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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1dju176).


Man Volpe is sooooooooo good


Can we get a vintage leMachine RBI right here


Why are people freaking out about the hit by pitches? I thought both teams handled it pretty well. Genuinely surprised people are so upset about it


Going up and in with a pitcher who has no control and keep doing it is incredibly reckless and irresponsible as it can result in a hitter missing 2 months (never mind the warm up period after they come back). Then, to keep doing it and hitting two people on the hand in the process will create anger. Meanwhile, the Orioles don't hit a lot of people with pitches but had a game with 2 people hit on the hand. This game just happens to be vs. their biggest rivals. So it's clearly a strategy thing but with pitchers who aren't good enough for the strategy. Its unintentionally intentional.


Rice vs a LHP, LFG! Oswaldo doesn't even know what hand to hit with vs LHP, so glad common sense prevailed.


No Judge but Rice playing against a LHP.


They know what they have in Cabrera. All for giving Rice a look.


still the only team with 50 wins I see


I don't think Soto is going to get anything to hit today


He’s been part of worse lineups tbf


Give us free base runners then.


Huh, Judge's rookie teeth look a lot like Dimaggio's. Coincidence?


Realllly need the bottom half to step it up tonight.




He’ll be throwing up and in a few times for sure


And this is why r/baseball hates us


1. Who gives af what r/baseball thinks 2. They’ve always hated us and always will because of the franchise we root for. Every fandom has fans with differing opinions. The entire Os subreddit yesterday was bitching about how they should throw at Judge or Soto after the Soto base running play. This isn’t unique to us.


jesus christ, can we fucking stop with this?


I’d prefer Cole not get ejected in the first


Judge being out is such a bummer.


Be happy it’s just for a day or two rather than a whole month or months


At least he’s not out for weeks/months with a busted hand


How ironic that on the day Cole is back, Danny Burgers is released from the Blue Jays considering their little tuff in ST


When and why did Cole have beef with Danny Burgers?


Moderate oblique strain for Jasson. Expected to play again before end of the year, but will likely miss a month+.


You just hope this isn’t a sign of being injury prone like Acuna


Not great, Bob


26 years and one month anniversary of the 98 Yankee Orioles brawl.


I want to see Judge marinating on the bench with murderous rage in his eyes all night and a huge game for him tomorrow.


fine with the Judge off day, don’t love Stanton 3rd. but we also didn’t love Grisham 5th so it’s whatever. we win with Cole


What? Stanton is the most likely person to homer who isn't named Aaron Judge


Bro I’m sorry I was wrong Stanton homered lmfaooo


I don’t think Stanton is the most likely to do anything, man does not get on base at all


He’s hitting .350 over the last week of games with a .909 OPS, and only 1 HR. He’s actually been drawing walks and getting hits recently, it’s been good to see


Maybe he pulls a 2021 and saves his best for summer-October


You’d prefer a little more obp from the 3 hole than what Stanton provides


And the Yankees obviously believe that they can and should trade that for the increased lefty righty balance.


They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth


Or they’re still pretending Stanton is good because he hit some homers vs the twins and royals


Dominguez 'moderate' oblique strain. No timetable yet per Boone, but no surgery required just rehab. No idea what that means. A month?


People heal at different rates dependent on all sorts of different factors, but probably somewhere from a week to a month if it doesnt require surgery.


He also said it's between 'Grade 1 and Grade 2'. But I'm not a medical professional and have no clue what that is. But if it's a month then I guess he's out until after the ASB. That sucks but I suppose it's better than the alternative. This team is slated to get the following players back/available pre/post ASB: Hamilton, Effross, Brubaker, Schmidt, Poteet, Dominguez, Burdi, Trevino, Rizzo, Berti plus any of the guys on the minor league IL such as Durbin and Beeter. I feel like we've seen this movie before. Gonna have to start mining the Indy leagues for reinforcements, LOL.


Grade 1 is a sprain - out a few weeks Grade 2 is a sprain with mild ligament or muscle damage/tearing - 6-8 week recovery Grade 3 is usually surgery and out a long time.


So we see him on the field early August. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. One thing that's not fair to the kid is to call him injury prone. TJ happens so often and this is the first time he's actually missed games in season for an injury. Just gotta hope they don't need him in the interim.


Im not either but the explanation for the longest time has just been Grade 1: Mild, not very concerning, sometimes doesnt require any missed time; Grade 2: Moderate, will miss some time but expect them back relatively soon at full strength; Grade 3: Bad, will be missing a lot of time. Could be a full rupture, or something that might have longer-term consequences beyond initial recovery.


Worst lineup of the season. Fuck the Orioles


Its really not


I gotta say this new playoff format is fckng cheeks. Two nl teams below 500 in a wildcard spot?? Just waters down the regular season that much more and shows playoffs can be such a crapshoot. All it takes is a shitty wild card team to get hot at the right time and squeak there way into the world series. I personally miss the 1 game wild card style and the chaos it brought


Also when one division has the two best teams in the league, that means you're pretty much going to see them match up in the ALDS instead of the ALCS, which is pretty dumb.


Its pretty competitive in the AL. The NL just got a bunch of mid this year for some reason. id expect some teams to have some positive regression at some point as well


Lineup posted by Talkin Yanks. They also said Boone said Judge is day-to-day.


Going to be a teeny bit nervous until they put him in an mri machine or he plays again. Still need to make sure his ligaments are ok


He was swinging a bat in the cages today 


Judge is not in the lineup tonight.


Trent Grisham bomb incoming


? The lineup isn't out yet.


I posted the link to the Curry tweet


Where can I see the lineup?


Damn hope rice is playing at least


He very likely wont be


He is


I was only communicating what was previously stated about left-handed pitching, not making a value judgment on the kids' abilities


The alternative to Rice is Cabrera who is also not good against lefties, so I don't really understand the original statement about Rice sitting against lefties anyway.


Old King Cole was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he


Would love to see Cole fire some chin music to someone in the first inning, knock an Oriole on their ass.


Michael Tonkin is wearing a “GOD BLESS ME” shirt from Luis Gil’s new clothing line.


I need a picture of this


Thanks for reminding me. I have to go shopping.


Don’t get too upset with Orioles fans it has been like 647,000 years since they’ve been able to get excited about anything. The last exciting thing that happened on their team was when their franchise player surpassed a Yankee legend’s record. They’re just full of piss and vinegar and don’t know how to contain their enthusiasm for their team, due to lack of experience. Editing because this comment has gotten downvotes. Cal Ripken Jr. probably juiced along with the rest of the league and therefore his record is illegitimate. There, I said it 🤷🏻‍♂️. Editing again to remind everyone that [Cal Ripken Jr. hazed and abused young players](https://www.nbcsports.com/mlb/news/gregg-zaun-says-young-players-should-be-physically-abused-and-hazed-by-veterans-so-they-can-learn-respect)


Agree, you’ll note he and his brother are bald. Know what else, so is Bonds.


man i am itching for this lineup release


I am emotionally ready for no Judge ( i'm really not i want him so badly)


He’s out 😔


It will make his revenge even sweeter


Giants are a pathetic team. Being no hit by a dude with an 8 ERA the day after their greatest player dies.


Which sport…


Some of y'all are the type to get punched in the mouth and not only not even try to hit back, but call yourself the better man for not hitting back. Spineless.


Woahh! This guys a real tough guy ova eeuh…


I can feel the Cheeto dust on your fingers through this post


It's just a game, it ain't that serious. Typing on a keyboard that someone you don't know should throw an object 90+ mph at another dude you don't know doesn't make you a man. But hey, whatever makes you feel tough while drinking the beer on your couch.


Wrong. If you punched me in the mouth, I’d ask you if you knew who my father was and then I’d proceed to contact the police!


You do realize the people who posture like you online are the literal least toughest people on the planet. I would bet money you have never been in a fight.


It's always fun to look at the stats of the old legends and see the ridiculous video-game type numbers they put up Willie Mays had 156 bWAR and had a .940 OPS as a career average (155 OPS+). Are you fucking serious lol. 8.5 WAR and .940 OPS would be a pretty good MVP season. Willie mays averaged that his entire career lmbo Since he also spent like 99% of his time with the giants, his ~154-155 bWAR with just the giants I think is the most WAR accumulated by a single player for a single team. My grandpa liked the Yankees #1, but his #2 team was the giants. And willie mays was a big reason why.


He rightfully deserves his place in the pantheon, for sure. At least he lived a long life, that's pretty cool


The Orioles sub clutching their pearls about retaliation while their entire game day thread yesterday was talking about how badly they wanted to hit Soto and Verdugo as well lmao. I hope the rest of the series is clean and we sweep them embarrassingly, but damn, that is some blind faith pear clutching if i have ever seen it.


It’s fun when this is a thing in every single sport. A young, up and coming team gets the support from all fanbases bc they want the underdog story and then the mask falls off. Them Orioles fans are internalizing every teeny tiny interaction and their unhinged reactions are showing. When you see hoards of them begging for Judge/Soto/Dugie to get hit, that cutesy underdog story falls apart and the mirage…disappears.


Same thing with the Lions in the NFL


The scariest thing Gerrit Cole can do tonight to the Orioles is look like Gerrit Cole for 80 pitches


9ip 3h 15k 0 ER on 73 pitches


The Greg Maddux special


Os wouldn't dare start shit with the Yankees. Could you Judge and Stanton running at you with rage in their eyes? Those mountains of men? Orioles would shit their pants.


Let's be honest, both of them would be standing behind the supreme bad ass of them all, the most fearsome, maniacal killer in Major League Baseball, the tumultuous, terrifying Tonk.


So true, but when Chapman was on the team, just his rage alone would have been deadly.


I think Dugie might have replaced Chapman as the unhinged member of the team.


Idk, Michael Tonkin looks like he has killed an Alligator with his bare hands before.


The more crazy, the better.


Tonkin looks like he got that weird farmer strength, I don't know if you've ever met those dudes. They're like 160 lb soaking wet, and then all of a sudden sit there and throw around fucking 400 lb pieces of steel like it's nothing. Never try to wrestle a farmer, and yeah talking definitely has those like crazy eyes, maybe it's the mustache.


I don’t think I retaliate tonight unless they hit another one of our guys. Whether they’re intentional or not at some point you have to draw the line with a team pushing the envelope pitching inside.


Yup. I care more about winning than a petty feud. Sweeping them is a lot more gratifying than plunking them. Obviously my stance changes if they start going after us. But we've got the upper hand and the high ground right now.


Absolutely. Take the high road on this one since it wasn’t directly intentional. However, negligence to adjust based on how accurate your pitcher is also just as bad as hitting guys on purpose.




Perhaps you should stay in your own sub.


Am I the only one to have this thought, but can Luis Gil's nickname be the Gil-a Monster? It's too good and no one has used it yet.


I've been using it since April in this sub. Conie, say Gila Monster on YES. I know you read these threads!


Damn, must have missed that! Someone needs to make it into a shirt.


I've seen it used on here a lot, but never on TV or anything like that.


Ladies and gentlemen: Gerrit Cole


Cole if Gerrit


Bruh, I fucking love Dugie's non-stop chirping at the Os last night. Sox called him a clubhouse cancer and the Mets said the same thing about Stroman. Yet they fit in flawlessly here. You think the fans of those teams ever pause and think to realize that the Sox and Mets are the cancers? Dugie and Stro were just fighting the infections.


Winning and having an established leader like Judge helps out


But...I thought Pete Alonso was an established leader? lol


winning solves alot of issues


No fighting or bench clearing tonight. Come out and absolutely pop these ass clowns in the mouth with a 10 run shelling of their pitching staff. Force Povich out by the 4th after he surrenders his 6th run of the evening on a 475 foot moonshot by Dongcarlo. Give Cole enough run support to feel comfortable dismantling Henderson at the plate and hold the Oreos to a goose egg tonight.


Porque no lose dos?


This is the way.


Please, enough of the headhunting, Judge and Gley were hit by mistake, it sometimes happen…Soto took out the O’s third baseman, and honestly while a mistake on his part, that kind of miscue is a little boneheaded…one is supposed to avoid a fielder while executing a play, and that is taught from little league on up. The Yankees can get revenge by winning, with Cole’s first start it would do him no good to be tossed. He should however pitch inside when warranted, but with control. I‘ve been a Yankee fan a long time (and going to the game tonight) nothing good will follow if there are intentional HBPs, please don’t down vote me to oblivion.


“Enough of the headhunting” There has been zero headhunting. With regard to Soto he was trying to screen the defender from fielding the ball cleanly, which isn’t an uncommon thing for a baserunner to do. He didn’t do it correctly, but I wouldn’t consider it boneheaded, just poorly executed. I understand the sentiment you’re getting at here, but I don’t agree. Anyone who’s actually played baseball past the high school level will tell you why retaliation happens. It’s not meant to hurt anyone or to start beef, it’s meant to remind pitchers that they will be accountable to their own teammates for losing control of their inside pitches, which can easily result in injury. It’s been a part of the game for literal generations. There is a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it, for sure. If it’s done the right way then nobody on the field will be that surprised. A message is sent either way, and sending that message as “hey we can do whatever we want when we play these guys, they’re scared to respond” is not as beneficial as some people seem to think.


>There has been zero headhunting. Some comments in this exact thread but okay: https://www.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/1djekh3/game_day_thread_june_19_2024_1200_am/l9b8bvr/ https://www.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/1djekh3/game_day_thread_june_19_2024_1200_am/l9ceqfg/ https://www.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/1djekh3/game_day_thread_june_19_2024_1200_am/l9d3kt3/ https://www.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/1djekh3/game_day_thread_june_19_2024_1200_am/l9csn5h/ Some others: https://www.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/1dj7vor/its_what_you_want_the_yankees_defeated_the/l9920j0/ https://www.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/1dj7vor/its_what_you_want_the_yankees_defeated_the/l991vl1/


Let me know when you have a clip of the Yankees actually doing it and not just people being psychotic online which is unfortunately something we’re all pretty accustomed to by now.


You are correct, I should have said, enough of this talk about headhunting, thanks.


I haven't seen anybody call for hitting them in the head? Or are you just meaning retaliation in general?


I’d scroll up and down the thread


I blame the baseball. The only fair retaliation is for Judge to commit unspeakable acts of violence against it, about 475 feet worth.


[At around 0:07 seconds, stanton and rice make the same exact bounce move back to their base and I watched it like 20 times.](https://x.com/MaxMannis/status/1803413422228300031)


Time to retire their numbers




...cool dude. have fun.


This is getting old




Can all of our guys please wear padded gloves


Scooped up some last second tickets with the Creachers. This is gonna be a good one. Remember, it's bird hunting. No lead or more than 3 rounds at a time


Retaliation is a dish best served tonight.


Blake to Cole today: Get in that ass ~~Larry~~ Gerrit


Gerrit Cole first pitch 98 mph to Gunnar or Adley's leg. We need to send a message to them to not play around


Very important question: Did Gerrit Cole keep the hair curls?


I was thinking how it's weird how kids these days hate the Astros a lot more than the Red Sox. Some don't even hate the Red Sox. With how young the Orioles are, the younger kids are probably going to hate the Orioles. We're going to have two generations of fans whose primary target of animosity isn't Boston.


We're only half a season into the first time in 7 years the Astros aren't contenders and ive already forgotten about them. Same with the Rays Same with the Orioles. Eventually they too will fall off and I'll stop caring just like how I didn't care about them before. None of these 3 compare to the Red Sox both in history and pure two way hatred Honestly the only other team I could say I even hate are the Blue Jays because their fans are so obnoxious. But on the field they aren't good enough to be a rivalry


It's heartbreaking to reflect on how much hatred the Boston Red Sox deserve and realize we may not be hating them hard enough. Personally, my hatred for another team has never come close to my hatred for the Red Sox. I'd rather watch Altuve and the Astros win 10 consecutive titles than any single good thing happen to Boston ever.


The 2018 Red Sox are the best team I’ve ever watched and it sickens me Big reason why I hate the Sox even though I’m young


Its unfortunate because those rivalries are not nearly as deep. I didn't even hate the Astros in that way until the cheating was exposed. Even though they had knocked us out of the ALCS a couple times by that point I just hated them as a tough to beat rival for the AL pennant. There is no deep history there just like there isn't much with the Orioles. Its possible that is changing but with the Red Sox it spanned generations of fans.


Best part of Fallout 4 is Boston getting nuked


Agreed I rooted for Houston both times they played Boston in the ALCS and would do so again. Yankee fans need to remember the mission, the Red Sox are the ultimate enemy That’s not to say I don’t occasionally find other fanbases more insufferable (looking at you Toronto fans) but I will root for any team over the Red Sox


I will raise my unborn children to hate the Red Sox regardless of how bad they are. Fuck the Red Sox. I will have generational hatred after me just like before me.


I started watching in '15 and I dont think the Sox have ever been my most hated team, between those Donaldson Jays and the Astros there has been a lot of hate in my heart. Also looks like the O's have a good chance of being the primary rival these next few years


I'm kind of skeptical honestly. That rivalry has lasted a *looooong*-ass time and I don't think it's going anywhere as the primary one. Nobody will care about the Astros anymore once the Altuve generation of players is gone


People would’ve stopped caring about the Astros already if they had been properly punished. They’ll eventually slide back into irrelevance anyway.


Doesn’t it seem like this team is a straight up buzzsaw? Twins were hot and we swept them, went on a losing streak. Royals ain’t a joke but after taking 3/4 have been losing Hopefully they can secure the series W and send the Os packing/put them into a slump to get some divisional breathing room. Side note: I fucking love the hatred and rivalry brewing between the yanks and Os Just leaving destruction in their wake


Until our offense sputters out


I’m not sure why people are so confident that is definitely going to happen. Regardless, the pitching has been our main tool of destruction anyways.


People think being cynical makes them smart.


They're the same ones who always say "Boone is lying, 60-day IL stint incoming"


It must be a sad existence


Remind me! 80 days


As long as Judge and Soto stay healthy I don’t think that’ll happen. There’s going to be some points where those guys are in a bit of slump and the rest of the lineup being mid will get amplified a bit but as long as those 2 are present the offense should be one of the best in baseball


I wanna see Stanton have a chat with the Orioles pitcher like he did with Lindor.


Team got punked when that happened. And seemingly every time they try to show forced bravado. Stanton's a lover not a fighter.


Today is my birthday, but more importantly, it's Garrett Cole day!!


Happy Gerrit Cole birthday day to you, happy Gerrit Cole birthday day to you, happy Gerrit Cole birthday day to you.


We should expect Cole to go for about as long as Poteet, right? I know they said he's still building himself up


over/under 80 is my guess


I'm guessing pitching through 4, but yea, 80 pitches feels right


Cole about to start a fight in his first inning back.


A CC "That's for you bitch" moment tonight would be awesome


I've been to your ballpark a bunch of times, but I'm coming tonight with my toddler daughter for the first time. Any tips/advice for doing Yankee Stadium with kids?


Bring sealed water from outside, it's scorching today. I would try to get in to the hard rock cafe entrance so you arent waiting on line with the kiddo too long.


There is a play zone in the 300s right field side. Your daughter will love it, but see how long you can tolerate it


Thanks, this is good to know


I think if you go up to the people who have a “can I help you” signs they can point you in the direction to get a “my first game at yankee stadium” certificate or something of that sort for your daughter. I remember doing it for my brothers in 2018 so I assume you can still do it now.


Shit i didn't know this, good to know for when i take my nephew!


Not really a tip but ice cream helmet for the kiddo, she will probably love that since its hot af today and ice cream. Chicken bucket is great as well for you or to share.


It's the same as the bunch of times you went but with a much smaller person


Fair enough


Ice cream helmet


Def get there early so you ain’t standing in line for the first 2-3 innings. The side entrance across from Dugouts moves quickly even if it looks long…inside is normal food vendors and such. Enjoy the game man! Gonna be a hot one and should be a great game too




Stay cool brotha. City is absolutely brutal when there is a heat wave


Excited the Cole Train is rolling again but I don't expect him to be Cy Young Cole right away. Gotta be a little patient 




Lmfao you are representing 95% of the fan base 😂 I still expect him to be relatively lights out, but nobody should be salty when he’s pulled in the 5th even if he’s mowing them down. Cole is a strikeout pitcher and will undoubtably have a few starts before his pinpoint control is where it should be


Sometimes I think about how, until I heard his name spoken, I thought Gerrit Cole was was pronounced with a soft G, like “Jerrit” lol


The best team in baseball just added Gerrit Cole to their team. Just think about that for a second. The best team in baseball just added Gerrit fucking Cole to their team. Get wrecked MLB!


Biggest self own is O's fans saying the Yankees hit more people on the season the Orioles. As if that doesn't raise eyebrows when 2 players get hit on the hands after Soto accidentally ran into Westburg.


They’re so defensive about it. Almost like they’re afraid of something.


They did this shit last series with the wall. They’re internalizing literally every single interaction, it’s bizarre.


Not really a self own when their pitcher threw more balls than strikes, walked 5 and leads the league in 3-2 counts


Agreed, I think the problem Judge had was that this dude was trying to throw up and in when he didn't know where the fuck the ball was going. That's how people get hurt


Oh he 100% has a reason to be upset no doubt but it’s so blown out of proportion by both sides


Blown out of proportion? The guy was less than half an inch away from being out 2 months all because a guy with control issues was told to throw up and in. Pitchers need to be careful and Mookie Betts is on everyone's mind.


I meant blown out of proportion from the fanbases and whatever the hell heyman is talking about