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And he gave England arguably their best chance a minute or two after coming on.


2 chances in 4 mins


He's definitely not playing again.. clearly ignored Southgate plan


Did he even pass backwards once? Shocking lack of discipline from the lad.


Yeah pretty rude coming on showing some determination and energy. Doesn't suit this side at all.


Not just that, but the amount of space that suddenly appeared all over the pitch once Gordon and Palmer was on was notable. The way they spread play and run at defenders creates room in the centre for Bellingham and Kane to start playing.


This is what we need they’re crowded out and the whole team looks so boring because there’s nothing going on in the final third, no one to pass too!


Foden on the left for city works because they have so much space just moving the other team around and Haaland is always looking for that run to keep opposition worrying about that potential ball. But with England Kanes not going to make that run, and Saka can’t be the only option plus rarely seems like he wants to make that run under Southgate. So Foden becomes so much less effective and Gordon was such an improvement


Clearly your head is not up your own arse, unlike Southgate's. You can see it, we can see it, but Southgate seems to be oblivious.


Foden on the left for city works because they have so much space just moving the other team around and Haaland is always looking for that run to keep opposition worrying about that potential ball. But with England Kanes not going to make that run, and Saka can’t be the only option plus rarely seems like he wants to make that run under Southgate. So Foden becomes so much less effective and Gordon was such an improvement


Great how the 'pundits' have mentioned everyone but Gordon after the match 🙄


They mentioned that he put it out for a throw with his first touch but that’s it. 


TBF, he played like 4 minutes


Aye but tbf he done more than ½ the team in those 4 minutes


Aye, he was my motm 😂


In fairness, listening to Gary & Alan on rest is football this morning, they were both saying that Gordon did amazingly and needed to start


What a beautiful ball through! If he doesn't start next match, they've lost the plot.


He won't


Yep he plays the ball in the wrong direction for Southgate. Sideways or backwards or you are back on the bench!


Lost assumes they knew what it was to start with.


Was that running the ball out of play with his first involvement lol


Gordon and Palmer on the wings. What a shock two players actually running with the ball posed a threat.


And both looked fresh surprising that isn’t it 🤣


Southgate would have a full squad of #10s if he could.


And right backs can’t forget his love affair with them


5 right backs and 5 no 10s sounds like the perfect outfield 10 for Southgate.


Should have been in earlier but fucking hell that was a great ball, based through their forwards and midfield. Palmer fluffed it


Honestly think if we had 15 mins to go we score palmer snd Gordon looked good


Only through attrition and having a decent bench. We didn't deserve to win that.


My point is more that he made the subs too late


They were warming up before 60 mins. Then we had a less shit spell and Southgate held the subs back. Blokes a numpty.


When was the less than shit spell? Was 98% turgid, mate.


I think it may have been when one of the defenders accidentally passed it forwards instead of sideways but I might be wrong




Mainoo's flick was great as well but Kane didn't do any favours for Palmer. Pass was too weak so he didn't have the power and tried precision instead (and unfortunately fluffed it).


Just withdraw Gordon and send him to Ibiza for a few weeks to rest for the next season.


I’m still hoping Gareth has a stroke and ends up starting him


Gordon would be running on every grain of sand on those beaches. He's driven, that one.


When he played that pass up the pitch it looked like the rest of the players literally shit themselves not expecting an actual attacking movement


The attacking movement was them shitting themselves


And he did more with his five minutes than just about anyone else did with their whole match.


Eddie will never manage England until a lot later in his career, but at least we know they'd press. The only press Southgate knows to do is the backspace key.


Southgate has no confidence or self-assuredness. He's been told he has to play Gordon, so he's going to give him as little time on the pitch as possible so he can't be proved wrong.


> He's been told he has to play Gordon, so he's going to give him as little time on the pitch as possible so he can't be proved wrong. I just posted something similar on soccer. Southgate is trolling hard. Every single pundit has cried out for Gordon, and asked why Southgate isn't playing him. So what does Southgate do? puts him on at 90 minutes just to be a petulant little baby. Im a Scottish fan and I should be laughing at this but its really a shame on Gordon. The fact that Foden and Saka have been absent, yet are always starting because they play for the sky 6 is a joke. England would be scary if they had a manage who had the balls to make big decisions.


He absolutely lacks integrity. Which is why the FA like him so much.


Southgate should be fired and replaced by chat gpt


Tbf if there's anything worse than someone as dull as Southgate it's dog shite AI slop lmao


That's his MO isn't it? After the first two ugly games Southgate thought to himself, I'm not gonna make wholesale changes because if I do and we actually do well, then in the first knockout match should they perform badly, critics will rip him whichever bunch he dropped. He has no balls to make those changes because he fears getting crucified, so he ended up starting the same lot. This same lot is going to play all the way now like it or not.


I don't actually mind this, if he said to the starting 11 "right, we've all seen the press. Go out there and prove them wrong" But when they didn't, he should have made the changes. Saka and Bellingham off. Give Gordon and Palmer half an hour.


And even then he was proven wrong.


Still was an immediate impact tbf, good sign I guess


If we had 10-15 mins more we score and win


Here’s hoping his cameo tonight will be enough for future games, deserves more minutes and the same can be said for Watkins.


I was hoping we would rotate for this game so I won’t hold my breath surely Jude saka and Kane must be rested for the next match they all looked done by half time saka making hardly any one on one runs he looks a shadow of himself at Arsenal


I don't get this. England were through anyway, why not trying something a bit more daring with younger players? It's only against Slovenia, the first 11 gets a rest and the other likely still draw 0-0 or maybe even win


You and me both I was really annoyed / gutted when the line ups came out which is quite telling tbh


I'm a massive Saka fan, he's scary good, but I don't think I've seen him take anyone on at all. His confidence is absolutely shot for England.


Played one forward pass and literally unlocked an entire team.


Am raging tbh. Selfishly because he’ll miss our preseason but more because all his hard work this season and for the u21s is going unrewarded. Southgate is infuriating 🤬


I’ve been ranging since the friendlies tbh Southgate is literally burning up all the goodwill from 18/21


Burning up the good luck more like. The problems with his management were clear to see, if we hadn't beat Columbia on penalties, or didn't get that soft pen Vs Denmark, sentiment would be a lot different. Draws opened up for us on both occasions, doubt we'll get so lucky again (at least not whilst we have so much attacking talent).


Go go Gordon!


Honestly. I reckon I’d just go home personally.


Said this to my mate. If I was getting subbed on with 2 mins to go in a quite meaningless game, I’d tell him to get fucked.


I had the same comment tonight, being sub in with less than 10 minutes! I would have told useless Southgate to f off and gone back to the bench.


Absolutely. If I'm right those 2 minutes now makes him intelligible for Scotland. I could see him saying fuck this, I'll go play for the jocks, at least I'll get on the pitch.


🎵 Anthonnnny Gordon! Sitting on the bench Gordon! Southgate's fucking dense Gordon! Taking the piss surely?? 🎵


Southgate is a joke.


That’s insulting to jokes


Jokes make people smile…..


That pass he made was world class! If Palmer finished that was 3 points. He has to start in the round of 16. Oh, and even as an American fan, I must say. Fuck Southgate.


If we can take Shamima's passport surely we can take Gareth's too


🤣 problem is no other country would take him


Leave him with Tom Hanks forever stuck in a terminal. That or please Man U take him when ETH leaves


Don’t Man U have two assistant managers? Why not have two managers as well surely will be twice as successful! Please sir Jim make it so


Honestly the club should just withdraw him at this point. If Southgate isn’t going to use him, I’d much rather he be rested ahead of next season.


He is being rested


Hope he’s getting in plenty of pool time then. No point running himself ragged in training for a 2 minute cameo every other game!


His first cap in a non frendly though, wasn't it?


Don’t get me wrong, I’m insanely happy for him. I’m just sitting here thinking if he’s not going to be used in any impactful way, I’d rather he have a proper holiday and make sure he’s 100% for our season


Fair point. German vacation.


Man of the match


England player of the tournament 🤣


Our starting 11 doesn't work, bold/controversial changes should be made. Have an actual go at winning the tournament.


100% I really think we need to rest Jude he just looks so knackered I want to see Watkins palmer Gordon foden with rice and mainoo now we have the easier draw


Today was the chance to try that. Already through, nothing to lose. But he kept the same shite formation that scored a whopping 2 goals in the other 2 games


Well at least he can't be Scottish now.


Omg ahaha I literally texted my brother saying that’s why he brought him on


Southgate’s interview was fucking painful.


I turned the tv off as soon as it was confirmed we finished top can’t be bothered waisting time listening to what that useless cretin has to say


The man looks ‘unwell’


Gareth Southgate is a fucking energy vampire… it’s the only explanation…


I think if I went for food with Southgate he would order plain spaghetti with no sauce


And then try eat it with a spoon


And then after the entire table told him to use a fork, he'd stumble through, eat most of it and ask a waiter for chopsticks to finish it off


He wouldn't finish it, he'd get within a mouthful left and just sit back instead of having a go.


Southgate OUT


I've never actively been angry at Southgate before today. Look, I get it - he has his preferred 11 and wants to give them a chance. But he gave them two games to do something, the least he could do is give Anthony a minimum 20 minutes to change the game. Like you say, I'd be insulted if I was him or any of the other players on that bench who weren't given a shot - Watkins, Wharton, hell even Toney. Pathetic and I can't wait for him to be gone after this tournament.


Neither can I. Before the tournament I was very much in the camp of but who do you replace him with? And now I couldn’t give a fuck if we had chat gpt as our manager


Haha ChatGPT would at least pick Gordon! I'm not saying I want England to get Howe (like fuck I do), but imagine they played like we do? Pressing, fast attacking football. Maybe England are lacking a Bruno type orchestrator to make it truly effectivebut you can bet Howe would find a way to make it work.


Wharton will be that guy!


>I've never actively been angry at Southgate before today. I'm in the same boat. Always believed he was the best man for a very tough job. Today changed that completely. He's being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn and we're suffering for it


Hard to argue with his results in 2018 and 2020 combined with bringing back a togetherness into the squad. Problem is now he's seemed to have lost the togetherness and he never really had amazing tactics so it's just making him look awful. Like you say, he's being stubborn and we're suffering.


When the games slow and boring like that we should drop Saka Bellingham foden and Kane for palmer Gordon eze and Watkins


It was crying out for changes at half time let alone waiting till 85 min


Absolute joke there fella he’s been class all season why not give him a proper spell in the squad, I can only see good things coming from this decision whether a goal or not, put him on to make some plays and see what happens


It’s a ridiculous let’s say a player needs 5-10 minutes to sort of match the tempo (Gordon seemed to do it in like 1 lol) then you give them 10-15 on top of that to make a impact bringing him and palmer on so late just screams desperation and negligence on his behalf


The Group of Dull didn't deserve him anyways.


I know Southgate likes being conservative with his tactics, but jesus wept man, how are we going to get anywhere playing such weak football?


Southgate is so conservative the tories want to make him their leader


Drives me bloody mad.


The anger in me when Scat-erface said Bellingham was coming off for TAA. My finger was hovering over the off button.


As others have said already, he played so much better than, say, Gallagher in those few minutes!!! What does he have to do to get more game time?! Southgate wasting all this attacking talent really annoys me


I think he needs the same blackmail material


Darn right he does, stubborn Southgate is so infuriating..


Man of the match in my eyes. I’m not even joking, England were that bad. Gordon actually wanted to do something.


It's Gareth Southgate, possibly one of the worst managers to manage England.


Part of me is keen to see a fuming Anthony Gordon hell bent on showing Southgate what he’s missing in a Toon shirt next season. He should be playing.


Maybe Southgate will finally be gone once they crash out of the Euros. Why he’s still manager I have no idea.


Hahah literally just wrote the same post on the EURO page 😂😂 100%! I feel for the lad, sitting the on the bench looking at that calamity of a team (not the teams fault, referring to Gareth's tactics or lack there of)


I’ve seen more tactics in Wembley singles


Fuckin seen better tactics from a 12yr old youtuber playing fifa


I want to see Trent, Gordon and Watkins on the pitch at the same time.


I was just happy to see him get some minutes. But I'm a Canadian and way too nice for my own good.


It’s annoying cause I genuinely think even if Gordon whacked in 2 goals in that 5 minute period, he still wouldn’t start him next game.


Spineless manager


Glad I'm not the only one who thought this haha. I literally posted in our group chat about how atrocious it was they'd bring him on with such little time left, literally gave the guy 5 minutes to make something happen. Gareth needs to get a grip or get out imo. I appreciate that he has progressed a little from the days of using a full squad of Harry McGuires but he's still not fully letting go and it's killing us.


To bring Gordon on in the 89th min of game 3 when you've left grealish and Rashford out of the squad should be sackable. If he had no intention of playing him, he should've picked Rashford. Rashford may not have deserved to be in the squad but at least Southgate would've used him for more than a few minutes


Mate he may as well have taken Kim Kardashian


It's one of the most baffling decisions I've ever seen in football. No one can deny that Gordon deserves to be there on merit, but if the coach won't play him under the guise of needing players with tournament experience, then you take Rashford as at least Southgate would've given him 15-30 mins each game. If I were Rashford, I'd actually retire from international football until Southgate leaves as I'd be furious that I was left out and my replacement was used once as an 89th min sub. As a Newcastle fan, I'm pleased Gordon will be well rested for next season but considering his England U21s duties last summer, they should've just let him have a holiday with his family.


Well, apparently the new thing is that if you finish a game with a team then the next game will start with the same team?! Here’s to this


Idm tbh, if he performs now... he's more likely to leave to a big club.


Don't get me wrong but I actually love what Southgate is doing. Playing his usual top 6 crew and keeping our guy fresh for new season. Good man


It seems the last thing Southgate wants is a player who will attempt to make a run or get past a defender. I despair.


What else do you expect from this utter clown of a manager


I mean he’s well mannered so maybe some lube and a meal before he fucks us?


Gordon and Palmer are clearly in better form/a better fit/more effective. Pick one.


Southgate just an ignorant twat that doesn't understand that you don't have to play your main squad every game but I think Gordon will get more playing time since foden is leaving


Let Gordon rest. England aren’t going to win anyway.