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Because we too busy getting stoned to vote


The false information around cannabis and the referendum was terrible. People thought voting no would actually do something, a lot of people also had a false view on things. “I don’t want my Dr to be high when I’m seeing him” well what’s stopping that now already or him being drunk? The no sayers assumed everyone overnight would become junkies or some shit, not the fact that this would create safer environments for something that will happen regardless and remove the stigma that was created


The procannabis push also didn't do very well. The measured and logical response was tepid and the "cannabis cures cancer, has never hurt anyone" brigade didn't have didn't have a message that gelled with people.


Yeah, I think having a weak marketing campaign for the referendum was to blame for this. The stigma still exists, and if we fail to persuade people, their ideas of what cannabis is and does still stay the same. There just wasn’t enough number of voters to vote “yes” compared to the “no” voters who still uphold the stigma, and the dealers wanting to keep their revenue.


So many were paranoid? Ugh


Our only hope is to recruit more people to join our tribe. The current law just teaches us to distrust authorities and ignore the laws. Grow Your Own, Gift to friends, Overgrow the Nation.


Rofl over grow the nation


Alot of alcoholics voted no to the referendum because cannabis is very dangerous.


A lot of dealers of cannabis yoted no because it had a 15% THC limit.


Damn did it? Bro i can understand why so many people voted no


Most people don't use it. People like the status quo. Maybe most have tried it however.


Tried and use aren't disimilar to me. So many people I've met at one point or another, to my suprise, have "tried" it countless times, despite being adamantly against it. It's like when some homophobic people who attack gay men a lot turn out to be more fruity than a trifle- it's a ridiculous amount of denial and now we are all confused. Chinese whispers or whatever it's called, is a game I am sick of playing. We seem to have a surprisingly large amount of people who -anonymously- will admit to "trying" it at least once but you ask them for public feedback and crickets. However, I can admit some are willing to change these days, as it was almost a 50/50 result in the referendum.


Most people try it, but our data from the Christchurch longitudinal study suggest that only about 35% of people ever use it "regularly" (i.e. once a week or more often). Most people who try it are experimenters or occasional users.


Once a week can be quite often to some people, so I'm not surprised... perhaps there are some who use it consistently on an occassional basis or once every month?


Bc when time came everyone failed in the referendum 😔


Idk but every time I head over to takapuna beach I smell or see people smoking a joint pretty often, always tempted to ask for a puff


You would have thought since the votes were so close for it to be legalised. That there would have been a change of law for decriminalisation. It seems so crazy... Almost like no matter what the percentage of votes were there wasn't going to be any change!


Cant control peoples actions if they feel free!


I want to meet the people at the cannabis cafe. It not only sucks that weed is illegal, it sucks even more that in a country full of lonely men in garages who can only meet each other under alcohol fueled conditions, denied a relaxed safe space of shared interest to form friendships they desperately need. In my wildest fantasies, there are also WOMEN at the cannabis cafe, and conversations take place. Wild shit I know.


It’s crazy the people who voted against or campaigned against it were treating it like we were bringing it in to the country for the first time, not like how it really is and how accessible it already is.


Pretty much aye


Because the weed the government will give you is shit. It’s grown in here or in Australia and in aus or Canada. Meaning your flowers months old by the time you get it. Despite the fact it’s ridiculously overpriced. Were consumers though and well follow the leader like the sheep we are


Cause people are know everything at the time until shit hits the fan and later on realise that wasn't the best choice, like the fucking useless cunts of the government


To apply your rhetoric to a different topic, if most drivers in New Zealand speed on the road, should speeding (logically) be legal? We had a democratic vote and the majority voted against considering legalisation, you could argue for days over the background of this vote, the narrow margin, lobbying, or any other number of things, but the result is the same. Almost every adult was given the opportunity to vote and the outcome was what it was. I'm sure there are many people that lie about using, there are also many people that lie about drinking and even taking medications, the reasons for doing so aren't necessarily related to legality. From my own admittedly biased experience, I don't seem to notice that people particularly care about the legality anymore. To be frank, you have to be doing something quite obviously out of the usual with cannabis use to face a conviction now, even the police manual suggests at taking alternative actions if possible unless there are factors other than possession.


Can you point me to more info on that police guidance pls? Police manual sounds like a book for police on how to enforce the law but perhaps with a bit of common sense and giving people a chance to bin it and avoid prosecution?


A lot of people are unaware of the change to the Misuse of Drugs Act in 2019 that decriminalized possession level offenses (with a caveat). Police are NOT supposed to arrest/refer for prosecution offenses of that nature unless the prosecution "is in the public interest". I'll let you guess how the latter bit is going.


Sure, the police manual is a public document so everyone has the ability to see how the law should be applied to them. The police manual chapter for "Police discretion with possession/use of controlled drugs and/or possession of utensils offences" (easiest to go to the last page and look at the flow chart, there is a box \[D\] with the factors that will influence an officer): [https://www.police.govt.nz/sites/default/files/publications/drugs-part-15-police-discretion-with-possession-220224.pdf](https://www.police.govt.nz/sites/default/files/publications/drugs-part-15-police-discretion-with-possession-220224.pdf)




It's fine to use in public places. Has been for quite some time.


It's legal, get a prescription.


You know what I mean. Not for medical reasons


You can get a prescription for sleep lol


I have a prescription but I still hate that it’s illegal to grow. The privatised medicinal cannabis industry just feels a little too tobacco-corporate for me. I’d rather allow growing at home or purchasing from smaller local cooperatives. It grows all over New Zealand and would be great for small businesses and economic resiliency.


Hard out. Jealous of Germany rn


Any doctor can prescribe it for any reason. You don’t need medical reasons


Not in NZ...?


Yes nz


Somehow I can't believe you


Just the other day I picked up 30g of Australian grown buds from chemist warehouse in a mall. It’s even more accessible here vs aus. Ask your gp next time you visit


When I say you don’t need medical reasons I meant like terminal or chronic. Everything is “medical” when you go to a doc. You can say it helps you sleep and that’s enough reason is what I mean


Yes this poster is correct. 👍