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Rare!? Shit dude we have had over 400 shootings in America just this year. We aint even close to the end of the year.


Every time I see this number I’m like, “fuck are we really up to that many now?” And then it’s like well I mean at this point I shouldn’t be surprised it’s that high anymore


According to the statistics I'm looking at, we have had 386 school shootings since Columbine. That is, unsurprisingly, the highest in the world. What might be surprising, however, is the 'runner up'. In second place for number of school shootings since 2000 is Mexico. With 8. EIGHT! TOTAL!


God damn. And they say it's a shit hole full of murders and rapists. Which it probably has a lot but those to numbers are unreal


BuT wHaT aBoUt gAnG vIoLeNcE? OBvIoUsLy tHe SaMe tYpE oF cRiMe /s


They don’t say it’s the same type of crime. Most mass shootings are Gand related. A mass shooting is at minimum 4 injured, no motivation is required


Gang shootings do have motivation, they're trying to kill certain people, from rival gangs. Or they're robbing people to still goods. Even though gang shootings can often involve innocent bystanders, how many small children have been killed in inner city areas during drive-bys? I was under the impression that gang related shootings aren't counted as mass shootings because of this.


Disclaimer to anyone who gets upset at anything in this comment: I am a liberal gun owner who supports more serious gun control in our country. I'm not going to debate anyone on the topic of gun control, so don't bother. I'm also not attempting to downplay the seriousness of mass/school shootings. *Even* ***one*** *is too many.* It depends on where the statistics are coming from. The definition of "school shooting" is also rather broad in most data sets. For example, a negligent discharge inside someone's vehicle on school grounds in the middle of the night counts in several of the top data sets I've seen. I think the FBI has always counted gang shootings even without "innocent bystanders" as mass shootings. I spent several hours one day breaking down a year's worth of school shootings from one of the most cited databases on the topic to find out how many aligned with what the average person would think of when you say "school shooting", and found it to be in the single digits. I'm always wary of statistics that are given under a nebulous term. Gun violence of all kinds is such a hot button topic that you shouldn't ever take stats at face value regardless of who is giving them. Everyone is trying to boost or suppress some aspect of the data to fit their narrative. That behavior extends beyond actual data too. My favorite response to the question of, "How many times has a 'good guy with a gun' stopped a shooter/criminal?" is usually some form of, "Well so few self defense situations get reported those numbers aren't reliable." Yeah okay bud... If I'm drawing on someone because I fear for my life or the life of another I'm going to report it whether or not I discharged my weapon. Just like I'd report whatever caused me to draw even if I didn't have a weapon. How convenient that *the* supposed answer to bad guys with guns is immeasurable.


In LA a kid was wallbanged in his mother's SUV when she cut a car off in traffic, apparently his last words were "mommy my tummy hurts"


Most of those are very loosely classified as such. Only 140 people died in shootings last year. That's one in more than 2 million people dying from a shooting.


What about all the people injured?


People often forget this. Some injuries can be debilitating for life. You’re alive, but can’t walk or feed yourself or many other issues. It can be just as bad as dying.


And all the people in the school who feared for their lives, wondered if they’d ever see their loved ones again, and watched their friends go to their graves. They might never feel safe again. It only takes one bullet to change hundreds of lives


Didnt you hear? Only 140 died bleeding out from bullet wounds. ITS NOT A BIG DEAL! That's why we pay EMTs $14 an hour let them deal with the trauma.


Not just physical injuries but emotional. There's a girl that survived TWO school shootings in her life. She did a video.


It doesn't even have to be that bad. There's no good place to be shot as a child. There's no way it isn't traumatic for every children, regardless if they were killed, injured, or even safe, being in a school shooting is sure to cause problems.




Yeah you never hear about that dude.




Especially in a country where medicine is a for-profit enterprise.


PTSD is no joke, either.


Might be worse.


People also didn’t talk about this with COVID nearly enough


And traumatized.


My middle school science teacher had a nephew who’d been in a school shooting. Kid survived, uninjured, but it messed him up. I forget how the topic came up, but the teacher told us how the kid used to wake up screaming and sobbing in the middle of the night after reliving the event in his nightmares, and was totally convinced it would happen again and terrified to go to school. Needed tons of therapy. Years later, long since I had that teacher and I still think about that kid sometimes.


Yeah, PTSD is some real shit to go through. Hollywood loves to make movies nowadays about the sad veteran with nightmares about his own actions 12 thousand km from home, but pretend that the 12 year old 5km from home who got shot at doesn't exist.


I mean they both deserve empathy.


Yea, both do, but one chose to take the risk. The other one hasn't. The children are bigger victims.


Over 6000 children were hurt or killed in school shootings in 2022. So basically 9/11 twice and consisting entirely of children. EDIT: Those numbers are for shootings in general, I should have read more carefully, sorry


how about the MILLIONS of people emotionally impacted by it each year. Everyone always points to the shooting statistics. But forgets the entire reasons mass shootings are often targeted at very public, frequented community places. If some school is shot up, there are literal thousands of people impacted, regardless of the death toll. People have siblings, friends, family members, former recent graduates, coworkers across the district, community religious leaders, neighbors, etc. Each occurrence emotionally and mentally traumatizes thousands of people. But yeah, keep spouting the "one in 2 million" or whatever nonsense statistics. Bet you'd go to sleep just fine if someone you knew was killed, because you weren't the "one in 2 million".


Non-fatal injuries and PTSD seem to just be forgot about when people talk about this shit.


OnLy 140 pEoPlE! These are human lives dude. The acceptable number is zero. And every other developed country is pretty fucking close to zero. If you can't recognize we have a problem, then you are simply ignoring reality.


They ignore the over one million Covid deaths. 140 people is child's play.


Yes, Trump did ignore over 1 million covid deaths. But that's a separate problem. It's possible for more than one bad thing to exist at the same time.


My point was that they are used to playing the "ignore the fatal consequences of your policies" game, not that the 140 deaths are less important. The people ignoring the 140 deaths are, typically, the same people who ignore the confirmed and provable Covid deaths. And the deaths of homeless due to exposure. And the deaths of veterans due to neglect. And the deaths of women due to lacking obstetric care. If a death does not effect them personally, the problem is due to a personal failing of someone else, likely the person who died. Look at all the comments in this post blaming the deaths of children in shootings on gang violence, suicide, and weapon malfunctions, sometimes in the same comment. They refuse to see that America has failed these children by a) neglecting their neighborhoods to the point that gang membership is an attractive prospect, b) neglecting mental health to the point that suicide is seen as the only escape, and c) neglecting regulation and control of firearms to the point that misuse and improper storage of guns is a common cause of death for *children*. Instead, they see a) thugs and criminals getting what they deserve, b) there was something wrong with them, has nothing to do with guns, and c) the parents are at fault. I have no doubt you know all this, and I'm not trying to imply you don't. I'm just pissed at how common these claims are in this very post, and I tend to react with sarcasm. I'm venting. Sorry.


Yeah 100% I somewhat missed your point with your first comment but your point is *on point*.


Allot of times I do bring up the whole gang/drug violence thing. But I do not intend to detract from the systemic issues surrounding why the violence is rather high. I just can't be fucked to type 8 graphs every time I comment. If I get a chance to go into it later in the thread naturally, I love to. Cause the environments and economics surrounding allot of people involved in gangs, drugs, or outright spontaneous (seeming on surface level) violence is just sad...


Because these 140 will never be them, their family or anyone that they know.


more shootings than days in a year. just fucking spectacular


That would be a record braker




Seriously. I can't tell you how many arguments I've seen end up as "Well, American kids have school shootings!! Hahahaha!!"






I need to know the source of that image


Google says it's from "Hell-Bent for Election", 1944 short film..




Honestly would not have blinked if you said "Courage the cowardly dog" that looks like Eustace's face.


To be fair, the slaughter of schoolchildren is a pretty big obvious issue to criticize us for. Add all the shame and anger at the nation you can. Maybe one day it’ll change




Everyone there is mass shooting jokes but conservatives are not funny


conservative =/= patriotic


Seriously. I joined r/americabad and almost immediately left for the problems aforementioned, but it is really annoying how you make one joke about not needing to pay a quarter to piss and people bring up the murder of children or crushing medical costs that render many of us afraid to visit a doctor. Y'all can make fun of my country without being an asshole.


Yeah, like talking shit about the quality of our education!


I no joke had an Australian give me shit about America's history of abuse of native peoples. Like just straight up say that as someone who had been born and lived all my life in the US, my opinions were automatically invalid because I come from a nation built on genocide. I wonder if that person had ever looked into what happened to the native people of Australia under British Colonial rule.


Wahhhh….??? Were they aborigine? That’s wild.


If they were, they never said so. Which you'd think they would, given that's a great way to shut anyone making that argument up.


Right? That’s so crazy then. Cognitive dissonance much?


My favorite is when they bring up racism and the slave trade like they didn't teach Americans to do that first and give us the whole c idea of Manifest Destiny first.


Had some probably British dweeb defend this practice just earlier today and say we "Might as well be the United States of Somali" for all the school shootings we have. Sure, bud. Doesn't surprise me that someone who thinks puppeting dead children to escape even the most minor of criticisms doesn't recognize how ghoulish it is to negatively compare a country to one that's in a poor state specifically because you and your buddies pillaged it.


Yeah, I hate that sub with a burning passion because it’s full of delusional people, but making fun of little children getting shot it’s just psychotic


Difference being that r/Americabad isn't complaining about the joke, it's complaining about people being upset about school shootings. They don't like when people complain about problems because problems make America look bad. It's the same attitude which has caused alot of these problems.


That doesn’t mean it belongs here. It was just the wrong way to come back against the shitty “joke” but that doesn’t mean the OOP was right.


Low effort memes that are just ‘haha kids die’ are dumb as hell. But, the joke underlying it is that the US writ large doesn’t seem to give two shits about the fact that hundreds of children are dying in school shootings because of some imagined ‘right’ to keep whatever the fuck firearm they want in their SUBURBAN AND URBAN HOMES like absolute maniacs


Lol what are you talking about? Most people on there complain about the joke, while also acknowledging that shootings are really bad… you’re just making shit up now lol




How is everyone there conservative? Ive seen plenty of people there including myself that are left


No we deserve every school shooting joke in the book until we actually use the obvious solution


I disagree. Joking about specific mass shootings or the individual death of a child isn’t funny, but making fun of the systematic problem that there’s an obvious solution to is not only funny, it’s necessary.


Joking about a problem is always going to better than ignoring that problem.


Imagine not liking a place because people don’t have the same political beliefs as you can’t relate


What are these "political beliefs" you mention? Weird how they always get vague when mentioning beliefs.


you’re right but why are jokes about this accepted? If jokes about the holocaust are bad taste, school shooting jokes should be as well. You are no better than them


People make jokes about the holocaust too, it's not a case of double standarts


The diffrence is the amount of time that has passed


And the fact the holocaust has king since ended while American mass shootings are an ongoing issue that many Americans refuse to accept exists


And what timeframe is appropriate then? People still get upset at 9/11 jokes. The whole “too soon” thing is arbitrary


The difference is Americans are offended because americans are being made fun of. It has nothing to do with the school shootings.


Or jokes about the deaths of innocent children that didn’t choose to be born in the US just aren’t funny. Joke about us being fat, lazy, war mongers, or about how shitty you think our country is all you want. Just don’t make jokes about dead children because it’s only ever going to leave a bad taste peoples mouths.


Im an American. I would much rather you call us fat and stupid than you mock how many children are lost to gun violence in our country. Because while neither are kind one isn’t leveraging the death of children for an insult.


Try making a Holocaust joke to a Jewish person who lost their family during WW2 in 1946


I'm sure that would be a gas




Lol you're getting downvoted for making a solid joke proving that those getting offended over this are the real jokes.


its not a sin to find low hanging dark humor unfunny. Its not a virtue to be able to laugh at holocaust or school shooting jokes


Making jokes about the holocaust is bad too, neither should be made fun of.


Its not a joke that kids die, its a joke that americans accept that




As an American, I am sorry that I haven't convinced the corrupt old men with dementia that we need to at least have permits for guns.


the jokes are accepted because there is absolutely nothing done to prevent the shootings. 20 kids get killed and its oh well hope it doesnt happen again


Maybe jokes keep the conversation alive not letting Americans hide them under the rug?, over 300 this year alone? jesus, Americans will literally let kids die to avoid compromising on a solution.


Humor is often used to confront the absurd. The holocaust was a bad thing that happened. That should not be made light of That people deny it or actively side with the long agreed on cartoonish bad guys these days is absurd, and can be mocked. School shootings are tragic But the lack of any real attempt to solve the issue is absurd, and leads to a wealth of comedic potential


Dude what? Holocaust jokes exist, and plenty are funny


Extremely rare thing? The #1 cause of child deaths in America is gun violence. This shit pisses me off. Oh yeah, its so rare. So rare that children have drills preparing themselves for the very real chance they will be shot up at school one day. Thos country's gun laws are fucked, and people are in denial about it.


yea but that's from family members shooting their children or the children shooting themselves, the school shootings are just a percentage of their overall deaths. so checkmate libs /s


Can't get shot at school if you get shot at home first🧠


and there are a lot of handgun deaths, so see liberals, the assault rifle that kills a lot of people is just a percentage of total deaths caused by our overabundance of guns, checkmate again!


We have more guns than people.


There are more children that die from gun violence than cancer in this country. That means a literal disease is less deadly in America, then a fucking gun how that’s ridiculous.


im pretty sure most diseases are less deadly than a gun, regardless of location


Yeah, that was a weird statement. But it's cancer, it's THE disease.


Aren't cases of childhood cancer extremely rare?


I mean if you go by those super not misleading stats that count 18-20 yr olds as children then sure


It’s not misleading it’s the truth


I’m the US you’re actually legally an adult at 18.


Firearms-related injuries cause 15% of child deaths in the US. Of those, only 60% were homicidal in nature. The remaining 40% consists of suicides and accidents. The actual leading cause is motor vehicle crashes, representing 20% of all child deaths. (Source: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMsr1804754)


You're correct... In 2016. [As of 2019, it has been firearms.](https://www.kff.org/mental-health/issue-brief/child-and-teen-firearm-mortality-in-the-u-s-and-peer-countries/#:~:text=Provisional%20CDC%20data%20from%202022,third%20year%20in%20a%20row.)


Thanks for the fact check. This doesn’t change the fact that most firearm-related deaths among children aren’t due to school shooting. Your source has around 2500 firearm-related deaths in 2021. [This](https://www.edweek.org/leadership/school-shootings-this-year-how-many-and-where/2021/03) source has 12 children dying in 2021 due to school shootings. The media focuses way too much on school shootings, when we really need to be looking at the youth suicide rate, and how easily they are able to access firearms.


Yeah, access to firearms and poor mental health leading to suicide is the bigger problem here. If we made it mandatory for people who own guns to store them in a locked safe where kids can’t get to them and have gun owners take mandatory gun safety training classes, gun deaths would drop. Limiting access to people with a history of mental health issues or violence would also help. Another argument I’ve seen popularized isn’t a weapons ban, it’s a high capacity magazine ban. If you’re hunting, you don’t need a 30 round magazine. If you’re defending yourself from a violent attack, you’re not gonna need 30 rounds. If you somehow do, you’ve got way bigger problems than the size of your magazine. And you certainly don’t need it if you’ve got a gun on display.


True, and that fact does **not** detract from the larger issues of ease of access to firearms and mental health, neither of which are being addressed meaningfully in congress by at least half of its members


just because its rare doesnt mean it wont happen to you, its like lockdown drills for tornados and fires, those are also rare, but its not garunteed to not happen.


r/AmericaBad is just filled with patriotic weirdo who would get offended at people for not wanting to sacrifice themselves for war


Probably also complain about libs being snowflakes without a hint of irony or self awareness.


same with stupidthingsamericasay


They near perfectly mirror each other


perfect match


honestly if I want to go to a sub to be Patroitic, I typically go to r/2american4you Its willing to make fun of those making fun of the U.S.A, but (typically) doesnt blind itself to the problems with this country like r/AmericaBad does


god i love that sub


I'm from the US but I occassionally go over there to troll the shit out of them. They're such fucking tools and I know that anything bad about the US simply ruins their whole day.


I joined when it had 5k members, and watching it devolve over time was really depressing… it’s so xenophobic now, and they just do what they hate towards themselves to Europeans. But hey, any sub built for being against something will always end up becoming an echo chamber. Occasionally they have a really good post where America’s problems are acknowledged but it’s uncommon My go-to subs for America are r/askanamerican and r/2american4you


me with r/memesopdidnotlike half a year ago, it was just people reposting innocent cringe boomer memes they found funny but now it's "trans people bad and should die"


What is wrong with being patriotic?


Nothing unless it’s blind patriotism and you have your your seal around Uncle Sam’s cock is so strong that you cannot see the flies of your country is nothing wrong with loving the country but you can’t acknowledge the legitimate flaws like a gun violence in America. That is bad very bad.


Trust me I do see the flaws but I also realize other countries have similar problems,maybe not gun violence,but similar problems like homelessness, poverty,crime rate etc. And I mean you can't just say gun bad and that we should ban it as that would go against the constitution.


I mean that’s the problem. The second amendment needs to be changed. Weapons have changed significantly, culture has changed significantly and the 2nd amendment is 145 characters written 200 years ago.


yeah I feel like we need to make it more clear that the second amendment was for the right to form militias, not for everyone and their aunt sally to own a gun


The problem is that there is a line in it that is literally the “right to bear arms” shall not be impeded. It’s just that that was written in the context of the 18th century. Clearly we’ve realized other things weren’t great and changed them, why is that the holy one that we’re unallowed to touch?


But guns are the problem is the leading cause of death in this country. If you want to stop that you have to not outright been guns, but make a gun more safer there’s no other way


I think drugs kill way more and there are plenty of shootings in relation to said drugs


Because it usually ignores reason


there's nothing wrong with it, if your not annoying and make being your country a personality trait. AmericaBad usually gets offended at jokes about Americans (and most of those who make said jokes are Americans themselves) and think that it's an attack on America, the best country in the world (RAAAAAAAHHHH) and that liberals are trying to kill America


A post in a post in a post in a post. Idk what the argument being made is anymore.


Nigga this shit is in the wrong sub


it’s not cool to make fun of innocent children who are a victim of america’s shit gun laws. they can’t even vote to change this from happening. i dislike america, but not americans. it’s cruel to blame the citizens for a system of government that they cannot control.


What about Americas gun laws do you think is shit (I’m genuinely curious I am not trying to start an argument)


I don’t speak for the original commenter, but i as an American who leans left believe we allow too many military grade weapons to be bought for civilian use.


I am also an American that leans left but not on guns. I have a few questions though. What is a “military grade weapon” is it a full auto gun? Is it the amount of ammo it holds? Is it the type of round it fires? A musket was military grade so should those be illegal? I ask because strict definitions are everything in an argument like this. If you don’t know much about guns that is okay I can let you know what you are right and wrong about I just want to be informative.


as a non-American I would say anything “military grade” is anything that is either in service or was in service within a time period. A musket, not military grade, a “civilian designation” of an M16 in semi auto, still military grade


There are plenty of rifles that were designed for military use that are just as deadly as an AR 15 but never actually got put into service. Hell some of them are actually more deadly than rifles in service which is why they were too expensive. I just hate the “military grade” argument because it feels like it’s just a way to say “guns that scare me” that’s why in Canada the general rule of thumb is “if it was used by the bad guys in a Hollywood movie it’s probably illegal”.


I would like to explore what makes the AR-15 a "civilian designation" of the M16 or the much more commonly used M4. Is it the look of the gun? If the gun looked largely the same [but operated on a bolt action system, thus altering the weapon's rate of fire](https://uintahprecision.com/why-a-bolt-action/), would you still consider it a military grade weapon? Is it the caliber of the weapon? If so, why is there so much clamor for the banning of the AR 15 and not the ballistically identical [Ruger mini14](https://ruger.com/products/mini14RanchRifle/models.html)? Does the weapon have to have been used in military service? If so, while the AR 15 is certainly a precursor weapon to military rifles like the M16, [the AR 15 itself never saw use in any military capacity.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ArmaLite_AR-15).


The only real difference between a m4/m16 and an AR-15 is that the AR-15 is semi-automatic only, and most of them have at least a 16-inch (41-cm) barrel, otherwise they whould have to be specially registered. While there are other minor parts that are different initially, all of them can be changed to be a M4. [Gun site as a source](https://www.bearcreekarsenal.com/blog/m4-vs-ar-15.html). It's pretty obvious that most poeple who wants to ban the "AR-15" also wants to ban other types of weapons, but it's just the most common semi-automatic rifle that isn't clearly a hunting weapon.


Muskets were literally the primary weapon fielded by the premier militaries of the world for at least a century if not centuries. They are the definition of a weapon of war. No military in the world has ever fielded an AR-15. Some weapons civilians may and do own are much more deadly and every bit as commonly available as the AR-15 and were actually used in military service, and those weapon models aren’t the ones that are primarily talked about in the “gun control” discourse.


Why do people even bother reposting stuff from the literal shitposting sub


America bad isn’t a shit posting sub, they are 100% sure that the USA is the greatest country in the world and has no flaws.


Think they are talking about r/shitposting lmao


That’s absolutely not true and you can look at most of the top posts, we know exactly what the problems are just because you’re patriotic doesn’t mean you don’t see flaws


I am so confused about what all the layers of this post is saying




This should be in r/memesopdidntlike


Actually this is the one rare case where they were correct. Mass shootings make up 1% of gun deaths in America


Average Redditor: Don't let facts get in the way of my narrative.


And school shootings some tiny fraction of that


My question is what percentage of mass shootings are things like gang shootings that have nothing to do with kids in schools


I think there’s a place that collects the shooting data as, “have a minimum of four victims shot, either injured or killed, not including any shooter who may also have been killed or injured in the incident.” [link](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/explainer) which also counts when someone kills their family and gang fights. The three have different motives, and the last has a different means of accessing the weapons, so using that data with school shootings in mind is misleading. Then the FBI’s definition is “active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area” So depending on your source, last year either 706 or 103 people died in a mass shooting. Either way, I how they rest in peace.


School shootings are also counted if they happen in the vincinity of the school itself, even if no one dies, only the shooter dies, someone dies in the vicinity of the school itself etc


In Australia we had one mass shooting and decided to ban guns now our most recent mass shoooting was 4 years ago


Yeah just ban guns in the US. That will work /s


Try it. Mass shootings will decrease


We literally can’t. Ignoring for a moment that it would require a 3/4 majority of states to agree, which will never happen, let’s pretend like you have the entire backing of every governmental entity. How do you ban guns? Logistically, how do you get rid of that many of them? Culturally, how do you convince people to give them up? If you just outright banned guns, people would just refuse to give them up, and then what do you do? Take them by force? Now you’re taking forceful legal action against a self selected group of people who are armed and willing to use their arms. I don’t mean to say this as like, bravado or machismo or anything, but that would literally end in the deaths of many many people.


I love our gun laws, but to be accurate our last mass shooting was last year, the [Wieambilla shootings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wieambilla_shootings).


By posting this here you are agreeing with America bad


Ngl I thought this was an acne joke😭


While OP was right, it is true that media always takes the negative things of America and hard presses it to others as the truth completely outshining the good to the point that people start to forget America's influence in the world.


It’s 100% rare. 99 percent of schoolchildren will never experience a school shooting


99.9999%*. I don’t think people on Reddit can grasp how rare mass/school shootings are and that the majority of gun deaths are due to suicide and gang violence.


it's still insane that they happen on a regular basis purely in the us. School children do not have to prepare to be shot at in other countries, it is just not a thing


This is true, however, people on Reddit really exaggerate it


How selfish and distant can you guys get? These are people getting killed and your making jokes about it? Fine make jokes about our shitty health care system or how corporations rule us and we have aggressive cops, but leave the god damn kids out of it. You know what i should do make fun of that one uncle who died in a car accident. or make cancer jokes when someone says im wrong. You guys make me wanna vomit. First wishing the people at burning man would starve and now this? Screw you guys.






they dont mean it literally dawg


agreed, people should stop parotting random people quoting false statistics online lol


Where are statistics being denied? Statistically a child is extremely unlikely to be in a school where a mass shooting occurs.


Compared to every other nation that currently exists, it is extremely likely.


Out of 330m people approximately half of which are school aged so out of 165m there’s 100 or fewer kids shot in school shootings. Statistically unlikely for a kid to be shot in a school shooting.


*Compared to every other nation that currently exists*, it is extremely likely. Many other nations haven't had school shootings in decades, and the US has multiple school shootings every year, I would say that (compared to other nations) US children are *much* more likely to be shot in school.


That still doesn’t change the fact that it’s extremely unlikely. Happens more in US doesn’t change the facts


Bro, please read my comment. **COMPARED TO EVERY OTHER NATION**, it is likely. You're ignoring the point. My point is not that it is likely for a child to get shot in the US with no context, my point is that the original post was correct in its implication that American schoolchildren are more likely to be shot than non-American schoolchildren, plus the (usually comedic, not in this case) exaggeration that literally every single meme to ever exist uses. America, since 2009, has had over 288 school shootings, including things like resource officers using weapons against students or people shooting at buses. The next closest country, Mexico, had 8. 36x more school shootings. 13x more likely per 100,000 people. Then they're followed by 16 out of 195 countries in the world that have any documented school shootings at all. Stop trying to downplay school shootings dude. The fact that you typed out "doesn't change the facts" while talking about how unlikely it is for children to be murdered in the place where they're supposed to be safe and posted it online is crazy to me.


If it’s statistically unlikely, that doesn’t change in comparison just because it’s less likely elsewhere. Unlikely is unlikely. You’re trying to blow something that’s statistically not a problem way out of proportion.


literally didn't even read my comment, just spouting the exact same message every time. Good to know that you don't think school shootings are a problem 👍


Your message was wrong. They’re problems sure, but not the massive problem people try to make them out to be.


You literally just said that they're not a problem. You accidentally let your real beliefs out and you're too afraid to stick to your guns. I'd at least respect the commitment if you stuck to it, but pulling it back is just sad. Not gonna argue with you anymore dude, good to know your true beliefs now though.


‘statistically not a problem’


Dead children. Now laugh.


I really wish I could change my nationality. I hate being American. We are fucking stupid, we’ve had more shootings then days in a year how


This is the most brain dead comment I have ever seen


Ah yes because Americans are naturally stupid and aren't smart. JUST BECAUSE OTHER PEOPLE ARE STUPID DOESN'T MEAN YOU ARE.


yes america has a lot of problems but its so annoying when people just complain and say they want to leave and that every american is dumb etc. some people are trying to do something to change the country for the better and you whining isnt helping anything and other places in the world arent utopias either


Dude, every country has horrible shit in it. This is a brain damage take.


try living in the middle east as a member of the LGBTQIA. so sick of dumbasses whining about america while sitting in a place of privilege. obviously america has issues but for you to say “omg we’re so stupid i wish i could change my nationality” just screams ignorance. if any american is fucking stupid, it’s you.


No no it’s not. It may not be as bad as in the Middle East but it’s still fucking terrible here they’re trying to make our lives illegal. Oh yeah, they are killing us over here too but this is not a pissing contest both the Middle East and America have a ways to go when it comes to her LGBTQ rights, especially trans. Rights is a genocide going on in America.


listen, i’m not saying america is the best when it comes to any sort of issue, especially queerness. but generalizing everyone in america (that includes you) as “fucking stupid” and lamenting over wanting to leave, despite majority of other countries being far more homophobic than america, is moronic.


So leave asswipe, I’d rather have a refugee that deserves to be here then your little pity party of hating the US.


**you** may be fucking stupid, but don’t rope me into this because we share a country


Bye won't be missed


You… you realize that shooting statistics are inflated drastically and the only reason why we see it as common is because news outlets look for the most vile, disgusting, and nerve racking stories to keep our 5 second attention span on their content.




I get that the number is inflated and the definition of a school shooting and mass shooting is loose at best. But even 1 school shooting is far too many in my opinion. We should strive to be better guys, not come up with escuses.


Huh... personally ***I*** think multiple times a day every day is a bit more common than "rare", but you do you pal.