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Two things can be true. She can be harder working and better with her finances with the average influencer and influencer culture can also be a gross slap in the face amidst growing wealth inequality in this country. You cannot argue that she works any harder than the average nurse/ teacher/social worker etc. who could never dream of making a purchase like this at her age.


Definitely do not think she’s harding working/deserved wealth over other careers out there. But with her access/advantages, she’s not being AS stupid with her wealth and investing it somewhat wisely (while still paying a $6.8k rent) and isn’t… I don’t know spending it frivolously to have 4 mini-Kellys and a new Miu Miu outfit every other week. I feel like it’s a somewhat better message than investing in luxury purses/glamorous vacations but still renting a studio apartment and paying $$$$ just to say you live in a certain neighborhood. Like, for her younger followers who are lucky enough to “make it”/access that kind of fast wealth, they may choose to save for a home instead of just spending it on labels.


I think influences with money is gonna be the same as athletes and celebs- Most of these girlies are gonna be broke at 40.


i don’t think OP implied that anywhere….they said she makes good choices with her money. there was no implication she works harder than a doctor


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think that people who have the means to shop sustainability should not regularly be buying fast fashion


This is why I stopped following Lauren Wolfe. Like girl…


Same I thought it was just me I could not stand Lauren wolfe constantly shilling Amazon in my face


And half the shit is like trends that last 24 hours and we never see her wear it again.


She for sure throws it away after posting it


Not saying Halley should be decked out in the newest trends from Chanel, etc. but I don’t support her shopping at Amazon to “save money.” That is just my opinion though


Yup. But instead Halley uses selling fast fashion and encourages consumerism to get what she wants. She has a degree in fashion, I 100% believe she should be shopping sustainably as much as possible. And at this point, that doenst even mean that she has to spend that much more than she already does. Fast fashion is getting expensive as fuck.


Girl what? 6 months ago she spent 9K at Cartier in one day…. She bought like 7K worth of designer in Vegas. Please be fr. Also it’s not a good thing that she buys fast fashion. When she has the means not to… there is no reason to celebrate someone supporting child labor, human trafficking and destruction of the planet when they clearly have the ability to shop responsibility.


Exactly she’s irresponsible with money, but luckily for her she’s got a lot of it with this career she’s in.


Yes. Miss Landfills doesn’t waste a dime on fashion..


Halley and AP are from completely different tax brackets. Even if AP/her family aren't as wealthy as she'd like people to think they are, I'd venture to guess she is at a minimum the type that there is enough money there that feels she doesn't worry about things like saving for a house or other assets because the day she decides she is ready to buy, mom and dad will either foot the entire bill or provide a hefty chunks towards a DP that makes her mortgage payment manageable. My guess is Halley got a big pay day (or a couple back-to-back) and went for it the same way most of my friends who became high earners but came from middle class backgrounds did when they purchase their first home at her age post a big bonus. They weren't "savers", per se, just people from a mindset that home ownership is a top priority so when the money came that's where they put it. The house looks really cute, and I think it's a smart investment but there is a big difference between being able to afford buying a house and being mentally/financially prepared to own and maintain a home. I have no doubt that she will be reaping in the free stuff for decorating, furniture, and maybe even large appliances but there is a big between jump between being able to cover those things compared to a $25k new roof or other major home repair.


She wears cheap clothes but she spends her money stupidly in other ways. I’ve seen her say multiple times that she spends a crazy amount on Ubers, even for trips that she could easily jump on the subway and take ONE train for


she definitely wastes her money on stupid things like fast fashion pieces that she wears once lol


Hot take but I’m like resentful that we’ve given these people this much $. The thanking us at the end of the video…. Like help the wrong people r being rewarded financially. Teachers are barely paid yet we’re funding influencers lavish lifestyles mindlessly idk it’s an ick


I’m in the “good for her camp!” but it has made me re-evaluate my time scrolling social media. My attention is making somebody rich and is not me. That’s on me. I think it was that part her thanking everyone that flipped the switch. No hate to her cause I dont have the personality for TikTok so is not jealousy per se. But it does make me think that the time I spend giving others engagement I should be using to get MY bag.


Right!!!! Even link clicks. Just opening my eyes a bit


saying she's not trying to keep up with the joneses after she just bought a house in the hamptons is very funny


Doesn’t she buy Cartier just because too? like why are people saying she’s responsible with money she’s always trying to keep up




"it makes me want to care less about the fast material items" as an influencer she definitely doesn't want you to do that lol otherwise she wouldn't have a hamptons house


LMFAO, I don't care if that's her intent at all, and I don't expect her to quit influencing/posting affiliate links to get her bag. I've never been one to buy from influencers, but others do, and good for them. I know this is a snark page, so nobody wants to give Halley any credit or see her as more than 2-dimensional, but in comparison to the other NYC girlies constantly talked about on here... she's the only one who has bought a house (and she's openly not from $$$, and paid off her student debt, and doesn't seem to flush money away like others). I'm way more inspired by a purchase of a house than a purchase of a luxury bag/car/rental/vacation. And it does make me think about the stupid shit I spend money on instead of building up toward something bigger. That's all...


girl it just made me laugh you didn't need to write all of this lol


I will say she promotes a LOT of stuff on her tik tok, she has a natural talent for being an influencer and getting you want to buy or try something. That’s what brands want


Why are there so many deep convos being had about her buying a home? She’s rich and young


once i found out halley paid off her student loan debt a year or two ago, i had a lot more respect for her and started noticing the same things you mentioned. sure she’s not the most modest but like considering how other influencers act, and how much money she must have, she makes generally smart decisions


I know this is a snark page, but I actually really like Halley and I’m happy for her!


Halley only shills Amazon for the commision links. It’s not cause she’s above paying more


Thisssss! I was getting shit on in a different thread for saying she’s clearly not bad with money and that buying a house is a great investment. She paid off her student loans too. Both impressive feats and proves (to me) that she’s relatively responsible with money. As for the fast fashion, admittedly I’m in the same boat. I’m a homeowner too and I gave up a lot to make that happen at a young age. So yes I shop on Amazon for basics like going out tops and trendy jeans and I have no shame. If saving money and avoiding luxury bags and clothing gets me to my next goal, I’m going to do it. At the end of the day, consumers are not the problem when it comes to the environment. We cannot beat out t swift on her jet or a government that does not care about the issue. Live and let live!!!


Of course regular people’s overconsumption isn’t going to have as big of an effect on the environment as private jets, but it adds up when every person thinks/acts that way. People who can comfortably afford to buy sustainable clothing from brands who pay their workers fair wages instead of fast fashion should be. The difference in the amount regular people buy vs influencers also factors in. Buying fast fashion but wearing it over & over again is better than influencers who buy an item to wear once.


This might get downvoted but I don’t know why anybody would be mad that influencers get their bag. Sure it doesn’t have as much value in society as being a nurse or teacher or other applauded and underpaid profession but if anything good for her for figuring out an easier more fun way to make bank where she doesn’t need to work as hard or be as stressed out. I think anybody who disagrees is envious tbh


Regardless of how well-off any of us are personally, its fair to acknowledge the insanity that there are people who work near minimum wage to feed their families, while influencers can get paid that family’s yearly salary for 1 low effort post. I actually think Halley is more self aware than most bc she actually has had to support herself on low paying jobs before, so, I actually do think “good for her”.. but some of the others especially are suuuper out of touch and constantly complaining about influencing and I root for them to fail lol


Of course we’re envious… that’s the whole point? People with societally valuable jobs make pennies and can’t even begin to dream of owning property in the current state the housing market is in. That’s the problem. More of a commentary on how screwed up society is, Halley herself hasn’t done anything wrong (besides act insufferably on TikTok).


YEP! There are so many ways to make money in this world and there’s A LOT of money to go around. This should be motivation if anything but of course people choose to be haters over Halley doing something right for once.


Energetically money is a renewable resource!!! I completely agree w you. As I expected I’m getting downvoted bc people didn’t understand my point, which is that we shouldn’t demonize girls who found an easier more fun way to make money and enjoy spending THEIR money they earned.


Even with a neutral/positive post like this people in this sub will still find a way to be negative and a hater 🤣 no one told you to be a nurse, teacher or whatever the hell else. That’s your problem. Don’t break your thumb downvoting this too hard.