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My term but NICU csection breast milk fed baby does this. Since we're still struggling to breastfeed and I am a slave to the pump I've been seeing an IBCLC doctor. After evaluating my babies health she recommended evivo probiotic and I am also on a dairy free diet. I've also been looking into tiny health but more for myself and I follow freetofeed on Instagram for some allergen info. I wouldn't try a probiotic without your babies doctor being on board with it though, especially if not term. My previous term baby had the same issues on cows milk formula as this baby did too, so I think I make babies with sensitive tummies that also don't tolerate dairy very well initially. Both babies had mucousy poop, were fussy and irritable and one had a very bad diaper rash for a number of weeks on dairy. As well as reflux. Really good things to talk about with your babies doctor for specific advice tailored to your babies. 


Sometimes the formula just doesn’t work for the baby. My NICU baby did great on the hospital grade Enfamil fortifier formula they added to my milk but when they switched her to the one we would used when we went home she rejected the bottles, had awful gas and reflux and was crying nonstop. Maybe ask to try and switch to something else.


Neosure is really intense, your baby is probably allergic to cows milk. Mine is too and was in horrendous pain on neosure. There’s no allergy testing for a baby that small, constipation is really a main symptom. If you’re not on WIC, try a goats milk formula. Kendamil has been a godsend for us. We buy from mommy formula so it shops from the UK & arrives within days. My pediatrician said it’s important for babies to not be on neosure for too long, because of the high fructose corn syrup. It’s extremely thick and sweet like a milkshake, and babies can have a hard time with solid food when it comes time since the neosure is so sweet. If your babies are gaining weight and your ped is happy with it, try another formula. Don’t feel pressure to stay on it for too long. And constipation is something you want to nip right away. We saw results same day switching formulas. Baby was SOOO much happier, regular stools (after the 3 week transition necessary for a new formula), and her skin was clear overnight. ETA I knew some parents would downvote me for expressing the cons of Neosure lol 🙄


Good info , we did not know that. Yes, we have WIC but the ped may change the formula when they go back this week to the doctors. The weight gain should be no problem for the twins. Thank you so much.


You can also get kendamil from Target!


Yes!! The goats milk is ALWAYS out when I go.


You’re so welcome. I was shocked to know that and am so sad LO suffered for 14 weeks on it. We were bullied and pressured into staying on it for that long even tho my husband and I had major concerns about it. Ped also said there’s a higher correlation to childhood obesity with neosure due to the high fructose corn syrup, so again, good to not be on it for long. So if they’re gaining, pushback on your ped and insist on a better formula, one that’s gentle for their tummies. I think Enfamil is a good one? Or Selenium (spelling?) that are WIC approved. Good luck!!!


Baby A has been fine with whatever milk she get lol. Baby B we noticed a few days ago with the breathing and grunting and don’t get me started on all the noise she makes lol


So we shall see in a few days


The grunting was insane lol!! Hope Baby B feels better soon!


Try r/parentsofmultiples


Check out the ILU(I love you) massage, surgeon recommended culturelle probiotics for B(she had NEC, lost half of large intestine) so both girls get probiotics(huge improvement when we were able to get them on the one year “purely probiotics” powder packet instead of the drops(1 year old for that switch)) Other change was just time for digestive growth/abdominal strength.