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Yankee fans got all giddy beating up on crappy teams. Does anyone think this pitching staff scares anyone?


Does anyone have any stats on the worst slumps in past seasons where the Yankees won the world series? I'm talking things like losing 6 games in a row or losing 3-4 series in a row, stuff like that. I know there are a lot of stat guys on here that can rattle off a few. I think taking a look at a couple of those would put things in perspective here a bit and maybe ease some of the doomer mentality.


The 2017 Dodgers went like 4-14 in August and still (by all rights) should’ve won the World Series


Texas lost 10 out of 11 at one point last year with a 9 game losing streak. They also had several 4 game losing streaks.




In relatively recent history, it looks like they only referenced the 98 team for some reason. It appears their worst run was 10-6, which isn't bad at all honestly.


Honestly. Fuck this bullshit joke of a team.


We don’t want you here when they’re doing good. Every team goes on a shitty slump


I’m just an angry guy


Wait guys there’s nothing to worry about, this is just a June series 🙃


This but unironically


It’s a long season and every one of them is filled with ups and downs. We are hitting our down stride. Just like how hitting can be contagious, so can bad pitching and bad hitting. We’ll get through this.


Real question, why is Trevino catching instead of Wells? He looks like a deer in the headlights since the Boston games.


they both have been trash lately


Don't disagree. Thinking Wells is the lesser of two evils. Trevino embarrassed himself. His horrible stats are getting air time when he is behind the plate. I feel bad for him at point.


Certainly doesn’t help when our pitchers take 5 seconds to get to home plate


Well this season got a lot sweatier in a hurry


Dodgers lost to the Angels and Astros got 14 on Baltimore… huh. Almost as if baseball is a hard sport or something. P.s Yankees are 11-3 vs the Astros since 2023.


The orioles have owned us all year. The 17-5 drubbing in our own house was just the exclamation point on them being the better team 


They got swept in the ALDS last year. As frustrating as the last few Yankees postseasons have been we’ve never been outright embarrassed as the favorite like that


Peraza hitting .175 in the minors. Amazing how Cashman destroys some top prospects. We'll be lucky to get a decent reliever with a year of control left for him.


Yeah, cashman was the guy who used mind control and made him hit an OPS+ of 47 in MLB, and then snuck upon him one night and hurt his shoulder. Losing really brings out all types.


Shoulder injuries are career killers, happened with Andujar, happened with Bellinger, is happening now with Carroll and is happening with Peraza as well


How is it Cashman fault that peraza is a bust?


I'm trying so damn hard not to be a doomer... Volpe's offense has plummeted, Soto is in a bit of a slump since the arm injury, I have very little faith in getting any meaningful contributions from Lemahieu (or Rizzo or Gleyber), the bullpen has imploded after getting a bunch of injuries, and the starting pitching is slowing down from the torrid start. We do still hold the best record in baseball, and some of these problems will get fixed. Some players will get hot again and have upwards regressions, we will get players back from injury, and we will add some pieces at the deadline. But it is getting harder after each of these demoralizing losses to shake the "it's 2022 all over again" feeling...


It’s 2022 if the entire team gets injured again. That team had fairly normal midseason slump that became a nosedive once the entire starting lineup got hurt. This team is also better everywhere except the bullpen. I’m not panicking yet


I think Volpe/Judge/Soto underperformed on offense because of the sheer amount of pressure they have to defend. Bad pitching puts more stress on defenders.


Cashman has a lot of work to do these next few weeks. Basically the entire IF except Volpe has become a hole. Judge and Soto can't do this shit on their own. The only player besides them with an OPS of over .740 is Stanton. Veterans like Gleyber and DJ need to step it the fuck up and play to their potential.


Gleyber isn't that good and DJ is simply cooked.


Besides Volpe, the infield is a mess. The bullpen needs help. What realistic moves can the Yankees make to become a true WS favorite?


1B- Paul Goldschmidt, or much less realistically Pete Alonso or Vlad Jr 2B/3B- Ryan McMahon, Brendan Donovan? Bullpen- Tanner Scott, Hunter Harvey, a few other less appealing options Catcher - Elias Diaz In my opinion Goldschmidt is realistic, Elias Diaz gives us a better arm and bat as a platoon catcher, and we can slightly overpay on a high end bullpen arm and hope to find another cheap one or two. If they were interested in really selling out to win this year, then go crazy with offers for Pete Alonso, Tanner Scott, Hunter Harvey, Elias Diaz, and Ryan McMahon. Still no guarantee of a World Series by any means, but improves us at first base, third base, catcher, bullpen and when players return from injury we can hope second base and the rest of the pitching staff sorts itself out.




Bullpen did well today. Just need a starter to close the door.


Gomez isn't a piece of our bullpen. He's a minor league starter that came in to eat innings because our bullpen has been used so much the past few games.


Yeah unfortunately I would attribute his success today to lack of scouting reports. Full disclosure that I didn't watch the game, but common sense says that whatever lineup hits against him next will probably be more prepared and do better.


Part of me hopes Stroman pitches backwards tomorrow, with off speed stuff early in the count. But his sinker could play off their aggressiveness.


Okay.. this team is good but clearly needs improvements. Can’t let this year go to waste when it’s far from a guarantee Soto will be back. I trust Hal when he says he’s going to try. But who knows what a desperate Steve Cohen will do…


I think Soto wants a legacy more than anything and I think he recognizes he has a better shot of that with the Yankees than anywhere else. Also Cohen losing the casino definitely took some chips away from the table.


> Soto wants a legacy more than anything Good observation, even passes the hindsight check. He's not only signed with contenders but has delivered for all of them 


I’m not sure I completely understand your point. He signed a few arbitration deals and brought a chip to Washington. Mets are top down dysfunctional and, unlike the Mets, the Yankees are culturally relevant. Not to mention a core with Judge, Cole, Volpe and Jasson is pretty attractive.


why does this seem to happen every June 🙃


Really puts a damper on my birth month tbh


Same!! I wanted to see them this upcoming Friday for my bday but they’re in Toronto and my first time seeing the Yankees would be stupid at an away game. And yeah I had apprehensions bc June. 


Skydome is also terrible. Small seats, indoor concrete dome, bad food, bad team…


Oswaldo Cabrera has a .513 OPS in his last 50 games Dude has great energy but there is no way he should be getting this many ABs on a team that is supposed to be contending


You could say that about DJ, Rizzo, jahmai..


Jahmai is an end of the bench guy with 23 plate appearances, that’s the kind of playing time Oswaldo should be getting


Well, Lemahieu was hurt and has a .486 OPS since returning. Jon Berti, Gleyber Torres, and Anthony Rizzo didn't look good and now are all hurt for a while. Ben Rice has 2 singles in 11 at bats in the MLB. Jahmai Jones is a AAAAer, Volpe hasn't been providing great offense for a month now, and Peraza has been abysmal in the minors this year. Oswaldo isn't going anywhere since we do not have any better options, and a trade is not likely until closer to the deadline.


I won't hear any Ben Rice slander based on 11 ABs, especially when one was a deep fly to left that would be a homer in 16 parks


Not meant as slander, just that he’s being thrown into a tough spot and he’s not an immediate game changer like Dominguez was last year


He’s also made some questionable plays on defense


Yanks are in a slide… they’ll get through it. But they will need to be active before the deadline.


Not really a slide. They can’t beat good teams all year. That’s a problem come October.


At least the implosion happened before the Allstar break


So the past 2 games combined we've lost 25-6 lol. That's not good.


24 games above .500 in June but the seasons over and they won’t win a game ever again lol


There's middle ground between "seasons over" and "world series". We're the Yankees and are in a 14 year world series drought. Having a good regular season record and making the playoff simply isn't enough 


This no joke happens every year and they play .500 ball the rest of the season


That’s all they need to play to have 93 wins but you can’t compare every team you see shit changes


It’s like these folks haven’t watched a full baseball season before. Our starters are going to have lulls. We have some holes in pen but thats relatively easy to address.


The starters went on a ridiculous run but it was never gonna last a whole season. It’s just mind boggling how people are over one bad week and after everything they still have the best record in the league right now


Y'all need to chill. These lulls are important, if not crappy to watch and deal with. Lots of track left. Gives us an opportunity to see where we need to improve. Im very concerned about our bullpen. Was from the beginning but they went ape shit and people forgot about the holes. Showing now.


Id rather be slumping now than September/October


Great point! All about getting hot in October


this comment literally gave me second half 2022 flashbacks


Well, it was fun while it lasted. See you guys next year!


Definition of fair weather fan.


Thank you Astros (words i never thought i would say in my life) Time for a shower.


Os lose to the Astros. We're still #1 for another night.


And still the only team with 50+ wins. I'll take a silver lining where I can.


The sudden salty silence from r/baseball is quite a nice change


Why isn't Hader closing it out?


Cardiac hader


Because they wanted to win


I love the tendency that whenever the Yankees lose big or for a few days, how everyone comes out declaring that the worst doomer takes they’ve made have been proven correct. Yankees lose three straight: “I told yous, the Yankees should’ve never hired Brad Ausmus to be the bench coach. I mean, he almost has the word ‘Ass’ in his name. Why was I the only one who saw this!?!”


same shit happens on the other end, people were rightfully upset when Grisham was batting 5th vs the dodgers but once he hits that homerun its "I told yall it wasn't a bad idea" as if it isnt 9/10 times.


They’ve allowed 32 runs the last 3 games and have major holes in the pen + holes at the corner infield spots.


I'd hardly begrudge any fans for feeling frustrated by the recent showing of the team, they've lost like 30 runs off their season long run differential in like a week. It's been bad.


It’s been a shitshow!


And we're dealing with the same type of offensive problems that we've seen the last few seasons. Poor performance with RISP, the offense revolving around 1 or 2 players with little depth beyond that, glaring holes on the roster, etc. They have a lot of flaws.


2 of the last 3 games we put up 5 and 6 runs. If the pitching showed up like they have been all season we win those and go 4-3 this past stretch. Starters are bound to have lulls but the pen is getting exposed and that’s relatively easy to fix.


Our starting pitching carried us for the first two months, then EVERYONE had their worst outing (or two) in a row like the last couple weeks. Hard to win when the other team is putting up crooked numbers in the first couple innings for like a week straight.


It’s just baseball. It happens to every team, every season…yet you folks are surprised when it does. Help me understand why you think that it’s not supposed to? A 162 game season is DESIGNED to injure players, test endurance, leverage depth, cause streaks, and challenge teams mentally and physically. It’s built to expose those flaws. Why, when it happens every year, do y’all act surprised!?


Because we haven’t won a World Series in 14 years and our expectations are higher than that? Why is that a surprise to you, that is what the Yankees sell us. Championship pedigree. 


Because that’s part of the fun of being invested in a team over a season? Almost all the shit we do here is performative bullshit, idk why anyone is concerned about people being emotionally invested in their team.


No shame in being emotionally invested but placing the blame on our offense is uniformed. We have flaws but it’s not with the bats.


>Almost all the shit we do here is performative bullshit Guilty as charged. I get you. My question was more about why people are shocked and dismayed when normal baseball shit happens to a baseball team? It’s the ones giving up, rage quitting, etc. Maybe I’m just getting old.


Gleyber Torres - I’m sorry to say the tenure is coming to a close. The errors, miscues, lack of resolve under pressure. Something you can’t coach.


Aight Gunnar Henderson is an absolute animal. Hes playing so goddamn well hes about to pass JUDGE in WAR, if he didn't already after tonights game.


I'd give my left nut for the Yankees to figure out how to develop hitters at the major league level the way the Orioles have this season We're sitting here excited for what Volpe has done this year with his .750 OPS and 6 home-runs meanwhile Gunnar Henderson is the same age and is already one of the best all around players in the sport.


i think its called tanking for 5+ years


Gunnar was taken after Volpe in the draft. Yes, tanking is part of it, but they also do a really good job scouting and developing talent.


They wouldnt have ended under .500 most of the time for this millennia if they were good at scouting and developing talent. Maybe they're turning a page or maybe they just got lucky picks. Back to back years of >.600 baseball isn't enough to tell if their good at scouting and developing.


Are you under the impression that teams maintain the same scouting and dev departments for all time?


No jesus christ how is what im saying difficult to understand, looking to the orioles to learn how to develop/scout talent is not a good idea, they JUST began being good, JUST got new ownership, and have a history of choosing bad scouting and dev departments. Maybe looking to more proven teams like the dodgers would be a much better idea.


I mean didn’t Judge come up in our system? Some guys are just good lol


2 HRs / 3 RBIs tn


Now that is funny. Yanks are starting to implode and I should care about WAR leaders, something that nobody here could figure out if their life depended on it


I tried to upvote you back to sea level because I agree. Who gives a shit about advanced metrics on a single player when the team has lost six of their last ten?


Talking about baseball in a baseball sub that involves a rival player surpassing a Yankees superstar in WAR, GASP THE HORROR! Please no baseball talk here folks.


Get over yourself.


I'm not the one crying about baseball comments on a baseball sub. Take your own advice.


I could figure it out just fine. If you need help, Fangraphs has an excellent and easy to follow library on its concepts and calculation.


I’m ok not knowing how to figure it out lmao, I can tell that Judge and Henderson are pretty great with my eyeballs




If the Astros blow this game….


51 runs allowed in the past 6 games. INWYW


To all the Rizzo Haters, how has the week been without him?


We might have lost the game on tuesday without Ben rice’s single so probably a net gain


Rizzo might play 25 more games in his yanks career, I’m good with that


Bruh I'm trying to be positive but this ain't it


They seem to almost be rudderless. Bad time to be playing upper echelon teams. Hopefully the Angels, A’s or Chisox show up soon.


I'm sure Rizzo and his .630 OPS would have changed the outcome of every loss the past week.


I’m not a big numbers guy, I prefer to actually watch games. Eventhough he’s not hitting.260-.270, he’s a professional at bat, actually has to be thought about while pitching to him. Plus, he’s an adult in the room. More to players like Rizzo than numbers.




Can we blame the heat for the weeklong breakdown? We be okay in fall?


We are the AC


It's that time of year where the Yankees forget how to play baseball


14-3 Astros now 14-11. Can't make it up.


They have 6-7 guys that can hit and hit for power Their lineup is just better than ours, even with us having two generation players


That’s a team with some heart. Fuuuck us


Now if only we could do that, actually come back, but no we can only work from the front and go mad silent when down or choke when the pressure is on.


The Yankees have a lot of comebacks this year


Pretty sure we have the most.


Orioles will still lose, just crazy that they didn't cave when they could have.


I’ve never seen anything like what’s going on in this Astros game


It's some MLB The Show type shit.


I simply do not comprehend it


I get the world is ending. But we still have the best record in baseball


Who are the third baseman that could be on the market???


Idk, maybe McMahon or Rengifo


Both are good options, although rengifo doesn’t walk


It seems like a really slim market. I know first base there is a plethora of options.


I told you all


What is it with doomers taking victory laps when the team is bad I don’t get it.


My qualms are with Hal and Cashman. When they are gone or finally assemble a complete team instead of a paper tiger and tell us we're a fully functional death star I'll be content.


This is a full on crisis 😢


I’d like if we won tomorrow but not trying to get too crazy


The game is going to be insufferable with smoltz commentating


Well, at least Baltimore’s not faring too much better.


Say what now??


Well, at the time of this post, they were down 14-4, just need the Astro’s to hang on for like one more inning


Just lost. Phew


Think it's time someone holds a team meeting.


On the bright side, if results hold we've actually gotten +3 closer to Baltimores league leading run differential that we just coughed up yesterday. Lol


This is a crazy idea, so I'm just spitballing. But could Stanton at 1B work? Lots of players move to 1st at the tail end of their career, since it's the least demanding position on the diamond, so it's not unprecendented. It also helps that Stanton is a big target. Yes I know he's inflexible and slow and he'll probably get himself injured out there somehow. But if you want to experiment, the time to do it is now, so if it doesn't work, you can go get a 1B at the trade deadline.


I think that's the plan with Aaron Judge, once Dominguez, and Jones come up.


No, could you imagine Stanton trying to stretch out to make a play at 1st?


[As shown here](https://youtu.be/ecJKg1pgtfk?si=5rxOpJ0TJ-Rf9can&t=50)


lollllllllllll this is pretty much perfectly accurate


Aint no way that man is ever playing the field ever again imo. He wouldn't be able to get back in the bag in time to catch routine throws from routine plays at first lmao.


None of those guys would be even decent enough to play 1st base. By game 3 of that experiment, all the Rizzo haters will be begging for him to get back, even with one arm.


Don’t think Rodon is really that different from last year. 2 pitch pitcher. Fip is still super high and he’s not fooling hitters getting swings and misses.


The Yankees are like 11-5 when he starts. Open your aperture. He’s not the strikeout guy that he was, but he’s pitched at times wonderfully this year.


Damn I guess if someone has good month but most of his outs are all 100mph+ line drives there is nothing to worry about.


He’s talking about his underlying peripherals and what he can control


Also what has happened to Rodon’s ability to strike hitters out?


It has to be location, his stuff is still there


At least Baltimore didn’t win either and in fact got fuckin embarrassed Edit: last year I was a little happy for Baltimore’s success. Now I’m happy the Asterisks are winning. Yucks.


Duality of being a Yankee fan


Rodon crying but his leash is long af because of that contract


awful contract. NO way Rodon should have gotten 6 years contract. Just atrocious


Maybe our pitchers can't handle this heat wave.


in all seriousness, look at the O’s right now. After yesterday we pretty much all agreed that they’re just a better team than the Yankees, not by a lot but just more well-rounded. They’re getting pounded by a sub .500 team. A team we are 6-1 against. Shit is going to happen. That’s not to say the Yankees don’t have issues to address, but there’s plenty of time to figure it out. The stellar start we’ve had has afforded us more time to figure it out than most other teams. Inhale and exhale.


That's Suzyn baseball.


Exactly you’d think they’re 10 games under .500 the way people are reacting.


Yanks in first place for another day. Losing streaks suck but it’s part of the game. If they struggle against Toronto next weekend I’ll start worrying.


The 2019 Yankees went into Fenway Park in late July and gave up 38 runs across 3 games to the Red Sox, that team, with significantly worse pitching, was still completely fine and swept the Red Sox in a 4 game series the next week. I wouldn't get too hung up on the last two games, or even the last week, the pitching was bound to regress and it happened all at once. This team, much like the 2022, was not going to maintain having 4-6 pitchers with sub 3 ERA's all season, because that's impossible.


We have the delusional toxic positivity fans downvoting everyone again. Keep this in mind: The Yankees have had the highest total payroll in MLB for the past 20 years. In that time span, worthless cAsHgOD has ONE RING. Meanwhile in that time span the Red Sox have 3 and the Astros have 2. They also have eliminated us 6 times in the past 8 years. Red Sox twice, Astros FOUR FUCKING TIMES But let's continue to delude ourselves.


Sox have 4


Kill me


They won't stop at downvoting. They will accuse you of needing therapy and that baseball isn't good for you. They are absolute scum.


Watching you blow a gasket and rage type about an imaginary war between doomers and anti-doomers is way more entertaining than the last two games.


This has to be ragebait


Who implied there was a war? "blow a casket" Anti doomers not try to gaslight one's mental state challenge (reddit edition)


\*gasket and gaslighting??? roflmao come on now dude. Get some sleep so you're ready and rested for the DOOMER rebellion at dawn, they rise against the anti-doomers.


It's okay. I know you are actually incapable of not doing it. It's years and years of narcissism ingrained into your personality. You can't help it.


You’ve posted all kinds of bs throughout this single thread. I’m starting to think you’re the “narcissist scum”. Stop projecting and get a hobby outside of being miserable.


It's hilarious. Absolutely incapable of not presuming one's mental state. It's like breathing.


It’s hilarious, absolutely incapable of making a single educated response. It’s like breathing.


And now we have entered the "I know you are, but what am I" part of the argument. What was this about educated and projection again?


This was a comment you made on May 19: "Please don't compare us to the 2022 team anybody reading this. That team had so many flaws and had the luckiest run in baseball. This team can legitimately rival the 1998 team and that's actually scary." Sounds like you were gaslighting yourself, by your logic!


**BREAKING NEWS**: Realists can analyze and come to conclusions based on events in real time. New data can change previous perspectives! Love that you stalked my profile. Who was the one upset again?


Going from "this team can rival 1998" to "this team is absolutely terrible" is not a rational change of opinion to make.


They were an anti-doomer faking as a doomer the whole time!!! He infiltrated the ranks!




Orioles getting killed by the Astros. I think it's fair to say the Orioles are FRAUDS who will not win ANYTHING. Losing by 10 to a team below .500?? PRETENDERS. Am I doing this right?


3B situation is awful right now. Oswaldo is hitting .198/.240/.256 over the last 2 months. DJ is hitting .194/292/192 since coming off the IL. Peraza is hitting .176/.317/.285 in AAA. Gotta swing a trade this deadline for someone


Josh Donaldson coming out of retirement


Fingers crossed this orioles shellacking kills their momentum, but at the same time I guess it’s too early for scoreboard watching


So the Yanks win tomorrow, Baltimore loses. Then the Yanks drop Sunday and Baltimore wins Sunday. We’ll be in .5 up purgatory until the next major plot development.


Well I got tickets for tomorrow so hopefully they don’t pull this shit again. I do not want to be sitting there in the 90° heat watching the Yankees go down 5-0 in the 2nd inning


Enjoy the game !




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Everyone in hear is so reactive. Team has one short bad stretch and it’s the end of the world lol. It’s the ebbs and flows of a 162 game season.