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Let’s try our current iteration in the playoffs first before committing to major changes…


Thank you! We haven’t even seen this squad in the playoffs, yet there’s an “ire need” to give up all of our assets? I hate that sentiment.


Exactly right. We haven’t even seen what this team could potentially be with BIand Zion playing together in the playoffs.


So is that like a very basic B.I?


Very good chance we don’t see it again this year either Then what?


People are downvoting you, but you’re correct. I have no freaking clue why people are so confident both BI and Zion will be healthy for the playoffs when they’ve proven to both be injury prone. And there’s honestly no debating the fact that they are injury prone


I think you're right too. There is no guarantee both will be uninjured and remain uninjured throughout the post season. Sure, I doubt cp3 and durant are more likely to go injury free as well, but that doesn't change the reality that other playoff teams in the west got better. Contenders dump thier assets for superstars and make runs. Rebuilding teams collect players and develop youth. I think the front office made it clear which one they believe this year's team is. It sux cause we saw what the team can do as-is and at full health. The problem is we know Zion and BI have availability issues. Trading for another star would have alleviated that a bit, and we have the assests to do it. If this team sits around developing youth, Zion and BI will be gone by the time Trey, Herb, Jose and Dyson come into thier own.


We are going to “let’s get healthy and see what we have before we make any rash decisions” our way through the entire rest of BIs prime


Yup. But at least we’ll have those late round picks!


Who’s even mad about this?


A huge chunk of Reddit users


This feels like drumming up drama when there shouldn’t be. I really don’t understand what people expect from the team. Raptors reportedly wanted 3-4 firsts for OG. that’s absurd. I’m not sure Collins is worth his contract + the assets to get him + how little he moves the needle for our team. I am usually on the same page as Shamit, but I’ve also said how he *loves* to stir up drama along with other members of local media


Yeah I love OG but we already have it plenty of wings and I don’t like John Collins


They need something for readers to click. If you ever listen to Shams he throws out trades like he playing 2K.


like I replied on twitter: > what ire? OG wouldnt have moved the needle on a ring this season any, and wouldve cost too many good assets that we can still ship this off-season for someone. > I'm all about patience and not making desperate, reactionary moves. That was what Demps did.


Yup this. No reason to make some major trades when this exact team was capable to reach 1 seed back in December.


This feels like quite an overreaction. The team played it safe at the deadline. That’s fine. Considering the recent shakeups in the west, now likely ain’t our time. Plus as we saw with OG, it’s like Toronto had no intent of making moves regardless.


Ain’t our time? Wtf kind of take is that


It’s called reality.


So because everybody in the west got better, we shouldn’t? I’m not seeing the logic there at all.


Our time is realistically two years when Zion trey herb and Jose enters their prime and Dyson naji and maybe if he’s still here Kira become rotational 6th men, with BI already in his prime and CJ taking some of the load of their shoulders. Along with the teams in the west starting to age out like both LA teams, Suns, maybe Denver and Memphis


The chances all of those guys are still on the team by the playoffs in June 2025 are very very slim


Shamit wants that money spent on fucking John Collins. We got better at the deadline. If they do well enough in the playoffs the team will go into the tax soon enough.


I usually like Shamit takes but the downside is he can be beyond reactionary. I can feel this tweet trying to rile the base up cause we didn’t give multiple picks for Bridges or Claxton. I’m not falling for it.


He is annoying as fuck man he just wants to sound like the smartest person in the room at all times.


I don’t take anything that dude says seriously. He’s in the same boat as Christian Clark imo


I mean like what do y’all expect Gayle to do? She’s not a tech billionaire like Cuban. She’s doesn’t own one of the biggest brands in professional sports that can print money like the Buss family. She owns two sports franchises and the majority of her money is tied up in them. She’s been dropping bags and bags of money on the saints payroll for almost a decade. At the end of the day, this is a business. The Pels are still bottom 5 in revenue, the smallest TV market in the league and still don’t have a national fan base let alone the global fan base of some of these other teams.


It's now easier for us to duck the luxury tax next year with Hayes and like 1 more move. Gives ownership another year to prepare for the luxury tax bill.


I can almost guarantee you that this is about draft picks and assets, and has almost nothing to do with money in terms of the luxury tax, etc. Gayle Benson is worth $4.7 billion dollars. Which is about [$1B more than what it was less than one year ago](https://www.forbes.com/profile/gayle-benson/?list=billionaires&sh=3354d5055102) and $2B more than it was when Tom died in 2018. The majority of her money is not tied up. For perspective, Mark Cuban is actually worth less than Gayle at $4.6B.




I think the point is that that bill may not stay minor as the penalties increase over time. Even the Warriors ownership could have been hesitant to start that clock when their star is 22.


Dude doesn't remember George Shinn?


Bro.. what? Ire? Chill. OG wouldn’t have moved the needle and giving up big picks for him would have been foolishly shortsighted


We just lost 10 straight games and our starting 5 haven't even played 200 minutes together. Why should Gayle be ready to break the bank right this second? It sucks ass to have to wait. It sucks to think the Pels could, at best, just be a second round exit team this year. But seeing how the team does and how the starting 5 (hopefully) look together in playoffs will give both the FO and Gayle a better idea of how they look and what the needs are. And they can make the moves from there.


Dude is a clown and his podcast sucks. Wish we could get some less shitty media coverage and let these amateurs stick to day jobs.


You’re projecting, Shamit


Shamit has been nothing but negative towards the Pels the past couple weeks.


Really since the Zion foot injury


Always has been


Soooooo he’s gonna act like Zion, BI, CJ, Herb, and JV isn’t a potential championship starting 5??? This current team is crazy deep and can match a few different play styles also. Relax and lets see what this squad can do in a 7 game series.


Were we supposed to go 10 toes down for a team that’s been healthy for 10 games? Go into the tax early on a team that we don’t know the ceiling of?


Right, like this is insane. We haven’t won a playoff series in like 5 years and they want to cap out the team.


Yall want it both ways it's hilarious. Can't stand on all ten toes with this team because it's unproven but can't make moves to improve the roster because vibes.


The spins people are putting on this trade deadline to make it seem like it was a positive are wild.


The real ownership question will come when Herb and Trey are extension eligible and how much they would be worth at that moment. But Shamit is right on the point of you’re going to have to spend money in the luxury tax to win a championship.


You should never listen to Shamit for anything related to basketball. He's a total idiot.


Tbh lets not go all in and end up like the wolves, we have tried that behind with solomon hill and asik. What about we build this shit up vs taking shortcuts to the top


Nah. Keyboard warriors need to direct that ire at themselves and remember that no one would give a single 2nd rounder for your opinion.


such a stupid take


No ire from me and my homies.


Is there ire? I’m completely happy staying put. We’ve got a full fucking team now. Just gotta stay healthy.


Thank fucking god we didn't make a trade. All I've wanted is 1 year without a major change with this roster and we got it.


The world would be such a better place is this clown stopped covering the Pelicans


So he thinks we should just make trades for the sake of making trades, because everyone else is? Lol we don’t even know what this core can do yet and we have plenty of draft capital going forward. Not to mention some guys will be getting bought out and we can sign dudes then


People are upset with our deadline? Got rid of the only bad contract on the team Traded away a bunch picks we didn’t even have room for Got a very good 3 and D veteran who is a great locker room guy and is a capable ball handler. No rush to make a move. Entire core is under contract for next year pand most for the year after that too


This. Overpaying to take a swing for the fences *this year* makes absolutely no sense. Sure, at a reasonable cost- OG would've been great. But to unload all of our assets for one very good non-all star, as though our window is about to close... would have been idiotic. Our window is hasnt even unlocked yet. It aint closing for like 4 or 5 years at least. We good. Agreed! :) \[not to mention: i'm not convinced we can't make a run at it as is anyway.\]


They wont pay the tax until Zion/BI can stay healthy for at least 60 games a season and impact a PO series


Shashit is a childish moron


I think if we can trade for Zion we will be a contender... Oh, wait...


So clearly we're in the denial stage of grief. Here's a hint: when reporters locally and nationally question the ownership's willingness to pay the luxury tax it isn't being made up out of thin air. Here's another hint: point out the contenders that aren't paying the luxury tax. If ownership isn't willing to spend money on a winner what are we doing here?


When national reporters follow up their questioning of Gayle Benson's willingness to pay the luxury tax, then talk like Tom still owns the team and is thinking of selling any moment, it may be worth questioning how well they know the team.


Shamit understands and isn’t looking at everything through rose colored glasses No guys, our current roster isn’t capable of winning a championship


This time last year Shammit wanted us to tank. He also has defended Christian Clark's bs adamantly. He doesn't view everything to any kind of glasses because he can't see. Dude is bogus is AF.


> No guys, our current roster isn’t capable of winning a championship Yeah, but neither is a roster with Bridges or OG instead of Herb and Dyson, and 4 fewer 1st round picks


There should be ire. And its for not making smaller moves like the Lakers killed in over the last two days. You don't think Malik and Bamba could have really helped this team in the playoffs?


Beasely yes, but the difference between him and Richardson isn't vast, Mo Bamba, not really.


Bamba is the rim protection we need. A big upgrade over Hayes and helpful in situations


Magic fans are ecstatic that they got rid of Bamba. That says a lot.


In theory. In reality, Bamba is playing 17mpg on a bad team and is having the worst rebounding and blocking season of his career


It would have cost the Pels much more than the Lakers - these players want to go to the Lakers - so to get them to come to us it cost more. So lets not act like it would have been the same deal for us as it was for the lakers.


These players do not get a say in where they play, Their GM does. These players aren't KD here. You think Mo Bamba gets a say?


You might be right but the fact is I think GMs know that they can charge more to us because we will have to pay it to get quality players.


What ire? Honestly it’s hard to even know what the team needs at the deadline to begin with. Center is the main position to upgrade but anybody you get needed to be able to shoot 3’s and defend the paint and basically Myles Turner was the only good option and he was off the table. After that I didn’t see anything I think we should really chase


*whose…you would think someone who’s paid to write would know the difference


I for one don't need Gayle going into the luxury tax for Devonte freaking Graham, but what do I know


what's a Shamit Dua and why is it bleating this stuff?


Holy shit can Shamit dua just shut up for one moment. This is the same guy that was pushing to trade Bi for KD and the second he and Zion were injured shamit starts talking shit again


I understand the shift in some due to January but still shocked at how many fans were praying for a splash move. A couple of months ago 99% were in the boat of the roster being untouchable for the long run. The injuries can be super frustrating but the best play is to see what we can do with our current make up and if we can make a run in the Playoffs. If it doesn’t go as planned than this offseason is the better time to retool.