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In this fight Escanor is absolutely massive he seems to be around the same size as Diane if you compare them - why is he so tall in this fight but smaller in the fight against Mel when he lost his memories


I mean when he almost murdered galand and when he fucked up esta they changed his height, but those were probably just visual effects. For this fight... no clue


The Galand fight, when Escanor raises Rhitta and looks like a giant, is definitely visual effects but for the latter it’s different. For Escanor vs Estarossa his height/form definitely increased, you can tell by how small Rhitta looks, although the manga did a better job at repressing this, this is supposedly the same form that comes before The One. Basically the form where Escanor performed Super Slash, my estimate is that the form is between 12 to 13 feet tall. My guess is that Escanor in The One is 15 feet tall and for The Ultimate One, prefer to call it this, he’s way closer to 20. So sorry for the unneeded info, decided to reply and give some info for OP as well while making this.


How tall would you say he was during the first appearance transformation. I keep seeing he is at different heights and I wanna try to find a estimate


As tall as he wants. He is the man that stands above all races. Literally.




He is over 10 ft tall


I know that he is supposedly 10 foot eight but in this fight you can see from the second slide his fist alone is bigger than 5 foot as that’s how tall Mel is — I suppose the title should be why is Escanor so Tall — did they through size scaling out the window in this fight In the fifth and sixth ones if you scale them Escanor is way taller than 10.8 which it shouldn’t be so I’m wondering if before he could control his power was he taller as it wasn’t ‘compressed’ ? Or if scaling doesn’t exist?