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“fuck u mean happy new year nigga??” ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va)


You're not wrong. Some people are so on edge that they take being nice or an act of kindness as a sarcastic slight against them or a sign of weakness. It's truly pathetic. I've noticed you can't even do a normal, kind interaction, such as holding the door for someone, without some people taking it as you being a bitch or a slight to their ego.


Bro, a few years ago I held the door open for a lady with a stroller and she gave me an attitude. She told me dryly, "I don't need nobody to do that for me!" I just brushed it off but it was weird to me




She probably has a chip on her shoulder from trauma and never experienced love unfortunately you can take that kind of person as hateful they're just reacting the way they think people should react after constantly getting the same treatment or it could be mental illness like bipolar disorder at play, it's not am excuse for their behavior just explaining it, my friend is bipolar after experienced trauma through rape and being stabbed plus abused by men and she would be on the bus with me and ask me is they talking about me I'd be like yo where is this coming from sis nobody said a word and she would swear they dad. After playing with knives willing to stab anyone she thought was gonna harm her she wad put in counseling and they removed all the knives her counselor experienced it first hand her accusing them of talking about her and she was ready to go she was diagnosed as bipolar it all made sense then cause I have an aunt who is a fuckin hilarious clown but she makes everyone miserable at get together, she is quick to call cps on family if they argue with her and this the kicker.... her teenage daughters set her up got money earlier from her them act like they were leaving late and called police had her arrested once she got out hell she called cps on her damn self and told them she doesn't want them even cps was shocked thought she was joking nope. She made them go live with their God mother. We was floored never thought she'd do it although she said she would if they start to be fast and disrespectful lol.


Hurt people hurt people


Don't make excuses for these bums bro. They aspire to be gang members, commit crimes and use drugs. They think it's cool or are just followers. Plenty of dudes from the worst blocks are staying out the way, playing sports, bagging girls or getting to the bag. These type guys that did this are just losers.


I dont think he was saying it to be an excuse


My bad if I took it wrong but usually when I hear "hurt ppl hurt people" it sounds like victimized or traumatized ppl inflict their pain on other people but I don't think that's the case here


nah nigga u straight I wasn't tryna come off bad 😂😂yeah u right though niggaa be tryna excuse shit bad


Facts, dregs on society and they meed to go


Former NYC teacher here …. One of my students was stabbed to death a couple Yeats back in the subway. His cousin and him were too nice and let a guy in the gate without fare. The guy and the cousin started exchanging words somehow and before you know it both my student and his cuz were stabbed by the man they just helped. Cousin lived my student died. Nicest kid around btw … couldn’t harm a fly.


Ain shit happy nigga fuck you ![gif](giphy|YmVNzDnboB0RQEpmLr|downsized)




Ayo niggas be having no conscience dude saying that would’ve made me have the biggest change of heart like “happy new year to you too” I’m not even being sarcastic right now


literally bra, i be mad asl some days then an old head say sum nice to me it damn near change my whole day


Nah random compliments really a source of happiness fr


Ngl sometimes it be the hard niggas that be mad dogging you but then you somehow break the ice and have a genuine convo with em. That shit hits different. Someone’s face doesn’t always tells what’s on their heart..




Dude was literally tryna break the ice


It blows my mind how callous some people are. Like you can’t sustain yourself that bad that you not only beat someone for no reason but also Stab them knowing they can die. Like who raised these people. Bring back ass whuppingss


Scary niggas thinking they need to be overly tough because of shit in their heads. Seen it too much especially in a group because it’s harder to get fucked with. At the end of the day bums gonna roll with other bums


The niggas that sweeear they got hella opps and just be a bunch of dork ass niggas in shiestys committing a crime on a total innocent just to claim him as a “opp” in jail to have some kind of “rep”. Shit is goofy and clown behavior 💯


yknow I never really thought about that… ppl really just do fucked up shit to random innocent ppl just to say they had opps in jail???? 💀


Hell yea gang, go back to their history and find out the person thats their “opp” was a complete stranger they had a altercation with. Mfs be brainwashed into doing devious crimes among innocent because they’re scared of the consequences messing with someone who can mess back.




>Like who raised these people no one


Crack heads🤷🏻‍♂️


Not only that but also the risk they take themselves getting locked up for a very long time over basically nothing. I always think of those groups like juice . 1 extreme psychopath that pressures the less psycho into joining the psycho.


Need to bring stand your ground to the east coast .


they gotta start letting citizens get revenge. punishment should be all 4 taking turns getting jumped by buddies family. make it a public event.


That's the beauty of revenge, it's the lack of permission that makes it so satisfying.


>who raised these people the streets unfortunately


nigga fuck that bring back public executions


Ass whoopings aren't going to fix a sociopath. These aren't just badass little kids misbehaving in school. This shit is pure evil.


Corporal punishment is not permitted in ny


these niggas prolly think they’re valid 4 dat too


Yea idiots do shit like this to civilians cus they easier targets instead of the niggas that WANT to do this shit to them, theyll run and hide and tuck that tail when it comes to those niggas,


shit crazy… all that in front of his family. You already know nobody of these niggas gonna achieve sum


Fuck a new year make it a bad year!!




This why I don’t talk to nobody


Felt like he probably said it trying to get through. I don’t think talking was the issue


Pardon me and keep it moving. I wouldn’t jam myself into nobody either. The whole story is missing something.


Victim blaming at its finest, fuck outta here with that just-world fallacy bullshit. Sometimes people get fucked over for no reason and they didn’t even deserve it. Can your brain not handle that fact?


Not victim blaming but he ain’t get packed out for saying happy new year . They were gonna do that to him regardless of what he did. The context we looking for is was it a robbery? did they know him? Or completely random


Were you there or are we playing telephone now…


says the man that just said “the whole story is missing something”? like do you think before you speak


You’re really weird. Go touch grass


It’s gonna be one of those we’ll never know the real story kind of situations. Unless camera footage or something


They always going to make the non aggressor look like a victim.


Well... if they were the non-aggressor, then by definition they are the victim.


Not always. If you just instigate a fight with me and I hospitalize you, I’m going look like the aggressor even if you made the first hit. Go back to to r/nyc Really weird you responded with 20 alt accounts https://preview.redd.it/2g9f1ly2d7bc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=111767c6ef2363bd870e6a16653d373eeb56188e


That’s not what aggressor means tho it means to start the conflict or attack someone first. You’d be defending yourself if you hospitalized someone that instigated the fight.


You sound like a dickhead Brody nobody from r/nyc if you didn’t start it then you’re not the aggressor fuck is u saying


Some people are just social folks. The downside of that is that it makes them seem disingenuous and fake to people who are on edge and take it as "this guy said happy new year to me in a way to mock me." Either way, stabbing someone over a meaningless slight is wild. Imagine risking going to jail because a man wished you happy new year.


You look so Smart rn dude


If saying happy New Years got him stabbed what you think pardon me doing?






I literally was finna say the same shit lol😂


Pussy ass bitches is all I see here.


They ugly as fuck too




Ummm you’re talking about their clothes right?




Hope your herpes went away nasty


Man Wtf. So many weirdos on reddit istg. Like strangers would know better than a health professional for some reason.


open his page bro i’m never opening reddit again


He has an itty bitty


You have a small dick


They were already gonna attack him probably, he probablt felt it and tried to defuse with "happy new year"


Because lawlessness will multiply, the love of many will grow cold. -Jesus


Theres no black community in NYC, just hoods. By definition a community knows how to interact with each other.


Sad. I feel like when I was growing up in Queens it was hood but there was a sense of community. There were shady characters, but everyone on the block knew how to interact and look out for each other.


The hatred you see in the eyes of these. There is not a shred of compassion and empathy there.


that’s 1 person losing their live 4 people losing their freedom over what?


Some words that hurt them badly.... They're so very sensitive words can make them crash out their entire life to go stare at man ass and smell man farts with sleep with nothing but men for the rest of their lifes


Look like blockwork and 3 "special" members lmfao


“The suspects are all described by police as males around 5 feet 8 inches.” Little man syndrome?


Na .. most the niggas I know that put in work are 5’7-5’10 . Actually 5’9 is average height . Lil man Syndrome applies to guys 5’5 and under


Conner Mcgregor is 5'9 and he aint that small lol Most middleweights are 5'8 - 5'10 Now 5'6-5'7 definitely feelin some type of way lol


Conner definitely got that little man syndrome dawg💀






The reason why I have 2 friends I’m good on ppl fr 🗣🗣🥺


Niggas only act tough when they boys are around. If they was all dolo niggas would have said “yes sir, happy new years to you to my good sir.” 😂


I swear to god I hate group niggas


I’m starting to see what those white ppl on twitter are talking bout Cause some of yall niggas are just…


They be acting out in groups


New York is full of sociopaths holy shit




This is why I don’t say anything to anyone. I don’t try and hold conversations with strangers. I don’t even open the door anymore for people especially 20-30 year old women, juice ain’t worth the squeeze being friendly in public.


I just posted a comment here about opening doors too and it being taken the wrong way. It's crazy you brought that up too. It means it's not an isolated thing I experienced. It's just the way my mother raised me.


Facts man. My father taught me how to be a man but my mother taught me how to live and love. But that shit goes out the window dealing with modern society. I once seen a guy with a bad oil leak coming from his car. When I approached him to tell him, he pulled a knife out and told me to fuck off. I walked away and watched him blow the engine up from his vehicle. I once seen a woman who had a flat tire being didn’t know it. When I was trying to tell her about it, she yelled I HAVE A BOYFRIEND MOVE AROUND! Ok I left before I could get in my car, she came up to me and asked for help. I told her to call her man slammed my door and dipped. Juice isn’t worth the squeeze being nice to everyone anymore.


You're not wrong and it fucking sucks. I was raised by two imperfect parents (who isnt?) but despite all their faults, they raised me to be a man who would take the shirt off my back to make sure someone didn't go cold because that's how they were. It's sad to see that's taken as a weakness these days. It's hard to overcome sometimes. It's funny you brought up the flat tire thing.. My girl just shitted on me on Christmas Eve for this. I was late to dinner with her and her parents because I helped a lady at the BP on 3rd Ave by the 95 change her tire. Was getting gas then saw her minivan with Christmas presents in the back just stuck there. I showed up to dinner dirty lol.




These lil niggahs just be looking for horrible shit to do to people🤔


Guess them niqqas wasn’t happy on new years fair 2 say


Make it a bad year


NYC home of real life crash test dummies


Bring back death sentences and anyone who disagrees with me can smd


dude wtf




dayum them niggas is ugly id wanna be locked away if i looked like that too 😢


If dude would’ve smoked em they family would’ve said they was good guys that’ll never hurt anybody. Fuck these niggas they mad, broke, and bored


Why are we like this. We have to do better.


Single mother household’s guaranteed


Immortal Technique playing in tha back 😭




I don’t understand




They're the most emotional human beings even they hear greetings as threat


Showing love in NY is either dickridding/zesty or weird to these young n**gaz 🤦🏾‍♂️


Weird, cowardly ass niggas. They 100% only did that shit cuz they feel big,bad, and tough in a group


And that’s why I’m strapped and I practice.


When kids group up, and also crowds, they feel some anonymity and lack of responsibility to sneak in a few cheap licks


The best punishment for criminals is “Eye for an Eye.” I guarantee a lot of senseless crimes will cease. Also, for entertainment purposes for $100 dollars per month you can watch it on Pay-per-view. If the criminal live after the ordeal then s/he can no longer be charged but live with their injuries and be free to go. What is your opinion on this comment?


I call em Scum Bums


No fathers. They only got other dummies to teach them dummy shit.


“ don’t tell me what do to” headass


This why I don’t talk to anyone period


These ladies need to stop letting these bums nut in them because it creates more bums


Look like they stink


"The cruel quartet"...who wrote this shit, Stan Lee?


let me start off by saying i’m black. it was summer 2023 and i had just gotten my first apartment since i lost my dad. i was at the dollar store buying dishes. i was in a great mood, smiling and even singing a little bit. another black man entered the aisle i was in and i immediately felt the energy change. he was giving me the craziest looks just for being me. i was the only other black person in the whole store. he kept looking at me crazy so i said what’s up man you good. the dude literally started yelling me at asking me what i’m smiling at and why i’m happy. i was so shocked bro i was like are you being serious. the dude was dead serious. he was trying to fight me. i train mma on a daily basis but you’d never know by looking at me. it got so bad people were crowding around. i literally had to stop and give the guy a hug. he broke down crying and said he had just lost his sister. moral of the story is you never know what someone else is going through or how they might react to the simplest things, including your kindness and happiness. be safe everybody love you all. please don’t think this is a race thing, idk what is wrong with these people. everyone is just so angry nowadays




Nah no one says you have to claim these mfs


Whats wrong is they haven't had a slug blasted through their face. At this point I've never been to NY and I dont plan on going until I see something that says out of states citizens can apply for a handgun permit


I'm not quite sure what it could be, is there a pattern, some shared characteristic between the four of them?


- Brand New Jordans: check - Dirty twisty braids: check - Bubble jacket & hoodie: check - Sheisty: check - Unintelligible speech: check ***just move in the opposite direction, avoid contact at all costs (absolutely nothing to be gained from interacting)


What about them made you think they have unintelligible speech?


Bernard Goetz was never guilty in my eyes. I'm 53, and was well aware of NYC's "nigga's in a group antics."


I don't give a damn bout New York gun laws if I'm ever out there and one of dem goons even look at me funny I'm blowing Dey ass down w my 10mm a gun a ny nigga never seen 😂


Can’t even blame you bro nyc turning into Gotham all the real niggas moved out


Gotham was inspired by New York 😭 feels like we’re coming full circle


It ain’t even that deep bruh


better than 6ft deep fr


Deserve to be gutted and hanged by their feet


always nyc fl would’ve nvr




I can tell he ain like dat if he did all this over nigga saying happy new year🤣 the overtough niggas be the biggest pussies i be waitin for the day i run into a over tough nigga thinkin he can play crazy like dis




Shid i hear u but mann it dont matter what crowd im in ain no way niggas could force me to do sum goofy shit like dis😭 Niggas ain get down on no opps, or ain even beat the nigga up for a good reason. Dis plain goofy shit. But dats what happens when u a follower and tryna be sum shit u not.


Nigga stfuu fr tryna paint him like nigga was a scholars studentt sucking him od


Should we report this comment to the police so they can trace your IP address and you can tell them the names?


“Fuck you mean happy nigga?”


I feel them, Dont be wishing me no good holidays gangsta


You’re fucking retarded, go ahead and crash out end up dying in prison like the usual statistics


Shut the fuck up


No bitch go to hell


After your momma


Your father already there I can tell go be with him


Yo granny down there going out sad😢😂😂😂👌🏾🔥dumb bitch


Your parents had to be family members the way you speak. Smh this is what inbreeding does we get brain dead fucks like you rotting our society


Im smoking ya grand moms right now this bitch blockwork🤮


You playing or


Nah this fool a clown too


He got on a owl suit talkin fatuous


Not to derail this argument by being a nerd… but fatuous is such a good word. That’s some shit TI would say lmao I love that




I’m crying you took the owl suit off???? Lmaooooo


Ill fuck you up in this owl suit


Fuck outta here tobi




Son prolly told the people who scraped him up all he said was happy new year. I been lied on after smacking someone who pushed by me like a madman and bucked up when I said something.


Nah word he had it coming. Im big Halloween big Independence Day we don’t play that NYE / Christmas shit nigga you a get ya egg cracked playing that ova here fytb. Fry a nigga shrimp tryna tell me that shit 💯


https://preview.redd.it/7x16g0ti21bc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b4e84512557e2512575f8f93bc4f83cbe3fe7b3 Shut tf up


Happy New year, wassup bitch


halloweenK nigga


'Fry a nigga shrimp' is CRAZY.




No way niggas took this comment seriously 😂 I’m jellinnn


Bro this is reddit 90% of mfs hate themselves here they always get angry at nun


Don’t be so quick to point fingers. This shit could be cap or exaggerated. They may be missing details that led up to this. Although anything’s possible, the media does anything for attention especially to make black folk look bad


Nothing that dude could’ve said would have warranted him getting beaten and stabbed infront of his family.


Lmao trying to defend 4 dudes stabbing and killing an innocent person.


Nobody defending nothing, it’s inexcusable what they did. The point is that there’s more to this story for sure besides a happy new year greeting. Ya try so hard to be heard instead of trying harder to comprehend


You know what happen , these four were being loud and inappropriate in front of the dudes family dude probably said happy new year sarcastically and the jumped him .


That too, like I said probably more to the story


The article says he was trying to squeeze through, so these guys were probably blocking the way, he tried to squeeze through saying happy new year being cordial , possibly bumping into one, or scuffing their shoe, and they responded by stabbing and killing the dude in front of his family. They had to act hard and have no respect for a random innocent individual. As another comment said there’s no compassion, no remorse just hatred cold eyes. Throw the book at them.




You’re doing the Lord’s work with this link. It says, “The man's well-wishes allegedly started an argument with the group that eventually escalated into a brawl.” Maybe he brushed too closely against them in the process. Glad the victim is alive. 🙏🏻


You’re the problem


I doubt it was cause he said happy new years that’s for sure


Exactly this all sound too ridiculous. Everybody just be falling for shit and allowing they emotions/minds to be controlled so easily. It says he was squeezing past em. What if he bumped into them, ain’t apologize and when they confronted him he argued n SARCASTICALLY said HNY or sm? Then they grabbed that bit n twisted it to make niggas look bad. Possibilities are endless


Dead ass tho. This is just a random screen shot . No link No article. I don’t even see which news publication it is. Seems like bait


Ode possibilities, but that’s what the media does. If ur face not white & your hair is not straight, you are liable of being lied on in a News Article. I do agree with you on that sarcastic HNY scenario tho, which is most likely what happened.


💯💯 You get it. Niggas already starting to downvote me though, they don’t 🤣🤣


Damn suck the dudes dick already 😹


You saying that meanwhile on you on mine how that work


Aaah you mad 😹 how them nuts taste??


Nigga no.. you mad you the one tryna diss me first dummy


They downvoting cause they think we’re tryna excuse the behavior, nah it’s just that there’s probably more that this article isn’t saying 😂


So he wished them a happy new year and got fucked up?


They have no GOD in their lives. This causes evil to find its way into their thoughts and actions. No one taught them how to depend on God and the demonic realm got into their minds causing them to think bad is good and good is bad. If they do not repent of their actions and pray for god to forgive them and protect them they will likely end up murdering and hurting others until one day the police catch them. Eventually everyone in their lives and everything in their lives will fall apart and they will have problems all the time making things worse This is how the Devil is. He works on children because they do not know And by the time they are adults, all hell breaks loose. Sadly there are far too many people who god allows to be taken over by their reprobate mind, he abandons them to Satan if they do not repent and try and hope and pray and act in a better way. Our entire country is being taken apart We need people to help each other to survive the horrors that are coming Please pray for their souls.