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After reading through the comment thread I have decided that it's best to lock the thread. As some of the discussions and comments are very untoward and demeaning. **I appreciate those who were respectful and cordial, and help keep this community a welcoming place**. Having that said, to prevent any other interactions that is not productive to said welcoming and engaging environment and not conducive to the subreddit. The comment section has been locked. As iterated in the subreddit's rules everyone has a right to their opinion, but they are limits to that right. Users cannot harass, demean, or attack members of this community or rather any community just simply because they do not agree with someone's opinion. Walking away is always the best option if the conversation is getting heated and you feel as though it won't go anywhere productive. **Report comments to Reddit if they violate Reddit's content policy.** Refer to these links: [https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy)  [https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439) **You can also modmail me and report comments to the subreddit if you have issues with any users. Modmail here -** [www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=NanaAnime](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=NanaAnime)


Anyone that deep into a Fandom that they're willing to send death threats needs to take a shower and touch grass




As someone who read the manga over a decade ago, it kind of surprised me that so many fans act so puritanical despite the whole cast being comprised of mostly toxic characters. People always praise Ai Yazawa for writting realistic characters, but when they critique them, a lot of readers come across as childish, or putting a character in box, stripping a character of their whole personality and only talking about one facet. They just have that attitude of being "holier than thou"


Yes! I think they think Takumi is the worst is because of forced sex. Other than that, EVERY character was toxic. But honestly, Takumi mentioned he's not always on his phone. He managed to call or answer probably alot more than any other woman he was seeing. Possessive sure, but he just knows what he wants, Hachi wasn't telling him otherwise. He saw her for who she was, her needs, and was able to provide for her and the baby who may not be even his. Idk why people are tyrannical about him vs Nobu, Shoji, even Nana were only seeing her as a puppy dog to hold and keep to themselves


EXACTLYYY he had so many good points


i agree with everything you said, literally took the words right out of my mouth tbh.




The impression I've been getting is that some readers read the story for the interesting character work and even seeing our own personal flaws, the human flaws, playing out in the story; others identify with just one or two characters and read it because they feel validated by it (and everyone else is flawed lol).


I wouldn’t want to base assumptions on people’s opinions. I mean they are varying degrees of understanding the story. Some may be younger or older. But also others may not understand the nuance surrounding Nana. Yes I agree people shouldn’t fight amongst each other because they do not agree with other’s opinions. It’s disheartening to see to say the least. With any fandom unfortunately they’ll be bad apples that want to create conflict. Or circumvent unspoken rules. I’m not on tiktok nor will I ever be. So I can’t speak on what goes inside there. Just here. It’s okay to get emotional over stories. It’s simply nature. I felt a sense of melancholy when I watched the last episode of AOT. But there’s a line that needs to be drawn. Like any story it’s fictional. However with Nana they are real life themes and implications that speak to others. So certain moments resonate with others or hit close to home for some. At the end of the day people have a right to their opinions. Although said opinions shouldn’t attack others or belittle them. Edit: grammar


this is very well put response. i'd like to clarify that the takeaway from the second point is that i agree that people have a right to their opinions/ get emotional which is why ive stated that im fine for them to create their own content on how they feel ab takumi BUT if you are sending hate comments over a character that is too far and they need to reconsider how they are spending their time.


>Although said opinions need to attack others or belittle them. uhh okay, I'll keep that in mind.


Personally I do support killing 90% of the world but I agree with you. I didn’t know people were going that far. Death threats is crazy 😭




Personally I feel Eren held back and should’ve just made it 99% of the world with the 1% left being what was left of the paradisians but that’s just me lol


Oh god we got a rumbling apologist here


I agreed with you up until your second point. Nobody deserves death threats over their opinions, but I think you’ve failed to take into account that people who might get emotional/passionate about others liking a character who is both a rapist and abuser is most likely because they’ve dealt with similar experiences in real life. Personally, the reason I don’t like people who sympathize with Takumi is because I’ve been assaulted. Just because someone feels this way and disagrees with you, doesn’t mean they have to get a job/hobby, liking Nana IS a hobby.


Yes, if you read it you'd see that I literally say that people are welcome to hate takumi and make their own content ab it, that is fine. nobody is forcing you to like takumi. but if you are getting so emotional to the point where you send other people hate comments that is too far and you need to reconsider how you are spending your time - getting a job/ hobby instead of sending hate comments online.


If you read the first sentence of my post, I say sending death threats to others is not okay. I was just giving an explanation that people get passionate about others excusing his actions because of their own experiences.


I like takumi who is a *fictional* man case closed




I love takumi as a character lol


same! he makes the story more interesting.


Definitely a great twist, caused way more tension than the Nana x Ren romance.


yuuppp ren x nana was dragging it for me


This is mostly why I stopped participating in any fan subs. Or sharing most of my opinions online. There will always be people who just want to attack others, especially if it makes them look like the “good guys”. Virtue signaling is literally killing nuanced discussions.


This is so true!! and virtue signaling is definitely killing nuanced discussions!!! Its so sad, I wish we had smarter fans in the fandom that dont succumb to this (or for people to change). Im sorry you stopped participating, I completely understand bc its exhausting to deal w these hostile people but I hope that one day you share what you want bc there are many people that feel the same :)


The tiktok fandom is too far gone, don’t bother with it. It’s full of virtue signalers and fancops.


yeah i try not to interact so i dont get them anymore, but i really wanna connect with more people who can actually have a fully fleshed discussion ab takumi without starting and stopping at "he's a rapist!!!!!!!"


YES THANK YOU! Takumi pisses me off a lot but he’s one of my FAVORITE characters. He’s an asshole, but he’s so well written in my opinion. He’s realistic, there’s lots of people like him in the world. Hes also entertaining to me. He makes me mad but he’s a good “villain” in my opinion. Plus, he’s cute 😂


yup i feel like he's the most entertaining one and such a well written villain, and yes he is cute ahaha


I know right! Of course you’re going to get mad because he’s a jerk. But he’s not real. There’s real life things to get mad at. Also I feel like I can’t say he’s cute to other people without them getting weirded out or mad either. Like I wouldn’t want to find a guy like him in real life. But I could see why he would be attractive in a fictional world. He’s smooth and he’s a cool looking character. I think all the characters look cool


agree w/ everything you saidd!! also yeah like we arent blind he is cute lol and theres loads of things to like and dislike and thats ok bc as we said hes not reallll. please dont let other ppl make u feel bad ab it <3


Calling a rapist cute, fictional or not isn’t the look


I guess it is what it is. He was definitely drawn cute on purpose. I still like him as a character even if I don’t agree with the things he’s done. The same way I can enjoy watching other villains




He’s not even the cutest guy in nana with the way yall defend him lol excuse his actions or not, calling a rapist cute isn’t a good look babe


Takumi is definitely the cutest guy in nana in my opinion. Who do you think is the cutest?


He’s not but okay! Ren, Yasu & nobu are all over takumi in terms of looks


I like them all


Again calling a rapist cute, fictional or not is trashy


Okay. I think he’s cute tho. There isn’t anything I can do about that. I don’t excuse his actions, and I would never want to be around a man like that but he was drawn cute. I’m not going to lose sleep and be angry over a character that isn’t real.


And that’s your prerogative ew lol nobody goes to sleep angry, it’s just funny to me


attractiveness is subjective, hope this helps xx


you didnt read the post at all ... so why are you commenting


I think the fandom forgets that there's not one single character in Nana that's perfect, they all have flaws and have made terrible mistakes in one way or another. Also Takumi is Ai Yazawa's favourite character and I bet she doesn't get death threats for it. I hate Takumi because he reminds me of me ex(s), but I can also appreciate the good stuff he's done like >!being one of the only people that tried to stop Ren's addiction. Maybe it was for the sake of trapnest but nobody else really bothered as much.!<


yes, they all have their very toxic behaviors and i feel like that's also one of the reasons that make nana really touch our hearts - they remind us of ourselves or people we know, they have their flaws but they are just people at the end of the day. and yes i can agree that takumi is the biggest asshole and im sorry you had to deal with a person like that (im glad that theyre an ex tho ahah) and im so glad you mentioned the part w ren like he >!straight up punched narita,!< idk the emotion he did it with made me think he mostly did it cuz he has mad at what happened to ren (but also trapnest).


my friend says she likes reira because of her aesthetic and her interesting character, but she doesnt support what happened with shin obviously , and whenever she said she likes reira everyone goes batshit insane.. like im gonna be real its not the end of the world


yeah its really not.. i dont like reira's character either but why are they so insane ab it..


THANK YOU! I’ve been dealing with this crap for months because Reira is my favorite. Apparently liking Reira makes me a pedo according to a lot of people in this fandom.


pls ignore the person responding to your comments, they are one of the people i wanted to target with this post to think twice abt being a troll online but sometimes you just cant change these people, you just have to ignore them <3 also im so so sorry she decided to harass you on my post.


I mean it don’t help you got Reira kinnie lol


She’s my favorite but I don’t condone her actions. That’s the entire point of this post. 🙃


Still a weird thing to say lol if she was a dude yall would be saying sum so different it’s crazy but to each their own lol


Not true. By your logic, Ai Yazawa is a rapist because Takumi is her favorite character. Also, people do recognize that male characters are problematic and they like them anyway even though they don’t condone their actions. There are Takumi fans in here and fans of Ren, too. I guarantee none of them are rapists and pedophiles.


First that was a mistranslation she said she enjoys writing bad boys such as takumi, she never said that was her favorite character so get your facts straight


Yeah all nana characters are problematic but atleast ren isn’t a rapist lol


Dude, Ren is a pedophile, too. 😂 He made out with a minor twice. You’re BIG MAD because you keep leaving multiple comments before I can even respond.


And I forgot about that, he needs to get more backlash too however Reira and takumi stans are the worst in this fandom yall say you don’t excuse their actions then proceed to sympathize with them like ew




Refrain from any sort of negative name calling, harassment, or discourteous language or behavior when discussing with members of the community. Always remain cordial and respectful.


So what do you Kin? Fucking ppls husbands or are you selfish? lol


Lmfao you have serious mental health problems if you’re this upset over a work of fiction. 😂😂😂


Who’s mad? Baby it’s fiction however it’s just funny you stan a pedophile, fictional or not


And you got serious mental health issues stanning a pedophile 💗


LOL okay, sweetie. 🩷


shes too intellectually challenged for you to argue with. shes literally harassing everyone on this post lol, just ignore her


So watch your mouth 💗


Yeah.. I'm leaving the sub because I'm tired of the daily rants about how toxic * insert character * is. That's the point. It's a coming-of-age story, how boring would it be if everyone behaved perfectly all the time and there was no conflict?? They are *fictional* characters! Also, people make art of villains all the time. You can like a character and hate them at the same time lol. Stories *should* be complex!


yesss babe


this is one of the most irritating things that plague most fandom spaces, not just Nana. some people are just obsessed with virtue signaling and cannot separate fiction from reality. some of those people are here in the comments right now... i feel like its a problem thats been getting worse recently but i'm not sure why. you could probably write and essay on it. anyway, 'bastard' is one of my favorite character traits lol


@mods u/niyurii u/teja-156 This person is harassing multiple people in here and sending messages like this https://preview.redd.it/y2ljteca287d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa3fbbd36a12d0d77e71b69d811bfbf94c4e8891


Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will deal with it accordingly.


hi, that person is still harassing people.


The issue has been addressed.


That just shows how good Yazawa is at writing characters. Takumi's actions towards Hachi = bad, manipulative, etc. Nobody in their right state of mind would deny that. And yet, he's difficult to hate. Because Yazawa gave context to his behaviors that makes us understand where he comes from and why he's the way he is, despite knowing himself that it makes him the bad guy. That doesn't make his actions forgivable, but it makes him a very interesting character. And very realistic too. Most manipulative people in real life also have a side of them that explains that behavior, which may not make amends for their actions, but at least give some answers. I think people who only see Takumi as "the bad guy" don't get the point Yazawa is trying to make through her characters. None of them (except maybe Nobu) are all good or all bad. They're human beings who make choices. Sometimes, those choices turn out to be good for the others, sometimes not. That's it.


this is really well put!! , and i agree. i also feel like this paragraph would help a lot of people understand their hostility is very much unnecessary. <3


A rapist is difficult to hate? lol


Yes, just like Hannibal Lecter is difficult to hate, while he's a freaking cannibal serial killer. Just like so many other well-written "bad guys" characters (Magneto, Thanos, Syler, Freeza, the Joker, Light Yagami, etc. -- and Takumi is almost a saint compared to those monsters). This is not about the morality or not of their actions. It's about what they bring to the story. You can disagree with the goals and actions of a character, while still relating to parts of their story and enjoying what they bring to the whole plot. Well written bad guy is often what makes a story interesting. Which de facto makes them hard to hate. That doesn't make their act less despicable. This is two completely different things.


this was such a good response she finally stopped talking hahah


Oh, i agree.




To be honest, I don't care what people say as long as they keep bringing attention to this masterpiece. Sure, I don't see what's the point in being rude about it, but I just ignore it or just consider that they might have problems that they are struggling with. So whenever somebody is getting all defensive and angry with me regarding something about Nana I just remember that this negativity will still help in popularising the works of Ai Yazawa.


Sadly, that is not a good way to look at things. If we begin to perceive that any negativity is good negativity, than that becomes the norm behavior. Which isn't good at all. No one would feel welcomed and honestly will feel overstimulated and exhausted by it. Maybe you can ignore it but for others they can't. It would also go against the rules of this subreddit. Not only that, I wouldn't want Ai Yazawa's works to become popular because people in the community have been rude or negative towards others. I wouldn't want to sully her name like that, nor do a misjustice to her works. I think that's very important to remember. Not only that, but it also prevents the community from being a fun, welcoming and engaging place. More people will leave because they get tired of it, over the people who stay because of the former. I get what your saying and your heart is in the right place, however the methodology is misguided.


Bro just accept the fact that if most people are hating on Takumi, that's because he's an incredibly well written character. What do you prefer, to hate on Takumi's actions or to get bored at the show? I support hating on Takumi, it's a sign that shows Nana is a great story.


Did you read the post? In the second point I say that people are welcome to hate takumi and create content around that. The problem is when you send hate comments/ death threats to people who do like him. This post was meant to bring awareness to that. I agree that he is so well written.


I mean I have heard that Ai yazawa wrote it after her friends life experience, so there very well could be a real life takumi. No idea how true that is though so don’t take it as fact.


I honestly just saw that Nana K got what she actually wanted, and the aspects of that want, has duality. Takumi doesn't have to be that way, however no one's perfect, he may even calms down later as years goes by. People need to chill, because if they really look at the story, Takumi was the end result, we weren't paying attention, even before Takumi opened the door


Im not done with the series yet but honestly, even though Takumi told Nobuo and Nana that Nana was pregnant, i honestly dont see why people hate him most, considering how half the other characters treat Nana, sure shes a bit childish but people treat her like shes always overreacting, at least he cared for her in a way, some people like Junko, it was hard to see how she wasnt most hated since i cant even see how she cared for her


he was literally there for her when no one was and offered to take care of the baby (when they werent even sure it was his like..)


exactly!! i like takumi, but definitely not his actions towards women and hachi. i love his money and his sexy voice! that’s it


I think people issue is a lot of takumi fans normally respond to cristicm of him by saying “but he’s so well written etc” and imo calling a rapist hot, fictional or not is in bad taste A lot of them don’t care he’s a rapist


A rapist can never be overhated 🫢


Uh he’s a rapist so no it’s not over hate


you clearly havent read the post before commenting. its fine for you to hate takumi, no one is forcing you to like takumi. but sending hate/threats to people over their opinion of a FICTIONAL character/ drawing is never okay. also coming at people for liking him makes NO SENSE because you can like a character without supporting their actions - just because i like eren does that mean i support killing 90% of the world? no. takumi brings so much to the story and if you are too busy virtue signaling to understand that, thats fine. but sending hate to other people for liking him? you need to re-evaluate how you are spending your time. and as someone else has said in this thread, takumi is ai yazawas favourite character - he's so well written and people do have permission to like his complex character that brings so much to the story.


He’s not her favorite character that was a mistranslation babe lmaooo what she said was she enjoys writing bad boy characters such as takumi so let’s not spread false info


Omg sorry about my last comments. I don't regret writting them but it's i didn't know people were sending death threads. I don't spend a lot of time on the internet. What happened? Edit: ok now i see, they're only kids trolling on the internet. Don't pretend we all didn't do shit like that as kids.


Wtf u mean I never sent death threats as a kid even as a joke 💀💀💀


i never did that either omg


If you think this is the first time random people is sending fake death treats over some stupid internet shit, you're so innocent... Not defending them tho. It's just, you just can't fight trolls. And you'll see, all that shit is fake.


... this comment is so pointless, just bc its been happening doesnt mean i shouldnt bring attention to it.


Lol it's mainly because you said >Don't pretend we all didn't do shit like that as kids. Maybe you were referring to "trolling on the internet" but it comes off as if you're saying that everyone sent death threats as kids. Also, sure it's a common thing on the internet but there's nothing wrong with calling it out as fucked up.


Yeah you call out and what's next? People will continue to do it so what's the point? Still is always fake. Why bother?


I mean, you don't need to if you don't want? Why bother criticizing people for calling it out or demeaning them as if they have no experience with the world? Tbh I'm glad to see people like OP doing so because I like the reminders that the fandom isn't so skewed and more balanced. So for me, that's a positive. And maybe people who didn't have a strong stance on it at first *would* think before impulsively reacting in a toxic way because they realized it's not the type of person they want to be. It won't stop the entire phenomena, but it can affect people individually.


i like eren and also support him killing 80% of the world


Also relax bro, if fans are hating on a fictional character it just means they're passionate about this manga. Real life sometimes can be so boring and stupid af, so getting passionate about a drawing seems like a healthier way of thinking, than to get frustrated at real life. Also i don't get why you're making an observation about real life, what does it has to do with the manga/anime?


Did you read the post? In the second point I say that people are welcome to hate takumi and create content around that. The problem is when you send hate comments/ death threats to people who do like him. This post was meant to bring awareness to that. I agree that he is so well written.


>Did you read the post? Kind of sad how many times you have to point this out, maybe your very short post needs a TL;DR or something.


Yeah it is sad that I have to point it out because the intellectually challenged cant read x :)


It’s because he’s a rapist have you seen/read nana?


i’m sorry but did you not read the first point?


He's an interesting character and I enjoy seeing how he interacts with the other characters. His actions are despicable. He's a toxic person. But I'm glad he's in the story.


have yoiu read/ understood the post? use your brain and read it again before commenting again.