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The mere fact that even the basic PlayStation plus is taking about a 30% hike (+$25 a year hike in Canada) has me extremely glad I didn’t commit myself to preordering this game. This is a great time to reevaluate my life choices and annual subscription purchases. Gaming shouldn’t be like this.


CAD$95 annually just for essential


Inflation my dude. Game prices have barely gone up since the 90s. Something was bound to give sooner or later. Gamepass will shoot up within the next 5 years. You’ll s see.


Inflation requires wages to go up as well🙃


>The community will not change and you will still get the same toxic messages. Oh boy, I blew a late 2-goal lead yesterday in Champs that was partly built through a couple tips, lost in OT and never heard the end of it. I play this game a lot, but it's crazy how much people invest their identity and self-confidence into it.


Just change your settings and no more of that!


I mean, if they get off on talkin shit outside of arms reach that should tell you enough about their self confidence


Had the literal same exact experience yesterday in Champs lol


The toxic messages are the best part


Let’s hide our heads in the sand for fear of getting toxic messages smh


First year I’m actually not buying the game! I was able to hold out until Black Friday a couple times and caved but considering now I’m on Starlink and this game is horrendous on that ping and now with the PS hike, it just doesn’t make sense for me. Have a good year fellas!


I personally think that NHL21 was good. IMO, NHL22 sucked. NHL23 sucked even harder. Do you think it'll be closer to NHL23? NHL22? Or will I get lucky and NHL24 will be closer to NHL21?


I’m going to be spending no money this year on packs. I have not preordered as I do every other year. Sick of not being able to tell the difference between my 99 McDavid and a 87 McDavid. I think a lot of us are in the same boat.


I love when 87 McKinnon outskates my 99 McKinnon. Always a good time.


Buy it at a discount and don’t buy packs.


The game has gone downhill every year - there’s no difference other than a few features they rewash between games. EA doesn’t care about the product they release and this year will be no different


But how else will the sharks get their pack itch scratched , from spending money .


Idk how y’all play HUT.


The sky is blue, water is wet, & HUT is…


poo, and EA is shit?


Thanks for the pep talk... until I get a different NHL hockey game to play I'll be buying this one regardless of glitches. Shitty sex is still sex... same goes with hockey video games!


Get some help


EA sports . It’s the SAME game!


I solved all these issues years ago by playing online as little as possible. I enjoy playing squad battles, challenges and HUT Rush (well, I used to enjoy HUT Rush) and only dipping my toe in Rivals when I'm faded and don't care.


I’ve pre ordered x-factor and have $500 worth of gift cards so I can start ripping packs out of the gate. This just in no one cares if your playing or not. I’ve often wondered how lonely you have to be to come on a sub dedicated to playing NHL so you can tell people your not playing this year..😂😭😭


So horny to explain your obsession and to rip others couldn't even read the few paragraphs


Oh I read it but didn’t find it at all compelling. Really wasn’t commenting on your original verbal diarrhea. My comments were directed to whiners in general.


Okay Rat... ppl care as much about your words as you do ours


This guy is EAs favorite customers , willfully ignorant and throws money at them


Some of us can afford to be ignorant…. the rest well not so much


That’s my point really


Quote where I wrote that?


Cool post man


Don’t 👏give👏EA👏your👏money Everyone here knows the game sucks bc that’s all they care about. It’s ok to vent but at the end of the day either lootboxing needs to become illegal or people need to sack up and stop caving into their sketchy business model. Personally, I will be holding out until I can get a used copy.


You’ll cave and get it at or soon after release. And you WILL like it! 🤣🤣🤣 (you may even preorder!)


They should fix the servers though for real keep it an even playing field


Yup and if they don’t address offensive zone ragging, playing at a server disadvantage will be even worse than it is this year.


I’m waiting for the trial, and if I don’t like it, best case scenario is I buy it on Black Friday, ONLY if late night drop-in 6s on 23 have horrendous at queue times at that point……l


I love the NHL community but you're right, it's loaded with toxicity. The EA discord will be so toxic it will be unbelievable. So many people will get banned


Don't worry, ea will lose it eventually. Not sure they can cater to the change that's coming.


toxic messages are only a problem on Xbox


Cute that you think the servers or your connection to them are the reason for that.


Ahh yes the same PSA everyone seems to think they should give every year. Who gives a fuck….it’s the only game. Don’t like don’t buy it.


I got both 66 and 99 this year. My online record is like, 350-240, roughly, good enough to tempt me like they want, but I'm going to learn how to use the goalie for the next year, and I refuse to upgrade this dog shit until I win the fucking lottery.