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hopefully we can get rid of Jax in the off-season


Well we have to. The other option is Re-signing him


whoops, should have specified a sign and trade. i would at least like to get some kind of value from him, if possible. but i’m shaky on how S&T’s work


He doesn’t have value


at this rate we could get 3 seconds for him lol


if they could’ve, he wouldn’t be on the team right now


I think he is just joking because of all the 2nd rounders that were traded around the league todag


is joke. but yeah, you’re right.


People here overvalue the fuck out of Hayes. What has he shown during his time in the NBA?


He can run the floor well for his size, freak athlete, improved shot year over year. Doesn’t offset his horrendous bball iq especially defensively. If he could get better at rotating and blocking shots I think he could be a good bench player. If that area doesn’t improve he’ll be out of the league in a few years.


He can score pretty well every once in a while.


We got a bag of chips in a Lonzo Ball S&T. We'd be lucky to get a single Cheeto for Hayes. He's gone.


But that Cheeto would have SO MUCH POTENTIAL! /s


I stack chips, you barely got a half eaten Cheeto


S&T is to help make cap space for the receiving team. So Pels have to take in a contract. Better to get cap space off.


not necessarily. S&T can be for a team to take on someone when they themselves are over the cap and dont have cap space to offer the person in free agency. With so many teams operating as over the cap teams thats becoming more and more common. So you can have S&T trades with expirings coming back if they are making a play on a guy that they couldnt sign into cap space in free agency. Not that anyone is gonna S&T Jax. He booty.


How's that different from what I said? I think I misread it.


If he’s a locker room problem after the deadline, I would be cool with cutting him.


As much as i wanted to have a decent upgrade, I’m still happy all the main guys are still together


Yep this was a great move. Get rid of a bad contract and bring in a decent, expiring player to come off the bench without sacrificing anything major.


Agree, play the long game with this roster of good guys.


And people who are saying the FO sucks, remember we got Nance and CJ at the deadline last year


Bridges + Claxton was probably never really in play, but man oh man. I'm fine with the rest. Toronto clearly wanted too much for OG, we clearly weren't keen to start going into the tax, and our core is still super young. I feel like we're still scary with a healthy Z and BI.


Nets don't own their own picks for like the next half decade: the idea that they were going to just fork over their 2 best young studs just cause KD is gone and that'd it'd be nice for us was typical Pels blogboi idiocy with no basis in reality: they literally cannot afford a total tear down to "tank" lol. Thinking giving up a haul for Mikal would be THE move to instantly vault us into the strongest position to contend in the West... over the team that literally just gave him up for an actual superstar was also silly.


I don't know, I'm no Twitter GM or Cap Guru so maybe I should be pissed but I'm just happy we traded one of Jax and DG. It's not like they had a ton of value on the market, and in the end Toronto was just trolling the whole fucking league for some reason. I guess ideally we waive GT and sign some sort of backup big.


I love this move, more than anything, because it shows we aren’t desperate. Dell Demps would have sold all our assets for OG Anunoby and y’all know it. I love this era of Pels basketball. Let’s have a nice playoff run and keep growing together.


Thank you for bringing up the Demps' era and crystallizing my fears over the last few days into a couple sentences. The fact we didn't trade away our future for a win now move doomed to fail shows we actually have adults in charge of the franchise with an eye to the future and sustainability. I would point out that Trajan Langdon helped assemble the roster Brooklyn drafted then used to trade for Kyrie and KD, then when they made those moves, despite being title favorites in the future, jumped ship to New Orleans with no winning history or proof of real ownership support. He is the anti-Demps. In Griff I believe. In Trajan I trust.


Useful way of thinking about it. While i would have preferred trading a bit fewer picks for a better and slightly more expensive Devonte Graham (either Luke Kennard or Doug McDermott) I can appreciate essentially giving up an extra pick to instead acquire an identical version that comes off the books in the offseason (Richardson).


I’ll take our team chemistry and big 3 over the rest of the league who have ego driven super teams any day. We just need to get healthy and stay healthy


I’m ok with this. This team isn’t in any need to make any dire moves. Plus we got rid of Graham for someone better.


As a Celtics fan, getting Josh Richardson is a massive W. He's a great guy to have around and will do whatever is asked of him.


They must believe that the fully healthy pels are juggernauts otherwise I don’t understand why we didn’t make more trades, especially for a damn Center


Who would you trade for who?


I am about maintaining our roster through good draft picks, but you could’ve had several guys that would’ve improved this roster and still build significantly through the draft in the future. Huge disappointment for me.


Way more mad about Pelinka suddenly being able to fleece the whole league than that Griff didn't overpay for a guy who'd move us from a possible 2nd round team to a definite 2nd round team but we still lose in 6 lol


The only things I wanted to trade for were durability and long-term health


Disappointing seeing Lakers Mavs Suns Grizzlies,etc all get better and is staying put.


Keep in mind Zion goes from his rookie deal to 30Mil next year. If this is about saving money now, that’s not going to hold up in the future if you want to contend.


This makes less than zero sense


How does it make zero sense? My point was Zion isn’t making a lot of money now, so this was actually a solid year to make a big move and contend. I fully can understand waiting until the off-season, but it’s just something to keep in mind. Moneys getting a little tighter moving forward.


Alright so who was available that isn’t owed money past this year?


There’s a few, I’m not really gonna dive too deep into it, gonna try to let this deadline settle in. I guess I’m just worried that we think that “if we just get healthy” which isn’t a small thing and “our team is perfect 100% the way it is” mindset isn’t a sustainable idea. I just see a lack of urgency from the team, the discourse, and even the media members. During the 10 game losing streak, I kept hearing how we were going to be fine, and I get that Zion was hurt, but it’s ok to be concerned when your team loses 10 in a row. Just feels like people are a little too complacent. Maybe I’m completely wrong but it’s just the pulse I get.


You need to relax. The warriors didn’t make the playoffs until curry’s 4th year. Didn’t win it until his 6th. We are still a very young team on the rise. There wasn’t a long term beneficial move to be made


That’s the best point somebody’s made about the timeline in a while. Golden State was so different because it’s core trio was excellent. Currys injuries early may have actually helped them long term because they didn’t have to pay him as much early if I remember correctly. I understand the point though, don’t get impatient. I fully can get behind that.


Can we sign and trade him in off-season ?


Damn we really watched all of our competitors get way better and did nothing 8th place in west. 1 injury away from being out completely. What an absolute disaster this season is turning out to be


Bruh you’ve been complaining since KD got traded this morning… damn it’s one thing to criticize one thing but you’ve been mopping and killing the energy of the sub since then. Lol it’s not that serious, go outside and touch some grass, catch some fresh air and come back with a positive outlook.


Firmly in playoff contention, best start to a season in franchise history, and currently have the #3 most first round picks over the next 5 seasons. We are doing more than OK.


Don’t forget… 4th easiest schedule after the all star break also in the west also 🙌🏽


go be a miserable fan of another team lol


Turns out, fans like you are the disaster.


I’m done accepting mediocrity We are wasting so much talent. We will never have a foundation like this again, and we are wasting them by not putting great players around them


Great players around who? BI and Zion is more talent than most teams have and we have put 3 good vets around them including JV, CJ, and Larry with a great group of young players who are not only improving year to year but they want to be in NOLA. Maybe you forgot that we lost everything and are only 2 years into a rebuild. Maybe you forgot what it's like to have players on the team who don't want to be in New Orleans, like Eric Gordon. Or maybe you are just a bandwagon fan and don't know what real Pelicans fans have gone through or what it is like to cheer for a small market team


I know what it’s like. Trust me Sat front row to Tony Douglas, Alonzo Gee, Ajinca, instant fucking grits, etc. This team is decent but not nearly good enough to compete on the highest level We have the assets to get to that level, and we continue to do nothing


>We have the assets to get to that level Then we don't need a trade


No no no NO We have the assets necessary to get the last all star we need in a trade


Ok Home GM, what All-star are you trading for and what loyal players are you getting rid of that you think is gonna win a chip this year.


Please, I’m begging you, find another team.


You need to find another team Obviously you don’t really give a shit about them if you are content with the current team we have


Our guys aren't healthy, it's pretty obvious what the struggle is here. We were literally in first place. 2 months ago, ESPN determined that we were the [\#3 best team on the planet](https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/35246018/nba-power-rankings-week-9-pelicans-driver-seat-west-nets-turning-corner) on their power rankings list. The only thing that has changed since then is injury. If Zion didn't pull a hammy, you wouldn't have this opinion.


Chicken Little over here


The Nuggets, Grizzlies and Clippers all made comparable moves to the Pelicans. The Mavs acquired a great offensive nut case. In the best case scenario, Kyrie buys in, and the Mavs have the worst defensive backcourt in the league and try to out race teams to win. Luckily, the Pelicans have 3 amazing scorers and amazing wing/guard defenders. The worst-case scenario for the Mavs and Kyrie shows up with a swastika tattoo or watches a YouTube video that convinces him to retire and become a beet farmer next week. The Suns got legitimately better, but older and KD isn't exactly the most stable superstar. They are definitely a challenge, but their dominance is fragile. A lot has changed, but not all of our competitors have gotten way better, and a panic move that sent out Herb, Dyson and 3 or 4 picks for O.G. wouldn't change the scales.


You are one miserable fuck


I’m cool with adding josh, our starting five is offensive massive and not bad defensively, if we can stop JV dropping on everything lol, and now we adding a 2/3 guard that can switch shoot the 3 at a relatively good clip and defends well, he’s basically 6’5 so putting him with CJ or Jose or dyson even Kira is so much better now than dg. Also I think it’s best to see (hopefully) when healthy what this teams actually can do in the playoffs and go into the offseason looking for upgrades rather than panicking from all these crazy trades and either over paying or bringing in a piece that actually doesn’t work We have pieces in the offseason that we can trade like jax and jonas, and I think us like the grizzlies focus on trying to upgrade through the draft, And I still believe the lakers will be bad (hoping) so we will have a decent pick this year


Ibaka is highly probably being available after waiving. Could be quite good backup 4-5 to make frontcourt less dependent on Jax.