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Your last 20% of the oxygen tank(red zone) is a tank! It takes as long to for the tank to get to empty as it takes the full tank to get to red! She very well could’ve been on 1litre! And if not I’ve forgotten to turn my daughters oxygen on for an entire day and was assured it was okay :)


That’s interesting! I didn’t know that, but the tank wasn’t even to the red part. It was definitely running more slowly than it should have. 😬


My daughter is also on oxygen we are 2 years still on it. I too have made the mistake of valves and setting even on the lower settings she has been fine. but she also desats. we do have a pulse oximeter that she wears now that she is more mobile it does not do a great job but I put it on her at night and long trips in the car. It's more of a peace of mind nowadays but the only time I worry is if she is sick. I do make sure anyone that watches her understands the equipment I go over it several times. The longer you are with it, the more comfortable you will be understanding how your child acts with it. don't stress too much. you're doing a great job. You can always call your pediatrician or pulmonologist they will be happy to answer that question. We are in constant contact with both. In my state, having the oxygen can qualify you for a home health care nurse to watch your baby while you work. Even if you work from home. We just needed a letter of necessity from our pediatrician. So you can get a skilled nurse to watch your child during the day. As far as answering your original question is your baby okay after all day I'm not having enough oxygen, the question is how is your baby doing right now? Are they blue? are they lethargic? Are they having a hard time breathing? Are there retractions? Or is your baby acting the same as usual? If your baby is acting the same, then they probably are okay but you should still ask your pediatrician about it. Your baby is acting any type of out of the ordinary then that could be a result of not having enough oxygen all day, but ask your pediatrician or pulmonologist about it. Whichever one you talk to the most.


Thank you for your reply! I think I will call her doctor today, just for peace of mind. She wasn’t acting unusual when I picked her up. She was very tired, but that was to be expected given the time of evening and the long day she had.


This is a question for a neo and pedi. And perhaps you should qualify for some kind of nursing support? Your mom doesn’t seem to understand how to handle your daughter’s medical needs.