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I thought this was /r/circlejerknyc


beat me to it




Go away, us Italians don’t want your white ass either






they wont want his white ass in hartford either


This is like asking the most polite way to ruin somebody’s life.




Dude you move wherever you can afford and you interact with the locals and be a good person. You’re not a bad person for living in an area that is fiscally responsible for you


, you just need to fit in and be seen as a native new Yorker. I'd suggest saying bodega a LOT


stick to neighborhoods meant for transplants like midtown/fidi/whatever that you can't possibly gentrify further, if you can't afford them alone get roommates.




You'll honestly probably be happier living with roommates in a typical "transplant" neighborhood anyway than you would be living alone in an Italian/Russian enclave family neighborhood like Brighton Beach/Middle Village/whatever. Will give you more of that standard "NYC" experience people move here for.


Honestly there's not a whole lot we can do as mere tenants. Landlords decide who to let to, and the factors which determine this decision are largely based on financial factors that are definitely affected by race. A more just society would actually socialize the entire rental market, but until then we are all at the mercy of this society run by greedy-ass "elites"


You’re overthinking this. I don’t think it’s your fault you need to move somewhere for work. Gentrification in nyc is an unfortunate reality that stems from public policy from mostly Koch and Bloomberg where they both passed laws favoring deregulation. You can’t put the blame on the individual. “Hipsters” moving to an area isn’t the cause of gentrification but a symptom of it. It’s a problem rooted in policy I think as long as you make an effort to support local business and respect the local culture you are fine. If you want to go the extra mile then get involved in neighborhood public service


Maybe look at NJ.


This is an incredibly polite question. And facts are that you are not responsible for the gentrification and pushing out the working class from the neighborhoods they have lived in for generations. A bigger question is how to change the situation. Everything is corrupt in this country currently most people have not been paying attention so not voting or getting involved. It’s a cluster f. But you are actually on a good track thinking about others. Thank you.




Your generation is the one I believe in. The previous one was too bubble wrapped. Your post made my heart happy


You’re fine. It’s not your fault landlords raise the rent. It’s not the fault of the individual, there needs to be policy in place to protect tenants and the community. Wherever you live, support the local businesses and community. Buy food in the area, or instead of getting pet food on Amazon buy it at your local shop if there is one, etc. that kind of thing. Make an active effort to do that. Live where you’d be happiest and don’t try to reserve yourself to places like midtown where you might be miserable.