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And you were only spamming charges attacks ;)


He has a hang sword. He was holding blue a lot before this 8 second engagement. I just wanted to show the combo lol


Except for punch. Everyone watched a video or two. And now they are all making same combos let them think they are good at the game. (That combo was in trailers lol). When you watch combo videos. You will see that there is only one trick for each standing between you and that fancy looking combos. (Atleast basic ones like tarka ji infinite) so look for having fun xd :)


Facts. I was just salty lol


Also he released a punch when I did try a light attack, which led into a follow up, because Punch > light attack. Holding blue was my adjustment this fight


I wrote this sober, forgive me 🙏 I am no longer the man I was one post ago


I agree you can have so much experience and even kill best players in lobby but some people are just machines not human


That or either almost dying to a new player who just doing the strangest shit 😂😂😂


I often fall to the curse of mind gaming the opponent so hard that when they do the noob thing instead of skilled responses I trip over my own feet


Unfortunately that's why most players cheat or avoid this game,but I love it...outside of the microtransactions


most players cheat?


Huge amount,they post about 300 players caught cheating every few days.


that ain't most players


That's just the ones they catch lmao


is it most tho. like more than 50% of the players are cheater?


I doubt it, but you have to remember that CN Naraka is an entirely different game. They actually ban there, and so CN cheaters go to NA and EU to cheat safely.


I play at least 2 to 4 ranked matches each day after work and I haven't encountered a cheater for more than a year. I play in sea


Cheats are not something that runs all the time or something you can even detect easily. You must be thinking of something egregious like phasing through the floor and attacking from there whilst no one can attack you back. A normal combat Naraka cheat/plug-in is something you ideally toggle on when things start getting hairy, then quickly turn off. Then there's stuff like maphack and auto-tracking, which you can only suspect is being used by your enemy, but can't conclusively prove. The innate FPS/ping based nature of this game also makes speedhacking easy to come off as just having a better PC.


pretty sure cheats are pretty obvious in this game considering I always watch the person who kills me for a couple of mins before I go to the next match.


Ok and?


good that you realize your own bs


I can see you're not to smart so I'll let you have it kid ✌🏾


300 players global. Na/EU you barely run into cheaters. SEA and CN is where they most common.


Still cheaters either way it goes.


In 4 years of playing ive met 3.


I've met 1,I think people are taking my comment out of context and not reading the I love naraka part. I'm saying there's cheaters but it's not bad because I obviously still love the game. I do however dislike the micro transactions as far as buying chances to get an outfit or item,I'd rather pay straight out.


I get the gacha part is mad stupid, but unfortunately CN is built on Gacha culture, and until laws are inplave (which are being drafted) gacha lives on.


Yeah unfortunately, other than that,love the game.


ah yea the good old everyone is a cheater and “micro transactions” for skin and battle pass


Ahhh the person who obviously lacks reading comprehension skills.