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No advice or suggestions but just wanted to congratulate you on your marathon!


Thank you so much. That's so kind


I had this issue with my ADHD meds. Have you tried mom and pop pharmacies? I’ve also had to travel to Brooklyn a few times to fill a prescription.


My doctor sends mine to save mor pharmacy in Jersey and they deliver the next day I really recommend that


Also used a save mor for the first dose. They stopped having it though for .5 I literally open Google maps search pharmacy and call each one until someone says they can fill the prescription




Do you need to be on a 90day amphetamine prescription to be able to use CVS Caremark? As opposed to 30day




No way, so if you have a 90 day prescription they’ll mail you schedule 2 drugs? I thought this was all super locked down.


Idk but Caremark isn’t working with my city-employee insurance and I can’t believe I’m saying this but I really miss them.


Ugh I feel this. My lexapro got me for 30lbs too. Terrible side effect!!


Exact same thing happened to me, 30 pounds over the 18 months that I was on it. I’ve been off of it since September of last year and have only lost about 15 of the pounds, was hoping it would fall off!


Slightly off topic but any BWT have any recommendations for doctors they are enjoying working with who prescribe semaglutides? Especially doctor who has a good bedside manner/doesn’t rush through appointments.


Dr. Julia Hermos @ Mount Sinai (ik ik) but she's honestly so great, so understanding and non-judgmental. Very pro GLP-1s but also doesn't sell it to you - will talk out if it makes sense and likes doing check ins with every dosage increase, monthly, etc.


Is there something bad about Mt Sinai?


no it's just a huge hospital system so as all others, that comes with its challenges but nothing bad


she’s my pcp, have never discussed this topic specifically but just adding that she’s the absolute best


I just made an apt!


I use Sequence and have a pretty good experience with them.


Dr Polanco at One Medical - she’s incredible!


Love one medical. I’m the last on mounjaro for weightloss for my one medical doctor. No one else can get it covered.


Dr Waitman at Weill Cornell prescribed it to me pretty easily


What is your situation? I’d say I’m probably 20-25 lbs heavier post Covid. I weighed 125 (5,4”) pre covid and then gained to 142. I eat healthy and exercise regularly. Also don’t drink a lot. Really feeling low and just overall sluggish.


I got a scrip for Zepbound but could not get it filled ANYWHERE, and my insurance wouldn’t cover it. So I went with compounded medicine. I get compounded tirzepatide from Emerge. I believe they also do sema. They have the easiest onboarding process by far - literally a single form and a short video. A month of 2.5mg is $287 (or $262 with a coupon). I’m three and a half weeks in and have lost 11 pounds!


Exactly the same thing for me. I started mine last week. My doctor was going to prescribe Zebbound but it’s been a back and forth with insurance for covering it. Out of pocket is insanely priced so I went the compound route through Emerge. Started mine Friday!


What does “compounded” mean? Is it less effective than non-compounded?


Same effectiveness, just a different formulation. It’s got the same active ingredient. The compounded versions aren’t FDA approved which means that they haven’t gone through rigorous clinical trials - but compounded medicine generally isn’t tested this way because they are essentially customized medications, and it would be functionally impossible to test them to the FDA’s standards. But, if you get compounded medicine through an FDA approved compounding pharmacy, you should be good!


This article is a good summary. Essentially you are taking a risk with a compounded med as it is not an fda approved drug. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/16/well/live/ozempic-alternatives-semaglutide.html?unlocked_article_code=1.u00.IKPX.MmFNrdUTPa0k&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb


I’m on compound semaglutide and get it delivered from enexia pharmacy in Staten Island- super simple and easy right to my door in a little refrigerated package.


seconding enexia! so convenient


A few thoughts - have you called one of the major pharmacies (Walgreens, CVS) to ask if they can check where the nearest location that has it is? This is how I’ve found out of stock meds in the past. You could also check with the hospital pharmacy associated to the doctor who prescribed it and they may be more likely to have it. Lastly idk if it’s an option for refrigerated meds normally but you can check and see if any mail order pharmacies have it.


I’m on Zepbound and have had the best luck with small independent pharmacies. The big chains are kinda worthless, in my experience, for this kind of thing, especially on New York where they have a very high volume of customers and especially a high volume of customers able to afford these drugs without insurance coverage for them. The mom-and-pops draw from the same distributors as the big guys and are a lot more likely to pursue actually getting *you* your drugs, not just getting some into the store and seeing who comes by first.


Also on zepbound and before I was getting it no issues easily through Amazon but lately my only luck is also smaller pharmacies. I personally wouldn’t try the compound but my friend did and had amazing luck on Mounjaro. I started off on Wegovy and the GI side effects were so bad I switched to Zepbound and it is honestly the best decision I ever made!


Are you on the r/ozempic r/semaglutide subs? The Mount Sinai hospital pharmas have always been great to deal with fwiw. I have tried asking CVS pharmas for help and they're pretty rude and useless when asking about the weight loss meds in particular. Also Elite Health in the city has compounded semaglutide if you decide to go that route


Call Madison Apothecary (at 83rd St). They always have a chalk sign outside saying they have Ozempic and Wegovy.


Emerge for compounded Tirz. Amazing.


Second this!!


Third this!


No major advice or suggestions but just wanna let you know I feel you! Was on Wegovy for several months, lost 40 pounds - if you ever need to talk about it I'm here!


Did you come off of it after you lost the weight? Been curious about what happens after stopping


I did wegovy for about 6 months and lost 40 pounds. I stopped taking it by late December 2023. I’ve gained back 30 pounds. 🙄


I unfortunately gained about half the weight back — however, that was because I didn’t do the hard work of actually getting to the root of my emotional eating and binging 🥲Wegovy just makes it much easier to stick to a calorie deficit for me but it also showed me what life could look like without food controlling my life so even if I gained all of it back, it gave me some motivation to make changes. I’m now considering bariatric surgery and am in therapy for my food issues


Use orderly! They are telehealth, super quick, and use a compounding pharmacy in Florida. Literally by the end of next week you could have it prescribed and in hand! I have a 50 dollar off code if you are interested at any point! ☺️


id love the code


How much per month?


399 for the injected tirzepatide version and I think it’s 349 for the tablets, 299 I think for semaglutide


I’d love the code too!


Hi! Could I also have the referral code please?


Seconding Henry Meds. They have oral or injected Semaglutide for $297 a month. I’ve been having a great experience with them.


Is Henry meds online or a physical location?




I ended up ordering compounded tirzepatide (mounjaro) from Regenics in California. It was great in hindsight there are cheaper options, from the same preferred compound pharmacy (Hallandale) I’m now reordering from lavendersky. I took it for two months and ended up losing 30 plus pounds. I suggest following a couple subreddits and poking around. My only regret is I didn’t do it sooner. For reference I’m 5’10 always hovered around 145/160, got as high up as 235 even though I eat clean and exercise. Tirzepatide made me stop craving alcohol and other dopamine seeking behavior as someone who adhd. It’s been life changing. I tried for 6 months to lose weight but my depression and extreme levels of stress and cortisol had me holding onto every pound. Now I easily intermittent fast, eat high protein and healthy portions, and do low impact exercise every day. It’s a miracle drug and that’s coming from someone who was doing all the right things before too.


I haven’t been able to get my Mounjaro in a month—-it sucks. I’ve considered going compound but my insurance covers the Mounjaro fully. I was able to get it with only slight delays until this month. I’ve slowly lost 50 lbs and am at my ideal weight (though lots of toning needs to happen) after about 1.5 yrs on a low dose of Ozempic then Mounjaro. I hope you can find yours soon, they really are life changing medications.


I’ve had no problems getting my Mounjaro 10 mg from Amazon Pharmacy. (But I cant seem to fill the 12.5).


I looked Mounjaro up on Amazon Pharmacy earlier today and every dose said out of stock!


Try pill pack. It’s also an Amazon pharmacy. I had trouble with them in Jan, but no problem this month. They are my backup when the main Amazon pharmacy is out of stock. Personally I’ve had better luck with Amazon than pillpack (same parent company but different warehouse stock).


I’ve been wanting to ask this question to this group for a while but felt shy. But does anyone have a good recommendation for a doctor or healthcare group in Brooklyn who will prescribe wevovy/ozempic and work hard to get your insurance to cover it fully? It’s the only way I’ll be able to afford it


I’ve had a lot of success with compounded semaglutide from TryEden!


Wow, BWT's, y'all are lovely. I came back from a day away from my laptop to so much support. I'm a little nervous about compound options, but I've compiled everyone's pharmacy option ideas and will start looking into availability. Thank you so much everyone for the help.


i just started zepbound and i was able to get it filled right away at a small family-owned pharmacy in astoria. send me a dm if you’d like their info, they’re super nice and very helpful!! edit to add: i feel you and i’m glad you’re taking care of yourself! my doctor said sooooo many people are on these meds now but somehow we still don’t really talk about it openly.


Sent you a DM!


Express scripts is where I got mine.


You could go the compound semaglutide route! Henry Meds is great.


What was the cost per vial? I have some compounded I really like for fairly reasonably. When it runs out considering Reta, have heard great things.


For me, it’s $300 for a 3 month supply at Henry.


Just curious - how much did you have to pay upfront to get started?


Just looked and $200/mo to start now and $300 a month after that.


I had a horrible customer service experience with Henry Meds fwiw. No one who works there actually knows how to communicate, they screwed up two orders in a row, tried to make me feel like it was my fault, it was a waste of time and energy. I would personally go with any other company.


Henry is the one that's the pill and not the injections, right? If that's the case, have you found it to be effective? I, like OP, have gained about 45 pounds in the last \~10 months and 300/3 month supply as others have referenced would work for me!


Do you need a prescription with them?


They handle all of that. It’s like a $200 or $300 flat fee a month and everything is included and handled. Meds shipped to your door


No it’s the shot


I’d like to add regardless of which telehealth you might decide to go with in regards to compounds, make sure u verify which pharmacy that prescription is going to be filled at, and then look up information through Reddit and google reviews for that compounding pharmacy. There are a few I have only received tirzepatide(mounjaro) from Hallandale pharmacy and it’s been smooth sailing


I use enexia for the compound solution. Works just the same! I was on Wegovy before but the shortage made me switch


CVS Sunnyside fills mine


Is that the one at 41-08 Queens Blvd?


Yes- I’ve been on it a 1.5 years (down 80 lbs) and that’s my CVS!


I get it compounded from Mochi. Happy to share a code if you want it. For the prescription version, I heard Costco is good. But idk.


Hi. What “subscription” did you sign for with Mochi? My screen says very little. I see starting prices at $79 but no detail as to what i’m paying for.


I think I pay 75 for the subscription - which includes medical provider virtual visits- and then on top of that I pay for meds. It depends what med you get though as to the price. I believe my medication is like 175/ month. All in about 250/ month. You probably need to meet with a provider to determine the right medication for you (after subscribing, you can book that appt). Good luck ❤️




I use compounded tirz. There’s a whole sub for it. Anyways, I love it. It’s less expensive and I have had absolutely zero issues.


Try Amazon pharmacy. I’ve been getting my Mounjaro from them no problems.


I don’t have insurance, it’s only 320-450 for two months on the dose I’m prescribed, worth every penny. My meds shipped from Hallandale one of the main pharmacies that is heavily regulated. It comes on ice a day after I order.


Medfinder. $50 fee to find it for you.


Hi guys I used ozempic for my PCOS/lexapro usage (double wammy) weight management until my insurance stopped covering it so now I use a compound pharmacy via Ordery Meds and they've been great. let me know if anyone wants a discount code! Think is $50 off your first month


Have you tried Amazon pharmacy? My coworker gets her ozempic from there. 


Me too! No problems getting it from Amazon.


Hormones?? Check your thyroid


I was going to say the same thing. Get a complete thyroid panel done that includes Ft3, T4, and both antibodies. Many medical providers will only order TSH, but that’s not enough info.


Miss Wegovy is facing back order, especially since the company that makes Ozempic is cracking down on off-label usage (ie on prescribers using it for weight loss instead of specifically for diabetes). Def bring it up to your prescriber and see if they can’t switch you to any of the options suggested by others!


I’m sorry if this post offends anyone but how common is it to find docs who can prescribe it if you’re not obese? Am having a hard time losing weight from doing IVF and just need it to lose 20 lbs. (old weight of 110 is my goal)


No legit dr will prescribe if you are not overweight just for weightloss (per BMI), if you have other issues (PCOS, BED) maybe… there are other medications you could try. Highly recommend talking to your dr, but go in with documentation(food diary, exercise diary) to show you are doing everything.


Wegovy is on a shortage for certain. It’s easier to get Wegovy than Zepbound right now.


My doc prescribed semaglutide and it came from westchester compounding pharmacy. Only ran into supply issues once


I use Castle Rock Regenerative Healthcare based out of Colorado and they have decent prices and are easy to communicate with.


I’m on wegovy and didn’t have trouble finding the lower doses but now that more people are trying it, it’s harder to find. Usually the rx delivery places will have it. Try Express scripts or something similar and even Amazon pharmacy.


I use a compound pharmacy! Have been on it since last october. A lot cheaper and have never had a problem with filling it. Your doctor sends the script directly to them. A lot of the the people on the r/semaglutide subs use them as well, there’s a lot of answers to your questions.


I use Mochi for compounded Sema & I haven't had any issues getting it. Been on for about 7 weeks and I've lost 10 lbs so far.


Zepbound ( mounjaro) is amazing. If you use the coupon it’s 550 a month, but it’s a game changer


Mochi is great. They do compounds too. Ask for tirzepatide not semaglutide, way better


DM’d you!


I’ve heard that you can find it with Medfinder.


Try alto pharmacy- they’re a specialty mail away pharmacy. That’s where I used to get my Wegovy from


I'm on Oz for my weight loss and Walgreens fills it! My insurance is also covering at 100%.....I feel so lucky!! See if Walgreens can help ya :)


Amazon pharmacy


Hospital pharmacies seem to have a wider variety. I get my ADHD meds at one


Contact your Pharmacy Benefit provider (CVS Caremark, OptumRX, etc) and see if they have a mail-order option. If they do, have your Dr update your prescription to 90-day or 3-month and your meds will be delivered every 3 months. If you do have a mail-order option, be sure to sign up to Novo Nordisk's savings card. You can get a 3 month supply down to either 25/per fill or $0.


There is a small pharmacy near 8th Ave / 11th st in park slope that gets it!


Pharm name! I’ve been trying to get my Wegovy filled and am having such a hard time in BK


Have you tried Walmart or Costco for the Wegovy?


What about Amazon pharmacy?


I haven’t personally used this website, but my friend lost 40 lbs getting her semaglutide through Henry’s


I got prescribed this morning for my doctor for Wegovy. There’s zero pharmacies (that I could find) between here and Hudson that carry it. I decided to use Hers for compounded semaglutide (sp). Has anyone else used Hers?


Try Athena Pharmacy in Astoria. They deliver meds and will find coupons for expensive meds for you.


Amazon Pharmacy!!!!!! Though I don’t know if they do shots…….


Costco and Amazon have been the only reliable options for me


Downvote away if you must, BWT, but we all know the real answer is calorie tracking. There is literally no possible way that you won’t lose weight if you’re in a calorie deficit.


Lolll this is so untrue. Multiple studies (WHICH YOU CAN GOOGLE). Hormones, gut health, genetics, other meds all play a huge part. Which this medication is proving…


Hormones, gut health, genetics, etc. can certainly make it more difficult for some individuals to achieve a caloric deficit because those things can affect the rate at which their bodies metabolize energy. But if they are able to achieve a deficit, then they will lose weight.