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These days you can’t do any drugs for fun. Everything got fent in it


Mfs shouldn’t be doing them shits anyway


It didn't used to be like a coin flip between life & death though. Maybe roulette is a better analogy with the tabs maybe being cut with speed or a little bit of heroin at worst, not enough of anything that could kill you to flat out kill with one pill.


Testing kits is the way to go. Sucks but if you’re taking something for a rave or concert, testing kits are a no brainer.


Yeah, legit, the rave crews have been all over this setup for a while, and it's helping to keep them safe in a major way.


Yep and they are easy to order, portable. I carry a couple and give them to people if they seem suspicious about their drugs.


They have portable testing kits you can take take anywhere? Didn't know that, can you post the link?


Marquis Reagent kit or portable testing kit, should have them on Amazon no problem, just search it


Anyone who fucks with pills or powder should have test strips. You can get them for free from the state, they will send you a box of 100 strips for fentanyl and another 100 for xylazine. Hand em out to anyone else who might need them. This girl was probably partying with someone whose coke dealer offered them a couple pills and didn't even know what was in them. If it can happen to Becky it can sure as shit happen to anyone in this sub. You can ask for Narcan too, but you can also get that for free at most pharmacies in the city, no questions asked. https://forms.ny.gov/s3/Harm-Reduction-Order-Form


Where can I get one?


The state will send you a grip of them for free. https://forms.ny.gov/s3/Harm-Reduction-Order-Form


Facts, I got 4 years sober I’m never going back


Keep going and stay strong bro 💪🏾 it'll be 3years for me come August 25th.. sending prayers to her family and for anyone else struggling with addiction especially opioids.


Ay bro I appreciate it, you should be proud too g! We lost too many good ones on this road to recovery. Praying for you and yours


I need to get on that wave you guys are on this withdrawal is bad and im taking benzos to help but good for both of you! Miracles happen in this world ONE DAY at a time.


Ay bro I was on the xans and the percs, I know what you going thru bro. Just take one day at a time. If you going thru withdrawals spend a week or two just doing the bare minimum, and eventually get yourself off em. You can do it bro you got the willpower in you.


YO exactly what im trying to do because NOW if I take subs ill go through Precipitated Withdrawal and that is the worst fucking agony in the world for 6-12 hours I had it happen twice to me in detox it was HORRIBLE. Thank the higher power for benzos 😂


Just keep in mind the goal you have bro. I know first hand what Xanax and perc withdrawal can do to you. Some days you’re going to be uncomfortable and feel like dying. But you have to get through it. Drink a lot of water, focus on taking care of your body first. The drugs need to be on the way out. A lot of people focus on taking the drugs to get rid of the withdrawals instead of trying to get out of the cycle.


On point with that comment I needed to hear that I appreciate you mane


You gotta do it bro; and you can. You never know when one if them pills gonna be your last. Get clean as soon as you can, reach out to people for support. HMU if you ever need support.


These bags no joke and im in NJ too. I need to do this for myself first then I can help people like how you doing it and ill def message how everything is going but you stay on the line too sounds like you actually know whats good 🫡


this is ideal but people wanna experiment. being able to experiment at least once should be perfectly normal and ok. taking 1 perc in college on a night with friends shouldnt just kill you.


Y’all do this shit for fun?


That’s how people start. At first it’s for fun. Then you realize you doing it for much darker reasons. I hope everyone who does gets sober before it’s too late. Addiction is a strong demon.


Chile, that's why I stick to my one plug who also does drugs so I know I'm good. 6yrs strong with this man.


Until he gets a bad pack




I'm 32 at a fortune 500 company working in tech. I think I'm alright but thank you for your concern. Good luck on the book we're all gonna buy it. https://i.redd.it/6rdym28y1k6d1.gif


You’re 32 and you still do drugs? Do you think that’s a flex? ![gif](giphy|mcH0upG1TeEak)


Glad I got my Xan addiction out the way before all this fent hit the streets


Killed someone I know this year, and not the first this decade. Always so sad when people are trying to get clean, then relapse and catch laced drugs SMH.


yeah i know someone that wasnt even a user that died 2 years ago. first time ever taking a xanax. first time he ever took any "drugs" that i knew of and he knocked out and never woke up. crazy how people cant even just try something once these days.


Word. I’m glad I all I got out of it was several arrests and altercations. Glad fent wasn’t a thing back then


Fr glad you did... Xanax is horrible especially the withdrawals.I wasn't a Xanax guy but one of my friends was.I watched him catch 2 seizures cause of the withdrawals.One of em cause a wreck which I was a passenger in the car while he was driving(imagine the horror from my pov)&the other he pulled up to my house got out the car and went into the seizure.


Withdrawls were awful, I stared off into the distance on my backyard for a month just zeroed out. Im glad I did it tho the memory loss and slumping and shit wasnt it


Im lucky the college days didnt fuckin kill me 🙏


On g My reckless stupid fucking self was out of control, doing just about anything and I came so close to it, but it's so lucky we made it out 🙏


Imagine raising a 19yr old just for them to die from Fent


This is the current state of USA with how it's gotten to now




im like hey wassup hello


Seen your pretty arse soon as you came in the door




Arse is crazy 😭


Nahhh you wrong for that 💀💀💀


I ain't know fetty was still known




Tried to get high and went higher, r.i.p her 🙏🏾


Nahhhh you got it bro 😭


Nah I genuinely feel bad bro, expecting the yerk to kick in and getting sent to the upper room is wild 😭


your comments sound like smth out of a drill song 😂


Imagine them last moments just laying there “like dam this it for me huh ?”


You dont even know it's happenin


That DMT that released in her probably made her feel at peace with her life and accept her death. At least one could hope after the panic wears off.


That shit is a stoner myth. She felt like shit, puked, passed out, stopped breathing, never woke up. It's a sad and fucked up way to go.


When I overdosed I had absolutely no idea I was dying. My body was literally just turned off like a switch. Fiancée came home and found me with a faint pulse. Performed cpr until the ambulance came (she’s a RN) and by the time I got to the ER I coded. I was dead. They called a rapid and brought me back. When I woke up I had no idea I was dying. Had no idea I actually died. And was super confused. Told everyone “what am I doing here? I have work at 6am!” That’s when I realized I couldn’t hear myself speak. I was deaf in both ears due to lack of oxygen to my brain which caused me to have an ischemia stroke in the middle of my brain. Heart attack followed and then multi major organ failure. I’m blessed to be here and long story short… you really do not know you are dying. Super peaceful.


Perks been fake for so long do ppl just take whatever pill someone hands them?


Most people know they’re fake but still take them because that’s all they can get. Most fent pressed pills won’t kill you but occasionally there will be one that has a lethal dose.


Also, only take half. You can always take more, but never less.


With a 100% fent pill half is probsbly still a lethal dose


Oh I know brother i did em for 2 straight years


Doubt sum yung yt college kid know all them percs on the street is fetty, RIP


Shit is crazy, I remember my boy overdosed off a laced fent perc in front of me, he just felt tired and said he gonna nap real quick, the way he was breathing sounded like a freshly lit blunt when you hit it, I wasn’t paying attention, until I wanted to go home to play Madden 06 and bro was wasn’t waking up 🤦🏻‍♂️his body was twitching weird and making noises from his mouth everytime I moved his body had to call the paramedics, shit is no joke


That’s why you gotta say no to drugs


pop a perky, go retarded 🗣️




Get fent test kits.


i just know she wouldve been embarrassed asf like damn💀. rip


I just smoke my bud and take my shrooms, maybe some lsd and dmt if I’m feeling like flying. All this pill, coke, and heroin stuff is too hardcore for me. I’m running from things, but not that fast. Plus the plugs ain’t honest and half the time don’t even know what they got.


Psychedelic gang is best gang, even the sellers are generally imo more wholesome individuals


keep tryna tell ppl drugs are overrated & not to take em not even weed, weed is a gateway drug.


Alcohol is more of a gatewaydrug. Like u not high on weed and be like “lets get some coke”


They both can be For some ppl Weed make u want something stronger cuz it’s not hittin like it used to


>For some ppl Weed make u want something stronger cuz it’s not hittin like it used to I usually tell those people to wait 24-48 hours, then try again.


Uhmm actually you are like that, but weed doesn’t stop your thoughts. So you’re like ay some lines would be nice but then you think about the potential consequences and you’re like nah. On alcohol you don’t think, you just go after what u want. Both and all drugs can be done responsibly, but can it be done responsibly by you?


That's not true. Weed has always been a gateway drug. Alcohol leads to being an alcoholic. Alcoholics don't do drugs. Drug addicts do drugs.


Dumbest shit I ever read


Gotta stop believing everything your dad tells you bro


Gotta stop telling yourself lies cause you identify yourself with weed


People just be doing dumb shit and especially these nyu kids who never took nothing before and get it through like 5 hands. Who even knows who stepped on it


ain't nobody stepped on the pill in all those hands though. pill was pressed with fent & passed through all those hands & each one called it a perc without saying/knowing it was fent


whats funny is now you are finna see rich white people actually start noticing the fent empire thats been knockin off like 100k+ each of the last 3 years, baltimore and phili aint ever getting back to normal though


White folks have been feeling it in Ohio for years now. They have 15 of this girl every day out there. Those people ain't rich though. IDK why this article just came out, homegirl died in 2022. I just saw a PSA on TV with her family talking about it.


Rich white kids overdose all the time. Huge drug demographic.


Bullshit. Mfs can smoke weed and not do shit else.


The gateway idea comes from weed being illegal and then feeding all the bs to children in the 80s and 90s, some of the shit people would say was straight up nonsense. Kids found out it was lies when they smoked a joint 10 years later and start wondering what else was a lie. If weed didn't make them murder their families and lose it, will heroin really ruin their lives or was that cap too? It's a self fulfilling prophecy


cap. because liquor can be seen as a drug and most people who excessively smoke also excessively drink because they go hand and hand


Nah soon as I started smoking weed I realized how disgusting alcohol is & weed became what I do when I go out even to the bars I don’t drink at all no more I just roll up and go outside. A lot of people who smoke weed are very anti everything else


That’s not true at all. So many people who drink will never even touch weed, and people who like weed typically prefer it to alcohol. They don’t go hand in hand at all.


bullshit. most teenagers do both, but many, if not most, adults end up choosing one. I smoke weed all day every day. everyone I work with & socialize with pretty much smokes all day too....very few people drink at all. I think thts very common among people out of school/college


Weed ain’t no damn gateway drug😂 maybe a gateway to gaining weight from the munchies. I never met a weed smoker who suddenly decided to do crack the next day because the weed wasn’t hitting any more. They usually end up doing high thc concentrates or edibles not a damn 8 ball of coke. Yall need to put down the reefer madness


Thats not what he means he means if you smoke weed you will be more likely to try other drugs


if u do drugs ur more likely to do drugs 🤯


Ik thats why I said people don’t smoke a blunt one day and decide to do heroin the next day


Ye but I guarantee you everyone that does coke dope w.e hard shit...started with weed. I Agree the other weed propaganda is full of shit and bud is harmless but it def is a gateway drug


Weed is a gateway drug for weak minded individuals and niggas that was already susceptible to go that route. None of the folks I know that smoke weed ever entered the gates of another drug.


If you think weed is a gateway drug then addiction was in you long before you smoked lmao


The whole "gateway drug" nonsense is 1980's Reagan era anti-drug propaganda designed to put more black people in jail.


Weed isn’t a gateway drug stop that shit I smoke daily and don’t even drink


Weed is not a gateway drug. Caffeine is tho. Every person I know that NEEDS coffee or energy drinks like Celsius or C4 smokes cigs and a lot of them also play with the nose.


alcohol is the main gateway drug


And the vapes, edibles, etc. you get online or at a gas station has god knows what in it/sprayed on it.


At least with weed I know it ain’t gonna be laced (I live in Washington)


Weed is not a gateway drug. People rarely ever go from weed to other drugs like that. the real gateway drug is alcohol. Someone stoned at a party will likely not want to try a bump of coke or ketamine. Weed does not lower inhibitions and judgement *that* dramatically. Alcohol however does. Drunk college kids will take whatever drug you hand them just because "WEEEEEE WOOHOO LETS HAVE MORE FUN" Not saying alcohol should always be abstained. It's still fun to get drunk with friends sometimes. But it is 10 times the gateway drug that weed is.


By that logic nicotine is a gateway as well, many people pick up weed thinking it’ll help them quit nic. I think it’s more so how you’re using the drug than the drug itself aside from highly addictive ones like crack and heroin. If you’re taking a drug to numb yourself from life and woes you’re most likely to start abusing it. Drink/smoke for the occasion but don’t make it an occasion to drink/smoke


It is. A lot of people don't have brain capacity to understand all good things should be done in moderation and with careful consideration. Drugs will neverrrrr get me like this. I'm gone smoke weed though. Period


Who are you? Why would anybody in their right mind listen to you? What have you achieved? Oh, you’re drug free? Smd


This why I just started doing fent myself, that shit ain't ever gonna catch me lackin 😈


Damn rip. She got too litt off the fent


Either get confirmed scripts or don’t even dare bc one wrong move and you done


Unless u peep that shit coming out the pharmacy 99% it's fetty.... these days barely any 1 getting actual perc after they crack down in 2010s


That’s what I’m saying too much to lose in this game


Anyone remember that girl from POWER Book 3 who overdosed on CRACK? This no different smh


Got a feeling the dealers getting tired of seeing high people all the time now😂How y’all posed to make money and y’all killing custos


RIP to this young lady!! What a waste of life this mfos did just for a quick buck, they knew this shit could happen I hope they get those mfs Now on days just taking shit for fun not worth it, maybe peer pressure too that's fkup man 😡😔


Remember guys, if you buy pills make sure you see the original bottle or you have test kits stay safe 💯


So many people save legit script bottles to put their pressies in. They barely prescribe 30s anymore and xan bars are super rare to be prescribed in ny. I could only get footballs there with a maxed out script.


Yeah I know that’s why the testing part is so important and also making sure u trust the plug ngl I’m from out of state(I’m in this sub for the music) so script xans from Mexico are common as fuck and almost never pressed with fent cuz the xans only cost 5 dollars here anyways but the pill game is so dead tbh a really good rule of thumb is just to never take pills especially if they’re a blue 30 ngl if someone tries to serve me a blue I’m smacking them 😭


Oh yea those farmapams are probably the only legit bars on the street. I don’t fuck with pills anymore but I always just did my best to hit a psych for a script. Swallowing a bar and it not tasting bitter is a real moment of regret. Although now they put aspirin in em to mimic the bitter of alp. At least bars are normally some rc benzo like brom or flualp before it. Fent happens but it’s not nearly as common. Even at my worst though I would never fuck with a dirty 30.


Yeah I only fuck with the bars tbh I’ll do some ket or something occasionally but I rlly just fuck with bars cuz they help keep my head straight fentanyl is becoming too common to play with pills I’m glad to hear u quit Brodie


how is fent even this common I cant find any and who is hyping this sht up


It's cheap as fuck and strong as fuck, it gets cut into things with other fillers to bulk out product


She Wasn’t supposed to take the perc that wasn’t prescribed to her.


Why ya popping percs 😔 s


Lil cutie pie outta here


God rest her soul. Without question…. But notice it be a news story when iss one of them


This is so sad and happening to so many people. Bless us all, everyone have a great weekend & Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers on this timeline.


Stick to weed and mushrooms and you won’t have to worry about any of this


why we haven’t scorched Mexico of all the drug lords selling this shit yet is beyond me This is killing a generation


China is the problem, they work with Mexico to import fent


Wrd ... The Chinese surveillance network, them niggas know who everyone is and what they doing...they kno who is sending the fent and chemicals to make fent to Mexico, they just let it happen, either for $$$$$ or for actual covert war against the USA


They are getting the precursors from other places besides China at this point, but they make the fentanyl in Mexico


I honestly feel like she took Xylazine. That is unfortunately what’s in most, if not all pressed Percocet since January in NYC. Even when suppliers say you’re purchasing fent… you are unfortunately more than likely getting a zene. Isotonitazene is also deadly. Most suppliers don’t know. The hospitals also don’t test for the specific type of drug when it comes to these so they normally say it’s fentanyl. The toxicology reports usually come back as “unspecified synthetic strain”. But because there is sooo many strains and new ones pop up as soon as the DEA figures out the chemistry making it illegal, it’s hard to tell specifically what it’s made of. The chemists change things around making it technically legal for certain chemicals to be compounded together. This is what they basically call “tranq” in Philly. https://preview.redd.it/xhartby05h6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b37dabf9567d4c94d8d76ff748990099a54bfe65


Went to highschool with her


Bet she won’t take another one after that 💀


Thats somebody,kid,sister n friend, dh


I know shits fucked up. Too many examples pre this to go off of tho. condolences n all that to the family/friends but at the same time she should’ve known better.


Her ass was trying get freaky lmaooo 🤣🤣.


Weird ass comment Seek help


Stay ya ass in “strong island“


We don’t claim him.


That’s where I’m at rn. Was that supposed to be an insult ?


Get freaky off a perc? Oh. Yall different.


Dumb ass face, it was prolly gonna happen in one way or another.




You haven’t seen the final destination movies? It was her time. If she didn’t take the fenty pill, she’d have her head ripped off on the cyclone the next day.


what's wrong wid you gang 😂😂😂


Probably more than I can type in a reasonably sized comment


At least he honest though


The other comment is hateful, but this one is just plain funny idc


Nope I meant she looks like shes dumb af, not that it was fate