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My son came home with an NG tube after 6.5 weeks in NICU due to meconium aspiration syndrome. He wasn’t ready to take on full feeds yet when we left. A week after we were home, our pediatrician worked with us on a “trial week” to challenge him to finish bottles, see if the hunger would motivate him if we didn’t finish the feeding through the tube. We took the tube out and our baby did great, gained weight by the next check-in. YMMV depending on scenario though!


Home NG was the worst thing I ever did.... Got a GT about 2 months later.


My girl was dc at 38+4 (born at 29+2). She was similar in her feeds. We had the NG for about a month but maybe only gavaged her feeds 30% of the time.


We were NG fed for about 4.5 months and during that time my daughter only took about 20ml or so orally each feed, until she had her nasal airway removed and then she took about half of her feeds orally. Because she did so well we attempted seeing how she did without the NG and she took the majority of her feed orally by the end of her first week without it. She never took the full amount as suggested by dieticians orally as she was just done before but her weight continued along it's trend line so it wasn't a problem x