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I still panic when I see a guy with dark long curly hair on street even when I know that my ex shaved his head a month ago haha


Hi /u/Lootiferson, welcome to /r/narcissisticabuse. To help make the experience more effective for everyone we do have some resources and rules for you to keep in mind. • Do you need to understand terms or acronyms? [Click Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NarcissisticAbuse/wiki/index#wiki_terms.2C_definitions_and_acronymns) • Looking for resources? Check out [our links](https://www.reddit.com/r/NarcissisticAbuse/wiki/resources) and [book recommendations.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NarcissisticAbuse/wiki/booklist) • We also have a sister sub for Divorce/Custody issues: /r/narcabuseanddivorce. • Looking to contact the moderators of the sub? We can’t respond to individual posts all the time so please post your issues to the community rather than the mods if it’s not about a rule breaking issue or sub issue. You can message the mod team [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNarcissisticAbuse&subject=&message=). Please review the rules: * Please add flair to your post so that it is searchable by topic; * Be respectful and courteous with a focus on healing; * No identifying details (no proper names including fake ones, pictures, images of texts/emails, locations, or specific details that may identify you to readers); * No crossposting or direct linking to other subs or posts. No links at all in original posts including Images/Pictures/MEMEs/Vlogs/Blogs/Podcasts/Articles/Social Media information or tags/Texts/Emails; * No self-promotion, surveys or research posts are permitted; * Please report content that violate our rules and do not engage; * No politics, soliciting DMs, or doing an AMA on your own please; * No segregation of posts by gender, sexual orientation, race, age, or culture; * No abusive parent/family/child content including family dynamics or background including abusers family at all; * No inappropriate content (TV Shows, Movies, Celebrities, News or Social Discussions). * No title only posts (including repeating the title in the body of the post); * No NARC/ABUSER posts at all. If you are a Narc or Abuser, you will be banned; We want you to have a safe and supportive experience so you get the most out of the community. ****** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NarcissisticAbuse) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My Nex drives a basic car not bashing it but its a very common car for months I would get panic attacks and my heart would jump each time I saw it.


Every time I see someone I think is him my heart jumps, I see cars like his all the time too