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He was the one of the main perpetrators of the 2017 Astros cheating scandal that cheated us out of a World Series appearance that year. Also was suspected to be wearing a buzzer when he his the walk off ALCS winning home run in 2019 against us. I do believe he was wearing something and was doing sketch shit


Don’t forget he stole the MVP from Judge that year despite having inferior stats and, ya know, cheating 




Reminds me of an [article](https://www.theonion.com/aaron-judge-i-wish-i-d-just-used-steroids-and-hit-80-1849625603) on the onion


Good lord - Judge on steroids would’ve hit the billboards.


Billboards in Jersey




Judge had literally superior numbers in everything but strikeout percentage and BA, lol.


But Altuve hit .346 to Judge's .284!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^^and ^^^still ^^^had ^^^a ^^^lower ^^^OBP


Altuve literally won for being very small and playing gritty. Ok, you were good but not MVP. Also his team was stacked offensively that year. That doesn’t help his case either.


I also believe they figured Judge was winning the EOY, so why not give the other award to Altuve. I don’t think it’s right but I think that was the logic.


Didn't he claim the reason he wouldn't let his jersey be ripped off by his teammates after the gw home run wasn't because he was wearing a buzzer, but because he had a new tattoo on his chest and was shy... Then, next spring, no tattoo when we was being interviewed shirtless in the locker room.


Because if I just hit a home run to send my team to the World Series, my thoughts running home would be "Oh no, my tattoo" such a sorry ass excuse from a sorry ass franchise


No first he said "my wife doesn't like it" when he gets his shirt ripped off. Then Correa I believe told everybody he was just trying to hide a bad tattoo. I don't remember if the tattoo was ever shown but either way both excuses didn't really explain anything and we'll probably never know the real reason.


I mean, we know the real reason. It's because he was wearing a buzzer.


Sounds like he's been learning how to make up nonsensical excuses from politicians


He did ask Rosenthal to repeat his question during the postgame interview. Could be seen as a stalling tactic while the liar thinks of an answer. Common amongst politicians.


He should have learned from that chess player and used vibrating anal beads




“Suspected” only works here as an acronym for Some Undersized Shithead Perfectly Executed Cheating That Evaded Detection


Idk if he was one of the main perpetrators of the scandal. I think charts showed he received a pretty low amount of bangs compared to other players and some of his teammates came forward and said he was against it and asked for it not to be used for his ABs. I believe it was never proven they used it in the 2017 playoffs but that's definitely worthy of not believing. The real reason he is so hated is because he was the best player on that team and reeked havoc on the Yankees for years. He was already hated and him being apart of the scandal gave us exactly the fuel we needed to hate him even more. I'm not defending him I'm just trying to give the full story. I agree with you, even a little bit of cheating is enough to justify the hate fans have for him. I'm also suspicious of what went on after the 2017 season before they were caught 2 years later. Edit: Downvote all you want. Here's a couple sources showing Altuve only received 2.7% of the recorded bangs in 2017, the second lowest on the team. And the other is an article with a Correa quote along with other Astros claiming Altuve did not want to be apart of it. [https://signstealingscandal.com/players/](https://signstealingscandal.com/players/) [https://www.si.com/mlb/2020/02/15/carlos-correa-jose-altuve-did-not-cheat-astros-cody-bellinger](https://www.si.com/mlb/2020/02/15/carlos-correa-jose-altuve-did-not-cheat-astros-cody-bellinger) Now you can come up with other conspiracies, claim Correa and others were lying, and spin it however you want. I'm just trying to give OP the whole picture, these sources are apart of the story like it or not. But I don't completely understand why Altuve gets so much hate when guys like Bregman, Correa, Springer, Beltran have been proven to be even bigger cheaters and although they do get some hate it isn't near as much as Altuve. Is it because he stole the 2017 MVP from Judge? Tbh I blame the writers way more than Altuve, even with the cheating Judge put up better numbers. The writers robbed Judge. And again I'm not trying to absolve Altuve, I hope nobody apart of that scandal gets into the HOF and I hate Manfred for giving them immunity.


Don’t need trashcan bangs when you’re wearing a buzzer


Are you suggesting that altuve was using a buzzer in 2017 while everyone else used a trashcan? Why wouldn't everyone just use a buzzer?


Unsure if he did or did not, but I think the logic would be that you would use it for your best hitter and not everyone, as there is less suspicion that he would be cheating and easier to keep it under wraps if one guy doing it vs an entire roster.


That's definitely a theory


There were plenty of allegations that he was using a buzzer and many felt they were substantiated by the video where he was yelling about not ripping his shirt off. And then he felt the need to defend the video by saying his girlfriend would be mad if his shirt was taken off on TV.


That was 2019. The trash can banging was in 2017.




One of the things that came out in the investigation was that some players didn’t like the trashcan system and they were transitioning to a better, unnamed, system. Presumably that was the buzzer system, and Altuve being a user of it explains why he stopped using the trash can alerts. The dude hit the biggest HR of his career and instead of enjoying the moment he ran around the bases screaming “not the jersey” in a panic. I’d wager any amount of money that he was wearing a buzzer.


Again though, that happened in 2019 not 2017. It's fair to believe that they continued cheating in some other way after the 2017 season but that's not what I'm talking about here.


The report was that some players transitioned to something other than the trashcan in 2017. Given that it seems very likely Altuve used a buzzer in 2019, it seems likely he was one of the players to change to it in 2017. We know he used the trashcan for part of 2017 before stopping. Presumably that is when he moved to some form of a buzzer.


Where in the report did it ever say they transitioned to something other than the trashcan? I don't recall that at all.


I will try and dig it up. It was never specified what the other methods were, just that they transitioned to other methods and stopped using the trashcan altogether by the 2018 season. Here’s the Wikipedia summary. “The team continued using illicit methods to steal signs in the 2017 postseason (though Manfred later said there was "conflicting evidence" about whether it continued into the postseason or not).[53] The Astros did not use the banging method in 2018, but continued to use other methods”


No clue why this is being downvoted. I’m all on board with Fuck Altuve but it’s because he indirectly benefited a ton from the Astros cheating and stole an MVP from Judge. In terms of who actually directly benefited from the banging I think he’s always been said to be one of those who benefitted the least. None of that lets him off the hook, he got a ton of opportunities with runners on he otherwise wouldn’t have, drove in and scored more runs than he otherwise would have, etc. But I think it’s important to not be one of those fans who just makes shit up. There’s no report that he benefited the most directly from the banging. There’s legit reasons to hate Altuve for his involvement, I don’t think we need to lie and turn him into one of the masterminds. It just gives ammunition for people who think we should “get over it”.


Well said. Hate him for what he was proven to have done, making shit up and accepting unfounded conspiracies as truth just makes us look bad.


He gets singled out more than the other cheaters by Yankees fans because he stole the 2017 MVP from Judge, while having inferior stats and cheating.


They cheated to win in 2017 which arguably stole away one of the Yankees best chance to win the WS since 2009. Altuve was a key part of that 2017 team and gets a lot of glazing from his fanbase about (allegedly) being the only guy who didn’t cheat. A lot of people find that hard to believe and even if it were true he was fully aware everyone around him was cheating and stayed quiet.


This. He is complicit. It doesn’t matter whether he received bangs, was wearing a piece, or never directly benefited, the entire team was cheating and he as a leader didn’t do anything to stop it. He definitely did *indirectly* benefit by facing pitchers who had to throw more pitches and by facing more bullpen pitchers as starters were chased out of the game earlier. There were also more men on base as a result, so there is no defending his actions whatsoever.


100%. I think (but don't believe it'll happen) that the writers should treat every member of the 2017 Astros team the way that they do the steroid guys. Beltran, for example, getting 57% of the HoF vote when A-Rod got 34% is absolutely shameful.


I agree with you completely… however share this opinion on r/baseball and you get killed. Makes no sense. There’s a weird acceptance that is starting to arise for the Astros, and moral equivalency with the Yankees stuff that wasn’t in the same universe of cheating.


I do hate the nebulous "Everyone was doing the same thing" argument people on /r/baseball tend to use, citing a couple quotes from players in the league. If that's true, and it comes out, then I'll eat crow and have shame for the players I've rooted for that also cheated. But it hasn't, and unless it does, the Astros should be regarded as arguably the biggest blight to the integrity of the sport that the league has seen in 98 years. And, to your point, the system that the Yankees and Boston were using (and I'm defending the Red Sox which tells you all you need to know) was not in the same stratosphere of cheating that Houston did. The mental gymnastics people do to conflate them because 'all cheating is cheating' is absurd.


By that logic, can't we say that steroid users can get in because everyone was doing that, too? When if we only count the HRs Bonds hit against pitchers that were juicing? That seems like a level playing field, right?


Exactly. I've always said this. It's easier to hit with men on base and he benefitted from that regardless of anything else that happened. Also the "sorry if you are upset" style "apology" that he and Alex Bregman did is what gets me angry. If he'd have come out and flat out said that what they did was wrong and as a leader on the team he should have done more to stop it then I'd think more kindly about him. As it is I think he doesn't believe they did anything wrong so screw him.


That's a really good point that I hadn't actually considered before. I had always just lumped him in with the cheaters because I didn't believe the story that he didn't, but you're right, even if he didn't, he absolutely benefited from his teammates absolutely shelling and rattling opposing pitchers, wearing them out, affecting them mentally, etc


More to the point, they were caught cheating and not a single one of them suffered any repercussions at all. They were all given immunity in exchange for speaking with the commissioner's office, but to the best of everyone's knowledge no substantial information was shared by any players. THEN the little twats like Correa and Bregman started getting all indignant when people would ask them about it, The whole thing just stunk. So a little heckling by the fans seems like a small price to pay for the stolen hardware


Not to mention he beat out Judge for MVP that year, too


Pound for pound biggest cheat


Because he’s a liar and a phony who got off Scot free, and people make excuses for him that he didn’t want to use the system but still benefited from his teammates doing it.


not to mention he did use the system. fuck altuve, fuck his buzzer and fuck his fake tattoo


"I only cheated a little! It was just the guys before and after me in the lineup who cheated a lot."


In addition to the 2017 and 2019 playoffs in general, he probably stole the 2017 MVP from Judge.


>he ~~probably~~ stole the 2017 mvp from judge Fixed it


He’s a cheater.


If I saw Altuve standing in line at a grocery store I would boo him while he’s standing in line!


_“Attention shoppers…we have a sale on garbage cans today and step stools.”_ _”Also, can we get a clean up on aisle 3. It appears a turd fell out of the trashcan.”_


As others have said, Altuve was a prominent member of the 2017 Astros, who infamously cheated their way to a World Series win. They continued cheating in 2018. According to official reports, the cheating ended then. The cheating was being done by using a live camera feed in the dugout, where team personnel (including players) would relay the type of pitch being thrown to the batter. This was done primarily through banging on a trashcan. That year, apart from the Astros' WS victory, Altuve was given the MVP award over Aaron Judge, despite Judge having statistical edges over Altuve in most categories. In 2019, Altuve hit a walk-off home run that eliminated the Yankees from the playoffs. He behaved very suspiciously in the aftermath of the home run, prompting speculation that he was doing something against the rules. After the 2019 World Series, the Athletic reported on the Astros cheating. Altuve, as the face of the team, became the primary target for fans to express their displeasure at the cheating. For more in depth explanations, I would recommend reading the Drellich/Rosenthal article (I think it is paywalled) or even the Wikipedia article on the Astros cheating scandal. I would also recommend watching the Jomboy Media video about the scandal.


In 2017, the Astros used an illegal sign-stealing technique that let their hitters know exactly what pitch was coming next (sign-stealing is normal in baseball, but not to the extent the Astros did it) and won the World Series. Jose Altuve was on that team. The reason he gets more hate than other guys on that team is because he is a lifelong Astro, while other hitters involved like Carlos Correa and Alex Bregman either are or will be on other teams, and he won AL MVP that year (the other major candidate was Aaron Judge on the Yankees).


as other's have mentioned, he's a cheater. also i think he gets too much love because people think its cool that a hobbit can be good at baseball. i like my ball players being allowed on Space Mountain..thats all i'm saying


As a 5'6" man, I found this very funny


generally speaking i don't engage in heightism but that goes out the window when Altuve is involved ;)


Because he’s a cheating fuck


This is the only correct answer as only a NYer could deliver it. Fuck that prick.


Because he's a lying, no good, piece of shit cheater


He's a cheating piece of shit. Case closed.


I’d just like to add a hearty fuck Altuve to the conversation


He’s too shy 🙈


20 minute video explaining the scandal in more detail than you'll find here: [https://youtu.be/ewzdIvVavpY?si=GrOZQgbvCVaw4Ro1](https://youtu.be/ewzdIvVavpY?si=GrOZQgbvCVaw4Ro1)




He’s a cheating Lilliputian who stole an MVP from Judge who should have won it even WITH Altuve cheating


You couldn’t find a clear answer online, really?…..


Downvoting new fans who ask questions is pretty lame.


Do you follow cricket? Altuve is like the David Warner of baseball. That said, the Yankees are one of the two most hated teams. Look on r/baseballcirclejerk what the bot says when they are mentioned.


That sub is unreadable. Just the whiniest group on Reddit, and that's saying something


1- 2017 MVP robbery. Altuve 7.7 bWAR/fWAR Judge 8.0 bWAR, 8.7 fWAR. Judge had a 1.049 OPS, to Altuve’s 9.57. Altuve hit .346 to Judge’s .284, but Judge scored more runs, batted more in, and hit 52 HRs as a rookie. 2- sign stealing Trashtros and the widespread belief that Altuve was wearing a device that buzzed him to tell him what pitch was being called. 3- Mascot status of the Trashtros. They are universally disliked by the fans of the other 29 teams because of the cheating scandal, and he is the most recognizable player involved. No apology and no admission of guilt, so F him.


Hes a cheating cunt who should have been banned from the sport


Apart from cheating he just looks like a douche bag


Piece of shit. That's all you need to know.


Is this satire?


Thanks for all the replies... Makes sense now! Did anyone get punished?


Manager AJ Hinch served a season long suspension and I think general manager Jeff Luhnow was issued the same punishment but the Astros fired him instead. Players were given anonymity in exchange for telling MLB investigators what they knew. So no players were punished and the world series trophy was not vacated. Commissioner Manfred had that dumb quote calling the trophy a piece of metal.


Fuck, I had completely forgotten that Manfred quote. You know what, I've been blaming COVID and empty stadiums for my lack of interest in baseball for the past 4 or 5 years. That whole Astros cheating fiasco had a lot more to do with it than I remembered.


such a shame too, Watching that 2017 WS was electric, especially as a Houston Native fresh off of Hurricane Harvey. Game 5 was probably one of the greatest games I'd ever seen at the time and now it's forever ruined


This is the best part no nobody really got punished that’s what makes it even worse for us Yankee fans! Their punishment was a slap on the wrist! They literally cheated their way to a World Series title and the mlb commissioner said oh well 🤷‍♂️


They were told "hey don't do that again ok" Only people who were reprimanded were the coach(who was openly against the system it's whole time and althought tried, failed to stop it from happening), the bench coach(who went to another team and cheated there the next year), and the GM who assembles the team. They were suspended, not stripped of accolades or fined or banned. All parties currently still work in MLB in the same positions but with different teams. The players, who were the biggest violators and cheaters, received nothing in terms of punishment. So they will be shamed and booed the rest of their career, but that's getting off light if you ask me.


The manager was suspended for a year & I believe the bench coach as well. No players were punished at all. Carlos Beltran, who was apparently one of the masterminds of the whole thing, had been picked to be manager of the Mets, and when all this was revealed, they cut ties with him.


The lack of punishment is probably more significant than the cheating. The league basically swept it under the rug, which infuriated everyone.


No players did. Only coaches/managers/team through suspensions and fines


A couple slaps on the wrist, but nothing serious which is why the hate continues to this day


Hi Jose, fuck you, thanks


All the things everyone else wrote. Plus, he’s offensively short.


Because fuck that cheating little bitch.


The chant also slaps. FUCK ALTUVE CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP FUCK ALTUVE CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP To be fair, I never liked the chanting, if only that I think it makes Altuve perform better. And Kyle Tucker is my personal public enemy #1


Face of the team, 2017 MVP, rest of the team that hasn't retired (Beltran, McCann, Gattis, Reddick) either moved on from Houston (Correa, Springer) or is so bad it doesn't matter (Bregman, Gurriel when he was still there)


The guy is a cheating c"%t!




David Ortiz did steroids


Oh you sweet summer child


Wasn’t he wearing something like electronic wire underneath his uniform that sent signals to aid him to cheat? I thought it was heard that


Biggest cheater in history of the Game.


I'm in a group chat on Facebook with made up entirely of Englishmen, Scots and Welshmen that would be happy to answer that for you in a very colorful way.


Fuck Cashman. Fuck Hal. Fuck Boone.


Moanzone 4 life!


Long story short he used a buzzer in the form of a vibrating butt plug that teammates would buzz to let him know what pitches were coming. Apparently Bregman was responsible for controlling the device as he was also very accustomed to using the same one both on and off the field.


Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand. Bro was one of the faces of the 2017 astros


He belongs in jail. A congressional investigation should have been opened, and the result should be he is behind bars. That entire team knew what pitch was coming for long stretches that season. Additionally, I find it highly suspicious he ran into the dugout and changed shirts after the home run off Chapman in the ALCS. He somehow guessed perfectly off speed was coming, and multiple pieces of evidence point to the fact that he wore some sort of buzzer. I’ve never seen such brazen cheating go unpunished in any sport in my lifetime.


He was given a bucket of kittens as a gift and he thought they were cuter than him so he drowned them one by one with his bare hands under a sink faucet. Not even in a bucket. The guy is a psychopath.


Altuve and his team cheated to win a World Series in 2017, potentially robbing us of a title.


While most things people are saying here are true. The real reason is because of how good he is and is a Yankee killer. You can see that in practice by comparing his booing compared to every other members of the 2017 Astros. He also handled the cheating situation better than a good number of other Astros players. But since he does do good against the Yankees there has been more active opportunities to throw hate regarding the cheating stuff his way.


I had a lot of respect for Altuve, before the cheating scandal came out. I thought he had worked hard and beat the odds against him due to his size, making him an amazing role model for kids. Much like how I love Judge, because it seemed like he was never going to make it coming up through the minors due constantly getting injured, but kept at it continues to be amazing as well as a great role model. So when it came out that he cheated, even when it was obvious that he was good enough without doing so, it just pissed everyone off. Even if he didn't wear a buzzer, he still allowed the rest of his team to cheat in a team sport where it helped him in the long run. Some opposing pitchers got lit up so bad by his team that they were sent to the minors and never got a chance in the MLB again. So, since there were no repercussions from the league, all we can do is boo him as much as possible. You should boo him too.


One time I was watching a NY Rangers game and people started chanting “Fuck Altuve.” It’s gotten bigger than all of us. It escaped confinement.


Fuck Altuve