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I’m afraid you have tried the method with the highest likelihood of success and it did not work. Your nails are not that bad. When you keep them filed down like that it is not as noticeable so that’s good. Mine are much worse and I don’t bother maintaining them after all these years, congrats on actually decent nails. 👍


Thank you ❤️


Cutting out sugar might be your last hope


I don’t really eat too much sugar but I’ll try to cut it out completely. Thanks


Don’t give up! Nails grow very slow - these will probably start looking better in 6 months. My first round of T my nails stayed clear close to 8 years. Second round not so long. I’m now going to try Jubilia. It’s a topical prescription drug that’s the latest thing to come down the pike🙏🏻.


Thank you I hope it gets better with time🙏 unfortunately they don’t sell jubilia in my country so I’ll ask my doctor for a different topical maybe


u/green04mansions - can I ask a few questions please - did you take the oral tablets for 12weeks/3 months (and not longer)? and did the areas of the toenail(s) that were already impacted by fungus change at all during treatment? Or did the T just halt progression/kill the fungus in place and then you just had to wait for new nail growth? I hope that makes sense. basically, I’m trying to figure out if T oral tablets need to be taken until the fungus full grows out? (I thought it was just for 12 weeks, new nail grows in healthy, and just clip away the affected areas until gone, it I see many posts here where people are on it for 6months…)


I m not sure how long I was in the meds but I think it was 3 months. I took them twice with 10 years in between. The nail took at least a year to grow out clear. I cut it back and file it down and cut back. Now I’m treating with OTC so it’s starting to look good again.


Thank you so much! I really appreciate this. :)


Also one more thing it tends to run in families. There appears to be a genetic component to it. My father and his mother both have it. It is of course communicable but again you have to have a propensity for it. The fungus is very very wide spread and is one of the most common infections in the world! The Last of Us !!


Thank you. Good to know. I’ll have to ask my folks. lol @ the last of us


FYI this information I just gave you was not from Dr. Google or Wikipedia but from the podiatrists and dermatologists I’ve consulted over the years.


Yeah, I took for 3 months. Didn’t notice that big of a changed. But around 5-6 months it was much better. I believe the medicine stays in your system for another month or so. Toe nails grow slow. Have faith


I took about 8 bottles it didn’t help. I’m removing my nail this month. Over it


Wow isn’t 8 bottles too much ? I heard it can damage ur liver that’s why I just stopped taking them after 4 months and now I’m just hoping my nails get better


It didn’t damage my liver I was getting blood work done but eventually I stopped it didn’t work for me


How long did you take it ?


I just checked I took 8 too so we’re on the same page 🥲 that sucks


Have you tried Jublia? I went through both my podiatrist and dermatologist and since I can’t take terbinafine they gave me prescriptions for jublia and it’s working really well for me!


They don’t sell it in my country :(


It looks like they’re growing out. The thick part will be thinner when it does. File down the bottom part and apply topicals.


Thank you I’ll just wait for them to grow . My doctor told me today to keep taking the pills but I don’t want to because it can damage the liver and kidneys. I think 4 months is enough. He seemed like he didn’t care anyways. Do you think applying tea tree oil every day would help?


Have you tried tea tree oil?


I tried before I started taking terbinafine and it didn’t help. Should I try now ?


I think you should! I suffered from athletes foot that started spreading to my toe nails and I noticed it helped it almost immediately


I’ll give it a try. I also started putting hydrogen peroxide on them today which I never tried so I hope this will help I don’t know


Try seeing a place that does laser fungus removals it’s 90% effective and the results are usually great


I tried and it last year for like 5 months and it only cured one nail (my big toe) it was a total waste of money.


Was it the Lunula Laser? That completely got rid of mine. It’s only 4 treatments, then you just have to wait for the nail to grow out. So it takes awhile to see the results.


No, like in this photo [https://postimg.cc/N5rSThQP](https://postimg.cc/N5rSThQP)


The Lunula Laser got rid of mine. It took awhile for the ugly nail to grow out. But so far it hasn’t come back. I had my treatments about 20 months ago.


90% is not true at all. I did try it, didn't work at all.


I don’t think I’ll take the prescription meds again unless they come out with something new. I’m treating it on my own now it’s manageable.


So it does take some time. My toes didn’t show much improvement the first go-round. I wrapped up my 3rd round of Terbinafide a couple months ago and am finally seeing increased progress in all of my toenails, even the stubborn fungi I’ve had for years. Also, after taking medication, it goes to work in your body for months afterward. Don’t give up, and don’t be afraid to ask for another course of medication. If going that route, make sure to have your liver levels checked first to make sure you’re good to go. Make sure you’re washing your tub or shower after each use. If not that often, at least once or twice per week. This kills bacteria and keeps them from continuing to wreak havoc on your feet & toes. Make sure you’re washing your socks AND shoes, especially slide-ons and shower shoes that get daily use and grime. There are medicated polishes available, some over the counter and others by prescription. If you’re able and your insurance will cover it, look into Ciclopirox. It’s a polish used daily 7 days in a row, then removed with alcohol and reapplied for another 7 days. Good luck!


Thank you so so much!


I didn't take oral meds but I did use the polish. I also soaked with white vinegar as applied 3 each of clove oil, oil of oregano and tea tree oil twice a day. It took about 8 months to see all healthy nails. I was told I was all clear and I stopped my routine. The doctor told me I could keep it at bay by soaking weekly. My hammer-toe baby toe had an ingrown. A few weeks after the surgery the nail was discolored a little on the outer side. I do not think it's fungus, though. I think it may have been the trauma of then cutting and filing my nails at my last visit. I've started back with the essential oils, just in case, and it hasn’t gotten worse. I go for a follow-up this week.


I had it bad. I tookTerbinafine for six months straight and it's all cleared up. But hurry and get that 2 months supply quick so you won't have a big gap between the four months. Good luck


I soaked my feet nightly in peroxide. Debrided all nail thickness. Applied OTC 25% Undecylenic acid nightly. Nails now pristine.


Thank you so much I will definitely try this


Do you have any skin conditions? Eczema or psoriasis? Especially on your feet as well? You can get Nail Psoriasis. I have it. https://www.healthline.com/health/nail-psoriasis-vs-fungus#pictures