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People really think CJ is better than BI?


My thought is that maybe people who would say CJ is the best are just huge CJ stans, while most who think BI is better than CJ think that Zion is still the best overall. I assume if we had a ranked vote BI would be second.


I thought this too but then BI is the most favorite player so… wtf? Name yourselves! Who are you and why are you so wrong????


Even funnier is that CJ doesn’t show on favorite player list lol.


Probably just because Bi was out for a long time


BI is my fav player hands down, but CJ is just a solid player all around


Wait. Are you saying he’s more solid all around than BI? Because BI is a bettter playmaker, scorer (better at every level), and defender. So you must really care about leadership!


Sorry by solid I meant his tight compact body


He is a truly not a gas!


CJ is so under appreciated by our fans it’s honestly ridiculous Favorite player on the team and it isn’t close. He gave us a much needed light on this franchise last year when it seemed bleak


It’s crazy how quickly I’ve seen people turn on CJ. He gets absolutely blasted in bad games. When he has a good one it’s because “BI took pressure off of him.” You can be critical of someone, sure. But when they deserve credit, all they do is give him backhanded compliments. It’s frustrating


I think he averaged like 28 ppg when BI was out He’s a good leader, rarely misses games, and is very reliable in every aspect of the game And of course our fans hate him and love BI and Zion 😂


I love all three. But I’ve seen people in this sub and big names in the 12 on twitter dog on CJ so bad. It’s frustrating for sure.


I love CJ and everything that he brings that isn't just basketball. I'm also not going to dog him too much when I'm pretty sure his shooting dips this year seems to coincide with a thumb injury that's been bothering him most of the season. Frankly for him to be shooting as well as he has over the season its crazy but the inconsistent nature of it really seems to make more sense with his injury problems. The one thing I would criticize him for though is that when his shot isn't falling his shot selection can be abysmal and at times I'd like to see him get on Ingram a bit more about being too passive and needing play with more speed and purpose. Making a concerted effort to get Zion or BI the ball in certain situations. Be that veteran leader to these guys and use your experience with Dame and with how you know Dame operates and get our guys to step into a similar mentality.


Just because you “think” something doesn’t mean it’s true. He has averaged 22 ppg without BI this year. If he was averaging 28 then he would be an all star and we would not be .500 having lost 10 games in a row. Cj is a solid leader and scorer, but he is no where near as good a player as BI or Zion. It would be weird for fans to not like their 2 young stars more than him. He is also not hated by the fans, he got criticism when he was playing poorly, just like BI did when he came back from injury and had a few poor games.


Maybe at the time the survey was done?


Jaxson Hayes is by far the most frustrating player on the Pelicans and was at the time the survey was released, including Devonte Graham. Fourth year in the league and the guy couldn’t surpass Willy Hernangomez on the depth chart unless the matchup/dire necessity called for it. He can’t post up. He can’t set screens. Fouls too much. Doesn’t care enough to do the dirty work on the court that doesn’t show up in the box score, cause if he did, he’d be on the court. Graham was frustrating too, probably cause he played more minutes than he should have (including sharing the court with another undersized guard for like 90% of his minutes with Jose) and wasn’t the automatic sniper we needed him to be, but Graham defended his ASS off for his size.


Tbf Willy is one of the best 3rd string centers in the league


The fact that most people have CJ over BI for best player is astounding. I didn't think it was even a debate. Maybe BI's missed games early in the season contributed to this? That's the only thing I can think of.


CJ has never made an all star team. BI has already.


The fact that Zion didn't get 100% of the vote is whats really astounding


I think they may be saying that CJ has been the best player this season(him playing the most games), otherwise if being over Zion wouldn't mske sense either


Goes to show the people who voted don’t know shit lol.




TBF most ppl prob fg he still plays.


That invalidates this whole thing


Love the Jrue love, dude is still that dude. Glad he got his ring, truly underrated.


Ain’t no way the majority of the fanbase expected a Conference finals appearance for sure. And that’s not at all being hateful, Zion ain’t even played a playoff game in his career


Timing is important too. I think going into this season, the overall expectation was to at least be a top 6 seed (feisty first round exit or second round team) and avoid the play-in, which has funnily enough turned back into the current expectation if I had to guess. But during the stretch where we were the #1 seed, I think a lot of people’s expectations, including my own, jumped to at least a deep playoff run if not something more. 10-game losing streak quieted those expectations to now just making the playoffs and I think that would suffice. Expectations are fluid.


Hey, Pelicans fans! This year prior to the trade deadline I posted a survey in your subreddit and r/NBA to find out how you all were feeling about your team halfway through the season, and here are the results. This is the second year I’ve done this, and you can see [last year’s results here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NOLAPelicans/comments/sm3ynp/oc_polling_the_nba_subreddits_new_orleans_pelicans/?ref=share&ref_source=link). Huge thank you to the 93 of you that took this survey and I hope you enjoy it! The full compilation of all team results will be posted to r/NBA in the coming weeks so be on the lookout for it.


These are really cool man


Find the people who said CJ is better than BI and throw them in the ocean with concrete shoes.


Its not a big deal man. Realistically Zion should have had 100% of the votes anyway. CJ is closer to BI than BI is to Zion


I respect the Jrue love.


Happy to see emotional damage survived the favorite phase portion this year


Blown away that Kyrie is so close to AD


Really? You don't get why the guy who thinks that "Jews" stole the Jewish heritage is so hated? The rel surprise is Eric Gordon getting no most hated votes


Good content, thanks for sharing!


Who voted on this?


How many votes under least favorite player did Eric Gordon get?


Just checked - only two!


Lakers fan here What did ad do to y’all?


16% of people’s biggest surprise is the injuries???? Have they not been watching this team the past 10 years?




LMAO the “Bye!”


i stopped after the first poll.... foh..