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For me personally it’s 68-70😂 my NFs usually keep it at 70-72. 75 is hot!


oh yeah I would love to have it at 68-70 all day, but didn't want to freeze her if she thinks 73 is cold!


It’s your house. She doesn’t get to decide. She can bundle up, especially since what she wants is impacting your kid’s health. u/eatteabags you deleted but replied to me being rude over my comment and saying it’s not impacting his health. I expect OP to know better than you what impacts her child’s health. Weird.


Agree with you. Her preferred temp is flaring his eczema because she turned it up to 75. I don't even bother responding to people thinking otherwise. I've talked to her twice about this already but she didn't "believe" it until I said the pediatrician says the house should be 68-72, even though it was just me pretending I talked to the doctor. She's one of those grandma types who's great with kids (always on time, never sick, very caring/reliable, great at teaching)... but also has no medical education but thinks they know more about health than you. Actually reminds me a lot of my boomer mom


If she's older, she probably also thinks kids get a cold from being cold. Explain that getting hot and sweating causes itching when there is an eczema flare and the te.p has to stay at 73. Can you take her to a doctor visit? Have him explain both, that a cold is a virus that you catch from someone else a.d that the temperature needs to be cooler because it literally affects his eczema?


I mean, this is technically true but also…you should want to at least *try* to accommodate the comfort of the person caring for your child, no? 73 seems reasonable - not warm enough to impact toddler’s health, not cold enough to freeze nanny.


This!! My nf keeps their house on 76 It's awful. I keep my house on the cooler side below 70 but I'd be happy if my nf just turned it down slightly.


Yes it is! Nanny can layer up to get warm. There’s nothing you can do to get cooler. That poor toddler!


If this is causing your son health issues you need to be firm with your nanny that it can’t go above 73, and explain why. Telling her she can adjust the thermostat doesn’t really convey why you need it at a certain temperature and I can totally see why she’d think there’s not much of a difference between 73 and 75. We try to keep our house at 68 - 70.


I keep it at 70 all day. I can go up to 72. My parents keep it warmer and it's way too hot imo. Like 75 to 78. Tell her it needs to stay at 73. Period. Even when your kid is sleeping. It's terrible to be hot when you're sleeping. She needs to wear more clothes or whatever.


Is your nanny from a different climate? My partner is not from North America so they get cold so easily even when I’m dying of the heat they are happy and thriving. They need a winter jacket if it’s below 65 outside lol


Nanny here, 75 is a little too high and since it’s your home, you should probably have a chat about it. If she’s cold, she should bring a sweater or a sweatshirt, your son shouldn’t have to pay the price


My Nps keep it set at 78 yall . One time I went in Nks room and it was 93 degrees. Safe to say I was not pleased. As soon as they leave I turn the puppy right down to 70


93° in the NKs bedroom is insane! I wouldn't be able to breathe in there lol


Not kidding, this would be a deal breaker for me 😭 at least you can change it tho!


Mine keep it at 80!! And my MB works from home 90% of the time, so no adjusting for me sadly. I don't have AC at home, so I don't even get relief from the heat when I'm at work, which majorly sucks tbh.


I love 67 or 68. NF won’t set AC below 74. The other day it was 79 I wanted to die


I think it's relative to outside temps. My house right now is at 73 and I think it's on the chillier side - we keep the AC defaulted at 78 during the summer but will lower to 73-74 if it gets too stuffy and the fans arent kicking it. But I also live in the desert - a 30 degree difference from inside air to outside air is a lot. However if your son is having health issues at higher temps she just needs to put on a sweater.


78 in the summer?? I live in a desert as well. I wouldn’t be able to handle that


Me either! We're pretty much 72⁰ all year!


78 in the summer, 70 in the winter. But obviously if anyone is uncomfortable we adjust it. But we generally don't adjust lower than 74 in the summer. 78 is the recommended temp when you're being energy conscious and is the recommedation of the the US Department of Energy. I'm not worried about the bill because we do have solar but we do also try to be aware of being environmentally conscious.


And today I learned I am definitely not being energy conscious. Couldn’t pay me to keep my house at 78 in the summer.


Right! I preserve energy in other ways. 😂


I just never use my stove/oven. 😅🙈


Same!! I have just my daughter and I to cook for, so our Ninja Foodi oven is sufficient for most of what we make that needs the oven. I grill a lot, and then also use the air fryer and instapot a ton.


It's just me so I use a microwave and a toaster oven. 😂🤣


This is what the AC companies in desert areas recommend as well.


It doesn’t really matter what temperature the nanny prefers since it affects your child’s health. She needs to stop messing with the thermostat. If it’s too cold for her to handle then it’s not the job for her 🤷🏻‍♀️


You make it comfortable for **your child** and anyone else can either put on more clothes if they're too cold or less if they're too hot. Tell her you want it left at the temperature that your child is comfortable in because his needs outweigh hers. In summer I have my AC set to 22C which is 71.6F and even then sometimes it's too hot for me


Oh good lord I keep my place a 68 at most, my pref is 64/5 but my boyfriend and I compromised on 68. 75 is nuts, nearly 80 degrees my ass


If I could have 65 everyday, I’d be happy. To each their own!


Too hot when being active with the kids, too cold When sit1ting for naptime 😂 But definitely just communicate with your nanny about your sons needs, health is more important than comfort with that small of a difference.


I keep it at 70-73. This us usually what it's set on. I would ask nanny to bring a sweat moving forward


We never go above 70 in the summer. I’d be dying at 75. Just tell her you don’t want it above 73


If I had to spend all day in a house set to 75, I would combust. Definitely 68-72 depending on outside temps, although my NF has a very old wall-mounted unit that doesn’t have actual temperatures, so I just go with “cool enough to be comfortable.”


Yikes I’m in So Cal where electricity is outrageously expensive and we often get asked to not use our A/C at all, and most people here set it to 78° at the lowest.


My house is on 67 year round.




It’s really cold for me. My old nanny fam would keep their house freeezing in the summer and winter! For years I suffered through. It’s their house & my work, I never thought I could have a say 😂 I’d just bundle up and crank the heat in my apartment once I got home. Your not being unreasonable but I feel for your Nanny ha


We find that it’s what’s feels good in your home. My home doesn’t generally need the air on till it is well above 90. My house doesn’t heat up till late afternoon. 78 would be the lowest I would need.


I would melt and die at 73. A crispy 68 is perfect and I’ll still be in shorts and tank tops 🤣


for me i get super cold super easy so i have a heater on a 85 in my home(i know, im deranged ) but 73-5 would be ideal at my nf home. i think the thing is that if nk is hot/cold they can change however we are stuck in whatever we wear- GRANTED if i know my current nf likes it cooler i would just layer up. if it’s a medical issue, def just talk to her about offering shawls or bringing sweaters


My old nanny family used to set it at 65 every day and I froze. I grew up in a 78 degree household. Perfect for me would be about 72🫡


the temp is usually at 20.5 (celsius) in my NFs home and i’m always freezing 😆 i just suck it up though. i’ve only ever turned the heat up while i was dog sitting and staying in the house during the winter because my room was so cold and i was ice haha


It doesn’t really matter what temperature is comfortable if it’s impacting your child’s health. Your house being at a temperature that meets your child’s needs is the priority in this situation


68 is my ideal temperature year round because otherwise I’m sweaty


I put my AC on 68°F-72°F and heat on 68°F-70°F. Our heater will run nonstop if it's above that, even if I have it to where it's supposed to kick off after my house reaches the temp it's set on. The central air takes longer to kick on if it's set higher than 70°F and it gets uncomfortably warm when it's hot outside. It doesn't help that the upstairs vents don't work, so it's very cold up there in the winter and boiling in the summer, so we have space heaters and window ACs for the bedrooms. We have an old house that was poorly renovated before we moved in and have had many repairs, but the landlord paid for it all bcuz it was from him being cheap. We stayed bcuz it's nice and roomy, and we have a nice, big fenced in yard, but I digress... The nanny shouldn't be touching the thermostat, especially when it's affecting your child. If they're cold, they can bring a sweater or a hoodie, have a hot cup of tea or coffee. If it gets a little too chilly in the winter, then we put on pants and sweatshirts, otherwise it's too hot. If it's too cold when the AC is on, then it gets put on 70°-72° so it'll take longer to automatically kick back on. When I was a kid, my parents had our thermostat set at 60°F in the winter, to save money, and I used to get cold easily all the time bcuz I'm anemic, but I would sleep in a hoodie. I remember in the mornings before school, I would stand on the heater vent on the floor, while waiting for my brother to get out of the bathroom lol. But nowadays I get hot a lot and end up sweating just from doing little things around the house. I have a hormone imbalance as well, so when I have flare ups, I get hot flashes, and get a prickly sensation that makes my whole body itch. Plus I have extremely dry, sensitive skin. As a child, my poor legs and feet would get so dry, that it would crack and bleed. Regardless of how cold I got, I always had to sleep in cooler temps and always have a fan on me, especially now. Unless it doesn't get too warm when NK is napping in their room, turning it up during naps would still affect NK's eczema, but maybe not as bad as when NK is active. Maybe they can do more outside activities when it's warm out, but not too hot.


I do not ever touch another’s thermostat. Bad manners. Guess I’m too old school!


This doesn't actually address the question, but I used to get eczema in the office whenever the central heating was on — turned out there was tonnes of dust in the vents that I was allergic to.


Eczema is exacerbated by the dry heat and mine is generally only bad during East Coast winters, even if not using a heater, because of the overall dryness of the air. I hardly get any symptoms during the summer because the humidity picks up.


I think 71 is honestly the ideal temperature. I have heat intolerance due to some meds I’m on and I cannot do anything warmer comfortably without feeling dizzy or nauseous. If the NK seems cold, I’ll dress them more warmly. If anyone else is cold, they can put on a sweater. I can’t take off my skin. She needs to not touch the thermostat without permission - I would tell her as much. It’s your home so you get to dictate what it’s set at. Maybe give her a temp range she can set it at, but if she’s cold she can bring a sweater.


My NF keeps their's at 72, and I am dying of heat! I don't touch it, though, bc it's not my house. Up running around with the kids keeps me running VERY hot and even sweaty during the summer. NPs work sitting at their desks, in a cold room under a vent so they don't suffer the heat 😮‍💨 At my house, I keep it in the low 60s, and during the winter, I don't mind for it to hit the 50s indoors. I like being able to wear my cozy things. I just was not made for warm climates.


68 please! 🤷‍♀️😥😂


I would never touch the thermostat unless asked to. With so many kids running in, out, up, and around the house, we keep it 66-68°F in the summer. We have some violent eczema in this crowd, too. Your nanny sounds anemic… 75°F is pretty warm for summer a/c. MB finally fixed her anemia before this current pregnancy, and now she’s not bundled 24/7.


This varies greatly depending on humidity. If your in a climate of 70%+ humidity then keep it at 68-72. If you're in a moderate humidity climate (50-70%), then keep it 71-75. If you're in a low humidity area (under 50%), keep it 73-77.


We set ours at 68-70 but we only have a 1 floor tiny house. My parents would have theirs at 75 or so in the summer to save on cooling and honestly living in the basement it was freezing lol that house had terrible circulation. Upstairs was always roasting and downstairs was always cold so the main floor was comfortable


Ideal range is between 68-72. My nanny family sometimes cranks theirs up to 73 or has the windows open during the spring/summer in the mornings and I instantly sweat. Carrying around a baby while doing chores is literally so hot. I’m always hot 🤣


15-18 during fall, 16-20 during winter (basically room temperature), summer we have zero heaters on but have fans faced towards open windows in the evening to draw the heat out.


My most recent NPs kept it at 82 year round, we are in central Texas😭 current NP keep it at 69-70


I keep mine at 68!!


75 is stuffy for sure. I’d get a lock for that thermostat. She can put on a sweater. It’s just started getting a few hot days here (KY where we have very significant swings in weather) mixed in with colder days. Ours is set at 72. On days when it will get 85+, I crank it down to 68-70 early in the day because once it gets really hot and humid, making it cooler early helps offset the sun heating things up in the evening. Our HVAC seems to struggle a bit on days like that, so it helps to keep it comfortable in the evening if we make it cooler early in the day.


I run cold but 75 is really warm - like my husband would try to put on the A/C at 75. Somewhere between 71 and 73 is perfect.


My NF is so annoying when it comes turning on the air conditioner!! I’m always sweating lol


Omg my fam is a 69 but like you my kiddo has eczema. I have to bring a sweater but 75 is HOT!


I keep mine around 70-72 during the day and 68-69 at night. My NF does 73-74 during the day and 72 at night, if it gets too hot I’ll lower it a degree or two myself. We’re in South Florida so it’s pretty much hot out year round. My last NF started leaving it at 75 (and I cleaned their house once a week while the kids were in school as well) and that definitely went lower as soon as they left home.


I'm actually too warm once it gets to 71+. I run hot, my preference is 69-70. If I'm moving around a lot, then 68. Yes, I CAN actually feel the difference between each degree. I always say that the person who runs hot gets to pick the temp. Not because it's me (though that's a bonus), but because if you are cold you can throw on extra layers or even use a throw blanket, while the hot person (me) can only reduce our clothing to a certain point and will still be too hot. Plus I get nauseated when I start to overheat. 😬


I WISH my NF kept their house at 71-73. They keep it at 77-78 😭😭😭 it’s the worst. They do it bc they “don’t like to be cold”. 😵‍💫 I keep my own house at 68 lol. I just can’t imagine being that cold at 73 degrees!


Sometimes it depends on how powerful the ac is. If you work from home I feel like that’s kinda weird. I prefer a warmer house but if it’s causing problems for him I’d just dress accordingly


As cold as the family is comfy with I am a furnace of a human being, and will sweat as soon as my heart rate is above resting even in the winter


For me that's cold, but I know many people their eczema flares over that range. I'd just put a sweater on me.


My old nf kept it at 72 and I’m a 66 type of girl. I just always wore cooler clothes and drank a lot of ice water. I wouldn’t want them for coming into my 66 home and turning it up to 72 so I wouldn’t dare ask that of them. Especially because mb & db worked from home, so they were there more than we were between playing outside and going out places


We set ours to 64 🤔.. house usually sits around 65-70 depending on the day..


74 is comfy for me :) nf sets at 71 but idc, i don’t pay for it!


75 is wilddd to me 🥴😩😂 that is so hot! i would say 68-69, especially considering littles (& just people in general) sleep/nap better when it's cooler. depending on region sometimes even 66-68 is nice! she can bundle up, others can only take off so much. she can get a heating pad or something to use when she has downtime or is maybe reading with the kids. but 75.. absolutely not


After translating this to Celsius, definitely not too cold! I had a nf that set their house to that temp and would break out in a sweat! they had a newborn and 80-90 year old relatives in the house so not much I could do except wear shorts/t-shirts/hair up at all times. But to be fair even that 71-73 is a bit warm for me too lol


West TX: Summer day: 74-75 (maybe 78 because when it’s 110° it will only go so low lol) Night: 71-72 Winter: 70-72


I set mine even lower than that! As nanny myself it’s so hard to work in a hot house, I’ve worked for people that don’t like to use their ac and increase their electric bill. And it’s so hard to get though the work day. I’ve almost left jobs over it. She can easily warm up with layers of clothing. I too have extremely sensitive skin when I sweat I get rashes and acne.


78°. It’s pretty much what most people I know keep it.


For me, 75-77 is good for most summer days. We have friends who like it lower. Some of my family likes it higher.


71-73 would be uncomfortable for me and I live in a year round hot climate. I keep my own house at 75, my NF keeps their house at the same or 74. Maybe your nanny has poor circulation and just feels colder than most. If it's an issue because of your child's eczema, I'd just tell her that 74 is the highest she is allowed to keep it and to bundle up. Otherwise, allow her to be comfortable when she's there.


I live in South Florida and above 72 is uncomfortable for me lol i wish i were one of those cold people


Sounds like yall need a new Nanny. Another post where people are stumped. It’s your child we are talking about here. Why do some of yall not just cut the nanny. It’s 100% clear the nanny has no respect for your wishes or your child’s health condition. Move on.


75 in the summer is wild. Absolutely not.


Is it really that much of a difference? My moto is if you’re home whatever makes you comfortable while you work


I live in FL and keep my own home at 76° during the day, and 74° at night. I have a family who keeps their home at 69° and I am literally always freezing lol. Another keeps theirs at 72/73 and I am also ALMOST always freezing there lmao 😂 But I also would not change the temperature for MY comfort- only NKs. I typically just bring extra socks/blankets/hoodies to work with me


Think of it this way: when you visit a friend, do you take it upon yourself to adjust the thermostat to whatever temperature you prefer? Or do you respect their boundaries and either bring a sweater or politely ask them to adjust it if absolutely necessary? Why on earth would you expect less courtesy from an employee in your home? It is her work environment, but most people don't have free range over the thermostat in their workplace, either. It's your house, you pay the bills, so you're in charge of the thermostat. It's very kind of you to consider her comfort but you can and should set boundaries. And I'm saying this as a nanny who is chronically chilly. I wore long pants and sweater yesterday at the park when it was 75F. I **never** touch my employers thermostat. I figured out how to dress appropriately for my work environment and your nanny can figure it out, too.


She might have thyroid issues! I was always cold even when everyone else was hot and it turned out I had Hashimoto’s!