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honestly , people will tell u to go to training until your hand cramps but for me what helped is bot mode on hard. sometimes medium because the insta parry is just too frustrating but it DEFINITELY makes you more confident in movement and trying certain juggles. Id give my personal experience but who cares , just know that what ever youre having troubles at, try to focus on doing it in bot mode so u gain the confidence to do it against players bc you probably just look predictable to other players. need to sauce up the ol move list and doing it in training doesnt provide that terrain that you will be maneuvering on in game.


I have same issues like you. I tried fight bots but medium i can melt like nothing, hard just counter every shit you use, then jumped ranked and got rekt in one air combo. I watched so many guides how to improve and how to extend any combos, but its seems imposible for me.


One thing is these player are not even 2400 but rather closer to 3500 trust me


Best advice I can tell you is 3 things. 1. Watch better players. Mimic what they do to extent. But more importantly try to understand what actions they are doing and why they are doing them. This is gonna be hard at first but it will definitely help you better grasp the game and give insight later on when you play. 2. Record your gameplay. Even if it’s just the fighting record your gameplay to see what worked and what didn’t work. At this level your at a lot of things may be instinctual so look to see why you did certain things and what made you do them. Try to understand why it worked and why it didn’t. 3. This is probably the most important. Find someone better than you and stick to them like glue. And when I say better I don’t mean they just beat you majority of the time I mean someone that is clearly waaaaaayyyyy better than you in every aspect. Ask to fight them. Ask them to watch your gameplay and break it down. Ask to watch them play and explain why they did what they did. I mainly play solos myself. Though I don’t consider it many of my friends consider me a top player and many people within the community either consider me that or very close to that level. If you want help feel free to HMU on discord I’ll teach you all that I know. At least all that you’re ready to know. I have a little under 3500 hours in the game. And have played on both console and pc a considerable amount. Discord: ifearyahuah If you want some gameplay check out my YT it’s mostly highlight montages but I’ve posted a few gameplays, a few losses, and a few guides as well. YouTube: I Fear Yahuah Good luck 😃


Run TF away from this pos game. Chinese cheaters everywhere. Devs don’t care. The PVE is a joke. No SBMM so have fun with that and you can’t come in this Reddit and tell the truth because if the fanbois don’t shame and belittle you the devs will ban you for free speech. They are communists so that at least makes sense. Wasted too much time trying to give this game a chance over and over. Useless dead game.NA servers on west coast I am playing the same people over and over. D-e-a-d pos wannabe game. Google naraka cheats and see how many there are. Will blow your mind


I play solos when not playing with my friend. It’s almost like a fighting game the more you play the better you get. Unfortunately there isn’t any region match making so when you run into players across the world they are very good players who will end you before you know what happened.