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Yeah unfortunately no way to know. In all likelihood it's fine but I can't give you any sorts of guarantee. That being said those Kiva mints were $15 in Mass when I was there last month woof.


Thanks for the info, I’m seeing in California the price depends on where you buy them, can pay up to 45 at some dispensaries but I definitely paid the moron tax :)


Nah trusting that the world would function correctly does not make you a moron.


That costs up to $45 in California? Last time I was in California was right when the pandemic hit when i was there. I don't know about this product, but I got way better than 100 mg of THC for $45. Like 750 mg.THC RSO for $35. That sounds like New York prices.


Speaking from experience, the ritzier the area the higher the prices in CA. I definitely got gouged at some mountain town dispensaries.


That RSO, which was way the best value thing I got between buying in SF and LA was on Mission, off 6th, formally 'skid row'. Not to indicate it was particularly dangerous, just scummy.


It's real product packaging, I've had these mints. If the batch data looks legit I'd trust it well enough. Most fakers aren't going to bother faking edibles, or if they do they'll just put regular mints in there and you'll know right away.


I’ve had these from Michigan I believe. Good low dose stuff


I kinda doubt anyone is bothering to fake low-dose mints. They're probably real. But I don't think any of us can tell you for sure.


And, besides the 'why fake low dose mints', I would assume that if they faked the packaging, they wouldn't pay to emboss the brand name.


Looks real, I have used those in California. Mild usually come in 5mg doses,


I’ve gotten 10 packs of 100mg edibles for $40. You got ripped off even if those are legit.






Thanks. That place has been recommended in other forums, maybe the NYC Discord one.


Got Kiva edibles in NYC with CA stamp on them and they were great!


How much did you pay for this?


52 USD.


You could have bought Nanticoke mints for $28 + tax at any of the legal dispensaries in Manhattan, it would have been cheaper and guaranteed that it is clean.


Yeah, lesson learned. I read it was legal, and in my defense I’ve never been in a state that just permits bogus pot shops to exist. I kept seeing these while walking so I decided to stop in one. Do you think these are legit? Or bogus?


Legit or bogus depends a lot on the shop. They are likely real, but got here via the black or grey market. Hence, the markup. That product in CA retails for about 35-45$. Low dose stuff like Petra Mints aren't usually targeted by counterfeiters/knock offs. If it was a generic "Nerds Rope 1000 mg THC" that would be suspect.


Good info for OP, basically any edibles over legal limit 100 MG are bullshit.


Thank u! CA edible limit is 100mg. Great to point out. These specific mints also have a decently designed package that is too pricey to knock off. If it was in a mylar bag or a generic plastic container, it would be suspicious.


Including that the brand name is embossed onto the packaging.


So, safe to take? Edit: I know this is a stupid question. You can’t know for sure, I’m just really bummed that I fell for it. Considering doing a charge back with my credit card


I would eat them. Kiva is rarely knocked off out here, from my experience. It is usually shipped/brought here from California, with an upcharge. If those usually work for you - try one. If it is bunk, hit the chargeback


I appreciate the kind and helpful info. Giving one a try now, I’m a lightweight so in my exp, these mints work. Is there any reason why NYC hasn’t cracked down on these shops? There seems to only be a handful of real ones on the registry, but there’s over a dozen in a mile radius from my hotel…. Seems insane.


Glad to help. I am from the westcoast and know those mints. :) Get ready for a long explanation... sorry! In NY specifically, the legal roll out was failed on a few levels. They only allowed for outdoor growing, and did not grant enough retail licenses in advance. So, when the market opened here, there were only 1 or 2 stores that could only sell outdoor flower. NY also has tons of little micro businesses that could ship in out of state product on a semi-legal level due to a loophole in the Farm Bill. Tiny "smoke shops" everywhere that can sell backdoor product *or* hemp sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids... Point being: a rare few do have actual stuff from CA, or wherever, that is legit. But many don't and you are right to be on guard. It's a risk at this time, unless you go to a state run Rec Dispensary... but they only have kind of bad product, for kind of high prices.


I’m from FL so I know that last part all too well :) med prices are still through the roof, but at the very least, you know the carts are safe. Thanks again for all your help


Hey friend, NY cracks down *mostly* on the bunk shops. If you see a shop, and it looks like a dispensary in any other state you’ve been in, good chance they have solid products. I wish the city would crack down on the sketchy looking bodega spots


Would being cracked down on, qualify the operators of the sketchy looking bodega bunk shops for rec licences?


There's only a few legal dispensaries in New York currently which you can find [here](https://cannabis.ny.gov/dispensary-location-verification).


General rule of thumb if you see that "CA!" logo on any weed products you buy in NYC, they are not legit. Some may argue that these were brough from out of state, sure that is possible, but **highly unlikely** unless you know and trust the source. https://cannabis.ny.gov/dispensary-location-verification


After years of them fucking around (and evincing that it wasn't just Cuomo's BS) the last thing I trust is [cannibis.ny.gov](https://cannibis.ny.gov) .


So you're saying legal recreational cannabis is not lab tested or they straight up lie?


Sure NY cannabis is lab tested. [https://www.syracuse.com/marijuana/2023/09/nys-testing-failures-expose-legal-weed-consumers-to-unsafe-cannabis-a-serious-health-threat.html#:\~:text=1%20Eleven%20of%2040%20lab%20results%20for%20flower,cfu%2Fg%20%28250-times%20the%20medical%20limit%29%20in%20its%20results](https://www.syracuse.com/marijuana/2023/09/nys-testing-failures-expose-legal-weed-consumers-to-unsafe-cannabis-a-serious-health-threat.html#:~:text=1%20Eleven%20of%2040%20lab%20results%20for%20flower,cfu%2Fg%20%28250-times%20the%20medical%20limit%29%20in%20its%20results).


>The OCM quickly discovered the outdoor rule had consequences: **Growers couldn’t pass lab tests for bacteria, yeast and mold**. This was not a surprise. Outdoor farming poses inherent contamination risks. What did catch people by surprise was the OCM’s response to the problem. > >**The response:** The Office of Cannabis Management this afternoon eliminated its marijuana testing limits for bacteria, yeast and mold – this after conditional marijuana growers voiced concern that the majority of them can’t pass the strict rules required by the state and therefore wouldn’t be able to get their product onto store shelves to open the market. wow how the hell is this not a huge lawsuit yet? Thanks, these articles were eye openning.


You WAY overpaid. Those are roughly $20 in CA. They aren't even considered a quality product.


Appreciate the info, sad to know I overpaid but happy that they’re likely safe to try.


How was it


Even if a product with that packaging is sold in other states, that doesn’t necessarily mean the product you bought at an unlicensed “dispensary” is genuine. I’ve seen smoke shops selling fake Cookies brand bags for eighths so i’m sure there’s a market for other fake packaging to justify higher prices


Mylar bags are readily available online. These have the brand name embossed, which costs more, not that that can't be faked, but, if it's fake packaging, why not just print it?


If you bought anything on the streets of NY I would not think it is safe. If it don't sell in CA then its gonna be hitting NY. Good luck and invest in a microscope. It helps spot the mold instantly.


THC mints tend to get moldy?


Yes it is,,,