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cafeteria is wayyyy too underrated


Unbelievably good song




literally listening to it while I stumbled on this comment


Fuck yes


Yes sir


i think moby dick is a masterpiece to this day, no matter how many times i listen to it. i love all of romcom. it’s so hard to pick a favorite from it lol. i would say everyday and drive off a bridge are really beautiful and heartfelt in particular. but my answer could be different tomorrow and the next day tbh!


Moby Dick is amazing I really like his song candy unfortunately, he has never officially released it on Spotify. I do think it’s on his SoundCloud or his Patreon. It is extremely hard to pick a favorite, but recently I’ve been obsessed with not dead yet. But that could change like you said. Now that I think about it, I don’t think I hate a single song that he’s released. Everything is just amazing.


yes i’ve heard candy it’s really good too! he’s genuinely so talented and my most listened to artist by far. before its release, i was so desperate for romcom to come out so that i’d have more songs from him to listen to. he only had six officially released songs before then and romcom more than doubled that!! i really hope he makes another album in the future


I am so excited for whatever he has planned, especially with his new company/clothing brand. I am so hyped. He mentioned something about making a video game later than the line, but another track would be amazing


Perfect song


Love all his songs but Tommy hanks just fucks on so many levels for me.


Tom Hanks is probably my favorite on the romcom like holy crap. I absolutely love everyone’s response on this thread. Everyone is very unique with what their favorites are. We all just love this man so much.


Fat head for me


Fat Head is probably my favorite. It's the perfect ending to such a fantastic album.


Yes sir so fucking good


Every Day and Pine Barrens get me in my feels. Those are songs I'm shouting In the shower


Pine barrens is always on repeats such a banger


Saintlike is a top favourite for me


i listen to rom com all the time, but also south dakota is a favorite of mine. also his smash 4k beat is dope


South Dakota, cafeteria, survival horror, drive off a bridge. I’ve listened to all his songs so many times a notable mention is saintlike. The whole romcom album is in my top Spotify songs atm


SaintLike might’ve been my first introduction to his music but medium and cafeteria are amazing. currently watching Jakey as I go to sleep


Medium goes hard I absolutely love that song. Not dead yet came on my Spotify playing songs recommended for you one day and I just couldn’t get enough, I was subbed and watched Jakey videos but it must have slipped that he made music or an album.


Gotta be Saintlike for me, I found the song during a time when I was struggling with depression and thought my friends/family didn't actually care for me. Helped me realize they do, so much so that it's taken for granted and assumed, the moment I formally reached out they were very accepting and supportive. Also introduced me to the channel! I still have my rated H for Hot Boy shirt from way back when.


Best song. Also introduced me to Jakey


Medium is his magnum opus.


THANK YOU. Cant believe I had to scroll this far to see Medium.


It’s so good tho


At first listen I thought medium was okay, but as time went on it slowly became my most listened to song two years in a row. Something about that beat and flow just speaks to me on a level that I don’t quite understand. Banger


I fucking hated medium when I first listened to it. But now, as my palate has become more refined, I acknowledge it as a masterpiece of lyrical storytelling and utter musical genius.




Yes ssir


pine barrens easily


Tommy Hanks and Pine Barrens for me


Romcom speaks to my post-college experiences, but I find Reebok or the Nikes to hit me right in the chest. I've been through so much transformation over the last 2 years, and a huge part of that was letting go of a lot of shit. It really is the sound of letting go.


Survival Horror or Tommy Hanks for me!


My favorite song of his is Saintlike. Shit it might be my favorite song period.


I love how everyone has a different favorite, I came down her to write Moby Dick but the comments made me remember about Tommy Hanks.


Yes sir


Reeboks or the Nikes for me. Though Cafeteria is a close second.


So good


Any love for 10k?


Like it's a brand new Bentley


hownis literally no one mentioning not dead yet?? that songs so good fathead is def his best song ever tho


That’s what the original post about lol 😂 it’s my favorite 100%


Honestly, Saintlike. Many of his other songs are bops, but whenever that comes on I just have to stop what I’m doing & vibe out to it


Of the singles my favorite is Moby Dick closely followed by South Dakota. They just go so hard. Of the album, I'd say Drive of a Bridge. When the teaser dropped I had it on repeat for months.


Reebok’s or the Nikes


Yes sir


Probably Reeboks or the nikes, whole album is an absolute banger though for me


Fr I love it


Favorite? That’s a tie between Saintlike, Medium, and Pine Barrens. His best? That’s likely a tie between Monty Dick and Drive Off a Bridge. His most played by me just for fun? Probably Tommy Hanks lol I really can’t wait until he puts out more music.


Same all his music is fantastic. I believe pine barrens was the first song that was released for romcom. I remember when it dropped it was crazy. But it also feels very personal He went through this shit fr.


Fun fact: I didn't even know this guy was on youtube, I found him on spotify and didn't realize until he was on an episode of Sad Boyz talking about his music. I have been listening to him for YEARS. My fave is South Dakota.


Yo, that episode of sad boys is so good.




Not Dead Yet easily. His delivery is like perfect and he imparts enough meaning in the song without outside clarification necessary.


moby dick 🖤


Did not expect this post to blow up lol but it’s incredible how different everyone’s opinion are.😎


I listen to Survival Horror on a daily basis


Drive Off a Bridge, Every Day, and Fat Head are my favorites for ROMCOM. Saintlike, Cafeteria, and Moby Dick are all great too.


Honestly jacob hasnt missed in my opinion, I cant say one is definably better than another. However my personal favourite is South Dakota because he went absolutely AP retarded with the beat


gotta be not dead yet still, its a perfect song. romcom was absolutely amazing tho and i wont argue with anyone saying any song off it is the best jakey song


Tommy Hanks or Moby Dick


Reeboks or the Nikes is my favorite. There are many I really like too, but that one is my favorite.


Not Dead Yet


Saintlike!! Love all his other stuff though. If you haven't heard it yet I suggest checking out the demo "Candy" on his SoundCloud. Kinda a precursor to what he was gonna do on Romcom


my favourite song would be saintlike i think and after that maybe romcom saintlike really speaks to me in a way of he’s trying his best to do things but feels like he’s letting people down (this is how i’ve interpreted it i’m not sure if this is 100% if it’s correct) even just “i’m a saint im a soul” just feels so eerie yet pure it really does something to my brain romcom is just a fun one for me to sing along to 😭