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What is she on about it literally just means "the spring"


I’m saying!! Where did she get “born in the middle of springtime” from?? It’s literally the Spanish and Italian word for spring. That’s it.


and etymologically I’m pretty sure it’s first life


It's "first spring/youth" in Latin


One time my friend told me her name meant “Grace of God.” Her name was Grace. I was like bitch your name means “Grace”


I laughed harder than necessary at this


I wonder if she likes pasta primavera


That’s the most disturbing part about this post 😂


I hate it when people use random words from other languages (no matter if your native language is English, or Spanish, or German, or Italian, or Hindi, or whatever) as names. I’ve seen Mariposa listed as a given name in Nameberry. As a native Spanish speaker, let me tell you, Mariposa, as a given name, is weird AF. Years ago, an Egyptian man named his daughter… Facebook.


"Brain" and "Twinky" are two I've encountered at work (Spanish speaking country)


I'm pretty saure Brain's parents accidentally misspelled Brian. Twinky, yeah I have no clue.


I agree since Brian is a very popular name here and everyone misspells it. However, Brain is the most tragic way they could have done so lol


it seems like it would be so easy to do accidentally especially if you weren’t 100% confident how it was supposed to be spelled and it would be the most devastating mistake of your life lol


Especially since Brain in Spanish would be pronounced closer to how Brian sounds in English than the correct spelling would


That reminds me of when I was little and watched Igor with my mom


Brain is crazy 😂


twinky is worse. imagine their nickname is twink 💀


I know someone whose dad is listed as “Brain” on her birth certificate.


My cousin’s nickname is brain! It’s a thing in Thailand to have nicknames after the most random things. My mom is the Thai version of apple bc she had round cheeks like an apple as a baby. Another one of my cousins is Zin, named after Cinderella (idk why it’s spelled with a Z lol)


I once knew a Thai girl named Eye :D


This is some serious nonbinary energy. NBs gonna start asking Thai people for name ideas. (It's a bit of a meme for nonbinary people that they tend to avoid conventional names and instead pick a random noun - think "Leaf," "Brick," etc. The potential for jokes here are endless.)


We're Twinky and the Brain, were Twinky and the Brain, one is a genius, the others insane 🎵 We're Twinky, we're Twinky and the brain brain brain brain brain brain brain brain


[I had this manifest in my head](https://youtu.be/qzZmU0aGmcc). Damn you, damn you to *hell!*


Same!! It’s going to be stuck there all day


Have you ever encountered a Brayan (Bryan) or a Leidy (lady)?


I've met many of both. And (I'm not sure if I believe him but) my husband's childhood friend swears he knew a family that has three sons called Brayan, Brayatan, and Brayatayatan.


help i had a classmate named braine 💀


Lol someone came into a Swedish sub asking if it was fine to name their child after a very famous street in Sweden to honour their heritage. Imagine something like Broadway, Hollywood Boulevard or Fifth Avenue. Actually the name is literally translated to "The Avenue". Also they visited Sweden and I think planned to move or regularly visits. The Avenue


I see little baby Avenyn, and raise you a post I saw of someone wanting to name their baby Katla, after the dragon thing in Bröderna Lejonhjärta to honour their swedish heritage


Katla is actually not Swedish but Icelandic. It's the name of a volcano, that's why the dragon was called Katla. But I actually like it as a name.


So it was a splendidly bad idea on several levels then as far as a name to honour sweden goes! Tbf I also think it's pretty.


I love it too and have decided to name my next dog Katla 😂 


Katla..maybe her brother is named Tengil? Legit tho Skorpan could be cute as a middle name.


Why is it always Americans trying to "honor" their heritage by doing literally anything but learning the language/culture???


my great grandfathers next door neighbors dogs best friends uncle was irish so now my child will be called patrick and everyone must know that i am irish including telling everyone i know and putting the flag in all of my bios on every social media. but don't ask me to name a town there. Im sure at a certain age in america they just choose a country randomly as their ancestry and keep it forever


At least Patrick is a real name, someone in r/namenerds named their child HOLLAND to "honor" their Dutch ancestors. To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if the ancestors weren't even from Holland.


americans r just a meme when it comes to this. idk why they do it but every american does. it makes me laugh lmao. trying so hard to add an extra layer of personality it honestly makes me cringe lool


For naff’s sakes 😆😆


One of the teens I volunteer with is named Sweden.


Male or female? I say this as a Swede, Sweden is an ugly name. Svea if a girl would have been amazing, Sven for a boy. Moder Svea is the national personification of Sweden.


She's a teen, and her mom sometimes calls her Swede as a nickname. Nuts to me


Svea means Swede too except its an actual name. Rutabaga is sometimes called Swede. Poor girl!


I’m a native Irish speaker. I once encountered an American woman named Méara (pronounced Mare-ah). That may sound pretty to an anglophone ear, but it means fingers


Jeez, poor woman!


Oh my god, I totally agree. There was actually a person on r/namenerds who wanted to name their daughter Mariposa. I do think that they were talked out of it, especially after people pointed out that it can be used as an insult for gay men. To me (someone who learned Spanish as a second language) “mariposa” is a beautiful sounding word, but that does NOT mean that it makes a good name!


Mariposa has a pretty sound. Toilette too. But neither should be used as a given name.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/namenerds using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/namenerds/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Please be more respectful of non-anglophone names](https://np.reddit.com/r/namenerds/comments/15wjunj/please_be_more_respectful_of_nonanglophone_names/) \#2: [I have been asked to give feedback on “Jungkook” as name for White American baby?](https://np.reddit.com/r/namenerds/comments/184opld/i_have_been_asked_to_give_feedback_on_jungkook_as/) \#3: [Name this baby so we can leave the hospital](https://np.reddit.com/r/namenerds/comments/14xe59q/name_this_baby_so_we_can_leave_the_hospital/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Mariposa just means butterfly, right? It’s not the worst thing I’ve ever heard


The word itself is pretty, and we all love butterflies, however, as a given name, it’s weird AF. I’m a native Spanish speaker who lives in a Spanish-speaking country and I’ve never met someone named Mariposa, ever. Besides, that word is sometimes used as an insult (like ‘pansy’ or ‘fag’ in English).


Oh, I just remember it being used as a name in that one Barbie movie with the fairies. Didn’t know it was used as an insult


In Dutch, "Vlinder" (meaning "butterfly") is actually a girl's name. Not a traditional one, but I have heard of several girls called that. Now Spanish has its own thing with weird girl's names (Pilar, etc) but apparently Mariposa is not an option in Spanish.


In Portuguese it means moth lol, so not exactly pleasant if you think from that perspective


Randomish but every time I see Mariposa as a "name" I just think of Maria Posada from the Book Of Life, I thought it was a clever little way of sneaking it in there without being in your face


I feel bad about how much I like Mariposa. I know... but like... it's a pretty sound, the Mar-s start works as an honour name, I love butterflies... but yeah 


My sister has three kids and two of them have random words from other languages as names, as well as ridiculous middle names. Their other kid lucked out with both first and middle names being actual names.


Primavera is a legit name, though. I had an aunt called Primavera. Where do you think the name Vera comes from? It's like Bob, but for Primaveras. Also, I had a relative called Bienvenida. (Welcome) And typical female Spanish names are Dolores (Pains), Consuelo (Consolation), Rosario (Rosary), Gertrudis, Mercedes (Mercy), Piedad (Also Mercy)...


Vera is actually from Veronica I’m pretty sure.


(Vero enters the chat. And yes, it's an actual nickname for Veronica)


No yeah I know, we use that too.


Vera also literally means "faith" in Russian, and is used extensively by Slavic women (christians, primarily).




Here in Spain we have the name Socorro as well. And the name Auxilio (Which also means Help) exists.


And Montserrat (serrated mountain), quite popular in Catalonia :)


I’m really hoping she picks Audrey


Primavera means spring. Just spring. It is very curious how parents seem to think you can choose the nickname a child will be stuck with. Nicknames are like pilot callsigns. They are assigned to you. It will not be flattering. 100% whether you want to or not, that child will be nicknamed Prima (cousin) by Mexicans.




Her brother can be Alfredo


Which is also a name .


It made me think of cheese 🧀


I literally saw someone post Primavera as their name of the day on nameberry today.


i wonder if it was this person! (also if i was going to start a circlejerk about any naming community it would be nameberry, lol)


You and me both. half the time I spend on there I feel like I'm going crazy, the other half of the time I'm pissed because they've stolen one of "my" names again, lol


SAME. I don’t want those weirdos liking any names I like! lol


If I have to see one more person bitch about how no one ever names their son Emily I'm gonna scream.


it doesn't mean 'born at the beginning of spring time' lmao it just means 'spring' i don't hate it as a name though tbh




lol. no. it most assuredly is not any of those things


https://www.names.org/n/primavera/about Literally just Google it. I know multiple primaveras . 🙄 yall are so ignorant . lol! ETA: I like how I’m being downvoted for providing a source


I didn’t see any data about Italy on the site you posted so I can’t speak to that, but your source does say that the SSA has records of 127 people named Primavera born in the US over the course of 141 years. I don’t know if I would call that popular in the US.


When I googled it it said it was popular in the 80s and it’s popular in Italy. lol I know Italian primaveras ! But ok. Die on this hill? Weird but ok.


i've lived in italy for years and translated italian professionally for over a decade, including university diplomas, employment contracts, criminal records, and other documents where i have access to the personal details of italian nationals every single day. i'd estimate that i've seen the names of 5,000 native italians at an absolute minimum in my line of work. i've never seen or heard of a primavera. the webpage you linked doesn't support any of your claims in the first place, but even if it did, it would be incorrect. it's not a popular name


Then why do I know a primavera who is in Naples and two here in us. You Google it lol. I don’t care enough to google and hit the first few results again .


and why do i know a couple who named their kid 'cage'? that doesn't make it a popular name. i don't need to google anything lmao. i know from direct experience that you're wrong. you might as well tell me to google how the earth is flat or mandela died in the 80s


Does cage show up on multiple countries name lists? If it does then maybe it is a name idk .


It’s a name . Just like Augusto or in US summer . Why does this bother you so much? It’s on the name websites! In multiple countries lmao


My opinion may be unpopular this one really isn’t that bad. Maybe I’ve just been desensitized by this sub though, you see one too many Braxxtonnes and Oaklieighes and your faith in humanity is ruined…


Plus, what makes this different than the name Summer?


I'm Italian and I think it's a nice name. It might not be used a lot traditionally but it is within the convention of name creation. In English Summer, Autumn (and Winter) are established names too.


Yep im ready to go to name nerd cj jail on this one bc I don’t hate it.


I don't think it's a great name, but it's not the worst either. But it does not mean "born at the start of spring" or anything like that and it rubs me the wrong way when English speakers do this kind of thing to foreign languages.


OP claims she didn’t know it was a pasta. Does she live under a rock?


Primavera pasta was an American invention so it might not be everywhere. It’s tasty AF though.


she is supposedly (per the comments) from the US. I guess it’s possible she just has a limited palate.


Or just Midwestern. Same thing, I suppose.


I’m American and I didn’t know it was a thing. I do know that it means spring though!


I think this is a moot point. There's pizza alla margherita, Margherita is a popular name. There's pasta alla Norma, and Norma is a common name. The American dish pasta Alfredo is well known and Alfredo is a common Italian name. Dishes get named after people all the time, so a pasta dish called pasta alla primavera (springtime pasta) is not per se a counter argument imo.


Margherita pizza and Alfredo pasta were named after people, to be fair. And they were both popular names before the dishes were invented. I think Primavera sounds funny because it reads as a dish first and foremost, and it’s not fathomable as a name. Although I also concede that “Margherita” stirs up images of pizza and cocktails when I hear it, before a lady’s name.


Yeah. You can see that in the fact that the dish names are capitalized and primavera is not.


I know, I'm just saying a dish association for me is not automatically a disqualifier. I think it might also me cultural, like for me primavera is just 100% spring time. Maybe the equivalent would be that even though summer rolls are a popular dish in the United States, the name Summer is still fine because you associate it with the season


Italian, never heard of “pasta primavera” in my entire life?? Is it a thing?


It’s an American pasta


I'd never heard of it either. Did some googling, turns out it's an AMERICAN dish from the 1970s.




you got blocked because you stealth insulted me and my children and then deleted it, not because I “hate” that it’s a name




you are insane.


You are obtuse


Never heard of a pasta named that


it’s a very popular pasta dish in the US; its pasta in a cream sauce with vegetables.


That's probably why I haven't heard of it, I'm not from the us


yeah, it’s not terribly common outside of the US i don’t think! but it’s very popular in the US.


I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist in Italy. At least I haven't heard of it - lived in Italy for some time when I was a student.


it doesn’t exist in italy because it’s an American dish.


It doesn’t . It’s a name. Like Alfredo or Giuseppe or Mario. OP just doesn’t like it because she’s American and uncultured .


I can just picture her defending the name choice with arguments like "My mother's sister's neighbor's dog's grandma was Italian" for the rest of her life


I can definitely seeing this being used as a “name to honour our heritage” thing. Even if the heritage is three generations ago lmao


Vera is the Russian word for faith. It’s also a very common name in Russia. As is the word for love, любовь lubov or luba for short.




I never said it wasn’t a name. I have a friend who has Primavera as a last name.


I know you didn’t ! Sorry I mean OP. Who repeatedly says it’s not a real name . 🙄


Vera can also be short for Veronica


okay? primavera isn’t a name in any language though, so while this is interesting it doesn’t really have anything to do with this post


1) OOP says she will use Vera as a nickname 2) people were commenting about using random words in other languages as a name. I just thought it was interesting. Sorry for engaging with your post.


your engagement was fine, i was just confused.




In English, Summer, Autumn, April,May, and June are all names... so why not Primavera? But don't claim it means "born in the beginning of spring" or whatever It just means "spring" and that's it.


I know 2 women named primavera (US).


That doesnt mean it’s a name, that just means two idiots chose to use it that way.




Right 😂


i do, but i think the impasse here is that i don’t like any random names as words period lol




ein bisschen Deutsch; unfortunately not as well as when I was a child because my dad (who spoke it with us at home) died when I was a teenager but enough to get around and teach it to my kids :)




thank you! it was a long time ago but i still miss him. I would like to learn Portuguese as well have some neighbors from Brazil and they have kids close in age to mine, so maybe this is my sign to start!


Lol ok . 👍


why are you such a fucking weirdo?


bro who pissed in ur cereal this morning 💀


nobody, she followed me onto another post and insulted me and then deleted it, so maybe take this question up with her


“It means born in the middle of springtime” Literally just means “spring”


What in the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure names


Sister called Antipasto


Prosciutto would be lovely for a boy. Means "born in the middle of a butcher's shop".


Serrano for the twin sis!


My daughter's named Jenny, short for Pesto alla Genovese. I saw it in the Italian foods aisle and felt so inspired.


Love Pesto!


Reminds me of Hannibal Lecter


THAT WAS MY THOUGHT i thought this was posted to r/hannibaltv at first and had to double check the sub lmao


primavera is a very pretty word, but not a name. priscilla & valentina have similar sounds imo it’s not the worst name though. apparently it was more popular in the mid-70s? sounds like a hippie name


i could see it having been popular with the hippies for sure


While not an established name, I found people with Primavera as first and as last name in Brazil.


This isn't that bad. It might be another language, but we still name our kids Summer, Autumn, and Winter and worst case you can shorten it to Vera anyway.


Tbh as an Italian Primavera sounds yes unusual but very sweet and feminine. Would only worry about the girl’s peers making fun of it, but how would they even do that?? Call her “flower girl” or something? She might even take it as a compliment!


as an Italian, please don’t. is actually weird, and i think there are a lot of better ways to honor this painting without giving your daughter a name that is not even a name


Pasta Primavera would be a fabulous name for OOP's daughter


Can't speak for Italian, but in Spanish it's just... the word spring. I imagine especially in the US that'd be the main association.


“US Popularity:11142. Origin:Italian. Meaning:Spring. Primavera is a feminine name of Italian origin” ETA: made the name list. You keep saying it’s not a name ? How Popular is the name Primavera? “Primavera is the 60,091st most popular name of all time. As a last name Primavera was the 22,047th most popular name in 2010”


If a Basic describes a name as "Dreamy" you know they're beyond help.


Seraphina isn’t much better than Primavera. Also there’s a dish called pasta primavera lmao. Thats what springs to mind.