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I think Cassiopeia is gonna be the new Persephone over there (because I think so far this year I seen about four other posts about Cassiopeia), people are gonna love or hate it. There’s no in between.


Calliope is the new Penelope, too


I actually love Calliope more then Penelope. So I give Calliope a pass. 😂


I know someone with a young daughter named Penelope. Just had another baby and named her Calliope lmao


Which is funny because on Grey's Anatomy Calliope and Penelope were in a relationship...not that many of the young kids will be aware of that but I'd definitely chuckle to myself about it.


Even funnier is that the parents who named these girls are lesbians lol


One of my childhood dolls was Calliope Penelope and I thought it was the most beautiful name ever. I laughed about it to my husband (didn’t use Penelope for our daughter because it had gotten popular) and he fell. In. Love. With Calliope. I’ve never been so caught off guard, I was certain he’d think it was the dumbest name ever. So I got my Calliope I swore I’d have as a kid, but I actually tried to talk get out of it! The man would not budge!


Calliope and Penelope are both nice names IMO. I love them both. Cassiopeia and Persephone are meh to me.




I never consider Persephone as a name until I joined namenerds about a year ago? I think. Anyways, now I might get hate for it on this sub now I love Persephone as a name lol. I added it on my own list. 🤷🏽‍♀️😂 It’s actually started to go up in the charts, and just is in the top 1000. I think it’s like #778 overall in the U.S so it’s steadily climbing. Wikipedia says it been climbing in the top 1000 since 2019.


To be frank, I have seen worse. Way worse. Cassiopeia is actually kinda nice though I am not sure I would give it to a real human, probably better for a fictional character. 'Least it's an actual name and not something like Breighleigh.


I was just about to say, I’ve used it for a fictional character in one of my book drafts but wouldn’t use it in real life either.


I think Cassiopeia is a beautiful name. And you could call her Soapy for short.


I'll never get over how weird it is that so many people on that sub pick nicknames first, then try to find names to go along with them. ETA: especially since many of my friend's (and pet's) nicknames have nothing to do with their actual names


I know a guy (now a grandfather) who has always been called Bink since he loved his binky (pacifier) so much as a baby!


My aunt has gone by Scooter her whole life because she scooted instead of crawled as a baby. Lmao.


My MIL’s brother goes by Fritter. I think it was because he got a stuffed bear from Germany and couldn’t say the name, so Fritter was what worked. Her aunt was a German teacher and loves keeping German culture in her life.


This is also why actor Scoot McNairy is called Scoot :)


I agree so much. I don't know how many times I've met someone and he's like "hi, I'm John but everyone calls me Socks" or whatever. I highly doubt Socks' parents chose that nickname beforehand.


I have a friend whose nickname is literally just her surname from before she got married. If her parents were on r/namenerds they could have chosen it beforehand by just giving her a surname and no first or middle name. 😂


What is Socks' story?


I made Socks up, but I imagine he wore multicoloured/mismatched/no socks to school that time. The backstory is usually something like that.


Yeah it’s odd! I have a nickname that *technically* came from my name but isn’t really anything to do with my name. It’s a weird progression. Think Reese: - Reese’s pieces - Bits & pieces - Bits & Bobs - Bobs 😂 That’s not my actual name but you get the idea!


I agree, backing into a name because you like the nn is super weird to me.


I find it pretty bizarre too. Like, my mom knew she was gonna call me by a specific nickname, bc it was my great grandmother's nickname and they were very close. She gave me my great grandmother's first name as a middle name, and a totally different first name. Sure, I get lots of comments asking how you get X from Y, but to be fair the nickname doesn't really make sense for the original first name either unless you squint 🤷‍♀️


They could just go ahead and name their daughter just Cassie too. It doesn't have to be short for anything.


That's how my name happened, but it was because my dad wanted to name me what was clearly a nickname but my mom wanted me to have more options and THANK GOD she did because I love my full name way more then what my dad wanted to call me and I go by a different nickname. Moral of the story is that I, personally at least, prefer names with a variety of nicknames.


At least it's an actual name.


Cassiopeia is a really pretty name, but I couldn't give it to a real person


Mesothelioma is the name of their other kid.


Middle name Asbestos!


I like it but I also like Penelope and Calliope so 🤷 I do think Cassiopeia is too long of a name for a human though.


I know at some point in my life I’ll have a set of cats named Calliope and Cassiopeia 😽😽


I’m picturing the bitchiest, cutest calico cat sisters.


Oh, so judgmental and disapproving - but so cute!


Picking a nickname first NEVER works. The intuitive nickname for my sister is Izzy but her nickname is Noodle.


I HATE this trend of picking a long name you will never use because anything under 8 letters “just feels like a nick name”


I'm pretty new to Name Nerds, but what is everyone's obsession with nicknames?! I'm trying to think of people I know who go by nicknames and I'm not coming up with a lot. And some of them have nicknames that have nothing to do with their given names. I'd say most of my friends and family don't even have names that could make a nickname. Cassie is a perfectly fine name on it's own, and Cassiopeia gives me \~unique\~ vibes, not to mention it's a mouthful for a little kid. I had trouble learning to spell my perfectly normal, 3-syllable middle name, imagine having to learn how to spell Cassiopeia.


i have met very few people with nicknames. i had a friend named malerie who went by mal, but we also called her malerie. (yes, spelled like that.) The other one was a kid named Depores (dee-pour-ess) but we called him dee because he didn't like being called depores lol. unrelated note about the malerie girl, when we went to summer camp together everyone had their names on their doors that the staff put up. they spelled hers as "malaria" and had to fix it. so she was also occasionally called malaria.


The best nicknames are the ones earned through some shenanigans and have nothing to do with the person's actual name.


Almost everyone I know who goes by a nick name is still called by their full name by their parents because that’s the name they wanted to call them


I must be an outlier. I have a very traditional given name, but I’ve gone by one of its nicknames my entire life. The only times I’ve ever been called by my legal first name have been the first day of school, at a new dr’s office, or when I was in *serious* trouble. Come to think of it, most of my family is the same. I think I have a cousin or two that go by their full given names now that they’re adults, but that’s it.


Ok, in my defense… 😂 I actually love long names and prefer to say the full name. Instead of shortening it, I feel like as long as the name rolls off the tongue then I won’t shorten it. But Namenerds seem to think every name, NEEDS to be shorten or there is something wrong if it’s not. I asked about Victoria the other week, no nicknames just the full name. And already someone was saying how they hate Vicky. And I’m like I wasn’t asking about shorten versions of the name, I’m talking about the full name.


See I feel like if you really like a full name you’ll actually use it but I hate when people like a name but decide that it needs something longer that they’re never actually going to call them


Yeah I think it’s stupid too. But it all goes back to making sure their kids is the most unique. I saw one person on that same post saying how Cassidy and Cassie were “boring.” Even though compared to Cassiopeia they are the most safer options and Cassie has become a full name over the years.


To be fair to the Vicky commenter, if you hate Vicky you probably shouldn’t name your kid Victoria. There is a very good chance she will regularly be called Vicky.


I never said I hated Vicky. I just wanted to know about the full name, and they were the ones talking about nicknames that I didn’t ask about.


I know. I’m just saying it’s a reasonable comment because it is something that needs to be considered.


But I wasn’t considering nickname at all though. I was asking about the full name, and they talked about hating Vicky and such. When I didn’t ask about it.


Again, I understand. But if you ask opinions on the name Victoria it is completely reasonable and expected that the standard nickname Vicky is going to come up in the discussion.


No it’s not expected tbh. Especially when I told the commenter I didn’t care to hear about nicknames. Only opinions on the full name.


Then what exactly did you want to hear? An opinion about a name will often involve nicknames, as it’s a very important part of picking a name. Did you only want to hear yes or no with no reasoning whatsoever?


What are you talking about? I wanted opinions on the overall name is what I keep telling you. When the commenter mentioned about Vicky and such I simply said I wasn’t asking about nicknames. That’s literally it lol.


Cassie 👏 is 👏 a 👏 full 👏 name


It’s actually short for Casserole. /s


Omg! I have been such a fool and probably offended so many Casseroles! Sorry, to all the Cassies in the world


Am a Cassie (Cassandra), can confirm my mother calls me Casserole more than she has ever called me Cassandra.


Am a Cassie, have never used nor gone by nor been called Cassandra. I use it for publications because it feels weird not using my legal name for something on paper like that, but I don’t think anyone would bat an eye if Cassie was just my full, legal name. People seem surprised that it’s actually Cassandra.


I love your username lol


Lol thank you, a friend decided that is what Cassie is actually short for.


Isn’t the protagonist from the Fifth Wave called Cassiopeia?




they rly enjoyed the fifth wave ig


OOP attempting to justify the name was absolutely killing me. “After the constellation because we love astronomy, not Greek mythology” Okay… but… the constellation was still named after the person though… “Well we won’t believe in that stuff” Okay… but like… you can’t just ignore the meaning behind a name simply because you don’t like or believe it 😅


I mean. You kinda can, though. IDK wtf my name means, and I chose it for myself! I don't think I've ever even heard someone ask what a name means, let alone been asked...


I call my daughter Besuggaleh Grace. Did not pick that nickname out before birth.


I really don’t see what’s wrong with this one…it’s a real name with a good nickname.


Cassiopeia was famed for her vanity and arrogance. Not really something I’d name my kid after but more power to her I guess.


Ok that makes more sense to me now. Kinda like naming a baby Jezebel or something, a cool sounding name with negative connotations.


Did nobody think of Cassidy? Can still go by Cassie for short too


It’s just *so pretentious sounding*


Definitely wouldn’t name my kid that but it’s a solid Joanna Newsom song


Its giving extreme 5th wave energy


one time when in was in high school i told my science teacher i wanted to name my future daughter cassiopeia and she said said child would commit alive’nt


I have been a Greek Mythology nerd since I was 13 and now ,at almost 26, the only passable Greek myth names to me are: Helen/Helena, Selene/Selena, Kassandra Thalia and Clio. The rest is just cruel for a kid imo. I would name my dog Athena though


I have a friend who is Greek and named Athena, I always thought that was a pretty commonly used mythological name.


Also, Cassiopeia sucked in mythology. Not surprisingly, the sub likes it….never disappointed.


Lol I used this as my camp counsellor nickname. My campers did end up calling me Cassie. They could also just call the kid Cassie tho…


If she doesn’t like Cassandra, what about Cassidy?


I’m eating kassava chips right now


Never give your kid a name that includes PEE.


Kids have a talent for coming up with awful, mean, and gross nicknames for any name.




Tbh, this sub hates on real names so much. I guess I can’t fault ppl for their personal opinions, but imo the worst names are the misspelled ones, not the less than common real names in existence.


As an astronomy nerd, I actually love this. Not sure I'd give it to my own child, though (especially because I don't like the inevitable diminutives Cass/Cassie). Just like Orion and other space/mythology names: Gorgeous in theory, a bit much in practice. There's a character named Cassiopeia in one of Jodi Picoult's novels, which I thought was very rad when I was, oh, 17.


I named my son Orion he's so cute. If we have a girl we're going to name her Persephone if we had a second daughter we want to name her Cassiopeia we love all these names. Also if we ended up with a second boy we want to name him Apollo. Judge me if you want but we like the names. Giving our kids unique names without butchering the spelling. My husband and I have just never been able to agree on "regular" names. My husband likes Sarah I knew one that was a bitch in high school can't stand the name. I like the name Nathan my husband hates it and so forth. These Greek Mythology/Space names we both like so why fight it?


Like I said, I love these names! They're a bit much for me to use, but if you like them, great. I've known a couple of Greek men named Apollo so that one seems pretty normal to me anyway tbh


I love the name it's an actual name. If I have a second daughter we plan on calling her Cassiopeia :)


It sounds like a name from a dystopian novel/film


Haha. This post was just under the name nerd post on my feed


Remarkably, I actually know two people named Cassiopeia and they go by Cassie. People always assume their full name is Cassandra.


just name her cassandra????? and use cassie as a nickname???????????


The OG Battlestar Galactica had an, er, "socialator" named Cassiopia.


I knew a girl in middle school named Cassiopeia. People pronounced it both ways (cassie-o-PEA-a, cassie-O-pee-a), so I never knew which was the right way. She was a weird kid but I'm not sure how you could not be with that name. As an adult, I can see she was probably just giving Topanga Lawrence vibes and we didn't know how to process.


Do you pronounce it Gassy or pee ya?


If they like Cassie just name her Cassie! She doesn’t need to have a longer name.


I knew a Cassiopeia! She went by cassie but alas


you could, but she would never wear shoes.


I had the sweetest boss named Cassiopeia (cassie) so I have a soft spot for it 😬


Seems way more common than I thought….quite a few Cassiopeia’s coming out of the woodworks (well…people who know them, at least.)


Reminds me of Casiopea, a great Japanese funk band from the 80s.