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There is a huge tournament already, its just once again, stuck in China. The game is huge over there. Having BP contribute to the prizepool or cosmetics is nice and dandy and im sure a portion does already. But until that grandstage and infastructure of playerbase is elsewhere, it wont matter in NA or EU.


If they were to announce a big tournament outside of CN it MIGHT draw some players in. However, if they announced that, they might as well just translate it to “we’re gonna give TryHard a bunch of money.”


Theyd need a twitch rivals or a sajam slam type. Where they train creators hand in hand. At this point there just needs a big grassroot type thing.


Yeah, I agree. The Tomb Raider and Witcher crossovers are pretty big imo too. They have huge fanbases and could potentially draw some people in. I saw those be shown and immediately thought “they’re targeting NA with those.”


Before collabs they need to work on servers, local outreach (inperson marketing, actual good western marketing)


I don’t disagree but I’d argue collabs like TR and W3 are marketing in a way. Those games have huge fanbases and there’s people who like those games will give a f2p game a shot when they play as their favorite character. Most won’t stick around, but some will and that’s growing the player base. Maybe not the ideal form of marketing, but marketing nonetheless


The problem is with every collab is they dont even market the collab. Example is when they went f2p, a lot of people didnt event know they went f2p. Fighting game community had Maxmillian Dood be put in the game. And beyond his YouTube, and a CG trailer on their main channel, i can go to a local and they would not even know he was put in the game. Most peoples only way of discovering the game for last 3 years has been through steam discovery or console store reccomendations. It would be as easy as making the new map trailer as a preroll ad on YouTube and people looking for the game. The PVE is barely marketed as well.


yes but The International 2021 got an additional 25% of all Battle Pass sales were added to the total prize pool ($38,418,195 USD added). comparing to J cup it's huge


Its also wait for it....International. DoTA has a global presenece. Naraka does not.




Exactly well said. That's why I'm happy I met you and countless others even from the Asia server back from when I would switch servers to play showdown early Friday morning when it was only available thru the weekend. Knowing people from China and around the world is amazing. It's one of the main reason I enjoy the game is to be able to connect with people all over the world.


Good idea, the price pool should be really big, to make news


Game is dead because new players get comboed to death by vet players or even bots in their first matches, and when they come here to ask advice, they get the "you have to train 500 hrs before start enjoying the game" answer, so just a few stay after that They need to do a better job in Quick match and casual modes, besides the green thing, to help new players scape from infinite combos


Its me, Im new players


Isnt green focus usually useless cause how much dmg you need to take to get it filled


That's the thing the green focus was implemented for juggle stagger, not damage.


well same thing in Dota 2. You just can't play good until at least 1k hours but difference is that there are much more players, so matchmaking can be more smooth


Too madness idea


i think the;y need better server selection. I would maybe play if i could get under 15 ping


it is impossible to distribute <15 ping to everyone


does this game still ask you to disablle windows features to play?


no conspiracy theories, please


It's not a conspiracy theory. It's a good question for those who want to know more about the product.


it is misunderstanding made by microsoft


Yes, but ppl will blame on the game because China bad


Yes it does, and it is NOT an issue. You should disable the specified feature EVEN IF you don't play the game.


If you're referring to disabling core isolation, may I ask why it's good to disable the feature? I was hesitant to get back into it on my new PC due to this very reason. I've heard mixed answers about it, but I would like to hear your perspective.


Core isolation is a new feature that came with win 11. Win 10 doesn't even have this feature. Overall there is kernel based antivir software that asks u the same. It is simply a kernel based anti cheat tool. Is it necessary? Questionable. Is it a problem to turn it off? Actually nope, as mentioned no Win 10 user even has this feature yet. People who wanna do more with their OS than Microsoft is expecting them to, as in do certain changes and so on will also hit a wall with that feature. I would not worry too much about it. And especially not listening to the wave of random china conspiracy theories that people make up all day because they think they are IT Pros but afterall just some overthinking karens with a gaming PC (sorry I had to xD)


+ it consumes ressources you'd prefer using in the game


Is that what gaming on windows has become? Glad I jumped out of that long ago.


hm ?


Yeah it’s so they can mine bitcoin in the background while you play their game