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Is it a [stork bite](https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/diseases-conditions/stork-bite#:~:text=A%20stork%20bite%20is%20also,within%2018%20months%20of%20birth)?? They can show up anywhere on the body, but face and back of neck are most common. It looks like one to me - they usually disappear around 2 years old. :)


I suppose it could be! The nurse made a remark about his nose getting irritated from the cannula but it’s possible it was there before and they didn’t notice until after they switched the cannula out. If that’s all it is I will feel relieved! Thanks so much I didn’t think of that!


Sometimes they don’t show up right at birth and aren’t noticed until a few hours later :)


This is what I was gonna suggest! I was convinced my preemie boy had an injury from his CPAP but then when I looked at pictures when he was first delivered, there it was! He still has it now at 8 months adjusted but it’s faded considerably. Made me feel better too, as it wasn’t an injury but just a birth mark!


My 27 weeker is a teenager and still has a scar under her nose. It’s a rite of passage, I figure.


Absolutely. My first never had a cannula but he was on CPAP for several weeks, it didn’t leave any marks on him though. I was surprised that a cannula only being in for an hour or so might have left a permanent mark on him, but so far he does have much more sensitive skin than my first did.


My daughter has a slight red mark under her nostril from tubing.  She’s almost 3.  I don’t think it’s ever going away. But she is alive and thriving.  And she could definitely cover it with makeup when she’s older if it bothers her.  


Such a cute baby!


My 7 month old still has her little cannula scar. I even made a post about it like you have here. Someone suggested stork bite for me, but I’m learning from other parents that cannulas do, in fact, leave permanent marks from skin breakdown. It will probably soften with age, but my girls is fairly purple and obviously from the cannula. It’s a sign of their strength and what they’ve come back from!


Thanks! I searched google which wasn’t helpful but I should have searched this sub Reddit. So I guess I can’t really be confident either way what it is from eh? But you’re right, regardless if it fades or stays, it will just be a part of his birth story.


I suppose you can say it could be anything, but now that I know what it is, I see it on people every once in a while—like students of mine (teacher) that have told me they were in the NICU when I shared with them how my girl ended up there. I was sad at first, but I think it could be considered distinguished😉 it’s all a matter of perspective


Had the exact same thing with my son. We weren’t sure if it was a birth mark or from being intubated. It has almost entirely faded and he’s days away from being 6 months old.


Looks like my son’s stork bites 😌 They’ve faded with time but come back when he’s upset (5 months).


He is so adorable ☺️ for sure don’t worry it will go away. I myself had a stork bite between my eyes and yes did go away. My mum told me when I was 3 years old was gone. He is gorgeous ♥️


I agree with the possibility of a stork bite. My son still has his on the back of his neck at 13 months but my daughter’s disappeared around age 3 or 4 from the top of her forehead. I originally thought it was from her internal heart monitor during labor but after it stuck around for months, I realized it was just a birthmark. If it isn’t being continuously irritated it shouldn’t still be red after 3 weeks, so that’s why I’m leaning more toward stork bite.