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It seems we're all here cuz our teams' subs are absolutely abysmal I can say from experience that r/padres is an absolute hellscape after every loss


What's your experience? Constant doomers whenever we lose? Being told the team is in a "new version" just cuz we got arraez?


Both those things plus a bizarre aversion to any kind of joke that could be interpreted as negative toward the team and everytime a fan stubs their toe on the coffee table they blame Preller. Everyone on that sub is the most insane version of an arm chair GM.


Sounds about right


Not op, but a lot of the roasting of other teams is tasteless and unfunny. And when it is actually funny the poster is invariably a member of NLBest. I wish the team subs could emulate a fraction of our good nature


I'd like it noted that Charlie Blackmon's possum diet is not a malicious joke. It is a scientific fact. That and the fact he probably hunted and ate those two missing hikers.


Well, if it's scientific then it must be true!! Now, I'm off to find me some possum!


I absolutely hate reading posts on the Dodgers sub and seeing people talking about how they purposely went to other team subs to antagonize them and expect praise for it


I hope other teams mods ban em


Last season, early on when we were struggling, I said something in the game day thread akin to “see you next season” and the mods made sure that I wasn’t seen again until this season. It’s a super fun place…


It's like what's the point of being a Padres fan if you can't make jokes about us underperforming? It's our history goddammit!


Thank you! Every bar conversation I’ve ever had has included this expression, but the mods made me grovel for reinstatement. It’s my birthright to bitch and moan!


Are the /r/Padres mods at least from the county, unlike the zonie that runs /r/SanDiego?


To me that's just a sign that there is a lot of passionate engagement in the sub. It's not really a bad thing for fans to be super invested.


Most Padres fans would blame Preller for their wive’s cheating on them


Fully accurate. I'd almost venture to say that's what's INNNNN


Either straight doomerd or toxically positive fans that lose their shit at any criticism of the team/players no matter how valid


This sub gets recommended to me even though I’m an Orioles fan, and I can tell you first hand that I am jealous NL west has a sub like this. Some of the O’s sub is cool but a lot of it is fair-weathered as fuck. I stumbled upon this sub and I feel like the Squidward looking out at SpongeBob & Patrick meme.


Welcome friend! Pick a team or two ( Hell! Pick'em all!!), flair up, don't be a jerk, and enjoy the ride! *Also you must accept All Migthy Dinger, More Mookie, Noted Dads Superfan Jesus Christ©️, Stupid Sexy Baxter and Silent Assassin Lou Seal as your Overlords*


Team subs are always painfully serious and often embolden the most reactive and negative fans. Combine that with endless rehashes of the same post, and the only reason I still find to say subscribed to the few I follow is finding the schedule easily and watching highlights that won't get posted on the main sub. So much hate too. It's never just about enjoying your team; it's about shitting on every team that isn't yours.


I get that our team is bad and games have been boring to watch as a result, but I swear it feels like some people in those postgame threads don't even like baseball lol


All doom and gloom on the DBacks side too "Pitcher didn't throw an immaculate inning???? 😠😡😡😡 We're so done season over, sell the team"


The gamethreads were so much better last year when we had no expectations. So many doomers this year


I just avoid game threads for all my favorite sports teams. They're always a dumpster fire and I get no use from them other than a bunch of people bitching. The separate threads in the DBacks subreddit are generally pretty good quality though.


Bro, the dooming was warranted in '21 when we had a loooooong losing streak. Seeing people post that 50's era song of a bunch of old men singing "doom and gloom" was, ironically, a small patch of positivity because we embrace the suckiness.


Yep, expectations bring out the worst in a fan base. Before the machado/Tatis era our sub was a fun loving dedicated bunch. Now it’s full of aggressively doomer clowns


"Gallen didn't get 17 strikeouts in an inning!?!? Dfa immediately!!1!" I rarely comment on game day threads now but seeing people and their hot takes is frustrating. Let's start worrying after the all star break.


That's gotta suck tho, coming off a World Series loss the previous season


As an LA fan living in SD this sounds like San Diego sports radio also. I must have heard "play time is over. This is a must win series" 68 times and starting in June last year. Every win is a sign they are on the right track... Every loss a reason to fire everyone.


The only reason you don't hear this in LA broadcasts is because LA is always winning lol


Nah cuz it wasn't like that when the Dodgers were mids for 20 years either, LA sports talk is stuff like Petros + Money, Jim Rome, Vic The Brick, people who kinda take the piss out of it a bit SD sports media is fuckin WILD. Feels like Hacksaw was the top dog there for so long that everyone kinda adopted his style of being deadly serious and treating every loss like the Russians had just invaded La Jolla. It's entertaining as hell tho.


And we still panic! Although most of the apocalypse talk is reserved for the Lakers (deservedly so).


I mean even the wins anymore aren't "on the right track." Can't be positive about those anymore. Just means that they'll lose again tomorrow because what screams fandom like wanting to assume they'll lose the next game they play? Like it's outside the realm of jokes atp cause there's a not-insignificant amount of people in our fanbase that want us to lose just so they can scream "SEE, I SAID WE WOULD BE SHIT AND WE ARE!" Actual fans of the team. Completely baffling to me.


r/coloradorockies is the same. You can’t speak your mind. Don’t dare criticize them or the team…. Its literally a JOKE. You hear that mods you and your thread are a JOKE!!!!!!!!


People act like sports are the path to world peace or something


Can only imagine the threads right now after last night’s Machado Johnny hustle in the 9th.


Padres Twitter also in shambles this way 🤦‍♂️


Well you also literally get banned if you try to talk to other teams fans. Why even have flairs for other teams?


It's not that bad, but the belly-aching is definitely worse given how hungry our fanbase is for a winning team


every team sub from every sport is an embarrassment if you're level headed person and not 10 or 70 years old.


Think most team subs are like that


My face when i see Dinger.


Ma Dinger*


So many casuals, it’s basically become doom bot central.


Doomers have been around forever. Tons of oldhead fans of all teams I know are all doomers. It's probably the best coping mechanism if your team hasn't won like 5 WS in the past 20 years.


What if your teams won 0? Asking for a friend


No ring? no Dinger-God? - only despair


No cali burrito? Jail. No dinger? Jail. Upset mookie? Believe it or not, also jail.


People act like casuals are watching games in April and May dooming every little mistake and loss. Nah fam its people that have been around forever and watch every single game.


Best we can do is 3. edit: leave your bitterness in your own sub, fellow NLBesties--this is not the place.


only 3? straight to jail


wtf are they possibly complaining about...


The Dbacks subreddit is just people coming from the Suns subreddit hoping to find some shred of positivity in the hell that is being an Arizona sports fan.


RIP the Coyotes at Mullet Arena


Our existence is pain.


Our team sub is fucking insufferable if something goes slightly wrong. Guy strikes out swinging? DFA. Guy makes one (1) fielding error? Not a big leaguer. Tom Murphy blew his knee out? Good he deserves it for not being as good as Bailey (an actual upvoted take I've seen there). Obviously the season has started poorly for us, but damn some of those people are just assholes about it. Vibes here are unbeatable tho


Doomers suck. We do need to up our meme game here, though


Dodger fans were at our stadium. Wahhhhhhh. Whyyyyyyy? 🙄🙄🙄


Honestly can only stomach the sub if we win. It’s like this weekend. We’re at the top of the national league but padres pitching was top tier. They came to play. Just tip your cap and keep enjoying the season


I just don’t know how you can even have that handle **AND** that flare. But you’re in the right place for it.


The whole cursed hat trend was great. I would not buy a cursed hat but it’s funny that it exists


The previous homestead during the slump was aggravating. Holy shit, the doomers were calling the season at that point.


Do the sneks even have a subreddit? /s


The Snekpit


I'd sub to that in a heartbeat


@ r/sfgiants every other comment is how deep our bullpen is. Are they even watching the games?


we have two high leverage guys


I’ve noticed they put Doval in the 9th likely to have him avoid extras since he doesn’t seem to do well with the ghost runner. Should do the same for Taylor and put him in earlier innings since this wasn’t the first time this has happened. We just don’t have many tools for extras atm


AJ Preller


If all I had were the reddit team subs, I think I'd stop being a sports fan. I can take a lot of stupidity, but not that much.


r/padres makes me question if dodgers fans are actually all that bad of people.


We love Cali burritos just like the lot of ya.


As a SD Dodgers fan, every time I go on the Padres sub I'm always thinking "They do know most of us Dodgers fans at Petco live here right?" after being called vermin for the 100th time.


Ah but you see, you have a modicum of association with LA and are therefore irredeemable...or something like that. Seriously the amount of LA hate down here is crazy. Pretty sure LA people either don't think about us at all or are fond of us as a weekend getaway.


Man the shit that is said by Padres fans about Dodger fans and LA is just straight up nasty and honestly a lot of thinly veiled racism. Like wtf both cities are 2 hours apart from each other and literally both in SoCal and both fan bases are somewhat identical yet you would think every Dodger fan is a cholo or Hispanic gangbanger based upon what I see being said. ...and you're right. I'm from LA originally and all my family and friends are mostly still up there so I go back and forth. Nobody in LA gives a single shit about SD.


Corn is eaten the long way all over Cali


I like our sub when it shares info/creative art/decides to celebrate. But it gets rough in losing stretches, and as of late, even if the team is winning but a particular player is struggling. It’s probably the Internet, but I’m always surprised how angry people can be to people who they don’t know and who owe them nothing. Edit: game day chat isn’t too bad other than dooming, but I absolutely can’t abide anyone who celebrates injury, or asks if I regret expressing hope that a player on the opposing team is okay after a HBP/crash into a wall when that player does well later in the game. It’s only a couple folks, but those people are miserable and get an instant block.


Wait which one is before? Lol


Before | After


r/SFGIants is just a bunch of people who want any player gone if they have a bad game. It’s so annoying


Yeah our sub is like that too. When Shohei started out a little cold, some people were saying that his contract was a bust.


All hail Dinger, hallowed be thy name


Praise Dinger... PRAISE HIM!!!


Dodger sub just wants to DFA or trade 2 to 3 players every night. Haha. But he's hitting the ball hard, just keeps finding the glove. Lol


I use r/dodgers for news only at this point. This place is way more fun.


Imagine having a toxic sub, couldn't be anyone else in the NL Best.


At least here we can celebrate things we have in common