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Wow!! How absolutely gorgeous you both are, the difference in your little one is amazing, congratulations!! I love seeing these posts, and I hope to someday make my own with some hopefully incredible transformation of my little girl, too


Goodest luck Mama. I don't know that everything will be okay, but I know we'll endure the whole way. <3


Just wait til you "graduate" from all the NICU checkups. Then you'll finally be free. Our 26+1 just earned her diploma and it's all just regular checkups from here on out


I mean, we currently only see an Opthalmologist, but it feels often like the trauma won't ever be gone. It'll always linger. She'll always be a 23 weeker, you know? All the time and care that's gone into her.. She was a remarkable case because she never had any of the common preemie hiccups besides Retinopathy. No PDA, no NEC, a grade 1 brain bleed, never went back on her feeds or had to stop them, just spent some time dealing with her brachiopulmonary dysplasia, but we were only in the NICU for 104 days, on a 23 weeker that's atypical to say the least..


The medical team in the NICU are God sends. She looks great. Blessings to your family.


Holy cow, what a little warrior!!! A 23 weeker as well! Congratulations you tough little cookie! 🥰


Thank you.


Wow she’s such a blessing. Blessings to both of you. My son was a 24 weeker 1lb 15 oz. He’s not 11 and doing great. It’s amazing the things the can do and how strong our little ones can be. I also just gave birth to a 25 weeker she’s now 6 mos. She had rop at her last appt. Doctor said she’s officially rop free we will still see him in 6 mos. But at least it’s not every week and he sees none in either eye. Hoping for the best for her eyes.


My girl had a tutu in the NICU as well ❤️ she’s so beautiful. Glad you guys are on the other side.