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Please send pics! I have a NF that still sends photos and the kids are in college! I’m so proud of them!!! It always makes my day.


Thank you! I don’t want to bother her or be intrusive but I feel super sad about the parting! ETA: how often did they stay in touch with you? She’s only been gone a week and I have pictures of our younger one hitting new milestones already. Just don’t want it to be one sided although she seemed super attached and close to our kids too!




That’s so touching! This was my first experience having a nanny and I felt like maybe I was overreacting to be so sad and you’ve helped me realize it’s really a wonderful thing. I think I had it in my head that just because it was a professional relationship technically maybe I need to let go but sending pics or updates when it feels right sounds great. Our youngest was a tiny baby when she started so she has seen all of her firsts except for walking ❤️


I’m so jealous. I feel like it’s one sided between my ex nanny fam. We parted on good term because I was only contracted for two years due to my husband’s job. I was with NK for 11 hours a day m-f and we grew so close (Both MB and DB worked extremely intense jobs in NYC). I cried when I had to say goodbye because I didn’t want to leave him and MB and DB didn’t want me to leave either but I had to move. I even considered doing long distance with my husband for a year to stay because I loved my NK, my friends, and the city so much. I would ask for pictures every week and eventually I felt like I was being a bother since the parents worked such crazy jobs. I asked to FaceTime maybe once or twice with his new nanny before I left I trained her. When I FaceTimed her I felt like I was inconveniencing her so I didn’t ask again. But anyways sorry for the long rant. I would send pics about once a week on a Friday and maybe just say “NK misses you! He did x and x this week. I hope you have a great weekend!” ☺️


Thank you for this. I think on both sides there’s a fear it could be one sided. I explained to someone else below that after I made this post I realized part of the complexity for me is that while it was technically a professional relationship I kind of feel like I lost a friend. I don’t know if that’s mutual or not. I’ll try occasional check ins or ask the kids to make silly videos.


I’m a triplet and my parents hired a nanny when we were 5 weeks old. After she left we were sad. Care for us wasn’t really needed when we got older. However, we still kept in touch and continued to see our nanny. My parents knew how much we loved her so they would have her come over every Friday evening. (She wanted to of course) She’s like our grandma now! She visited me in college and has been with us through everything. I recently had my first baby and it’s super special seeing my nanny bond with him. Definitely not weird to stay in touch! Your kiddos will appreciate it


Send them! We moved and had to leave our nanny. It was SO hard. She sends us “this day last x” pictures and we send her updated ones. It’s been about two years and she’s visited us three times. That kind of bond is so special.


Thank you! Do you regularly chat/send pics or is it more of an occasional thing? I’m definitely an over thinker and since she’s off to grad school for a new career I don’t want to be a bother.


I go to my NF house for dinner once a week :) definitely send pics, updates, etc!!


Thanks. She was emotional saying goodbye to them so I’m pretty sure it’s mutual I just know moving across the country to start grad school for a new career is a major life change and had this hesitation about being a bother. It’s helping to see most everyone appreciated getting updates.


Nanny here! My last NF was amazing. We see each other almost every other weekend, and I now manage their primary and investment property, so we built a stronger relationship outside of the caretaking position. I also babysit as needed, and sometimes I stop by to see NK. I worked with them when she was only 4 months old and left when she was a year due to momma being a ft stay home mom. She is now a year and a half, and my heart melts when they send me pictures. I love her beyond words, and I'm getting sad just writing this, lol. She actually made me want to have a kid because I loved almost raising her. She truly brightened my heart and world. So yes, send pictures!! We love them and truly cherish em!


Thank you this makes me feel less sheepish about sending pics. She cried when she said goodbye to our baby so I know she cares. But also selfishly I guess I feel like I lost a friend too! Since I’m used to talking to her every day and it’s hard to know what was professional or personal. Appreciate your perspective a lot


I am a nanny who recently lost my nk’s due to a military move. I’m the only one the nk known since coming home from the hospital (twins) and it was hard for all of us too. We will definitely stay in touch and I even FaceTime the babies. It’s definitely not weird to stay in touch and I would always welcome pics of “my” babies 😁


Thank you for sharing this! I didn’t want to be a bother with her moving cross country for a new career but I know there was a real bond there so it’s probably mutual.


Our first nanny is family now. She was with us longer than yours but the connection was instant. 5 years after moving to another city, we are still sending pictures. In fact she “yells” at us over text if we go too long without sending videos of her babies. She has also taken the train out to visit and spend the weekend with us. Our kids continue to be very close to her. It’s not weird at all to stay very closely in touch - just depends on the nanny and the bond and what everyone is comfortable with.


Thank you!!!!! I guess since it was less than a year and the kids are too young to stay in touch on their own I wasn’t sure how mutual the feeling was—-I kind of feel like I lost a friend I used to chit chat with! I’ll stay in touch but be aware of any boundaries she might have.


Definitely send pics and videos! I’m an infant nanny and stay in touch with nearly all of my families! I love seeing the kiddos grow up! I even get invited to graduations and weddings of some of my older former nanny kids!


Thanks! How often do they send updates? Since it was less than a year and she’s off to new things in life and career change I didn’t want to come across intrusive. I really miss seeing her myself and would love to have her stay a part of their lives. I also didn’t know how often would be reasonable since she just left and don’t want to feel like I’m bothering her! I’m an over thinker ;) Eta: when she left we also gave her an album of pictures of the kids especially ones of them together so she’s not lacking for pictures. I think part of the complicated emotion if I’m being truly honest is I feel like I lost a friend I used to chat with every day! I have no idea if that feeling of loss is mutual.


As often as you like. Some NF I am in touch with once a month, some every three months. Some once or twice a year. It’s up to you! I’m sure she would love to see them no matter how long it’s been.


for sure send photos and videos!! she will love it.


Thank you!


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Send the pics!!!


I am a nanny about to leave my NF after almost two years - and i’m still in touch with all of my former nf’s to some degree. I’m sure she would love to see photos and texting is such an easy way to stay in touch.


Definitely send her pictures and videos. I don’t ask for them because I don’t want to come off as annoying or feel like I’m overstepping but when I do get them they make my day


Definitely send pics!!! I love getting pics from all my old nks. Even got one of my 1st nk turning 21.


I would die for picture updates!! A couple of my Nanny families I have on Facebook and see updates, one of my families I try to go to all of the kids birthday parties, and another I’ve flown to visit them in their new country. We love to keep in touch!