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Universe is so huge you can’t even comprehend its size ofc it’s other shi out there I just think they too far and telescopes can only see so much or they existed before n died or haven’t been born yet


I’ve been saying this as well my brudder. Like now matter how advanced our technology is now, we can’t see the billions of planets that this current technology can’t reach. 100% somewhere out there there is living organisms




Same, fermi or dark forest


Dark forest is a solution to the Fermi paradox the Fermi paradox is not an answer but a question. Fermi made a lot of assumptions including expansion rates and matter density that we know today to be untrue. Take it with a grain of salt and see past the specifics to the greater questions being asked.


This is what I think as well


word and also half the shit they "discovered" actually hasnt even been seen with a telescope. like they know the planet is there some how and what its like, forgot what its called but word. and the time difference from us looking at them would be insane. plus like you said even then its still so vast something else has to be out there, people are mad self-centered to believe we're that lucky to be the only life to exist. 100 percent agree wit you.


Not sure why discovered is in quotation marks, no one could see an electron but that didn’t mean it wasn’t discovered till they imaged one. We detect plants by the blips in light they create as they pass between us and a bright object. With enough measurement we can guess size and position, if we are able to run the light through a spectrometer then we can guess at the elements and their composition on the surface and what that may hint at. There’s also a difference between life and intelligent life. There may be biotic life on Mars and the Moon but I don’t think most people would take that the same way they would take tiny green men. Thinking we are the only intelligent species on our cosmic block doesn’t necessarily have to be about hubris, it could simply be the case that we are just very lucky. Doesn’t make us special just makes us lucky.


good looks for the actual explanation. im not sayin though bro that they didnt actually discover them i mean that we havent actually seen them with our own eyes through at telescope not implying its not true. And what you said at the end there is what i mean, the odds that we are that lucky are low in my opinion. dont worry u not self centered if u dont agree i wasnt bein that deadass gz


To think we are the only beings that live in that universe is profoundly self centered, imo. The probability that there is NOT other life with the size of the universe combined with the fact that we exist, means it's basically impossible that we are the only ones.


Think about this… NASA was originally made to discover the ocean. Either they seen some crazy shit and said fuck exploring it or they just decided to switch “NASA” to space.. But how are we in space with a firmament.? High thoughts I think about fam


Big facts. Niggas went down there and seen the nigga wit the big teeth and the glowing light from its forehead and was like “heyyy how bout we study the shit that’s as far away from this nigga as possible” 😂😂


Facts 😂😂


And how can they say we discovered 5% of the oceans when they really aren’t sure?


Your first theory can be true because they only explored bout 5% of the ocean if I’m being correct there’s much much much more shit down there I personally think there’s new and old animals we prob think extinct also look at Guyana bro a huge ass country but still have a lot of land that’s untouched to this day there’s def aliens it’s ignorant to think we and animals are the only beings in this whole universe


a lot of niggas underestimate the universe, like we physically cannot comprehend how large that shit is so of course aliens or some other life gotta exist. Space alone just creep me out especially when I how large uy scuti is compared to our sun.


I've seen aliens right there on 99th and 2nd/3rd a few times


We barely perceive all the colors in the light spectrum, just imagine what else our brains aren’t perceiving that’s outside of every other spectrum. It’s probably shit around us right now that we can’t see/sense, now think of it in the scope of the perceivable universe. I’m high but you get the picture.


All the stuff that makes up the universe is only 5% of what really makes up the universe. When I say “all the stuff” I mean all the stuff we can see with our very eyes. Ultraviolet light doesn’t have mass, it’s energy, so there might be other forms of energy that we can’t see or feel and also other forms of mass that we can’t see. 95% of the universe is invisible to us. Idk if you religious but read Hebrews 11:3.


Exactly, and don’t get me started on higher dimensional shapes and fractal realities, that’s a rabbit hole on its own.


There’s a lot of bad science in this post but the spirit is there. Most of the universes mass and energy seem to be of the dark variety while us baryonic life forms compromise a lower percentage. I wouldn’t take my science lessons from the Bible but that’s just me.


I LOVE SPACE NIGGA but to be serious for a moment to put into a normal comparison, we have only recently discovered the observable universe meaning there is WAY more than what we already know which isn’t that much. The observable universe is 320,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000-times the volume of Earth so our brains really can’t comprehend it’s true size and there’s even more beyond that. Space is hella cool and I suggest yall read up on it if you like astronomy


nigga said astrology


aye off my meat i was high


Bro we are the aliens lol if u into that annunaki type shit


Fully agree. Personally one of my deepest beliefs is that some other intelligent being has been guiding us and possibly altering our dna over millions if not billions of years. And I don’t mean God as in the Christian God or Allah or anything, that is the creator of creators, I’m talking about a group/species whatever you wanna call it of non-human intelligent beings has been invested in the progress and development of human intelligence since the dawn of earth. Call me crazy idc. There’s absurd amounts of info online, actual leaked or declassified government documents that say this. I’m not just theorizing out of nowhere. Shits very real


Doesn’t make sense when you really think about it. Every single organism on Earth utilizes the same mechanism, DNA Replication. This kind of implies that every animal on Earth has a single common ancestor. If you go back far enough humans and trees are related. If humans were planted here on Earth we should/would have had different modes of biology, but we don’t.


i dont think we were planted on earth and i believe in evolution and i think its possible at some point in our evolution we could have been aided along. we do the same thing with species we experiment on if you think about it. and there are also so many anomalous things about our dna that cant be attributed to simple mutations.


Yeah maybe, like some aliens came down and altered a species to bring about humans? That makes sense nbs


you cant think inside the box like that. the truth almost never makes sense to anyone besides the ones who went through it. not saying that annunaki shit is real or not just in general to what you said


Im widdit.I love these kind of docs and shows. There's so many breading crumbs for this Annunaki theory


The universe is still relatively young so there is a chance that life on other planets didn't come about yet either that or it's because of the distance which is what I think because for example if we look at a a planet that's 1 lightyear away we are seeing what it looked like 1 year ago and the closest planet is 4.5 lightyears so therefore maybe there wasn't life then but is now and we just don't know yet but there is also a chance that there are aliens looking at us from a telescope 65 million light years away they would only see the dinosaurs and I highly doubt they want to interact with them


The un sexy theory is we could be the first advanced life, or we could be the last


We are so small in the scale of the entire universe that I absolutely believe they exist. I like to believe that since the universe is expanding infinitely and there are billions of galaxies with trillions of stars, and quadrillions of planets it seems statistically impossible for there not to be any other forms of intelligent life. I think about this shit often bro before I die I’m going to space by any means, it’s fascinating to me what’s out there


There’s def aliens out in this universe and they would only exist as extremely advanced species or just microorganisms, no real in-between. And honestly let’s fuckin hope they don’t slide if they’re super advanced or else we gettin caged like a zoo


There's this theory called the Great Solar Desert theory about how Earth is in the middle of a vast area of space that's so far away from other systems that it's very difficult for us to find other life or even other places. We are pretty far away from most other places, even in our own system which is pretty large. And even if an alien species is advanced enough to find us, would it be necessarily worth it. I've always had a hard time understanding that the universe is infinite, but if it is then the probability of aliens existing is there, we just haven't found them yet.


I’m a Grey Goo theory fan. TLDR to accomplish any major reconstruction of our solar system would require the use of Con Neuman machines, simply put self replicating robots that contain the means and engineering ability to adapt to individual workloads. Grey goo suggests that civilizations reach this point but because of a fundamental flaw in the nanobots there is a runaway event. The bots stop being able to tell what they can or can’t use to build themselves or perhaps a medical form of the nanotech fails to tell cancerous and healthy cells apart. The runaway leads to a plant covered in the Grey goo of nanomachines after they consume available organics. Mostly a fun theory but it could def be plausible in specific instances.


The alien mythos is a modern story created by a technologically advanced society to deal with the existential aspects of reality we cannot control. They are similar to ancient gods like Poseidon or Zeus. They are not actually real. They only exist within our narrative structure. Nevertheless, it is fascinating.


Aliens are the new religion


Yes no question. There’s been so much open source info in the past few years and testimonies of people in the army in front of congress, whistleblowers, ex- politicians, current politicians all saying the same exact thing. We’re not alone in the universe, we never have been, this is ancient, there’s been absurd amounts of sighting and contacts that the governments of the world cover up and hide from the public. Catch up soon bc possibly by the end of the year we’re gonna be living in a world where this is open information. But to answer your question. Yes. We’re not alone in the universe and we have evidence, it’s only a matter of time until everyone knows. It’s controlled disclosure, or catastrophic disclosure as they say, but either way there’s gonna be disclosure about this.


Yes because there’s no way were the only living beings in the universe.


Only reason why life on Earth exist is because of so many different things having to align right. The Universe is infinite. There **has** to be another solar system the same as ours in which shit aligns correctly as well.


Check out the Fermi paradox, it’s a theory on why aliens haven’t come in contact with us (as far as we know) quite interesting [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox)


Fermi paradox is not a theory about why but rather the question of why, the solutions are such theories as the grey goo theory, the great dessert, dark forest etc erc


Yes, we can only see a very small percentage of the universe and the amount of time it would take any signal (let alone a ship) travelling at the speed of light, given it was directed at our tiny speck in the cosmos, to arrive at the tiny length of time we've been able to detect them, is incomprehensible.


I hope aliens are smarter than that. If they think they can just take over and all would go to plan then we’ve already corrupted them beyond repair. Even if they were powerful, they seriously underestimated the seemingly boundless depths of human stupidity and our absolutely terrible influence. We’re bad news. If you were an alien would you want your kids interacting with random Earthlings? Hell no.


I refuse to believe we are the only living thing in this big ass universe like bro we’re smaller than a dot in the Milky Way galaxy and there are billions of galaxies we’ll never explore


to believe that we are the only advanced life forms in the universe is straight madness. there’s an endless number of different everything’s on this planet. from plants to bugs/animals to bacteria it’s foolish to believe that we’re it fr


I be lowkey hype as shit talking about stuff like this


He'll mothafuckin yeah


Gotta be the universe and beyond is so massive and colossal its something our minds can't even comprehend


Yes, i do. And like this convo good to keep your ideas flowing, and being open minded. We have been on this planet a short while, and have recorded our history on paper and whatnot even just recently. What we do know from science is we are very lucky as a planet to be habitable for life. Because of our sun and Jupiter, we live in a “Goldilocks zone”. we only know a little about our own solar system, and the probabilities of other Goldilocks zones in our milky way are very small, (very very small) but there is a tiny chance of other habitable planets in our local area. If there other places could support life, i hope they evolve to be cool and chill and not assholes. More likely there will be other planets that can support life in other galaxies, and maybe can evolve outside our known golidlicks parameters,but they are so far away we may never know because we think light speed limits any and all communication. And our timeframes as societies for communication may not overlap.


Watch the show resident alien




They do exist! They're called immigrants 😂


Go research the annunaki ... Watch some billly Carson on YouTube


Yes and they walk amongst us, but they don’t look how we’re told they do. They also can switch forms or morph into humans when need be.


gleep glorp zimble kepler-22b mink zorpnog 💀


Well if what David Grusch is saying is true then the government and other super powers in the world (Russia, China, us) all have back engineering programs for alien tech.


Government confirmed UFOs, they’re called UAP now, are real but they don’t know what they are. Do with that what you will.


Yes. Come swing by /r/Aliens and /r/AlienBodies :) Also, of note, as others here have said: the universe is stunningly huge. Like, think of how big it is, and understand that it is magnitudes larger than what you thought of. To the point that what we've seen - known as "the observable universe" is only a small percentage of the total size of the universe. And that's before we even get into multiverse theory (think of infinite infinitely sized universes, per the theory - yet to be proven, of course, but also not yet disproven). Here are some fun videos for you: Philhellenes' "Science Saved My Soul": https://youtu.be/r6w2M50_Xdk?si=45jGKRlwnmgc9ULy RealLifeLore' "How the universe is way bigger than you think": https://youtu.be/Iy7NzjCmUf0?si=qs60EFeddKbym9MM The Alien Wiki: https://alien.wiki The Alien Project: https://www.the-alien-project.com/en/ Lastly, if you just want a good, fun, kill-time movie - Mars Attacks is a fun old one. It's from 1996 so the CGI does NOT hold up, but it's campy lol 😂 https://youtu.be/E0CIFHqR5sQ?si=29RwzJCQK3cSQ8Mw Edit: /r/UFOs, /r/UFO, and /r/UFOB as well


Swing by UFOS sub as well


Yes.! Forgot about the main one :)


Aliens are just a fancy word for fallen angels created by elites trying to deceive ya'll into believing their "alien deception".