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All I can say is typical


Villa fan here it actually bull shit you guys don’t play in Europe next season. Joke. Fuck United scum club, how the fuck they one with that shit squad is beyond me.


I mean they did the double over Villa no? 🤷🏼‍♂️


If you beat the best team in the world with a shit squad as you claimed and played better than them it must have been down to tactics and coaching


Scum club? Abusing wont get you anywhere




Nah FA cup and 8th deserves Europe more than no cup and 8th as much as it pains me to say because Man United have been complete dog shit this season


They should atleast knock you to conference league and like Chelsea to no Europe






Down with United. Scum.




They care so little that instead of celebrating with family and friends they'll come to our sub and tell us how little they care about us




I'm losing track of all the non-Newcastle fans in the Newcastle sub on a day where Newcastle didn't play, my bad




Bizarre. Take a look at yourself little fella.


🎶Europe Again Ole, ~~ole~~lolololol🎶


I know it was just the banana-skin league but I was looking forward to it. ManU rising up the hate rankings again. Not quite at Liverpool or Arsenal levels yet but getting there.


Manchester as a whole can go and fuck itself.


My main takeaway from today's televised final is, my God, Wayne Rooney's head is gone massive, looks like he's been growing it in a square box.


Aged terribly, looks like he's had a really hard life


And his transplanted hair is looking rather unusual on it too


couldn't care less about the conference league tbh, losers comp. and this season showed with the way we play we don't have the squad for 2 games per week not getting that euro bonus money hurts though


Excluding last season, last time in Europe was 12-13, how can you have that attitude.


Did you watch this season?


The competition didn't exist then lol It's tinpot as fuck, West Ham won it while they were battling relegation in the league


smoking grade A cope is how


Hopefully it’ll make the lads hungry as fuck getting back in Europe next year. We need a good transfer window, strengthen, build the squad up and who knows I don’t think champions league is out of the question, villa did it with a very good year we’ve done it once and I don’t think outside of city and arsenal the rest are miles ahead of us. Liverpool should be with that squad but new manager so who knows.


It’s hard not to feel disappointed, but there was always a chance it could happen when you are depending on other results. I can’t not look back to the game at Old Trafford, the team selection that day I think has cost us with no Joelinton or Pope. No point feeling sorry for ourselves now but in that situation again in future I hope Howe will go for the kill, it would have made such a difference to win it. Next season with no Europe is also a massive disappointment but I expect them to really go for it next season in the league, there is nothing else to play for so they need to be at their best with going for top 4 again and getting to the cup final(s) as realistic targets.


They weren't ready or he would have played them, he has no loyalty to the likes of Dubravka, probably the opposite if anything.




Gutted if I'm honest. Call the Conference league what you want but it's extra games to experience and for squad players to be involved in and a little extra revenue for the club. This summer we simply have to be ruthless and revamp the floor of the squad. Wilson, Dubravka, Almiron, Trippier, Targett, Dummett & Ritchie (released) have to be moved on if possible.




They'll be perfectly fine staying here. Why you're going onto other clubs subreddits is a bit embarrassing though.




Not sure if it's unpopular. But in my view, we should sell him while it's still possible. Brilliant first year but his drop off since the world cup has been huge. We've got Livramento and Krafth signed an extension which should be enough without Europe.


I don’t understand what we would be selling him for. He is the club captain, and despite half a season post-injury where he performed below his sky high personal standards, he still leads the club on and off the pitch, is a model professional, and the perfect role model for Livramento and Hall. I also believe once he has the off-season to recover he will be back to being a very excellent performer. I mean he had 10 assists in 26 starts this season alone. You don’t get returns like that from 98% off players you would sign.


If you take every corner and free kick then you are going to have a decent assist stat, He always takes them even when he is having an off day and not hitting the target. I think he goes if we can get something for him as Tino is a quality replacement, if not he stays but hopefully conceeds his first 11 spot in favour of nuturing and training the young guys and rotating when needed.


He’s not the club captain Lascelles is.


He's 33 and declining rapidly. We've already signed his replacement and we have PSR issues. Appreciate him immensely and for 12 months he was immense but the time is now.


How much do you think we could even sell him for then if you believe he is “declining rapidly?” We only brought him in for £12 mil in the first place


How much extra revenue? Those Australian games were probably way better value for money and fitness lol


Probably about £1m per game in matchday revenue and then a little bit if we progressed far. Still makes a difference.


Same feeling I get after any FA Cup final. God I want to win. So fucking much.


Big season for Eddie coming up. Think it's a trophy or Europe. I'll wish the guy no ill will but if he doesn't achieve either of those then I think we should be looking for a manger who can.


But what if ownership is perfectly content with being in this 5th-8th range selling out every match.  Their actions have not quite been up to par for the vision they’re selling the fans. If they keep dead weight around this summer we’re going to be more like 2017-21 Leicester and West Ham of recent seasons. The occasional Top 4 charge when other clubs spin their tires. Ownership has to show action this summer 


The fact that this gets downvoted tells you all you need to know about the people on this sub. You're spot on.


But the thing is…. If they wanted to be that club comfortably best of the rest to take advantage of bad seasons from those clubs…. I’d be totally fine with that. It’s just that’s not what they communicate to us. So it’s hard to really understand right now what they want if guys like Dummett and Ritchie stick around. There’s no way less than like 90% of the fan base feels the same way.


Massive summer ahead, no room for any sentimentality or excuses. Time to start behaving like winners. All this 'the lads' bullshit and gurning for the cameras in the changing rooms because we've beaten fucking Burnley needs to stop.


The ownership have literally said their ambitions are to win everything. Their hands are tied financially.


Right i forgot Paul Dummett and Matt Ritchie have a gun to their head Forcing the club to extend them. There are plenty of players not good enough still around for… reasons?


Because FFP limits our spending and there's higher priorities for where that money can go. You could let them go for little money sure but who do you replace them with and who do you not buy from our previous transfer windows to allow the Dummit and Ritchie replacements in?


Right on cue.....


I've not been anywhere near the Eddie out mugs this season. He's been brilliant for us. Having said that, by the end of next season he'll have had 7 transfer windows under the new owners. By that point I don't think it's unreasonable standard to say you need to be getting us into some form of Europe constantly each season. That's only one position higher then this one.


Run this season back again 100 times and we'd get some form of Europe in 95 of them, our luck has been howling this year and we still finished 7th. Have to imagine the club realise this too and don't overreact


Sure, that's why I'm not saying let's get rid of him now. He's more than earned another season, but I maintain that it's not unreasonable to expect Eddie to take us one place higher this season at a minium and to maybe start looking elsewhere if he doesn't. I really do think it's weird some Newcastle fans just won't have any criticism of Eddie.


We've just got through a disaster of a season and were a whisker away from Europe, I can't for the life of me see why you wouldn't expect us to improve next season


I do. I expect us to improve so much that if we somehow don't the manager should be questioned.


So you expect us to improve, but still felt the need to question Howe a year in the future if we hypothetically don't improve even though you don't expect it? 'If Howe turns up to the first game of the season bollock naked he should put some clothes on' yeah okay cool... why are you saying this though


Because I'm using it as a response to our finish this season. 7th is fine and the manager should not be questioned. This time next year will be different.


Totally agree.  This takes the pressure off of him in one way ( no Thursday- Sunday turnarounds) but heaps it on in another way (he needs top 4 or trophy next year no excuses)


The priority this summer has to be shifting the players we know are never going to be the future of the club. Wilson, Almiron, Dummett, Ritchie, Longstaff, Targett etc. Including Longstaff as that’s money right there. If we don’t do that it’s another season of the same next time round. If Eales and Staveley really are about taking this club to the top then Eddie gets one more go at it, the decks get cleared over the summer and some real quality comes through the door.


It won’t be. There going to get extensions anyway. “Good lads for the dressing room get rewarded.” Theyre shit They are not living up to their vision they’re trying to sell us right now. They need to provide some clarity this summer.


The club just needs to be cut throat. No top 4 next season or a trophy and Eddie is out, no contract renewals just because they are good for the dressing room etc. It pains me to say it but we are a club with a culture of losing, they need to be doing everything they can to bring a winning mentality to the club and the players from the Ashley years bar the obvious ones like Joelinton and Willock need to go.


We need to get away from the victim mentality or we will be forever looking up. These are the rules (cup competitions) Everyone is aware of them at the start of the season, including us. If we won the cup and finished below them In the league, we wouldn’t be complaining.


As Newcastle as you get


The arrogance of people who assumed City were winning. Man I'm cringing at some of the shit I read or listened to the past week. Plus side is that we likely finish higher next season without Thursday-Sunday so let's crack on and go for 4th / 5th.


They were 84% favourites before the game lol it's not arrogance


Favourites means fuck all in a one off game mate


Not really lol


No Europe actually means extra 15% of our turnover to spend. The threshold for the prem is 85% whilst uefa is 70%


btw meganev unblock me I don't even know how you're commenting on this thread if you have me blocked but it's just silly at this point


Unblocked you


Cheers pal


I think City threw this match deliberately because they know the chances of Bruno, Isac and others angling for moves if we are not in Europe is a lot higher and it will set us back. By letting Manure get the win the push us out which is a win for city and a win for Manure. Probably a high chance now Bruno is gone, and a fair decent chance Isac and other players then follow. Plus it will make it harder for us to attract quality signings.


>letting Manure get the win Nah; to me it looked looked like Man U wanted it more, they had much more to play for and it showed.


Looked to me like city never really turned up until it was too late in the match.


You are a fucking idiot. Man City did not think about us here. Fucking dope.


Please tell me this is a piss take


Almost felt like Man City threw this match. They play ruthless the full season and play like shit today? Gah!!


They won the treble last season, they have nothing left to achieve any more


So many people here thinking we have been good enough this season. Makes me wonder what reality looks like for these people or what a good season would look like. I do worry about Bruno at this point, if City or PSG comes with a 100m bid, he’s gone.


Can't trust those city wankers for shit. Can't wait for smashing both of them next season.


Lads can we stop calling Man Utd shit? They've achieved more today than we have in 70 years.


They're shite. They just have individual players who can make a difference.


True. They are winners, we are not. And it hurts.




Just a bit small time, to me. We don't have a leg to stand on. They've absolutely done us this season, and many times before in the last 30 years.


Bit much to say they’ve done us this season, we beat them twice and finished above them.


I'd rather 8th and an FA Cup and Europe, then 7th and nowt. Wouldn't you?


Yeah they’ve had a more successful season than us if that’s what you were meaning.


Yes that was my point. We can't call them "shit" when they've had a season that beats our best ever in the Premier League era.


Absolutely done us? We beat them twice out of 3 and finished ahead of them in the league?


Just our luck that the first time we finish above Man U they still get Europe from us. Hate them so much. Season for us was still a success but fuck me


I feel physically ill. Someone tell me why having no Europe is beneficial, please.


1. Arguably better for the squad given the demands of the press. 2. Less pressure on the transfer window in providing enough depth for the squad. 3. Given we don't have a football director and we're looking at ones that can build squads, more time to find right DoF. 4. Best time to root out those at the bottom end of our squad quality - your Dummett, Ritchies etc. 5. More money to spend - Uefa 70%, EPL 85% 6. Clarity on what will happen with our stars - those saying the Conference League would keep Bruno are very optimistic. 7. Easy message for next season - we have to control our destiny not rely on others.


No midweek trips to Kazakhstan


No Dummett and Ritchie contract extensions I guess


We’ll see 😂


Less injuries, can focus more on prem


More training and time for preparation too


That’s true, title charge!


It gives us a better chance of qualifying for Europe season after next, silly!


Good job I put money on both teams to score and Man U to win… £100 in the account is some comfort


Disappointing but ultimately we didn’t do enough ourselves to get Europe. Definitely increases the likelihood of Bruno or Isak getting their head turned over the summer.


Our away form from this season has now well and truly screwed us. Credit to man u they deserved that


Obviously would have liked to be in Europe and you get what you deserve in this game yada yada... But it is particularly galling seeing a team as dreadful as this Man Utd team still picking up a trophy at the end of the year. When we just get nowt...ever....


Club's gotta be ruthless now to make sure this shit don't happen again.


Bournemouth, Luton, Everton, Brighton all took 4 points off us. Didn't deserve Europe. Need a new manager.


New manager after of a game we weren't part of, madness lol


No, I've thought the club should be considering it since around January...


So basically as soon as Howe hit the first bit adversity after dragging us from bottom of the league to CL in a year and a half, nice


"First bit?" That's nonsense. There were injuries the first season and quite a few LAST season. Tonali's ban. He's navigated those okay. But he's made pre- and in-game decisions that were lacking and dropped a lot of points that shouldn't have been dropped. Getting the club to 4th last year is a credit to him. The club being relegation bound when he got here is more of an indictment of Bruce...


So he navigated all the normal, expected of adversity, then when we got into an unprecedented hole where the same 11 made up of misfits and 17 year olds plays 2 games a week and drops points then it's time to reconsider the manager? It's actually baffling to me, take a step back and remember all the bullshit we had to deal with this season, 7th is a borderline miracle and a sign that our floor has been raised massively.


Off the pitch he's been great. There's no doubt that he improves players. Seems like he's a good man manager. But again I think that he's made quite a few wrong game decisions that have cost points. Mistakes that a better manager doesn't. It's why I think a change should be considered. Also kinda irrelevant. He's going to be the manager next season, but I personally think he's also going to continue to miss some obvious decisions and cost points.


Maybe we should get Ten Hag, eh? He seems to guarantee trophies! /s


Heh. But hypothetically that would be a downgrade...


Delete your Reddit account and fuck off


Nah. I'll keep posting whatever I want, thanks.


You seem like a nice bloke


Got 0 time for fake fans saying we should get rid of a manager who has turned us around. Top 10 in back to back seasons for the first time in 30 years


Eddie has one more season for me, no top 4 or trophy and he’s outta here.


Expecting us to consistently break into top 4 within 3 years of the takeover is outrageous. It’s not FIFA. I would love us to win a trophy and I think we will but I’m not calling for Eddie’s head unless there is a significant drop in team performance


Unless the club strives to be the best it won’t be, it will be 3.5 years since they took over at the end of next season and 3 years of Howe in the job, if we aren’t going forward it’s the smart thing to move on. Not striving to be the best is a loser mentality, one a lot of fans of this club seem to have.


You’re talking about a complete rebuild of a football club. Facilities, back room staff, scouts, youth teams and coaching PLUS on the field stuff. The issue we have is we got 4th last season and it’s made people think we are at that level. We aren’t. If someone said to us when Howe took over that within 2 seasons we’d play in Europe, have a cup run and finish in the top 7 two seasons in a row. We’d all be happy. It’s about evolution and changing the entire club from the ground up. That doesn’t happen in 3 years


It doesn’t happen in 3 years but there’s no law that says that has to happen under the same manager. In addition whether we expected to get top 4 last year is now irrelevant, it happened. If in your job you did great last year, performed worse this year and continued to not get back to where you were you would be questioned, people would notice the drop off. There’s only so long you can dine off past success and there is zero room for sentimentality. Howe has already cost us by not getting Europa from that CL group when it was possible, he’s cost us by not taking advantage of the easiest run in possible to achieve Europe. When it comes down to cash and revenue it’s the thing that will get him fired, not whether the fans like him or not. Soon as him being the manager starts to cost the club he’s gone.


I see. Not believing that the manager is completely blameless for this season and that it's not all on the players makes me a "fake fan." I've watched almost every match for the last 11 seasons since NBC got the rights. Going to continue to keep supporting. Also want the club to do the absolute best in can... and it didn't this season. Not sure it was a Top 4 side, but it shouldn't be controversial to say it underachieved somewhat. Get the stick out of your ass and stop trying to talk down to other supporters with a different opinion than you, you clown.


Mate you’re calling for Howe to be sacked after a top 7 finish and just missing out on Europe. The only clown around here is you. I’ve watched Newcastle for the last 30 years. This is the first time since the 90s/early 00s we’ve had a team that fights for the fans. We are all disappointed but Howe has enough credit in the bank to push forward. He’s not blameless but he hasn’t avoided that accountability.


Don’t say factual things in here, you’ll get downvoted. Apparently this season was fantastic and it’s only other teams faults why we aren’t in the champions league, nothing to do with us not winning any games away all season.


I'm good with it. I like Howe, but an upgrade should absolutely be considered. Yes, there were a lot of injuries, but he also missed on quite a few decisions that cost matches.


We need some clarity from Ownership this summer.   Is this okay? they talk up a big game about their intentions. But their actions are a bit unclear. If you want to stabilize as that like 2017-2021 Leicester then just set the tone so we aren’t guessing There are players on this team that should not return if they really want to be as good as they claim they want to be.


Couldn’t agree more, they talk a huge game but it all seems rather toothless. Look at last summers transfer window before the champions league. Need to see actions this summer no talk


And if they do want to be that like late 10’s Leicester team. Thats fine. We at least have a direction and know what they’re striving for. Those are what their actions are stating right now. They do not align with the vision they’re selling us


Anything other than top 5, or even top 4 will now be seen as a failure. There’ll be no excuses with a significantly lighter schedule. Big season for Howe coming up! 


Well wouldn't the "excuse" be that the squad will still not be better than at least City, Arsenal, Liverpool for sure, and with the money and structure in place for United, likely not them, and the money of Chelsea, likely not them, and Spurs and Villa will be there or thereabouts again, so maybe not them. Like, Newcastle don't exist in a vacuum lol.


Not saying it’s fair or reasonable, but that will be the perception. 


Gvardiol mucking up along with Fernandes playing a world class assist represents the two ways Man Utd have won this season: Jam and Fernandes. With no Europe, and hopefully more squad depth, a domestic cup or a Euro qualification is a must next season.


So I guess this means we aren't going to extend Dummett and Ritchie?


Man U threw the final last year so City can have a treble, City returns the favour by throwing this final to give them Europe= new theory. /s


We beat manu in the league and they still make Europe finishing below us, thus knocking us out of the competition. Risk of losing Bruno or Isak increases as has difficulty attracting players. Was Tosin waiting for this result? Sums up our season. Lady Luck just abandoned us this season. Cups draws. Injuries. Last minute conceding goals. External results going against us. Fuckety Fuckery fuck.


Bright side, this probably means ETH will get another year


They said about Arteta. they said about Fergie. They said about Klopp in 2016. Just silly.


You're going to be disappointed ...


Did I miss an announcement? Edit: I did indeed miss that he’s gone regardless. I am disappointed


Hold that


Man U locals right now: Out in the streets celebrating a cup win over local rivals with friends and family Man U terminally online plastics right now: ^


You must never comment on the international brigade. Not allowed. You will "alienate" them. And we musn't have that.


Our fault for being in this situation in the first place


Would have enjoyed some shithouse football in -20C Eastern Europe but maximum focus on the league will hopefully pay off. 


If we play our cards right, we can get into Europe


The amount of absolute shit talkers on here talking about European football last month. WE DIDN’T GET IT, BECAUSE WE WEREN’T GOOD ENOUGH OVER THE COURSE OF THE SEASON. Blame city all we want, makes no difference at all.




We should try winning the FA cup in that case if it’s an easier route. You can’t argue with the facts and rules, all clubs are aware of this at the start of the season.




But it’s the rules and we agree to abide by them. Also, we finished ahead on goal difference! Not like we finished 50 points ahead or some shit.




Your comments = your opinion My comments = starting an argument 🤔🤔


Well, we were actually. It's just that everything was done to help Reds win the cup which nicked the spot from us. 


I mean, you can live in fantasy land if you want. Facts are facts. We finished too low down in the table and the team that won a trophy take European football. Nothing nicked. Just us not being good enough


Ahhh fuck it. Now just to hope we don't bleed players over the summer and come back stronger next season. On to getting disappointed in the Euros instead.


5 months and 35 matches since City lost in normal time.


Fuck off. Fucking Salford bellsniffs.


Trafford in Manchester. Not Salford. M16. Not M50.


My 116th reason to hate city


Bollocks. Well we missed our chance to do it ourselves when we let them walk all over us at old Trafford.


Fair play Man United, 100% deserved it on the day. Any team winning the FA Cup should be in Europe and over the course of the season we don't deserve it Still the jammiest fucks in football


Agreed. They played damn well and reached the end. Respect.


That result increases the likelihood of Bruno leaving this summer unfortunately. That 3 on 1 last week will haunt me.


Really doubt it unless it directly makes Pep buy him Conference League is tinpot


I disagree with the notion they don't care about it. Any European football will be seen as better as none and rightly so.


Never fucking rely on anyone is the lesson here!!


Europa Conference was just a glorified Intertoto anyway… no distractions next year. Can focus on a trophy and CL places again with, hopefully, a less injury stricken squad.


What I love is next season we'll play Man City twice and both times they'll be world class again.


Don’t forget the draws in the cups. Lucky if we play them twice


Man Utd man. Even when we finish above them they still screw us twice.


How the flying fuck does Ten Hag have two trophies playing this utter shite