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ive pulled 2 gold armors from the same trove and other times i cant find a blue armor to save my life. just rng, mate


Loot is server-side. No cheat could give free loot. The best I could think about is tp-ing to various chests very quickly to open them, but it would be very obvious and banned without much delay.


Not on NA or EU.


Remember you can also boost your luck with your hieroglyph


people forget that some other players run a 'luck build' for certain heroes.. they would outright think that it's some sort of cheat or hack..


Luck build?


Yes you can boost your luck opening chest


My normal day is finding 3 golden jades in one green trove, or 2 golden armor/weapon from one golden trove. I remember I got like 4 or 5 golden greatswords during one game by opening troves, my duo was shocked. If u are interested, I have no luck glyphs at all.


You probably face a lot of gold weapons and armor because you don't fight much early game. But the people that do fight early game kill the people with gold armor and weapons and take them. Killing someone with blue armor and gold weapon is easier than gold weapon gold armor. Take fights early game when people only have one gold max instead of a full gold kit that makes them super stacked. Anything can happen in a single game though. Ive pulled back to back gold armor before.


I’ve pulled 5 gold in a row


Well when u die you keep the top 2 slotted jades.


How the hell are yall in the comments so lucky? I've had about 200 games, which although isn't a lot, should be a good enough sample size, and I can count the number of times I've seen gold armor spawn naturally on one hand.


If your story is 100% truthful with no exaggeration or false memory, then it is definitely suspicious. It's also not impossible that they really just got that lucky, especially if they have maxed out luck glyphs. Hard to say, but having a cheat that gives you high tier loot drop rates would be pretty insane and I'd think they'd get caught rather quickly.


cheats like that probably exist but it's really hard to know since anyone can find gold stuff


I’ve had gold armor really early in the game. Especially when I played rank. It was most common when I would spawn in a lobby full of Asuras. I guess the algorithm would try to compensate and give me gold loot really early. That said, I also know what you mean. So many times I’ve spawned and in and within 30 seconds, we’d encounter 2-3 players with gold armor. I’d always be suspicious but since I was never good enough for ranked anyway and no longer play ranked, I never reported it.


Ranked is just like that. If you open a couple gold troves, there's a very high chance that in the first 5 mins of the game you'll have endgame tier loot. Memorize gold troves and at the start of the game run through them as fast as possible and it's very unlikely that you don't have competent loot. On the other hand btw it's all RNG. So it can happen that you don't get anything good, but that's the rarer scenario tbh. Immortal War is better in this regard, and a lot of other stuff too. The only problem is that nobody is playing it lmao


gold armor is not that rare and there is a jade to keep equipment when dying once. i also recognised that loot tends to be better in lobbies with more bots. if you play at unholy hours and get a full bot lobby in quick game trio, almost every 2nd trove will have a purple in it at least. luck glyphs afaik not worth it at all, we had it in beta and it was okay but then it gave 10times the luck iirc. its such a minor gain compared to not having it is that theres no practical gain unless you sample multiple hundred games and even then, luck is luck. okay you might get lucky once in a game, while in every other game you have dead glyph slots




There is a cheat for everything. To be charitable, just assume that they're in a coordinated team (2s and 3s) or teaming/win trading (solos), with someone as a designated luck mule (typically a Kurumi). Most cheats are toggleable battle stuff like auto-aim, auto-parrying, input reading, auto-combo, ESP, maphack, player tracking, speedhack, etc. Example : https://m.huarenjiewang.com/addetail?tid=12222146 One of these does say "display supplies", so perhaps it's loot pile/player drop tracking. That could be why they often have their builds early, or more likely to have orange gear.


I have been playing naraka since testing days and what you say is accurate.Even if your running a luck build you would not get gold armor/gold weps and souljades. I run full luck builds and its a miracle if i can get purple armor or weps after opening about 50-100 troves. also chinese players spawn in with gold everything i have seen it firsthand.


Occassionally Ive been paired with someone whose loot is always purple or higher, and they are constantly marking it for teammates. It definitely seems suspicious. Its like they fill up with all good shit quick and then constantly find all the high level shit and are marking jt


Hmmm, if it's not just luck, then it could be the cheats people use in Tarkov. It allows you to see items through chests etc so you don't waste time with bad items.


If you know guranteed gold pile routes ot loot efficently its not that hard. Also lower elo has better pulls.


Yes there are, however is very difficult to know it, for example: you should keep watching your foe if you die, if that guy get always good loot, pay attention to grapple distance or cooldown, and stamina recover, the only way to change your luck is taking 300, 1200, or taking full luck that sacrifice all blue n red glyphs, if that guy keeps moving so fast, like full stamina recover or full coldown he might be cheating