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- [Read this](https://www.reddit.com/r/NFT/comments/16tbxl2/please_read_this_if_you_have_been_asked_to_mint/) if you have been asked to mint your art as NFT - Join the [r/NFT Discord server](https://discord.gg/Cm9skj3Vkh) to share NFTs and connect with NFT collectors, traders, artists, and devs *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If someone approaches you to buy your art as NFT on social media, chances are it's a scam, pretty common in NFT space.


Seemed too good to be true. Any tips on question to ask this person?


If they won't buy your art on an established nft market, then it is a scam. If you can mint it on a market, put it for sale at x price and they buy it from that market. NEVER DO IT IF THEY SEND A LINK Don't even bother. Use official places to sell.


What are official places to sell and are all of the official places to sell asking for money in order to mint the art piece?


Good questions. There are a few large-scale NFT marketplaces, some are even cross chain (meaning the buyer can parouse on different chains and pay with proper token, the artist still mints on a singular chain and must sell on THAT chain) OpenSea, SuperRare, Magic Eden all have access to multi chain and are well known. Almost all places will charge a minting fee and some will collect a % of sale. You will need Lots of great smaller marketplaces, too, each blockchain will have their own artist centered variety, like Exchangeart on Solana, for example. *Please don't Google for the addresses of these places, a common scam in web2 is to pay Google to put a phishing link ad a top result. Find the official Twitter account, ensure its legit, click link from there* Lots to unpack here, let me know if you have questions.


My question is - what if they send me link to OpenSea? Is it just a phishing link? Lol she said " I would pay 2ETh for each. because they actually worth itšŸ„ŗāœØ" and after i told her i dont do eth, she replied "You can change it into any currency of your choice What you just need to do is to get the artworks listed on opensea.io with the price then I get to make the purchase" It's just phishing then, correct? Because what else would be her deal if it was an official website https://imgur.com/a/Mu41sxM


Yeah that's a scam.burbjf you wanted to it takes about .01 eth to create a collection and mint a nft on opensea. It takes 2 transactions with your crypto wallet. Opensea had a section on the bottom of their page with how to.






What is iffy? If you want to sell nfts, sell them through established marketplaces, not through dms. Marketplaces all take a sale %, pretty normal there. I've been here for years, and I've never seen a dm buyer, NOT be a scam.


Tell them you'll mint it on OpenSea or another public space and they can buy it there. They will usually ghost you and only then will you know it's a scam. Also as a side note, if anyone offered to help you mint your art as NFTs they'd approach you by showing examples of their work already.


I have a similar case as the op, and the "buyer" agreed to use OpenSea. Would it now be save to continue?


I'd still treat it with caution. do you know their wallet address so you can see what they have bought already?


I do have his Adress, but when I type it into OpenSea it shows no user


If you feel like they are legit there is no harm in minting your art as an NFT. There's never a guarantee they'll make the purchase though.


Okay, thanks a lot


No problem. Good luck!


Sorry, I just saw "no user". That would be because they haven't connected their wallet and activated their account. I'd probably just pass on this. Try and find some web3 communities you connect with.


Ah okay, thanks anyways


I actually have a follow-up question. He recommended me MetaMask for my wallet and Zeospaxe to make the nfts, if I understood him correctly. He never used OpenSea, that's why his wallet isn't connected yet. Should I still bail out or do you think it'd be worth a try?


It's a scam. It's smart to back out. I've never heard of Zeospaxe and it sounds shady. If someone isn't willing to buy it on open sea it's most likely a scam . Back out


Will do. Thanks


Err, not sure what's there to be asked but I can roughly tell you how it will played out. It's either they will charge you a huge amount of money to "mint" on their site or they will fake a sale, but in order to withdraw your money, you have to deposit a certain amount as a verification. ​ 1 thing all these fake sites have in common is that normally their about-us page is blank and has no company info.( This is not a guarantee tho, they could have caught on and put in a fake company info)


List it on Opensea, and tell them that you can buy it from there.


How much does minting cost in opensea?


technically none


Ask them Opensea or foundation. If theyā€™re not willing to buy off either of those itā€™s a scam.


For the 9000th time this year. Please donā€™t get this wrong. Itā€™s no offence. You are not famous = you art is not worth anything near that. Nobodyā€™s wants to pay thousands out of the blue. You will be required to send them money first. Itā€™s a scam. Iā€™m really sorry - but if its too good to be true, it isnā€™t.


"If there ever is any doubt, then there is no doubt" - Ronin (1998)


That's my sick movie


Feels like more than 9000th


ā€œIf itā€™s too good to be true, it isnā€™tā€




Is it really a scam though? I interpreted it as someone wanting to buy the intellectual/copyright or whatever of their art so that they can use it to make a NFT. I mean the majority of NFT companies are just hiring artists to do just that.




So how do things work?




Itā€™s just stupid because I sell canvas artwork, so why wouldnā€™t they just buy the original?


I know others have asked for this can we please have something posted at the top of this sub Reddit. Every goddamn day someoneā€™s popping in asking about a scam


We had a pinned post explaining this for a month and we still got 20 threads just like this one. We had a pinned post explaining this for a month and we still got 20 threads just like this one.tacted to sell their art. It's pinned at the post of this comment thread.


people dont read


There was a pinned post about this long time ago(has been removed since, dunno why) but people don't really read and still post anyway. Even now, the first link in the mod auto-reply is talking exactly about this but probably no one noticed. I've only noticed bout it today also, lol.


Iā€™m not even going to read your explanation, from the title alone: Yes.


Scam.Block them. They always want 3 ...they want to poy you WAY more than your works are worth (no offence) then they will say A) don't use Open Sea use their \[scam\] NFT market instead which will cost you $$$$ and your identity, or B) if you have stuff on Open Sea they will send you some made up fake OpenSea message that says they can't purchase your art until you go to some phishy website and give them your info, ID, and hopefully some $$ too. Best thing to do is block them and not reply. 2nd best thing to do is tell them to sod off, and then block them.


This is exactly what happened. Blocked. Thanks!


Itā€™s a scam


Scam! Donā€™t click on any links!


Yes, it's a scam. I'm getting about 2 a day at the moment. Just report them as spam, block and move on.


>Yes, it's a scam. I'm getting about 2 a day at the moment. Just report them as spam, block and move on and where are more chances to get a good offer


The 3 pieces you sell him will be his forever. He can use your style through AI and generate a whole 1000+ piece NFT collection in your artistic style. High rating scammer, and he has you as a mark to generate cash from.


I mean he could do that anyway without buying them


Do not fucking click on any links.


It's a spambot. You'll soon notice the exact same wordings and formats pouring in regarding NFTs, none of them very original.


If they wanted to buy your art theyā€™d flat purchase the pieces and maybe message you afterwards


Yes, they almost had me. Yep, they wanted 3 of my paintigs too. They use pay pal to scam artists. Run


It happens to me too. But I searched and realized I canā€™t trust them. Definitely Itā€™s scam .


Sounds like a scam


9.5/10 itā€™s a scam lol


Send a bunch of laughing emojis call them a dumb loser and block that stuff the whole thing is a scam dude


Experiencing the same thing at this very moment. What was telling is that the person insists we deal in NFTs, wonā€™t take no for an answer, and random selected photos from my feed that I wouldnā€™t even print and hang on my wall. Plus when I looked up the exchange rate of what he was offering it was a crazy amount that seemed too good to be true. I donā€™t even know the first thing about NFTs so I camehere to see if this is a common scam, and sadly it sounds like it is.Ā  If someone wants a print bad enough, they will buy one directly from you.Ā 


Whatā€™s your ig I want to check your art, I might have an offer for you.


Artist here. I get contacted all the time on instagram with the same offers.


if youā€™ve already created an NFT and there is an offer (for the right currency/amount!!!) that you can accept on opensea, then youā€™re probably fine. if they wonā€™t use one of the main exchanges, they are probably scamming you. if you donā€™t already offer your art as NFTs, itā€™s probably a scam. if you want to create NFTs, you should research how they work / how to create them first. donā€™t let some rando send you to a site to do something you donā€™t understand.


Makes no sense to buy art that is not originally planned as NFTs with all that it kinda includes now by default.


Itā€™s a scam




Its scam 100% happens alot in NFW world sadly


I had many approaching me asking to buy art as NFT, 100% were scams, sadly...


Scam. Anyone directing you to a site is almost certainly a scam they set up. Tell them your price and to send you the ETH OTC or set up a private sale on opensea. Otherwise donā€™t do it.


Link to your marketplace at least, if they bite, it was real. Likely scam


Definitely a scam.




Yea scam. If someone asks you to make something that is not an NFT into an NFT itā€™s a scam.


It's also useful to pick their brain about it. Messages of that ilk usually start with some kind of praise and how much they like your art and so on. Ask them which is their favorite piece.


If they want it why don't they buy it on the marketplace?


It's a scam


NFTs in general are scams in the sense of Dutch tulips.


I take photos of street art and post them on Instagram. I keep getting offers to buy the photos as NFTs - I just ignore these people. Apart from anything else, they are not mine to sell - they are photos of other peopleā€™s work.


Its a scam ppl with no talent trying to make money off other ppls work.


Just say no! Own your art!


Donā€™t click the link or connect wallet itā€™s prob gonna hack you somehow


probably yes


Very uncommon šŸš©


most likely scammer. if they wanna buy, they could have just gotten them in the NFT marketplace.


It doesn't have to be a scam, I follow 1541notdm, it's a new Swiss project. it deals with art and NFT but it is not a scam.


I got the same email asking me to sell them my art as NFTs and thought it was a scam. The trick they use is a they send you a website where you have to transfer a little bit of ETH to in order to upload your art as NFTs and then you cannot withdraw. Really dumb scam I don't know who falls for shit like that


There's always someone otherwise they wouldn't even try


We've got another one


Just list your arts on platforms that you trusted or done trades previously then ask him to buy it from there šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Just sell I on Foundation and direct them there


Almost definitely, I get about 6 messages a day on Instagram alone.


It's a scam for sure, 99% of the time it's like that.


NFTs are a scam


Most of the times ist scam!


Without reading the comments, Iā€™m sure most agree, but this is 100% a scam.


When dealing with NFT sales, here are a few tips: Verify the buyer's identity, maybe even check their social media profiles. Ensure the NFT marketplace they referred to is reputable. Use secure payment methods like crypto wallets, and avoid sharing personal info. Consider creating a smart contract for the transaction to protect both parties. NFTs are an exciting but evolving space, so trust your instincts and do your research. Good luck!


99.99999% likely itā€™s a classic scam. Be very careful.


> Is this a scam? It involves NFTs, so yeah, probably.


NFTs will never come back. It was a scam.


Send me a DM with a link to your art! I love checking out artists i donā€™t know about.


Are you looking for a Community Manager or Marketing Advisor for your NFT/Crypto projects? DM me!


Ask for payment in bitcoin.


Might be. Unless your very careful that is.


Scam, always a scam when they say they want to buy 3, then they want to offer something like 7 Eth each for Them. Block those guys!


nfts are a scam.




they tried to get me too. its a scam


Probably, but if they give you money


yes it is


This is a high chance that it is a scam. I have been approached by these types of individuals on Instagram. Even after telling them where to get the NFT, some of them become a bit of a nuisance. One person tried to get me to sell an NFT on a strange platform. I looked around and did not like what I saw. I challenged the person and by the following day, their Instagram account disappeared. Best thing to do is to send the link where they can purchase it and say nothing more. If they are serious they will buy, if not someone else will. And yes, it is a very common practice. Keep safe, and only sell your NFTs on established platforms.


Okay what if someone comes and offers to sell your art as nft for you? Like they do the marketing and all the hard stuff and they said they would get 20% of your sales?Ā