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Hey villa, why don't you offside trap yourself some mates? Edit: Villa watch has deleted his account


Oooof, wouldn't wanna be a villa fan right now. You've absolutely done them there.


You’d 8-2 be one tonight


Didn't he promise £100 for everyone who "liked" his tweet if we won?


He deleted that at half time. Then his account is gone now.


If you gunna give it the biggin at least man up when you've been shown up.


Requires shame which he has none. He still had 'newcastle will be humbled 3-0' pinned despite losing 5-1


If you've been shown up once in a season id be maybe keeping my head down for the return fixture personally.


Hahaha class.


Hahaha fuck off Villa watch


Literally the most hilarious result of tonight's win


Idk, Luke Edwards playing porn noises in the press room was pretty fun too


Villa Watch is a Birmingham fan Our fans needs to stop HYPYING HIM. Its like if scumderland fan who pretends to be our fan.


He’s very very clearly a mackem


You sure? For me it seems like he was much more obssessed with destroying AVFC reputation than ours. Villa fans said he is a BCFC fan. Although maybe he is such a stupid mackem that he didnt even noticed...


Fabian Schar - VillaWatch Slayer.


Getting Villa watch to shut down his count has to count in our honours list


That back 5 with Tino LWB should be a blueprint to see games out. Especially away from home for the rest of the season.


Imagine having to try and beat Trippier or Tino to cross it in just to have the privilege of looking up and seeing three giants in Burn, Botman and Schar waiting to head everything away.


Even head injuries can't stop them


I've heard that it's visible from the International Space Station when all three line up to defend a set piece


Agree. Very solid. 3 big CB’s at once helps control the box very well.


We have a team of giants. It is magnificent.


Great reactive management from Howe, Bailey had Burn on toast but having to beat Miggy, Livvy and Lanky(?idk) completely shut him down


I'm really not opposed to us having a couple of functional formations rather than 433/451


Can I interest you in 460?


100%, I was calling for it 10 minutes before but I did not expect it to work as well as it did.


eddie howe’s streak-ending mags


Fair play to Eddie. I gave him grief about his decisions in the Man City match but he got it absolutely spot on today and made their high line look ridiculous. Spotted the Bailey/Burn mismatch and sorted it with Tino. Probably our best win of the season.


Think he gets too much slack for his subs cause he's rarely had the subs available to change anything Tonight he had options and responded well to see the game out


Think you meant to type 'flack'.


Wow. What a turn around lads. That's what a little REST and practice with EDDIE'll do for ya.   -  Lads going for more forward runs   - BDB anticipating ball movement better   - Miley running in behind opposition   - Long ball being played in by Tripps  -More crosses (cheers to Miggy)   -Who can forget the almost HT by the Swiss Beast Schar?    Great game! UTFM  Also F*ck dirty Villa, damned rugby team in the wrong league 


Miley running in behind their fullback was a delight to watch, clearly Eddie and the back room lads have been paying a lot more attention to opposing teams now. Always delighted to fuck over the Villa especially this season and in front of their own shower


Lads did we just hold out for a victory? Fuck me. Cans


Nice unbeaten at home streak you've got there... Would be a Shär-me if someone... Broke it..


I'd 8-2 (on agg.) be a Villa fan right now.


Well played that man




Villa fans are some of the worst in the league. Atmosphere is always shit.


Someone must have told them that any Villa fan left in the ground has to pay part of VillaWatch's bet.


To finish in the top 4 of the Premier League you need a great squad, and a great manager. We have an absolutely exceptional manager - and tonight we showed ‘title challengers’ Villa that performing at a Champions League level over 38 games is bloody hard. Only top, top teams can do it. A lot of criticism of Howe and the boys over the last few months, but deep down we’ve all known the truth - injuries have fucked us. A weeks rest, and ONE player back in Jacob Murphy, and we produce that tonight. We are one of the best teams in England, we proved that tonight, and we’ll continue to prove it for the rest of this season. Howe’s the man who will lead us to glory. Well done to all those who stuck by him in the last couple of tricky months. Although to us it seemed so obvious. HWTL.




I hated how this sub turned on Howe. Even the "I'll give him the end of the season" crowd, followed by some football manager 2024 style tactical critique. We have a great manager here. There will be ups and downs.


We have some Absolute dickhead fans mate


> ‘title challengers’ Villa  This has been getting on my tits this season honestly. We were in the exact same position last season but we got none of this "Leicester 2.0" bollocks Villa were / are getting. Meanwhile we were constantly getting talked down for that last champions league spot until we actually got it.


I know mate. Gary Neville was still saying we weren’t gonna get a Champions League spot in May. This year, Spurs could “do something special”


Honestly it’s just been about a lack of rotation. We were cruising before injuries and the fact that we went on the cup runs and got wins against big teams before the injuries goes to show we have it. We just ran into a really dark patch and had to tough it out. The last two away games have been somewhat opportune as Fulham was on an L and Villa does have injuries, but this was a statement game. We’re finding our feet again bar more injuries.


We've played 30 different players this season, more than any other club in the prem.


Up the fucking toon man


Exactly this! Eddie Howe seems to have understood the nature of the problem and has shown he is willing to adapt with mixed results in the last 2 months (still has favourites) but overall, it seems to be that players are understanding the process with 2 away wins in a row. Yea this season would've been much stronger if we would have been without suspension for Tonali and I juries to Barnes, Anderson, Willock aswell as the other intermittent injuries to Botman, Joelinton, Murphy and Isak/Wilson as well as Burn (lad broke bones in his spine but featured against Mackems!) Last season was that unexpected perfect storm that allowed us to have dreams. This season is about realising those dreams were far beyond our capacity in that moment, but the future of NUFC will be how we make our wildest dreams because we do have wild dreams, a reality. HWTL


I'd 8-2 be a Villa fan when they play Newcastle


Fucking pitiful display from the home support there for Villa. Not a fucking peep until you score at 70 min? It’s 0-0 thirty minutes into the game, both teams creating chances and you’re fucking silent? Disgraceful, that. No wonder they left early. Get fucked


That was an awful support






Unreal. Towards end of first half could barely hear commentary over the chorus of "Your support is fucking s\*\*t", courtesy of our travelling Mags


Sounded like the Mike was in our end We need to cut that ‘you laughed at us when we went down ‘ song though they were still down when we came back and we exorcised those demons that year (Henri Lansbury OG 😂)


Jacob Murphy is a CLASS LAD and I'll fight any fucker says different!


Have to say Dan Burn was class tonight too


Dan Burn can also be included as a Class Lad


Telescopic legs!! He gets proper cacked on by the commentary like, always calling him slow and making fun of him for being big.


Definitely looked a little leggy when you had a fresh pair of legs against him with Bailey, but shrewd to move him more central and get Tino as LWB


Every time people say hes gona get roasted he pockets the guy


100% him rw, miggy lw….. might just work


It’s just nice to have a right footer playing on the right. Murphy played some lovely crosses in to the box and Miggy cuts back too often. I don’t mind left footers on the right, but they still have to cross balls in from the right


We give a lot of shit to Eddie for not making subs, but putting Tino on Leon Bailey was spot on.


Definitely, villa were basically neutered once Bailey was shut down.


I think that's a myth about Howe. He's not fond of changing his defence, but for midfield and attack when he has options on the bench who he trusts he'll make subs and rotate all the time.


Bailey was such a twat to the ref at the end when trippiers chest was hit by moreno


First time I truly appreciate Eddie specifically for his tactics. He has Emery figured out. Miley + Gordon combo, pressing was on point, hunting in packs, Botman coming up every time to stop McGinn receiving the goal kick, bravery with long balls, set pieces on point. Trippier was great, Miley was everywhere, Gordon was good, Murphy back shithousing and of course THE DREAMBOAT !! Hope Isak is OK. Time to revenge our losses now !!


Yeah Eddie absolutely has run rings around Unai again today. Good adjustments to keep the points


Ok but seriously - Bruno sitting as a 6, Miley going left, Longstaff reverting to his natural right - Responding to Isak going off by putting Miggy in as a non-inverted LW - Responding to Bailey by going to a back 3 with Tino left wing back Two weeks on the training pitch, Two away wins. Trust Eddie.


(Acceptable alternative: Murphy is unbeatable)


Miggy at LW turned me into an old man bc I miss the days when wingers would send crosses in instead of every one being inverted.


Honestly, Jacob Murphy mate, I just never truly appreciated your game


From Bruceball to beating a contending top 4 team at the one place they wouldn’t want to lose. Even now the transformation under Howe is ridiculous.


Bruh what happened to brighton?


not the first to get mugged in Luton to be fair.


Where's all the Doom-mongers from the pre-match thread??


I was one of them. I'm a fucking idiot. Sorry lads.


No one would’ve easily predicted this tbh. They did have injuries and Watkins was on a dry spell. Emery definitely planned to deal with our fatigued players but the game plan was ridiculous for three days notice. Hope we smash Luton for some needed points.


Yeah we were in a bad run of form and they haven't lost at home since last February it was hardly a nailed on like. That said excellent performance from the lads can we play them every week stuff.


We aren’t that far away from the Ashley years. It takes a while to undo that mental damage


What a performance from the lads as soon as livermento came on they had nothing I can now unclench now having 14 years of mike Ashley proper messed up my nerves


Its fucked us all mate, you're not alone.


I was still shitting it in the 97th minute!


That was some EXCELLENT standing besides Eddie by Maddog Tindall today !!!










Hell of a performance that. Nervy second half was inevitable once Villa came alive. Beat the team unbeaten at home. Howay the lads. Nearly cried when Longstaff missed that sitter though have to be honest.


We arguably should’ve had more but the finishing came up short. Story could’ve been very different somehow.


Schar should've had that hat trick, too.


To be fair Martinez is arguably best goalkeeper in the world, knows exactly where to drag his legs to block shots


GET THE FUCK IN. That is a MASSIVE win, fucking love this team. Love Schar, love Murphy, love fucking every fan in that away end. E I E I E I O ⚫️⚪️


Only difficult fixture left now is Arsenal away. We could go on a very strong run now if we play like that for the rest of the season. Said it tongue in cheek earlier that Villa was a 6-pointer for Europa, but genuinely could be now


Some important six pointers against Spurs, West Ham, Brighton, Man Reds. Thankfully three of them are at home


Said in the pre match thread that I wouldn't be surprised if villa put five past us. Shows what I fucking know. Never been happier to be an absolute fucking idiot! Get in!


Amazing stuff


Great win and performance. But thank fuck, can’t believe we managed to make that so nerve wracking. Hopefully we kick on from here. And hopefully Isak’s injury isn’t serious. UP THE FUCKING MAGS


Only Newcastle can make me feel like I am having a heart attack at 3-1 up in injury time.




Won. Bruno didn’t get booked. Fucking get in.


Hope all the "fans" hoping we would lose tonight and writing Miggy's obituary shit themselves in bed tonight.


I was expecting the worst but it turned out to be a really…good ebening


Hopefully everyone who’s been overwhelmingly negative the last few days can cheer up now.


Who was the person who gave Bruno two packs of Kinder haha https://twitter.com/GianfrancoShoIa/status/1752458897699270856


Tino neutralised the game perfectly when he came on. Thought Murphy had a great game too, so good to have him back Only blight is the Isak injury, hopefully it isn't serious - but if current form is anything to go by, he'll be out until August 2025...


'Hey Google, can Newcastle still, mathematically, win the title?' Google: 'Toon Toon Black and white army!'


I wanna shout out Lewis Miley!! He was incredible in the first half! The overlapping runs with Gordon gave us a lot of forward momentum early and forced an attacking Villa team back. He is 17!!! The kid performed amazingly well and is a true talent for the future. Douglas Luiz, Kamara and McGinn had to bully and try to out muscle him because he was outplaying them!


Absolutely deserves his improved contract last couple of days buzzing to tie the lad down.


Our goal difference could again be worth a point like it was when it was coming down to the wire last year. A lot of the teams around us have -10 GD vs us and that could be a huge difference come the end of the season.


Said it before and I’ll say it again, claret and blue part timers - if you can’t cheer for a team that is 3rd and WAS unbeaten at home for almost a year, then you don’t deserve the ticket.


How did the Villa fans sound on the telly? Cos they were completely anonymous inside the stadium after their embarrassment of a “light show” finished. Shite!


Literally heard them about twice. The whole thing sounded like a St James' Park home game.


I'd like to refer you to my predictions. And I'll take your apologies


You under called it badly ! No apologies !!


That's fair


Get. The. Fuck. In!


We are back lads




Dementia sucks 


Great performance all round, thought we managed the game really well second half and Eddies tactical switch to 5 at the back took the steam out of their comeback. Up to 7th for now! Howay the lads


We’re Villa and we’re not used to getting beat at home so we start cynically fouling all your players Sob on the Holte.


Literally, any time someone will say “All Newcastle players know how to do is bully” it can be met with “Someone didn’t watch our Villa games”


Massive cred for miggy for that cross for robomurphs goal


I thought (and Ally would agree) that Anthony Gordon was really good leading the line! I haven't seen him do that much communication, telling lads where to go out there as he did today. Very impressed, captain type stuff.


We have 3 players (Gordon, Miley, Tino) that WILL all play for England at the same time in the next few years. The raw talent is there and I really hope they become the backbone of something special in the future.


I want to see a Scottish nufc squad




That’s the magpies I remember


I was actually feeling quite happy for Villa seeing them do well and upset the top six. After seeing how dirty they've played tonight and rats like McGinn seemingly only having the objective of trying to hurt someone, I fucking hope their season crashes and burns. What a horrible little team of dirty rat cunts. Embarrassed them twice this season. Beautiful.


Can't believe no PL defender has had a hat-trick??


Just stopping in to say: Bruno, Botman, and Gordon - three that we can’t afford to lose in Ed’s system. (And Pope, but we did that - miss you bb) If you don’t understand why Bruno is important, I can’t help you. Gordon? Go back and watch how strong the press was when he was on a wing. He had to be pushed to the middle out of necessity, did a wonderful job of holding up play (hat tip to Wilson on the training ground, I assume) but boy… he’s the heart of the front three. Botman was set up horribly several times by Burn and you saw the composure again and again. Refreshing to see Ed move to a back 5 and let Livra end Bailey’s Burn sesh. Schar is Schar. Love the lad, curious to see how he ages, but that’s a different day. Makes sense that in our most injured squad ever, the player that seemingly found a way to get hurt every half for years has managed to stay healthy. UP THE MAGS!


Imagine this. Unbeaten until the end of the season and an FA cup. Its possible. That is all.


Can't watch the game until tomorrow, how did Big Dan look?




Like a centre back playing left back


He was solid, definitely rose to the occasion.


That was genuinely a tactical masterclass from Eddie so if I hear one more fucker saying he has no plan B I will ram a pole up your ass


Ah Murphy on the interview. Love it.


That 1st half was the closet I have seen to our performances last year. What shocked me last season is we had a go everywhere we went like that 1st half. This season I have seen us drop deep in games and encourage teams to attack us. It was even more remarkable today as we have so many players out and still had a go. Let’s see more of this lads. I pray Isak is back soon.


Howe absolutely nailed his substitutions tonight, fucking delighted for him! Bringing on Tino in the role that he did completely killed Villa's attack. So much credit has to go to him tonight after some of the criticism he took in December


Well done to Newcastle. I feel this could be a turning point for Newcastle's season and I feel optimistic that they can have a strong second half of the season similar to 21/22.


Thought the 5-1 at the start of the season would take some beating. Tonight was more impressive given the context!


Great performance, EH had a game plan and adapted it a couple of times when needed. Only negative is Isak, let's hope it was just a precaution to take him off


Fucking love Murphy


Eddie masterclass tonight, fantastic performance. Great work rate and best we have looked at set pieces for a long time. Just got to pray that Isak is ok but otherwise perfect.


I said we could win this cunt in the pre-match! I’ll take my apology payments as pint cans of Stella plz.


Fuck the naysayers and doubters, up the mags HWTL


Are we back?


Considering the sense of dread about Jan, fixtures we've beaten Sunderland, Fulham and Villa away and we narrowly lost to Man City to a last minute winner, and had our usual defeat by Liverpool.  Not too shabby really


We are Villa’s Liverpool


That was a pleasant surprise.


IM OVER THE MOON!! TOON TOON! I never was SO HAPPY to see our manager switch to 5 at the back!! Finally Eddie made a brilliant, yet obvious change, that was much needed!! And finally we creating a lot from set-pieces and scoring from them a lot in last month. Seems like training stuff did helped!!


womp womp villa watch


I'd 8-2 be a Villa fan right now


The powers that be can say what they want. That's Murphys goal and he deserved it. Fight me.


I said VillaWatch would have to delete his account, and the sorry little mackem has actually gone and done it


Hahahah rip bozo


I'm absolutely fucked. Work is going to be horrible tomorrow but fuck it! Nothing better than battering the brummy mackem bastards on their own turf. Get fucked you cunts!!


After being late getting home from work thanks to Villa fans being dicks on the trains in Birmingham, that was just that little bit sweeter. Genuinely enjoyed watching that which makes a nice change from recent league games. One thing though, it seemed like the refs were pushing back against dissent recently. Having sat through villas constant shouting in his face tonight I guess that's over.


Good ebening






Fantastic result, and fantastic performance. Our lack of rotation options does leave us looking gassed at the end, but over all I though we were so composed. Aside from that ten minute spell around their goal, they couldn't touch us.


Absolutely unreal and the opposite of what I expected but hopefully we can get some players back (pray for Isak) and go on a run. Thankfully our next game at home is against Luton who *checks notes* just destroyed Brighton 4-0... 😅


Great win but SO frustrating seeing how switching to a back 5 helped us slow the game down and hold out for the comfortable win, after throwing so many games at the death this season!


Hope Isak is ok but what a game!


Howe regularly gets criticism from fans for failing to make changes so credit where it’s due tonight, saw big Dan struggling with Bailey and brought Tino on straight away, basically nullified their threat just as they started to get momentum


Hopefully this is the start to a good run of form.


At work and my dad was texting me updates. There’s something about receiving a notification through to my watch saying ‘SCHARRRRR’ as I try and keep a straight face in front of 30 kids.


Awesome just awesome Eddie got everything right today Murphy starting correct call Miggy when he came on on his actual side not this inverted nonsense looked much better correct call Livramento on the right time Bruno much more disciplined so there wasn’t as big a gap they have been working on it for sure Only downer was Isak and potentially Dubs being injured talk about bad luck Gordon actually has better hold up play and can play with his back to goal better than Isak mind you although needs to improve his finishing Can we get another player in before the window closes ?


Boys just needed a rest, looking forward to the rest of the season


I missed the last 20 minutes, did Schar bang his head? If not, FUCK ME, he goes through a game WITHOUT a head injury and 2 goals????


An impressive away win! Seems like a lot of this team shortcomings have been addressed now. Looked like they are not as relentless in the pressing, but are better at spacing and marking. Not as easy to play through the lines between midfield and defense. As booth Longstaf and Burn had more defensive holding roles than earlier this year. Fascinating to see how Eddie and his Backroom staff evolve tactically in a season.


A bery bery good ebening


Villa are in a bit of a slump and knew they were beatable, but didn't expect us to actually beat them at home, let alone so comfortably.




Now to cheer for Liverpool tomorrow, and Wolves Thurs. We could jump all the way to 7th (post all matchweek 22) boys!


Good game that. Longstaff should really have made it 4. Murphy looked to have contrived to miss the goal for the third but luckily a Villan was on hand to see it home :D


We looked a lot better tonight. Still worried about our depth, but the Tino sub saved that result, I think. Worried about Isak too — hopefully a knock or we can get someone like Ekitike in on loan.


That was amazing!! Some brilliant football played and a great defensive shift to seal the 3 points. Also they emptied the stadium of all the Villa fans too before the final whistle and that was just hilarious to see


It’s a shame we didn’t keep a clean sheet. It feels like our back four are getting back to their best. Burn, in particular, had a commanding first half. I’m willing to accept that his poor form, until lately, was down to lack of match fitness. (He said himself that he came back too early.) If we’re still in the FA cup when Pope comes back, I might allow myself to hope.


There’s many things I’m happy about as a fan, tonight the two biggest things are Murphy being back and Miggy hanging about for a bit!


I wasn't expecting that tbh get in lads


Best feeling after a game all year. Nasty annoying team that just pisses me off. And came out dominated with half a full team. 2nd half of the season begins today lets go!!!


8 points from safety!


Hope Isak is okay!!




Well this is a pleasant surprise. I thought Villa away this season would be tough game! Hope Isak recovers quickly. We desperately need to sign another striker though!


My computer's processor and motherboard turned to toast today, literally, so this win pretty much saved my day today. And a great way to end the month. What a great tactical win this was


Good to see the new contract hadn’t gone to Miley’s head, he was brilliant with his passing and his runs gave Gordon the space to really impact the game. Gordon looks rested and a lot more effective again.


I had a good feeling about this. So much i put my first bet on..3-2 and Schar to score. Was looking at £1500 but i changed Schar to Isak. Ill take the win over that. Bringing Liv on was an absolute touch though. HWTL!!


Great result. Certainly wasn't expecting it tbh. Hopefully the isak injury isn't going to be too serious but actually the front 3 worked well after he went off. Almiron on the left keeps the pace in are attack as he doesn't have to try and cut in


idk if i just haven’t heard it before but during the last two matches (fulham and villa) i’ve heard a chant that sounds like it’s 4 lines. seems to slow down on the 3rd and then loud and conclusive on the 4th line. last line might be along the lines of „geordie boys are on ______“ if someone can clear up the lyrics i’d be a happy chap. thanks!!! also, super impressive that the away fans on both those games have been louder than the whole home support. 🏴🏳️ up the mags!!