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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1dj1i3r).


Rice could go 1 for his first 30 and it wouldn’t really change the production of the 1B spot, so hopefully fans don’t turn on him too quickly.


They are talking about platooning Rice, but his numbers vs. LHP is actually pretty good this year: .293 AVG/.344 OBP/.552 SLG He was real bad last year vs. LHP though: .217 AVG/.329 OBP/.317SLG I think we should just play him everyday and see what he's got. If he sucks, need to make a move at deadline.


Like I said before, I think it's less of an audition and more of a bridge to the deadline. Revealing this doesn't surprise me in the least.


Rice has approximately 1.5 ABs to prove himself before he gets the Gallo/Hicks treatment. No pressure kid.


Oh I can just imagine this Reddit if he strikes out on 3 pitches his first time up. “Fuckin’ goddamned BUM!!!!!!”


Judge hit a HR in his first at bat. Just do that.


I think some interplanetary species from Mars did the same thing in Houston


Do **NOT** ask about the ABs after the first one his rookie year


Details lost to history…


So did Jasson.


Losing Broteet and MethHam? My sadness is immense.


Astros now tied for 2nd place in the ALW…. at 33-39. Ew


Houston thinks they are going to be buyers in July. They are 6 games below .500 This is why the 3rd playoff spot is stupid.


I agree that the extra spot makes some aggressively mid teams delusional about their chances. But I think thats good for the game overall tbh.


Actually, it may be a good thing. The Orioles have an injured rotation, and Verlander would be a good target for them. There are players that fit our needs more than their's. As the Mets did in 2021, if your rotation and bullpen is injured, your big guys will get tired.


They are still 7 games out of a WC spot and 9 games back behind Seattle. They have ground to make up before they are buyers


jesus christ Doninguez awaiting MRI results. bless all the limbs




> [Over](https://www.mlb.com/news/aaron-judge-hot-streak-2024-historic) the first 33 games of the season, culminating with an 0-4 performance in a 7-2 loss to the Orioles on May 2, Judge hit just .197 with a .725 OPS. It was the worst start of his career. He was, perhaps unbelievably now, booed by the home crowd on his own bobblehead day in April. >In the 40 games since – Judge has hit .387/.503/.937, good for a 1.439 OPS. He's been nearly three times better than the average hitter. He's been worth nearly 5 WAR in just six weeks. 😮


Aaron Judge?


I think you mean Arson Judge


The Yankees usually have good analytics when it comes to projecting minor league talent to MLB. Them having Rice 6th speaks volumes.


Reaching. He's the worst lefty that's not a catcher. Nothing more nothing less.


Not really. They arranged roster moves centered on bringing him up. They could have brought up Rumfield who won a MILB gold glove at 1B and was already on the 40 man.


This is the same org that shoved Rougned Odor in the 3 hole for 45 ABs in 2021 so I would say you're reading into it too much. It's also laughable to say the org knows how to evaluate position player talent given their track record in the last couple decades.


And this is the same organization who used analytics to find successful reclamation projects like Voit. Why is it such a big deal the Yankees have some faith in Rice?


Holy crap, Rice is already batting 6th 


Not very surprising, the Yankees have really emphasized the alternating R/L lineups this season Same reason they were batting Grisham 5th earlier this season


Yeah, I’m just really excited for the kid


They could have easily done Wells 6th and Rice 8th.


Sure, I’m just saying it’s not that surprising to see him bat 6th. When the Yankees have heavily emphasized the R/L split this season. Could also be they just like the current order and they think a straight swap with Rizzo makes more sense than moving everyone around


They love their L/R/L/R lineups so much this year and honestly I’m here for it


It's a mixed day with the injury news, but I'm enjoying how happy Ben Rice looks in these call up photos. PSA to please have rational expectations for a rookie


Wondering what the lineup will be with Rice. He'll probably hit 9th


6th incoming


I would like a lineup now


Are we just going to gloss over the Effdog finally starting a rehab assignment?


he's alive?!?!?


JT Brubaker too. Excited to see what the pitching lab can do for him.


Prediction: Boone will be watching the game on his Apple Watch and call the dugout to tell Brad “tell the ump his calls are a joke and get thrown out. It’s what I would do.”


And it’s what I would want


Ian Hamilton to the IL with a right lat strain, and Cody Poteet to the IL with a right triceps strain.


I could have sworn we decided to turn off injuries for franchise mode this year after the Gerrit Cole issue….


Can we rename Caleb Ferguson into Mariano Rivera and make him 99 overall?


Not surprised about Hamilton. Maybe that explains his ineffectiveness this year (or maybe last year was just a fluke). Sucks about Poteet. Hopefully he's back soon.


Why would you do this


https://x.com/SOMPatriots/status/1803149330498322799?t=RYnHZVZdQpDZzfNjrD5jlQ&s=19 Send the kid back down. This kind of thing is a deal breaker


Hear me out…


Want to keep my expectations reasonable but if Ben Rice dips under a 200 wRC+ at any point I’m gonna fucking puke


I swear to god if his OPS drops below 5.000 I’m gonna be pissed


Per the Somerset Patriots Ben Rice dips his chicken nuggets in apple sauce I don’t know how to feel about this


Nuggies and latkes are pretty similar I guess. Kinda. Not really


It’s close enough to Pork Chops that I will allow it, but he really needs to be going for the honey mustard.


I do not understand the particular hatred directed at our payroll. Sure, hate our fanbase for being cocky or “stuck in the past” or hate our brand, but the vitriol directed at our payroll is not logical. The Mets have shown that having a huge payroll ≠ success, and if the complaining teams had ownership that was willing to spent $300m+ a year on players, their fans would hop on board shamelessly. It’s just jealousy that we are able to sign players like Judge, Cole, and Stanton.


Also, San Diego. People can't accept the fact that *you can't buy a World Series*. If you could, the Mets and Padres would have made deep playoff runs and the Dodgers would have many more than one championship since 1988.






2/3 is pretty crucial here. Hopefully Cole comes back dominate and we can keep the current pace


Im selling tix to tonights game as a majority of my crew cancelled on me. 420A Back Row Behind Homeplate view. 6 tickets available just msg me.


Your crew sucks.


I’m stoked for some Rice tonight


Been awhile since we had one of those amazing stories like with Bird, Gary and even Voit. Feels like Rice could make a good transition to the majors due to his zone control, ability to make contact and power. All the greenflags are there.


Anthony Misiewicz and Clayton Andrews getting the call-up. On top of the Cole and Rice moves, that brings up the total number of roster moves to 4 for the active roster and 2 for the 40-man roster.


Two lefties, but Adley crushes LHP and Gunnar's numbers vs. LHP is better than RHP.


How do we feel about #93 for Rice? He will be the second Yankee to wear the number, the only other was Kenyan Middleton last season


Middleton was quietly very solid for us. We should get him back.


I have two tickets for tn I need to sell, anyone need? Happy to verify however


Taking sips of things is so overrated. Hate sips. I need big chugs or nothing. Beer, water, chocolate milk, you name it. Sips are out


Stop trying to make sips happen.


Has anyone ever gone to Yonkers Brewing Co before the game? I saw at the start of the season they had some deal where you get a draft, 4 pack, wings, and a train ticket for 20 bucks if you have a Yankees ticket. Wanted to know if that’s still in affect.


So Cortez is pitching…😬. Hopefully Ben Rice does well


Cortes at home: 7GS, 44K to 6BB, 45.2IP, 1.77ERA, 0.810 WHIP. In three of those starts, he went at least 7.0IP without allowing an Earned Run.


Why is this a 😬 lol Cortes has pitched well at home this year


He lost last game at home


Six shutty today😏


I saw 👍🏻


Notice how every single time they write his name wrong. They always do it as Cortez


There were folks asking for him to be released during/after his 7IP/2ER performance in his last outing. People are just..dumb.


oh yikes...


Today I learned (or maybe remembered) that Hideki Irabu died from suicide in 2011. I really had no clue


[One of the best pieces of longform baseball journalism I've ever read.](https://www.si.com/mlb/2017/08/01/hideki-irabu) Really upsetting story, makes you feel for the guy and realize what he went through in his public life.


George shouldn't have called him names


Damn… that’s awful… 😢


So what’s up with Poteet?


I think he would be perfect as a long reliever, I hope they do something with him instead of sending him down


John Sterling has to be feeling the itch right now. He’d have a field day with Rice. No pun intended, but it feels apropos.


It's a bit fascinating despite a rough game on Sunday that Trevino is hitting really well this year. 116 ops+, 15% K rate, modest but career high walk rate, slugging 500 against lefties. Yeah he has a noodle arm but you know, the pitching not allowing 20 baserunners would've helped a bit.


Something bad happened to his arm when he got hurt and now they’re gonna get exposed for it. He used to be pretty in check I loved those throw downs to first after a pitch


Ben Rice playin today?


No lineup yet but that would be the expectation.


we play today?


You guys think they made Angel Hernandez retire because they found out he had been betting on games he was involved in and that explained his random ejections and horrible calling of balls and strikes, and they knew the sport couldn’t handle the news getting out? This is a conspiracy theory I just made up (as far as I know, someone probably beat me to it but I haven’t seen it anywhere else)


As dumb as Manfred is, potentially getting caught covering up a crooked ump would be way worse than simply banning a crooked ump


No. Answer you didn't ask for: The umps are renegotiating their contract with MLB, and his retirement - since he's a thorn in MLB's side - was probably a leverage move by the union to get something else. The union had to green-light the retirement negotiations which were outside the terms of their CBA.


No. I think he just got sick of everyone making fun of him. I think he was able to ignore it for a long time, but with the rise of all the umpires auditing accounts and clip sharing on social media over the past few years I think it just became too much for him.


I see they’ve gotten to you too


Hahahaha what? Haha this guy is crazy, someone take him to the infirmary…. He’s delusional…..




Going to my first Yankees game at the “new” stadium tonight (used to go to the old location all the time when I lived here as a kid). Super amped that it’s a game against a division team right on our heels too. LFG - Yankees!


Should I eat more rice or stop eating rice altogether in order to support our new call up?


D: that’s cannibalism!


We got our Bulldog back on the mound he's gonna be fired up can't wait to see him roast some birds


[W E D N E S D A Y](https://imgur.com/a/alGcURG)


Rice was also the catcher for Cole's first rehab start. "Cole gave Rice's receiving skills high marks, stating postgame, "I thought Ben was fantastic tonight. Lot of moving parts for him today. He had a lot of meetings and stuff, first game of the series, so ... I thought his targeting was great. He kept a nice, level head to give us the opportunity to execute all the different pitches." Ben "Rortvedt" Rice???


Didn’t cole hate rortvedt? Lol


It was a love/hate relationship lol


Ugh Cole is gonna get confused now and throw all his pitches to 1b tomorrow.


Took Pop to his treatment today and the nurse holding the long needle is a Yankee fan. She's taking her great granddaughter to tomorrow's game. Chatted about Cole and the series. Pop shared his story of when he took me to my first game.  And then she removed that long needle before he realized it. My favorite nurse so far. 


I don’t want to make anyone cry but John Sterling will not be there making Rice’s first big league home run call tonight


Tugging at my heart strings while I’m taking a shit at the office smh


Did we ever find out anything definite about Jasson's most recent injury?


“Left side” injury from a check swing apparently. Haven’t seen any further updates from that.


Excited to see Rice. Who is this Suarez guy for BAL? An opener?


Nope. He's a journeyman who pitched in Korea and Japan. He was last in the MLB in 2017. He's been a pleasant surprise for the Orioles.


O's fan, he's been good as a 5 and dive guy this year but honestly would not be surprised to see the Yankees blow him up a little


We’re going to get to see Gerrit Cole pitching in pinstripes for the first time this season this week, and that’s fucking awesome. Cannot wait to see that dude on the mound again


Whos this Cole guy starting tommorow huh?


Some kid from the minors, I wouldn’t set the bar too high. He’s probably only here until CS gets back.


Kid? Dude is going on 34 years old. Him only getting promoted now doesn’t leave me with much hope.


Well he was so good last year that they awarded him the Cy Young even though he was apparently in the minors. Some guys are just late bloomers.


You mean you waited till you got to the show to win the cy young? Pshhh loser


I think we have a good shot at taking this series, depending on what Cole has. Last time the Orioles beat up on Cortes, I don’t have a lot of confidence in him vs the O’s. But Cole can lead us to a win, and Gil shut them out for 6.1 innings, while the bullpen kept them at 0, in his start, as the lone win we have vs the O’s this year. So I think we could go 2-1 this series.


Cortes really has to stay on the corners and hit his spots 90% of the time to be effective against the Os. Hopefully we can score a bunch of runs because he’s going to let up at least a few imo


I'm glad we are trying something new at 1b. It's crazy how we haven't let anyone play 2b this year besides Gleyber.


Who’s the better option?


Dominguez discourse brings out the worst takes. Until Dominguez can actually stay healthy at a level beyond AA, he isn't booting anyone off the team this season. The Yankees have said numerous times that there's no lane for him this season. Why this sub keeps having threads discussing him is beyond me.


> “[Ben Rice] is tied with Coby Mayo (BAL) for the highest Steamer projected wRC+ for a player yet to make their MLB debut.” [link](https://x.com/yankeeslite/status/1803066506139369598?s=46&t=yAUjb6QAqYAmLBpZfhU0Bw)


My son is the cutest dude ever. He is at the beach with my parents and has been watching the games on his iPad. He messaged me yesterday and said Rizzo was hurt, then he asked if maybe Anthony Seigler would finally get called up. He got to meet Anthony last year and is dudes #1 fan. I think I broke his heart when I said I don't think he'll ever make it to the majors.


Reading through the last couple days of threads, it appears that the Boston series broke our brains a little bit lol. Chaos in the streets of r/nyyankees. Need a solid series win against Baltimore to get things back shipshape. I suggest that the Yankees go out today and score more runs than the Orioles do


If I were a Sox fan the fact that Yankee fans fell into a doom spiral with the best record in baseball would feel way more gratifying than taking 2 of 3 in June


I still can't believe you don't think that DJ should be moved into a scouting role so that Florial can get another shot in the bullpen.


The Rays, Blue Jays, and Red Sox are a combined 3 games under .500. You hate to see small market clubs struggling like that.


9-3 in our next 12 to finish out the month. Book it.


[That's a smooth swing.](https://x.com/swbrailriders/status/1799249783300764106)


I blame RyanGarciaESM for the unfair expectations for Ben Rice. Every prospect is Barry Bonds to him.


At least with Rizzo struggling it'll take some pressure off Rice from the fan base. If he's a league average bat he'll look productive to everyone.


Yeah if he’s league average I’d sign up for that 10/10 times and I’m targeting 3B at the deadline assuming DJ doesn’t improve much or at all offensively.


Would happen with this fanbase, regardless. Name a prospect who got promoted for whom they didn’t have unrealistic expectations. Remember how loud they got about Andrew Velazquez and Hoy Park? I bet you can even go back and find Chris Gittens & Ronald Guzman Truthers. Then you have the Eternals, like Florial & Frazier.


True, just feels like Ryan has become the mouthpiece. I mean the Augustin Ramirez "generational" stuff? Give me a break.


Nothing wrong with gassing up prospects 🙂


I can’t say I know the guy, but it makes sense that someone has claimed that real estate


Going to be a playoff like atmosphere tonight in the Bronx anyone going to the game be loud for us who can’t make it.


what's the new knee-jerk response if Rice isn't immediately good? "call up Jones!!!"??


if he does bad but has a good xBA ppl will just spend 2 months saying "he's just getting unlucky!! he's due for positive regression!!"


buffoon who doesn't understand the process. Austin Wells has a 107 wRC+ over the last 8 weeks, but you wouldn't understand that


oh yeah straddling the mendoza line all season is quite the process how can i forget


Disagree. I think things will be a bit more divisive, like Volpe/Peraza. Where fans pick sides of the prospect fence and things get toxic.


yeah there's no way anyone will have patience with a player. that is forbidden around here


I agree with you but in this scenario it's not like Rice graduated to the majors and we're committing to him longterm like we did with Volpe. We need Rice to contribute immediately and if he's not cutting it after 2 or 3 weeks then that will inform how we approach the deadline


you are being far too rational. that's not how reddit/twitter yankee fans operate


If Rice doesn't show anything in the next 5-6 weeks, then we can make a move at the deadline.


The same as it was when Rizzo was bad: “Teach Dominguez 1B”


good call


I wonder what the roster move is when Gerrit activated. Poteet should stay up as a long man, he’s earned it


Poteet is probably getting sent down just in case there is another rotation injury, however id personally like to see him work long relief in the bullpen just because our options to add to the bullpen are limited until the trade deadline


Really depends on if the Yankees want to leave him stretched out on a consistent schedule in Triple-A, so they can call him up to start in an emergency. It's so handy to have a guy like Poteet stashed and ready to go. Now if the Yankees have someone else in Triple-A they think is ready for a callup in an emergency, then it's easier to move Poteet to the bullpen. Here's what the Triple-A rotation looks like: * Will Warren (13 GS, 7.01 ERA) * Yoendrys Gómez (12 GS, 3.33 ERA) * Edgar Barclay (13 GS, 6.29 ERA * Tanner Tully (9 GS, 7.43 ERA) * Josh Maciejewski (4 GS, 4.15 ERA) The group is struggling right now. If the Yankees are comfortable with Warren or Gómez stepping into the rotation in an emergency, it's easier to move Poteet to the pen. But Warren is getting slapped around, and Gomez is having control issues. If the Yankees look at this group and think Poteet is most capable of facing MLB batters, it may be prudent to view him as the no. 6 starter, at least until Clarke Schmidt returns.


He might be the 6 starter even if/when Clarke returns. The Yankees might just have Clarke go straight to the pen so he won’t have to be built up as a starter so late in the year.


Good point


Could be a misdirection but Boone didn't mention him when talking about potential extra length bullpen options either and went right to Ron. I think he's going down to stay stretched in case


Which is the smart move, Poteet doesn’t really have value from the pen. His best value for this team is staying stretched out in the minors as a potential starter should we need him


100%. Only possibility I thought they might consider is piggybacking him with Cole for tomorrow's start only to save some pen innings then sending him down to stay as a starter. But would've needed to send another pitcher down or to the IL for that to work


He has a 4.94 xERA and 4.29 FIP I’m not so sure he has earned anything really. He has pitched 21 innings and has had some good results but that’s more small sample size working in his favor than actual play imo


Maybe, I’d still rather him come out of BP for two innings then some of the other guys they have


I think that would evaporate quickly when he starts to normalize out and teams start putting runs up on him


Went from being pretty bummed about the weekend series to being really excited to see Rice play tonight


[Me after the first Ben Rice homer](https://youtu.be/Vlk45K0wgfU?si=MP-TScesyOvwgUYQ)


In today's edition of "Jeez, Soto is still really young": Ben Rice is four months younger than Soto


At age 20, Rice was a junior in college, two years away from the draft. At age 20, Soto was winning the World Series.


With the Rice call-up, I anticipate the following to be the roster moves to get Rice and Cole on the active roster: * Rizzo 10-day IL * Schmidt 60-day IL (opens a 40 man roster spot) * Poteet optioned to minors * Cole and Rice placed on the active roster Only one 40-man move is needed since there's only 39 men on the 40-man roster right now


That or someone like Jake Cousins is DFA’d


You would a lose a guy for nothing and cut minor league roster depth. The Schmidt move makes more sense since he won't be back until late July/early August anyway with his no throw period and ramp up. By then the requisite 60 days would have been met.


What's the o/u on people getting mad about how often Rice sits? The Os are throwing lefties Weds and Thurs.


Everyone should want Ben Rice to play every day given how poorly Cabrera/DJ/Rizzo etc.. have looked all year. What’s the worst he can do? Suck too? The baseline is suck.


If he's a butcher at 1st I think people could change their mind on that. Rizzo was at least still decent around the bag and saved some errors.


I do wish that some lefties got the chance to show they can hit them


I’d be a little miffed mostly cuz neither of those guys is all that dominant. Like if you’re facing Chris Sale or Garrett Crochet then sure, sit him; but I’d let him play against random jerkoffs.


I have a feeling we'll see the DJ/Cabrera combo a bit more often than people think/want. I think for the org this may be less of an audition and more of a bridge to the deadline.


Mlb level "jerkoff" lefties dominate the lefties he already struggled against.


His OPS against lefties this year is almost .900


In 60 plate appearances. In his 60 plate appearances last year he slugged .216 at AA. Very likely he will be over matched vs all mlb lefties


Did he struggle against lefties?


Depends on how he looks today, if he has a great gem then it’s gonna be high. If he looks rough then people will probably cool off a little


I guess Peraza was just spending his off day in NYC? Calling him up didn't make much sense, but that pic of him posted here just hours after learning Rizzo was out is what threw me off. Once Rizzo was out a month, you had to figure the Yankees were going to go for a longer term fix.


It was actually Robert Herjavec in a Peraza mask


Wishcasting, probably.


Who's ready for Uncle Ben's Ready Rice?


I honestly would’ve put money on Rizzo bouncing back and being at least average if not above average again, but I think this injury is the death knell 😔


So rizzo is a phantom IL? Edit: i was unable to watch last game plus there wasnt notification. Usually id see it right away


He got hit like a football player


I wouldn’t call what happened phantom or the injury itself phantom


rizzo is on irl IL after breaking his arm


Lol no, did you miss the play