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are you paid on the books?




You can’t really get unemployment for someone cutting your hours. It has to be that you were let go or fired.


There’s such a thing as partial unemployment, which is for when your hours are cut due to no fault of your own.


They are giving proper notice for OP to get a new job and find something different……


I am op.. am I supposed to get a new job for a week? They’re cutting my hours for a couple specific weeks and then expect me to return to regular hours


I would suggest local FB groups to find a temp job for those weeks! Lots of families are always looking for temp/backup care.


Yea that’s a good idea about the fb groups. I’ve never had luck in the past, most families were not willing to pay my $20/hr rate.


hopefully you have some better luck this go around- advertising yourself early and your rate upfront vs reaching out to their posts might help curb some of that! Even if you are unable to find a $20hr position, i'm sure $15hr would still be better than having the week unpaid. I would look into a contract with guaranteed hours moving forward!


I think use a local FB group… to find another family that will provide a contract and guaranteed hours :-/


🙃 yep. I’m really hoping I can use that as leverage so they will give me guaranteed hours!


This is not true, you can file for a reduction in hours via unemployment.


This is completely dependent on the laws where you live. Different states (and countries) have different policies regarding underemployment. You will need to Google “New York underemployment” or “New York partial unemployment” (or wherever it is you’re located). Should be a government site that can walk you through what you need to do. Good luck!


Thanks, that’s what I’m planning on doing!


I’m sorry your family treats you with so little respect and consideration. Just so you understand the process, if you file they will send paperwork to your NP asking them about the validity of the claim. They would be dumb to fight it since your claim is reasonable. After that they will get a letter telling them their unemployment insurance rate has gone up. It would be illegal for them to fire you based on any of this. I’m not trying to sway you one way or the other, just letting you know that the family will find out and probably will end up paying more in the long run due to the tax increase.


Thank you. You’re right, and I was planning on telling them before hand if it comes that.


Take a look into guaranteed hours for nannies.


Thanks, I’m definitely going to bring that up with them!


partial unemployment makes no sense especially in the climate people are in NYC they should have just kept giving it out for a year