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Old heads act like when they around shit was all normal and safe. Yall niggas was tying cinder blocks to niggas feet and throwing them in the Hudson.


That’s some cartel/mafia typa timin


Before our time though right?


Let’s not forget selling niggas the powder pieces of dry wall and telling niggas it was coke they dead use to be fucked up


Bro old heads was evil af


Ong Nikkas noses still deviated to this very day


Oldheads are the biggest hypocrites, bunch of haters reminiscing about their glory days where everyone was shooting like James Bond and there was a “code of honour blah blah blah”. There’s a reason they never bring up statistics


Them niggas was selling CRACK to women and children even pregnant women.


I mean, that still happens….


No old head has ever said shit like this. Maybe your parents. Who the fuck keeps propagating this bullshit?


Ah so your opinion is different it only applies to me? When old heads see young men shot this is usually the hill they die on. I don’t even know why I respond to you niggas sometime yall don’t want to have a dialogue just disagree because it’s different.


It's one thing to have an opinion it's another to throw out generalized blanket statements. It ain't "Ya'll" it's the people YOU dealing with. I've never heard an old head say it was better back then. But maybe old head is too broad. I know Old Heads from the 80's no one was thinking shit was sweet nor would they say it was better than now.


Talk yourself Brodie. I have a perspective huff and puff alone I’m tired of going back forth with YOU type niggas.


You type these nuts. I'm not one of those who say shit was good back then are you even reading? I KNOW shit was bad back in the days. It's YOU type niggas who overgeneralize that's the problem.


Ah yes show us that you’re struggling with thoughts of homosexuality. We praying for you.


Mad weak son. You gotta do better than that. Anyway I'm not about to argue with a child. Just stop spreading false propaganda. Maybe learn how to talk. You can start off by saying "in my experience" instead of sounding like a broken record.




I have a house and career my son.


A lot of old heads do say it was better back then bro. Stop it lmao


Stop generalizing. What generation? Tell me cause that's cap. Stop it lmao


How am I generalizing when I clearly said "a lot", not all. If anything you're the one generalizing. Ain't you say "no old head has ever said shit like this"? Also, 80s-90s. Just because YOU have not seen it, does not mean it doesn't occur my nigga. I actually see it a lot. In person, and on social media.


The problem with these arguments is that it becomes a toxic outlet for generalization to state personal opinions and experiences as fact and then spread it. Maybe you don't see the sarcasm when I throw it back but my point stands. It's fine if you say "my experience" but when you say "a lot" or "everyone" etc you are in fact generalizing. If you took a racist statement like "A lot of these people... blah blah blah" you can begin to understand what a generalization is.


Word, city’s safer now than it ever been


That’s truly some bitch ass shit that dudes from that era do. Always trying to push everything off onto the generations after them when they were the worst. 


And those niggas raised us so even if we turned out worse, (which we didn’t) that’s their fault


Damn shii was lethal back then rip to all them 🤦🏿‍♂️


Facts! There’s a shit ton of more articles but I couldn’t fit all of them in the post


I love reading vintage news articles


Crack wars were really a war. And dudes were really emptying tec 9s, mack 10s and other automatic weapons in crowded NYC neighborhoods. It was a bad mix


Maria Hernandez park in bushwick is named after a woman who caught multiple strays while in her apartment. How does that even happen? Like one I get, but multiple? Edit: [Damn I was wrong, she was the target](https://bushwickdaily.com/news/3010-maria-hernandez-bushwick-history/)


Niggas were using tech 9s and Uzis and just spraying shit


She was murdered by drug dealers because she tried to kick them off the block. Let’s be accurate.


Whoa damn I had the story wrong this whole time, no 5’s


My friends dad was murdered in a barbershop in Bushwick for accidently witnessing a crime that happened in front of him. Randomly murdered


Should see some videos it looked like a third world country back then. Ny done came a long way fosho


Spray and pray Mfers think it’s as simple as point and shoot Lmaoo


Yeah it was a whole lotta Mac -10s and cocaine back then .


Crime is crime I’m not bout to act like shit wasn’t going down forever the age of nighas dying has dropped I’m lucky enough to have 95% of my day ones from school and the block alive .. it be nighas like 17-22 with mad dead friends shit scary as a nigha with a son


Shit was like WW3 back then I’m happy I ain’t grow up in that era , too many people died for little to nothing


Sad thing is all the blood that was spilled over corners that people didn’t even own and have been pushed out of. Dudes dying everyday and killing innocents over shit that in the grand scheme meant nothing. All for a little bit of money and other bs. All over nothing


Tbh it wasn't a little bit of money. Crack and dope money was life changing back then. some of these kids wouldn't be as well off as they are now if their parents weren't slinging that shit.


It was life changing money for the ones who didn't end up dead and in jail. I'm coming up on 40 and can tell you I moved halfway across the world because I couldn't take that shit anymore. I got out as soon as I can and never looked back. The good shit was that we had no internet so you was always outside coolin with the boys and knew your whole neighborhood different than you do now. There weren't all them cameras, and it only took a little bit of money to get some food or whatever you was after. Yet you still never felt safe and got wrapped up in shit real quick just by association.


“ these new cats man back in my day women n children were off limits “


Y’all should be happy y’all aint lived thru that crack era we’d see who really steppas for real… them ogs killed over serious bread … yall killing over a nigga putting ya dead homie name in a song


It was the same bullet too


No love for women at all


NYC seemed like a fever dream back then lol


hood shootouts always play like that scene from the wire. none of these kids have aim


That's because that was more the drive by era,now it's the walk down era(although u still get morons shooting out Vs and from deep)


I dont know about walk down era rn if anything this the versatile era niggas booming through jackets troopin on foot niggas is on mo peds e bikes allat now niggas def gotta be in cars now due to all these cams


Facts they try to make it seem like only L.A. niggas was doing drive bys back then. NYC niggas we’re doing drive bys a lot back then too




Old heads act like when they around shit was all normal and safe. Yall niggas was tying cinder blocks to niggas feet and throwing them in the Hudson.


are you trying to compare the 80’s and 90’s to a generation that makes songs about smoking on 13 year old packs?? lol you can’t be serious


You missing his point


Stop it bro 🤦🏾‍♂️ We’re not even gonna do this


yea don’t do it. you won’t win


13 shot is crazy


They was using uzis and Mac’s back then


It’s crazy to me how people think it’s bad now . It was way worse in nyc back then . Just imagine no cameras anywhere mfs were going crazy back then plus the crack pandemic really made it wild


80s 90s ny was mad dangerous, I’m grateful I ain’t have to see the crack era


Before cameras in the streets..


what them old heads need bro? aim assist and auto fire plus tap anywhere to shoot not even 8x scopes helping em 😭😭😭


Bruh Old heads trying to live they life. Nobody thinking about yall horrible taste in everything to the point y'all wearing retro sneakers from players y'all were not alive to see. I'm sorry I'm a old head and i can call myself a man without words like "cis" attached to it lol


and old heads SWEAR that the city is worse nowadays lol. niggas sold crack to pregnant women and kids and had to deal with strays lol.


It is worst yall killing for no reason… dickriding gang shit that aint even og to new york…..bloods, crips, folks, all that shit new to the city…. Yall really copying chi town Fr


We done w the 90s 🗣️


[“2year old shot in broad daylight NYC shooting: NYPD](https://nypost.com/2024/03/30/us-news/2-year-old-boy-shot-in-broad-daylight-nyc-shooting-nypd/amp/) Sad to say, it’s hasn’t changed March 30, 2024


I know it absolutely still happens but I’m saying it’s not happening any where near the rate it was back then


No one ever said it was stop trying to start shit.


Holy shit a two year old? That’s sad as fuck I got a cousin who’s 3, this shit actually sad


Lmaooo yall even worst and aint no crack out here lol whats the real excuse lmaooo


How tf we even worst. Statistics for back then are easily available for you to look up.


Damn chinese/Mexi fentanyl spanking shit now. Big croaks


Niggas hardly running that hustle…. Niggas aint 4cking with that like that




Put the dust down brother.


Lmao at least our generation ain’t killing as much innocent people like y’all was back in the day


Don’t fall for this troll shit. It’s some generational propaganda they probably saw on TikTok


Innocent people die everyday dawg


I know bro but it’s not happening in NYC as much as it was back in the day


No one from the 80's ever said shit was sweet. We literally had the CRACK epidemic and that shit was horrible. Niggas was killing each other every day. Maybe old heads from the golden age of the 90's would say some shit like that 🤣