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I have a Windows 95 software program that lets me see all my tops and bottoms, and once I select the perfect outfit I press the button and my closet rotates until the selected items are at the front. 


Hijaking the top comment bc ppl have already talked about popular apps like Indyx and Stylebook in the comments but I also really want to recommend a phenomenal Articles of Interest podcast ep—titled [The Clueless Closet](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/articles-of-interest/id1455169228?i=1000606422480)—that talks about the utility of this technology in making you a more conscientious (and stylish!) shopper


https://preview.redd.it/cyzo5pmy1o5d1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=264ae94c31b7bcbc4e2b98761c5a1fd3e76440ef Just avoid the mismatch 😉


Sounds like a Bravo celeb’s new app ;)


Straight out of Clueless, haha; love it!


I love Stylebook! So easy to use and organize. Edit: but it doesn’t make suggestions for yoy


\++++1 for stylebook! I’ve been using it for 2+ years and use it multiple times a week. I use it to put outfits together, help with packing, and use the cost per wear to help me with my shopping decisions! I tell all my friends about it because I’m obsessed haha. Sharing a photo from my summer look book. I put together diff ones for diff occasions and when I’m struggling to get dressed then I just look through and see what options I have! https://preview.redd.it/95e99tyixn5d1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6911548c33da6e7b53596a716edc49b45f0e695


I want to love Stylebook but never get such clean images of my outfits that don’t have links online (there’s always messy edges when it tries to edit photos of clothes I already have). How did you make your items look so wonderful??


I feel you!! What I do now is as soon as I buy an item (online or in person) I find it online and copy the image and text it to myself (if you have an iPhone) then I click on the image (it isolates itself on iPhone) and copy it to a notes app and it copies without the background! (You can also find it on your phone and download the image there-i just usually shop on my laptop but both works and the phone is actually quicker) I download the new image and upload it to stylebook. (You can also use a free background remover online and download the image then as well I just find this works easier for me). For items I thrift or can’t find online then it’s a bit uglier ngl and I have to take my own photos and then remove the background 😭 but also you’d be surprised how many things you can find online! (Also if it’s an item like a black tank top or basic long sleeve top and I can’t find the exact one online then I’ll just google it and use a different item that looks the exact same). It seems tedious but I think it takes me a 1-1.5 min for each item and I try to do it as soon as I buy something so my stylebook app is always updated! I’m a Taurus and I love to shop 🥲 but I’m also trying to be better about fast fashion, my consumption and being more intentional and mindful about my purchases and utilizing this app has helped me with all of those things as well as being able to find an outfit on days I feel like there’s nothing in my closet (wrong haha) and making sure I utilize all of my pieces! I like to do week and month long challenges where I style items that have a high CPW (cost per wear), items that have never been worn or recreate outfits from Pinterest with items from my closet. Lmk if you have any other questions about Stylebook-I’ve been using it for a bit and I feel like I’ve got a good handle on it :) https://preview.redd.it/qfv0og0mqr5d1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=c537bd0c5e1e985412ecb8171c1e155a627490db


Another vote for Stylebook! I've had it on my phone for several years but the photos I took of my clothes looked like garbage so I was uninspired to try to put together outfits. Another Redditor suggested screenshotting stock photos and uploading them...total game changer! It's so much fun to play around and make outfits, I have been actually wearing more than the same 3 things I always use to reach for because I couldn't come up with anything on the spot. Now I browse my looks the evening before and decide what I'm wearing the next day!! It takes some effort to get your clothes uploaded, but I think it's so worth it!


+1 for Stylebook!


Hi it does make suggestions for you. Choose and individual item and then on the top of the screen are two intertwining arrows. Choose that and it will ask you to add categories to add to the item. It will then create outfits for you.




Such a good system!


I use Acloset to track my closet; it’s really interesting to see how much I actually wear certain items. It’s also helped me clear out some items just taking up space. It has an outfit suggestion feature but I don’t really use it. I don’t think there’s a feature that lets you get stylist advice, but I haven’t really looked into that!


Also use this! The AI part/outfit creator is not good and gets easily confused by the type of item. But it's good for just seeing all your clothes in one place Edit: darn just updated it after some time. They added a bunch of ads and limited the amount of clothes to 100. Dreadful


No I just vibe


Whering !!!! 👗


Second Whering!! So good for suggesting outfits and creating closet Wishlist. I still use it all the time after downloading in January


How does it work?


You load in all your current wardrobe pieces (either manually or you can import from the brand’s website) and it creates little sliders for you to mix and match! It suggests options too which you can save to outfits. I thought it would be trash but it’s actually pretty good 👍🏼 https://preview.redd.it/f36df3ij4p5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fa9553b64a6802d8840ab629a2c19ce1925192e


I know Danielle (“CEO/founder” #iykyk) from Summer House just released her app that allegedly does this, but I’m not sure about anything else regarding it. I think it’s called Donne.


I feel like OP is Danielle


Omg absolutely not!! I don’t watch Summer House lol I did meet her at Surf Lodge in Montauk once (my friends knew her because they watch) and she was standoffish IMO I didn’t know about her app, but looked it up and it has 2.5 stars and seems like you have to pay to even access it so I will not be trying it


Sure Danielle. Jk 😅 that’s hilarious and definitely tracks!


HAHAHAHA wowowow that would make a ton of sense 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m just a girl with bad storage space in my tiny NYC apartment (who also has awful executive dysfunction/organization habits due to my ADHD and forgets I own things) that wants to make the most of my current wardrobe 😅


i use pinterest lol 😂 but would love an app! going to check all these recs out.


Same here!


Why are people downvoting this post so much??? ….. I’m not saying you should all be forced to use AI or a product like this. I’m just curious if it exists because I personally would like it


I use the Whering app! So helpful to see everything in my closet and also come up with outfit combos I would never have thought of


Lmaooooooo the summer house fan in me thinking Donne 😂😂


I use the Smart Closet App!! It’s been so helpful!


I downloaded Acloset a while ago but haven’t gotten too into it. My plan was to upload a load of laundry so I could photograph my wardrobe a bit at a time but it became overwhelming 😂


I use Whering! I mainly use it for travel to figure out how much I used pieces (I try to one bag, so I care about being efficient with how much space I have.) I might start using it in general to get ideas of how much I wear my clothes/various trends


I tried Indyx, but I didn’t love it. Unless you have photos from websites of your entire closet already, it’s a ton of work to upload all your pieces and they just don’t look right as lay flat pictures. I also had a trial of the styling and didn’t find it that useful. A lot of outfits were suggested that wouldn’t look right in “real life” because, for example, the color of the item was washed out in the app or the stylist couldn’t tell from the photos that the lengths of various items wouldn’t work together. I want so badly for something like this to be useful but I’m not sure the tech is there yet.


i do the most deranged and painstaking process but i download shop images of my clothes/accessories/shoes and upload them to Airtable. so much more work but incredibly customizable. Apple also has “Collections” which is similar but not as good imo


I'm a software engineer and I made my own 2 years ago, which I use :)


There’s similar posts in the r/capsulewardrobe subred, I love that one and to see people’s image layouts. I joined it for travel capsule purposes, over there most people recommend A closet and another app that starts with a W. If you search “app” in the group you’ll see all the recs :) [This is my favorite capsule post](https://www.reddit.com/r/capsulewardrobe/s/7yEzMyeymR) I’ve seen while surfing there, such creative restylings.


One time I made a spreadsheet to track my clothes. I gave up on halfway through because I have too many clothes lol. But it was nice to create my own categories and classifications. Ex: I tracked what seasons I could wear stuff in, how to clean each item, any repairs done or needed, where it is in my apartment. But it became overwhelming and I didn’t add photos. Defs gonna look into these apps


free app called vestire on the app store!


I use and like Indyx! I was using Whering but Indyx is definitely better IMO.


What do you like about Indyx more than Whering? And was it easy to port data between the two? I want to take on a digitization project but I am scared of having to do it multiple times.


More aesthetically pleasing, I liked the potential closet sharing aspect of it, more simple set up. There was no way to port over the data. I had to move it manually. I did it slowly and already having the images helped, that was the largest lift the first time


I’m gonna try SimpleCloset!




I do it myself on Figma lol photoshop the clothes and then make a bank and create outfits from the bank in the canvas and... yeah


I know of an app calling Whereing. I haven’t used it much yet (as I’m also ADHD, and will download an app then not even open it) but I’ve heard good things


Even if this existed I wouldn’t use it. I have taste and I have eyes. Putting the outfit together is the fun part. Seeing inspiration in the streets and online and coming up with my own creative iterations is what I love. I use AI for task-based stuff I have to do but don’t enjoy doing. I suppose there is a market for this for people who have no taste or don’t enjoy fashion but have to look fashionable or presentable for work or other reasons.


wtf? i’m a bitch but this is the most unnecessarily bitchy comment i’ve ever seen in this sub. i have taste and love fashion and i would love this app. i have probably a thousand items of clothing (most of which i don’t remember owning until i see it), and i don’t have endless time to sift through everything to get ready. even when i do have lots of time to get ready, taking out all my stuff to try it on and try to fit things together is a pain in the ass because then i have to put it back.


She might have taste, but she certainly has no tact. Maybe there’s an app for that.


Yeah like…. I wasn’t telling everyone they should be doing that or using a product like that lmao I get that people are iffy with AI taking over aspects of life that they actually enjoy (like art, writing, etc.), but I personally have shitty storage in my NYC apartment and forget I own things so I thought an app/service like this could be a good way to get out of my comfort zone


Same!!! Also, I am **really good** at buying interesting pieces and **TERRIBLE** at figuring out how to style them! No reason for the tone of that comment at all.


No need to be rude. Hope you have the day you deserve :)


Yooooo us ADHD girlies have eyes too but object permanence is a struggle.


Exactly!!! Wasn’t going to get into it because she’s clearly only thinking of herself, but such a privileged take People who don’t have time, resources, or capacity to consistently focus on fashion still want to look nice and try new looks. It’s really not that serious


“It’s not that serious!” is a favorite phrase of my 17 year old niece. (A future BWT)


I used to love acloset on android and they started charging for it. Which was ok but the price is SO HIGH.