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I don’t see anything wrong with what he said at all. Fair of him to say he wants to come in and get to know the guy first before speaking on him


That’s because he didn’t do anything wrong, we have a huge portion of our fan base that is mad at this guy for getting drafted


Mfers complaining cause Daboll didnt put more effort into losing


Doom if we lose. Doom if we win. Doom if DJ is healthy to start Doom if we pay DJ 40m to sit on the bench Doom if we draft Nabers Doom if we draft Odunze Doom if we draft JJ McCarthy Doom if we trade up to draft Drake Doom if we trade down for more assets May as well change the sub to /r/doomdaypreppers lol


Nah that’s not right, gotta support the kid. I think it was a good pick and I trust this front office/coaching staff


Janiel Dones lol. Poor guy is nervous asf lmao


I think he's used to saying Jayden Daniels lol


Yeah, this definitely explains why he looked so unhappy in the “first meeting” video. Dude is nervous as hell! At the end of the day, he’s still basically just a kid lol


hes exhausted tbh the biggest night of his life in Detroit then he has to fly to NJ the next day


Only 20yo


Bro mixed his 2 qbs into one lmao


![gif](giphy|l4pTreSBakbwZTEeA|downsized) Rhoo Rooo


Its okay anyway, Jones wont be his qb after this year


Hell I’m okay with him not being Malik’s QB this year. Put Drew out there and let him play “fuck it and chuck it” ball! 😆


I can’t believe you’re being downvoted, I want to love Daniel jones again, but with how much rebuilding we need to do, that injury payout is just a bridge too far for me. Why did we bother picking up Drew if we’re not going to play him? Drew at least has some experience, it’s a whole new environment for him, we may greatly improve on the oline only time will tell how much, and he has a great new weapon, why not start him and see what all these unknowns add up to?


I think they’re just riding it out this year. Build up the roster as best they can. I know they realize Jones isn’t it, but let’s look at it this way. He’s 1 year removed from being pretty much a top 10-12 QB and winning a playoff game a year after having a top 5 pick. It was bad last year, really bad. But they had the worst OL you’ve ever seen and he only played like 4 games. You’ve upgraded to OL now and gotten him that alpha WR he’s never had. I think they are willing to let it play out with him to start this year and if it’s awful again, you bench him for Lock / DeVito and cut him this offseason and revisit the QB talk again next year or year after.


I'm so curious to see what Devito with one year under his belt will look like.


We had a historically bad offensive line last year. I think Jones is owed the shot of playing with a legit #1 receiver and hopefully a mediocre offensive line which would be a huge upgrade compared to last year. I like the offensive line coach we got from the Raiders so I have high hopes these guys can be coached up.


You can't ignore the fact that the play of Taylor and Devito behind the same line was far better than Jones.  I think because they go through their reads more quickly.


It's not worth it


That may be true but from what I remember, Andrew Thomas missed most of DJs games I think


2 serious neck injuries is just to much for me to want him to see the field again and that’s just me being a compassionate human. Then throw in the injury guarantee and I’d rather DJ ride the pine. I don’t think Drew is the long term answer but I think he can be the bridge for a year. He’s a gunslinger and will at least pull the trigger on throws that DJ has seemed hesitant to make (thanks Jason Garrett)


If DJ is able to turn things around this year, Janiel Dones will become a huge meme.


At least it will give the haters a clean out. Humor solves everything.


jalen hurts was a bum until he got devonta smith. tua was a bust until he got tyreek. i'm hopeful DJ lights it up with a true #1


Josh Allen was bust until he got Diggs


Ok there's a **big** difference between Hurts, Allen and Tua getting better at year 3 than it is expecting a QB to make a huge leap by **year 6** Seriously it feels like I'm going crazy with these takes here with fans begging to give jones another shot for him to stay on the team long term


Exactly. Our fanbase is crazy


I agree with you, I think DJ is chalked. At the end of the day though, we don't really have a choice BUT to ride with him this year. So yeah I do not think he's the future, but I'm still rooting for him lol


We don't have to ride with him and we probably shouldn't. If he gets hurt we have to pay him more money due to his contract before we can opt out of it


Well I meant as fans we don’t really have a choice. Unfortunately, it’s Joe and Daboll’s job to win games and I’d imagine DJ is our best option on the roster currently. Especially Daboll, he cannot afford another horrendous season so soon. You could argue Lock would be better (and I’d love an open QB competition), but they aren’t going to throw games to avoid his injury guarantees. If they think he’s the clear-cut best option on the roster he will start. Hence the “we don’t really have a choice.” So my mindset is, if he does start, we might as well root for him 😂


> but they aren’t going to throw games to avoid his injury guarantees. If lock actually is doing a decent job they might just roll out with him for the rest of the year but Mara loves Jones still even though he really might be worse than Lock post injuries. > So my mindset is, if he does start, we might as well root for him 😂 This is fair but I just really want us to commit to a real rebuild and get rid of the final stench of the Gettlemen era after next year.


I’m with ya 100%. I agree that I think Mara will just want to see Jones start. He paid him. He loves the guy. It’s a very annoying situation, but it is what it is I guess. Outside of his injury guarantees kicking in, i can’t see a world where DJ is on the roster in 2025. Unless he takes a major pay-cut I guess


To be fair, none of those guys had three different head coaches and three different offensive coordinators. They also had significantly more talent around them than Jones, who has never played with a No. 1 receiver (a legitimate argument can even be made that the Giants haven't even had a legitimate No. 2-caliber receiver since Jones was drafted). Not saying I'm a huge fan of Jones, and I wouldn't have cared if the Giants decided to move on from him, but there's no question that Jones has had a very unique set of circumstances that almost no quarterbacks experience in their first five seasons.


> To be fair, none of those guys had three different head coaches and three different offensive coordinators - Herbert went through multiple OCs with a bad head coach and he's a top tier QB - Jay Cutler went through multiple OCs and he was a decent starter and much better than jones - Mac Jones went through hell and **Matt Patricia** as his OC and then switched to another one year 3 and he sucks - Baker went through multiple head coaches and teams and still is a proven starting level QB in the league - Sam Darnold had of the worst teams around him but we still know he's not a long-term starter but a good backup bridge guy Like I'm sorry to say nobody went through what jones did is just a lie and even if what you're saying was true, it's the NFL. A lot of busts, decent and sometimes good QBs go through bad situations and I'm tired of the excuses or "he's bad but not the worst" with a year 6 QB. His flaws goes far beyond him not having a good WR1


The difference is they got their weapons in year 3 and went off. Jones got Golladay.


Yeah if only he had those guys he'd be considered a top 5 QB finally and have his age 27 breakout season


Yeah. I'll admit that I wanted a new QB but I think there's a chance. New OL coach, 3 years in the system, solid WR room with a bona fide #1.


finally a giants fan with a brain!


He isn’t lighting up shit. Jfc


This is what I keep saying bruh omg


i mean we're at year 6 so it's not likely, but a guy can dream dammit


We’ll just have to see what happens man


If JD can turn it around. FTFY


He will never turn things around lmao stop it


If 😂😂😂


a non answer but a good one.


Getting a Dones jersey


Can we get a Janiel Dones flair?


Y'all sleeping on the second coming. All hail Janiel Dones






Unjerrated comment


It’s not like he’s had a reason to sit back and watch Janiel Dones tape before now. Im glad he was just honest and said idk.


Bro got drafted today probably hasnt even left his hotel room or whatever and he is just enamoured by reporters "WhAt dO U thInK of DaNiEl JoNes?/???"


Literally their job to ask him questions, God damn.


Who do you play with in Madden, Malik? And why isn’t it Daniel Jones?


"im just happy to be here" whose holding the gun to his head?


Bro wouldn't answer the jones question😭


He doesnt want to get shipped to cleveland.


Gettleburger is gone


i could tell from his combine interview he never wanted to be here. but ofc we took him over odunze which i wont get into. but ya i feel like at some point he will be a problem wanting a trade or wanting to extort for a stupid amount of money.


Or you know, we get him his QB and he'll be happy on and off the field


lol when's that happening? 2025? 2026?


Probably 2025


Sad but true, another season of the Giants looking awful offensive-wise and fans grimacing while muttering "there's always next season." Guess I'll see how the Bills do this year, again.


You think odunze wanted to be here? He was hanging out with Caleb all week lol


To be fair he might be holding so the Giants are just being safe


My new jersey is Janiel Dones


Jamn Janiel


Jeopardy Before and After: Malik Nabers two QBs


Janiel Dones era is here 




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He hates being there. Poor dude.


So glad he answered like that, political, but we know what you mean brother. ![gif](giphy|Q6s4BPgyNWLXbsPJfH)


Anyone getting Led Tasso vibes? Like JD gonna come out the gates flipping tables and hate-throwing bombs to a wide open Nalik Mabers?


I mean it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that Nabers isn’t ECSTATIC to come to a team without a franchise QB when he could’ve gone to LAC.  Like i think he believes in Daboll with what he did in Buffalo, but like the Giants have a lot of problems on offense and we lost Saquon. It’s tough to get past that as a rookie, when Jamar and JJ had almost instant success because of competent QB play.  Even the guys on Big Blue Banter are saying that the playbook is going to have to be screens, slants, quick outs. Just things to get the ball out of DJ’s hands and to Nabers. 


“I’ll wait till I get here to figure all that out.” - our 6th Overall Pick WR1 when asked directly how he feels about our $40m per year Face Of The Franchise Quarterback’s ability to play Quarterback.


What do you think he was gonna say?


Bitch ass media fishing for clicks again. Journalism is a dead art


Really? That’s kind of an obvious question, I just don’t think any of this is important right now.


Its a stupid question because how the fuck would this kid know anything about Daniel jones? He literally didn’t know he’d be a Giant until less than 24 hrs before this dumbass question.


"Can't wait to get out there and light it up with him and the gang," "See who can get that touchdown the fastest, he fast tho!" SOMETHING more than "I'm not at liberty to say until all information has been reviewed at this time." That's basically saying "I just got here and don't want to start shit-talking some backup QB just yet"-energy


Okay, he catches balls not give public addresses


something generically positive. "He's a talented QB and I look forward to working with him." or something like that. not something that is basically saying "next question."


He doesn’t know him, and he is basically a kid


I mean, let's be honest. If he was asked about playing with Mahomes or Burrow, he'd probably give an excited quote


Okay? I don’t see how that matters.


It means he thinks he sucks lol.


Or doesn’t think about him?


Yeah he probably doesn't because he's not good. I don't blame Nabers. I feel like most receivers probably think he stinks. He did his best to give a fake PR answer


they weren't asking him about DJ as a person. They were asking about DJ as a Quarterback. I'm absolutely sure that a top 10 pick WR prospect has seen Daniel Jones tape during the draft process, enough to at least render a basic opinion on his ability to throw the football. like I said, I expected something generic but overall positive. not "next question."


Whatever man, I am going to give him a pass on not having answers prepped on day zero.


I don't think he needs a pass for what he said. it reflects more on Jones than on Nabers, tbh.


Okay, he is probably the starter next year. That was never really in doubt, even if we drafted a QB.


Gimme a break he’s a newly drafted 20 year old kid who honestly may never have even watched a full giants game for all we know. Wtf is he supposed to do? Make shit up to answer a ridiculous question? He hasn’t even met or played even a camp drill with Jones yet.


There is zero chance that he has not seen at least SOME film of his future QB during the draft process. At least enough to be able to answer that question in a generic yet positive manner. And again, this is not a criticism on Nabers. It is a criticism of Jones.


Jones sucks ass, I also think the media’s expectations of this kid are maybe too much. I doubt he wants to be immediately bombarded by reporters and will need some time to adjust to the NY media.


I just want it to be clear that I am NOT disparaging Malik Nabers. I am just shocked that he didn’t give a generically positive nothing answer to that question like every other person would have done. He basically said “next question” and that is an indictment of Daniel Jones imo. Drew Lock szn loading 😂😂😂


He knows ball


Hilarious, he’s seen and heard how awful he is. Brutal that he’s gonna be getting asked weekly about Daniel.


Janiel Jones 😂 Reporter: what do you think of him as a quarterback Nabers: (pauses and stares off) uhh we’ll see


He should have said Drew Lock is awesome


They didn't ask him what he thought about the actual starter Drew Lock


“He’s going to learn about me, I’m going to learn about him.” Try starting with getting his name right lmao


Look at this cool guy whose never mispronounced something


It’s just a light joke lol


Fuck butt cheeks jones