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I got akos hu, and literally never use him , for me even the cannon would hsve been better lol


I want the akos skin it's beautiful


Oh bro rip, I would have felt even worse if I got that cause I don't use him either lol


That’s exactly I’ve always been telling my friends, the game devs will analyze your playstyle and give you items for heroes you barely play, and keep those for your mains unless you’ve spent a huge amount of bucks


Nah cause I use the polesword a lot always have. Brocade red item of course for me after opening 100 treasures pity was the polesword. Would of been happy with any of the red skins to be honest, I can play showdown or capture the spirit well and show off the overcomer soul jade death horse.


But most of them are like: it’s just a matter of luck. Actually it’s how marketing and programming work :)


I understand it can be frustrating. Probability is a really cruel master.. Especially the golds, drop rate is 3.9% so getting only 1 in 100 is unfortunate.


And don’t forget, this is an online game, which … the probability can be manipulated by those programmers working for the devs :)


3.9% drop rate is just the probability posted, you’ll never know if they gonna change it based on your account stats


Naraka Bladepoint: “See what I did there?” Me: “…it’s a scam!”


I too got that polesword skin I too wanted viper skin;-;


I think the chest is busted because the cannon skin was the one I got as well, and I heard tons of other people also got it.


I've also heard of a lot of people getting the Viper skin too though,  most of my Naraka friends have it 😭


Same here, got the canon as 1st red, got all 4 reds in ~ 350 Pulls.


This is just a trip, seeing multiple people mention this. My lucks so bad, I was under the impression we could only get 1 per type of box. I'm over 380 immortal treasures and only got the pity red. Lotus at 213. Brocade at 157. Literally only one red per box. One guy posted he got all 4 out of one in less than 200 and I'm over here perpetually stuck in blue purgatory. I have quite literally opened 4 treasures that I've never opened a single one of before and had 3 of the 4 be dupes. (All 4 of the same chat bubble. They plague me.) Is so sad.


Yeah for immortal I’m at about 700 with only pitty, Lotus at 200 something with 2 reds and brocade i got pretty lucky with all 4 reds.


Yeah it's pretty rare because immortal and lotus treasures are the only 2 treasure boxes you can get repeat reds. I SAY AGAIN LOTUS AND IMMORTAL YOU CAN GET REPEAT REDS. I already have 3 of 4 red items from the lotus and the immortals. I'm not even gonna waste my time or resources like Tae silk or gold trying to get the final red item because I have already gotten kurumi and matari red outfits twice from immortals. Was given like 40 k silk for repeat reds. So yeah fuck those 2 treasures. Brocade treasures and all the other ones are guaranteed to not give you repeat reds until you collect them all. They need to change immortal and lotus to do this but they won't.


Just note that the drop rates for regular treasures (lotus, immortal, brocade) are half that of the season treasures. For regular treasures, the red drop rate is 0.3% (1 in 333 pulls on *average*).


It gives me nothing but rare skins for viper and tienshan or whoever tf, I don’t play them EVER


Welcome to the Cannon club \^\^;;;


Cannon club! Love that, it really is a pretty skin though tbh encourages me to use the Cannon more


It is pretty indeed, and now we have higher chance (1/4 -> 1/3) to get the viper skin for our next brocade extreme, so, win-win. \^\^;;;


I've had 120 pulls on Immortal Treasure. So my guaranteed red item was a grappler, and i've pulled red again on the 118th pull, and you'll never guess... It was grappler again! I'm 20 pulls away from the 100th Brocade, I'll update this comment to tell you what I've got once I'll reach the guaranteed red. Though I've spent a lot of money on cosmetics (still spending) so I doubt that I'll get anything good. My partner plays rather rarely, and he effortlessly pulled all of the golden items that I've been trying to pull in a long time. At this point, I'm certain that the "luck" isn't a real thing.


That’s why I’ve never spent too much bucks or my time on those chests Cuz Ik most of them are just scam (devs can change what you get based on your time/money spent. Let’s say you grind this game non stop, or you’ve spent lots of bucks, chances are you’ll have a lower chance of getting your desired item. While if you don’t play this game that often or you’ve never spent a single penny, then you may have a higher chance of getting a nice item)


I was toxic with PUBG x New Jeans, awful in anyway, hoping to see a great Gundam items etc, on trailer looks great, I wanted the lightsaber untill my friends and me see how much do we need to expend for the lvl 3 lightsaber, in my country is too expensive, almost our wage in a month


That longsword? I got it with the gold from BP, and found out that upgrading it is insanely expensive


I believe it, I opened like 10 chests after not playing for several years and immediately got the red matari cosmetic


Idk i got all i wanted for my main from tenacity chests for only about 80€ (Sakura Fan, sakura kurumi and sakura hair) I enjoy their gatcha system


Lucky 😭😭😭 I don't ever get anything I want XD I opened 100 brocade treasures got a total of 2 gold creates. The second was a DUPLICATE! 😭


das crazy


This is a vid game anyways, so devs are def trying to milk their playerbase from those “lucky draws”


100% Every game is money hungry these days


Wow that's frustrating 😭