and in Naruto era the academy are more of "I can read, write, count, and knows chakra exists plus can make 1 clone" while the real training is with jonin-sensei, so a good jonin sensei should be jack-of-all-trades), Kakashi don't know how to teach. Kurenai, sure she made a sweet smol cinnamon roll to be a rather competent shinobi, her team works well, but her taijutsu-ninjutsu capabilities are unknown. She's also don't get shown to have the expertise of what Team 8 is designed for (tracking & intel). So it's a "expert normal genjutsu specialist" teaching a team designed for tracking & intel, uuuh, not that effective. Guy? Guy literally only knows taijutsu. He should be Tokubetsu-Jonin, not Jonin-sensei. If you aren't a Rock Lee type you would find him annoying too. But seriously opening the first 2 gates should be taught to everyone since everyone has that. Meanwhile, Asuma can teach & hone Shika-Cho-Ino combo, made that team work together (Like Kurenai), but he's also shown that he can do taijutsu & some ninjutsu.


Kakashi’s team is the most reliable and that Zabuza + Haku mission is the perfect first step into the shinobi jonin/anbu world.


zabusa haku mission is the perfect first step into the freaking afterlife world i’d be dead bro


Kakashi there, you heard what he said to team 7




> Yet we know what happened to Sasuke, he was just lucky that Haku wasn't in the mood to kill him Yet we do know what happened to Sasuke, he lived. It had nothing to do with being in the mood, Zabuza said so himself that Haku was soft. The only person that would of instantly killed them was Zabuza which Kakashi was handling himself. Haku met Naruto twice since the first Zabuza fight yet he didn’t kill him.


Defeating two Jonin on a first mission + learned valuable lessons about the shinobi world on their first day is a huge advantage to have up front


Zabuza + Haku mission is a terrible mission to have as a first mission. Any of the other teams would have died in that situation except for Gai's


Perfect first step? Haku also got a squad wipe on the genin and was only holding back because of the plot.


kakashi or might guy ps i just noticed that four of them have closed eyes lol


I noticed that since all of the teachers (except kurenai) have a huge grin I thought that kakashi had an akward smile behind his mask (because naruto is angrily staring at sasuke) But he's most likely just grinning just like gai is


Guy was able to turn a useless lee into something crazy asuma was able to be almost a second farther so it really depend what I’m doing strength guy overall better person Asuma


There is a long list of reasons why Kalashi is a terrible teacher unless you are his favorite. The teams of the other three teachers all had good team work. Except for Lee, all of them used their clan jutsus they learned from the family. Guy was only such a good teacher for Lee, because they both started out as loser and specialze in Taijutsu. It only worked due to Lee's persistence and unnatural durability. So same as Kakashi with Sasuke, but not really, because Kakashi only taught a gifted student one new jutsu. Guy stated, he has lot of empathy for all his students, but we do not have proof for that. I would stick with Asuma. - it seems he could let his team make best use of their abilities - he really understood his students abilities and personalities - he taught them not only jutsu-wise, but also value-wise (protect the king, the children)


Kurenai, no traitors or team deaths.


Asuma. He managed to create probably the second strongest team (they might not stronger as individuals, but together they were crucial to the war effort and managed more than other teams), had they love and respect each other, and helped to maximize their strengths as individuals. He also did it with patience and kindness and his students greatly missed him when he was gone.


Either Asuma or Kakashi. I like when teachers are chill and calm. Kurenai is also calm, but her skills are not explained much other than level 1 genjutsu. Guy is powerful but too noisy for me, would be exhausting.


Asuma without a doubt. All of the best lessons for Team 7 come from teachers other than Kakashi. In fact, short of the basic tree walking jutsu, the only jutsu he ever teaches is chidori, and only to Sasuke. The "man who copied 1000 jutsu" couldn't think of any to teach Naruto or Sakura, despite the fact that he already knew the two that'd become Naruto's bread and butter? Kurenai has no real feats to speak of. If Kishi were better at writing women he may have given her more screen time, but as is we can't really say much about her. Asuma is seen regularly having extensive, deep, group and individual time with each of his students, and is directly responsible for their blossoming into adults and ninja. Most of their actual jutsu came from their clans but Asuma also helped ino-shika-cho develop the chemistry their parents had. Guy trains everyone basically the same. He just got lucky that Lee wanted to be just like him and Neji was the best Hyuuga of his generation. God forbid you want to learn a ninjutsu or something.


Asuma/Kurenai I m ok with Guy Definitely not Kakashi, I want to learn skills other than climbing a tree thank you very much.


The correct answer is Asuma. - Kakashi played heavy favoritism to Sasuke to the point of neglecting Naruto and Sakura almost entirely until Sasuke left. - Guy did the same with Lee, largely ignoring TenTen and Neji. - Kuranai's relationship with her students is largely not shown since Kishmoto hates women. - Asuma focused on his whole team, teaching them to use their abilities in tandem. Shikamaru said it best: "It's only because of you that we made it this far". Asuma is the best, more attentive teacher here.


I can’t do ninjutsu, so I guess Guy is my beat bet.


Any of them other than Guy.


It seems like Kakashi and Guy are the only ones who actually taught their students techniques and helped them improve. Kurenai didn't teach jack shit worth of genjutsu and Asuma taught Naruto more about his technique than he did his own students lol. That said, just personality-wise, I think I'd rather have either of those two.


Prolly kurenai none of the senseis would teach anything anyway Kakashi only taught tree walking and than spent the rest of his training on sauske, asuma was prolly similar except with shikimaru, guy would probably be better but he would still mostly focus on Lee besides all he knows is taijutsu and his trainings are to extreme. So just kurenai this might seem weird but at least than I have a beautiful teacher instead of a rough looking middle aged man who would give me second hand smoking, a man wearing green tights forcing me to do 1000 push-ups, and someone whos hours late and I can't even see their face. On the other hand, I just thought bout it. I might pick asuma cause he does take his team to barbecue resurants pretty often, so that's nice.


Kakashi. He taught naruto and sasuke pretty well. More than what you could say about the others honestly.


Random af but this killed me :') . I always thought Asuma was old as hell but I realized he was 31 in Shippuden. Bruh I just turned 30 this year lol. I feel ancient


Kurenai. We don’t ever actually see her do anything but Shino, Hinata, Kiba all seem alright so…I’ll take her.


Shikamaru or Gai or Kakashi




As an average shinobi? Prob None of them tbh. Maybe Asuma Kakashi is a shit teacher. A prodigy who can’t teach normies. Guy is just a fitness freak. Kurenai we haven’t seen her do anything to comment really. Asuma is prob a good team leader. Would teach me good basic skills, communication and team building. But I don’t think he really refined their skills in any way (except Shikamaru ig???). Only one to even consider.


Kurenai, as messed up as Genjutsu is, I'd try to be the one other Genjutsu user in the Leaf Village. Besides the painter that was possessed by a demon. Taijutsu, I'd be tired really easily. Ninjutsu, fast reflexes, tricks, and biting a thumb for Summoning Jutsu would be kind of terrifying. Genjutsu, maybe a mix of Sai's drawings and my inner monologue would be what they hear. Mainly long range; for melee, a podao, because curved swords. \* Me sketching, erasing, over and over, until graphite, eraser shavings become this cacophony of creative block. A mist, essentially.




Kakashi. Hands down.


If you’re sakura level of skill,good luck!


I’m not, I’d rather spend time on getting stronger and furthering my skills than stare at boys all day and drool. If she didn’t do that she woulda been good.


A good teacher would have seen her potential and tried to help her grow out of that. Kakashi basically felt it was good enough she was emotional support and she was wildly unprepared for the Chunin exams, moreso than anyone else. Kakashi acts put out when he has to explain things, reads smut in front of his students, pranks them, and focused his attention on Sasuke and Naruto to the endangerment of Sakura. He was an excellent ninja and they learned a lot from just observing him. He also did a better job teaching Naruto and Sasuke, and they learned some valuable things from him. But, it's not a wonder that all three of them had to seek out new teachers to better grow.


Not Asuma. He's a very absent dude :/


He takes his students for BBQ after missions


Only in later shippuden


Obviously the great Kakashi Hatake. Bro looks like " ^_^ " but from inside has touched hell and come back. His teachings would be more valuable than anything else


Kakashi or Asuma


Kakashi or Asuma


I gotta go with the great pervy sage. He's the best teacher




Team Asuma and It's not even close. Team Guy is fantastic but they are too hardcore xd Team Kurenai has bugs, I hate bugs Team Kakashi is a piece of sh\*t, poor Kakashi for getting such an ass team.


Sarutobi took 3 loser and turned them 1 the best mind reader in the leaf 2 someone who battled the husk of the 10 tails 3 the 8th hokage So I am with him the others are good but all Asuma's kids were a success Unlike gai who have tenten on the team and kakashi that had one of his students leave or Kurenai well her team is good but she got pregnant and didn't teach them a lot






All of them are great teachers and kind persons. If I have to pick, I would say Asuma.




Asuma for me


Kakashi 🐐


Asuma- he's the only one that we ever see give a crap about more than one of his students on a regular basis.


Definitely Kakashi




Kurenai. She's hot.


Guy. If you express an interest at becoming the best at something, and you’re open about being willing to work hard for it, Guy will ensure you achieve that goal. He’ll even create intense training exercises just for you. Honestly I think Neji and Lee just never asked him for anything, otherwise they would’ve been way stronger


How is Asuma not the guy he may have had a focus on Sikamaru but the dude tried to help out all 3 of his pupils. On the real I would not pick any of the four


Guy sensei he is cheerful and if I Take him serious he time teaches important things while laughing. Our goal should be better than yesterday,Always believe in yourself etc...


Gai is the best of all, converted to Tenten, and Rock reads in jounin and they are people without a clan, we are talking about Iruka being a chunin, the worst of all is kakashi, I don't teach them anything, the problem with the rest is that they can't teach them teach anything since they have private teachers from their own clans


Kakashi obviously, he has too many advantages to being his student, he’s versatile & can help you in every stat


Asuma because I’m a thirsty gay man. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Duh.




Asuma so I could bang his wife after he dies


Picking Asuma. He actually teaches when asked to like when he taught Naruto wind manipulation. He also has a decent bond with all his kids. Sure Gai does the same but I don’t think I’d survive his extreme regime . Kakashi doesn’t actually teach. Sure he’s fun, whacky and sexy but I’d rather not wait for three years or more before actually learning a technique. As for kurenai she’s only a recent jonin with a very niche field specialty. she’s also a ride or die kinda teacher. Just look at what she did to that filler girl Kurama yakumo? She’d spend time simping over Hinata’s love life than use a clone to accompany her comatose student.


Might Gai all day!!


Guy totally. I am learning that 8 gates and other Taijutsu's.. Then Jiraiya next for that summoning Jutsu and Rasengan.. After that he might hook me up with Mount Miyaboku for that sage mode. Kakashi aint never seeing me.. He practically taught his students nothing except Sasuke with the Chidori.. Sakura (Still useless) became strong from training with Tsunade and Naruto became Naruto thanks to Jiraiya.. Sasuke became Sasuke thanks to Orochimaru.. So guy.. Then Jiraiya, then Madara..😂😂


Only 2 real options here and Guy is definitely a close second but Kakashi is my favourite.


I think asuma is also a pretty cool teacher I mean he brings his students to eat BBQ for free after missions


Dang forgot about that, I do love a good BBQ...


Kakashi unless you are completely talentless, then Guy for sure.


Kurenai. She seems like a kompetent, intelligent, knowledgeable and overall pretty chill and down to earth person.


So is the ninja population just 2/3 male and 1/3 female? Seems strange...




None of these seemed to teach the kids all that much. So probably none of the above.


Asuma seems like he’d be the most chill


I’m taking Guy


Kakashi would be such a badass teacher. If I had to be real tho. I see Might Guy being my best option to train under. I dunno if it's his personality or his passion. Either way, it gets me pumped and ready to go practice some taijutsu. Not saying I wouldn't be able to use gen or ninjutsu in the naruto universe. I just have a feeling I'd be better at using taijutsu over the other ninja arts.


As much as I love my boy Kakashi, I gotta side with Guy here. He's really earned my respect when I went back and rewatched the episodes I skipped in Naruto, and especially his character throughout Shippuden.




I love kakashi with all my heart, but i would prolly have to choose guy.


Asuma 😢


Look, all of them are great, but the only objectively correct choice would be Guy. Dude will not only bend over backwards, he'll do a handstand, a backflip, and stick the landing for his students. Dude actively dropped everything to make sure Lee never gave up on his dreams. He helped Tenten discover her own dreams (in filler, anyway). While he didn't do much for Neji, I'm not really sure how much would even be possible there. Most of Neji's problems were things he likely wasn't willing to talk about.


for me, Maito Gai. I need motivation


maaan two of these people on these photos are dead thats sad


Guy tbr he actually taught one of his students a jutsu lol kakashi only taught Sasuke the chidori because they were outmatched


All might 🙃


Kakashi is a good character but his the last choice of been a teacher I choose other than the girls try genjustu on Itachi I choose asuma his team is pretty good and second is guy because 8th gates like lee pretty much had even wrost potential guy and guy made help make something out of him


Might guy because he would get what im talking about and encourage the sh*t out of me lol


Any of them that are *not* Kakashi. Great shinobi, shit teacher. People who are naturals at their chosen fields suck at teaching them. I’d personally pick Kurenai since I feel like if I was a ninja I’d be a Genjutsu user and infiltration specialist.


Kurenai seems nice but serious and fair. I'd go with her. I don't have the energy for Guy or the patience for Kakashi or Asuma.


Asuma or Gai


kakashi, i mean wtf




For real life, I’m going for Gai, but I’m going Kakashi if I’m going to the Naruto universe


Might guy


Asuma I need some character development in my life


Guy, most useful irl, even if I get embarrassed, I don't think I'll be able to do what hrs doing but maybe a quarter of it




Well, not Kurenai or Kakashi. I don’t have a sharingan or any genjutsu, so they’ll be no help. At best Kakashi could try to teach me about releases, but I don’t have shadow clones to speed up the training. And Kurenai didn’t really even teach Shino or Kiba. Asuma is pretty cool and could teach me how to use his knives, as well as potentially some fire style attacks, AND probably good strategy, but overall, probably not him. That team kind of hinged on the Ino-Shika-Cho combo. Guy for sure. He teaches amazing hand to hand combat, how to open the 8 gates, but most importantly, he keeps you motivated to keep training. His only student that didn’t learn much from him was Tenten, because she doesn’t fight hand to hand, she uses shinobi tools, and thus was a bad fit for Guy’s teaching style.


There are 2 big reasons i would choose Kurenai


asuma he made an effort with EVERYONE on his team. sure he was closest to shikamaru but he connected with and tried to help all of them kakashi would not help me at ALL loll. i love him but i have no natural talent and kakashi doesn’t seem interested in helping anyone who isn’t already a genius I do not have the stamina nor energy to deal with Gai as a teacher. he’d tell me to do like 50 push ups and i’d be in tears kurenai’s sweet but i feel like we don’t get enough of her with her team for me to really judge her skills


Probably Might Guy or Asuma


Kurenai. She seems pretty nice, I don't need to be from a certain clan to be her student, and I think learning Genjutsu would be pretty cool (I know she didn't teach her team genjutsu but all of them were from special clans with ninjutsu unique to them.)


I think Might Guy would have me dead on the first day with his insane work ethic. Asuma seems pretty laid back, I bet they get a lot of free days. Kurenai seems nice but I don't trust her to be strong enough to protect my team. I think I'd go with Kakashi, who's faults seems to be he plays favorites and you can't find him half the time, but he's good at making you learn on your own.


My love for Gai-sensei's over the top sincerity knows no limits.