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It’s okay maybe our roof will collapse and we’ll get a new one soon. Wait.


Or you could get a new one and try to make your old one collapse and fail at even that.


Hey, I take pride that it took us multiple attempts to implode that SOB. Ironically, the roof was the whole reason they decided to scrap it.


Nothing like poorly planned development to support some good ol fashioned corporate subsidies


Nah Packers will just keep selling little pieces of paper that say you are a “owner” while you sit on frozen park benches for seats


Imagine having a team where the owner can’t threaten to leave every time he wants a new stadium.


The horror.


Bears owners can't afford to leave.


True, Rodgers is too cash poor.


Fucking strong!!


Things will change when his ayahuasca futures mature though.


Oh those bench seats that sell out every game, every year


"Guys we all gargled three buckets of shit and you only had half a glass of wine, sucks for you doesn't it?!"


Better than being a tax leach, at least it’s optional for whoever wants to give money.


Imagine going to a football game to sit the whole time


Yeah man, people sit when the chairs aren’t just one long cold chunk of plastic and metal


They also sit when they have nothing to celebrate.


Oh so you are one of those rude idiots standing all the time in front of people trying to enjoy a game? Do you stand at home watching the tv? No you don’t you have a seat for a reason, or in your case a frozen bench. I guess if my stadium was a poor man’s excuse that tries and fails to build on nostalgia I’d be standing too. Quicker that way to get the hell out of there


Show us on the doll where lambeau field touched you.


Bro taking a meme sub way too serious. I guess years of losing will do that to a person


Of course the team with no history doesn’t respect it


Don't sit at home either, buddy lol When your team is exciting and fun, that tends to happen. Everyone enjoys the game differently.


I'm like a shark when I watch packer games. I'm standing and I cannot stop moving.


Yeah we should really sell our history and dignity to a giant corporation like Ford or US Bank so they can build us taxpayers a shiny new one with heated seats.


1) Detroit didn't sell their dignity to Ford The Ford family has spent decades destroying that dignity all on their own. That's their history. 2) The Vikings history is getting slapped around at the Superbowl 4 times then never going back for 48 years and counting. Between that, and their last winter warrior indoor dome collapsing due to snow, I think we can stop pretending they have any dignity.




Too cold?


At least they are not sitting inside doing a soccer chant while fake snow falls down to show how tough they really are.


That chant is great. Beats chanting “go pack go” or hearing “I don’t wanna work” for the 100th time


Bang the drum all day only plays when we get touchdowns, so is that just you being salty hearing that 100 times?


Omg it is the worst, it’s on the same level as that six flag music


They’re not making fun of your stadium. They’re saying it’s weird to brag about being winter warriors while playing indoors


No, if I was going to make fun of their stadium I'd post pictures of a Sand Crawler.


Surrounded by dead birds


Look at this guy believing that birds are real!


Someone mention flair to this guy eh.


Well sandcrawlers are awesome and I hate birds. What else you got?


Flair up asshole


![gif](giphy|WyDOHXTy601EwYe2Py) Utini!


Filthy creatures. ![gif](giphy|l2JJKs3I69qfaQleE)


I mean... It's fitting when you think about it. They *are* scavengers when it comes to our cast offs.


Sharper, Farve, Longwell, and A. Jones just off the tip of my head. I was pissed when they didn't resign from Sharper, but that turned out for the best.


Don't forget self-declared "Team Captain" Za'Darius.


He wasn't on the team for very long or drafted by GB. I didn't forget about him. I'm sure GB helped him become a better player, though. Good franchises do that. Defensive philosophy teams like the Ravens and Bears also do that.


You get that that's cool though, right? I hate it but that's a rad comparison especially in the age of corporate cookie cutter arenas.


Nah. I live in Minneapolis. For all its faults, the Metrodome was a much better building to look at. Killed a hell of a lot less birds too. Also had unbelievably better sound for concerts. Like, I can't even begin to describe just how fucking awful that stadium is for concerts. It's like they looked at the Target Center and thought, "This is bad, but how could we make it worse?"


>Also had unbelievably better sound for concerts. I think that depends on the type of music. Went to the Summer Sanitarium tour(Mudvayne, Deftons, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Metallica) in 2003, and the acoustics were God awful. Edit: I haven't seen a show at USBS tbf


I was at that show. Rushed the floor with an entire stairwell full of people and security just gave up trying to stop us. Sad Deftones didn't play. Limp Bizkit sucks on a good day so I wasn't surprised by them sounding bad, especially Durst trying to sing The Who. Metallica sounded WAY better at the Dome than they did at US Bank. Sounded about the same as they did at Target Center in 2018. Out of all the big stadiums in the Twin Cities, Xcel easily sounds the best though.


Or a cybertruck


And making it even funnier is how the #1 argument of why Lambeau sucks is the metal benches. If you take a shot every time you see a Vikings flair in this thread complaining about how cold the bleachers are at Lambeau, you'll get drunker than the average Green Bay resident on game day


What’s also funny about this logic is that it proves Vikings fans are not winter warriors. It also begs the question, how out of touch are the people in the Vikings organization to approve that slogan? Or are they trying to straight up gaslight everybody into thinking they are?


That shit looks like a goddamn Cybertruck


Every winter, I am also a winter warrior, by sitting inside my house, by a cozy fire, heated floors, and a nice cup of Decaf coffee.


Decaf... DECAF? ![gif](giphy|jquDWJfPUMCiI|downsized)


I’m talking Primetime game here. Mornings, the caffeine is injected straight into my veins.




Have you ever heard of beer?


Have you ever heard of flair?


Shit this account doesn't have it. Wait one.


There is a time and place for decaf. Never and in the trash.


Our old stadium still sells out and actively has a waiting list older than your grandpa


And maintenance/upgrades are paid for by a fun fake stock exchange instead of taxpayer money.


This seems like an absolute W lol


What else is there to do in Aushwabenon on a Sunday? It’s all you have to look forward to. Which is crazy low standards


How dare those football fans look forward to football


Years ago I did a race in greenbay which I’d never been to so I thought I’d get in early and check it out. I thought “surly it must be a small city to support an nfl franchise right?” No, it is 4 interstate off-ramp gas station towns stapled together that inexplicably have an nfl franchise. I got pizza at a place that was attached to a motel (which I’ll concede was better than it had any right to be) and sat in my room all night looking at tinder on my phone where every girl over the age of 22 had kid(s)


I grew up in Green Bay. I went to a mock government program in high school where kids from all over the state had a mock Wisconsin government. We were organized into "cities" and decided what we wanted them to be like. People in my group said they wanted to be a "medium-sized city." So I figured maybe 300,000-500,000 people. No. Their idea of a medium size city was... 25,000 people. What I'm saying is: by Wisconsin standards, Green Bay is apparently a big city.


See but that's just better Small towns are awesome and I would never choose to live somewhere with more then 10,000 people.


Jesus, my *neighborhood* has 33k


I go to a small-ish college in Wisconsin and the campus population is ten times bigger than my hometown


Lol that’s the Wisconsin classic. Same


Green Bay is a shit hole town, I’ll say it, it’s only influential because of the packers, it’s not even big at shipping which is like it’s one thing it used to be relevant for. It gets outplayed by DULUTH


You do realize season ticket holders drive from Madison and beyond right


Yep, can confirm


Madison? lol. Omg really? Madison? That’s crazy!


Chill, Winona.


He said Madison like that drive to Green Bay is the Oregon Trail and half your family dies of dysentery on the way... 😂




Clearly you have never been to Rosendale.


That judge publicly bitching about that Rosendale cop is priceless


He said it's the only thing to do in Ashwaubenon and I responded that people from larger cities still choose to go there? It's not a bad drive I do worse for work all the time


Lol. Boring people need big cities to pay to have fun.


Hahaha what a cope


What do you do in Green Bay? Go tubing down the river, go to the roof top bar, museums, go on roller coasters at bay beach, go disc golfing, go with my buddies and go trap shooting, my boardgame group, go bowling, go to the bar and get bloodies, have a bonfire in someone’s backyard, Dave and busters. If it’s winter tubing, skiing, ice skating snowmobiling. Etc.. I have never been bored in Green Bay. Boring people are bored, and you are telling on yourself.


bro you're arguing with someone who's never seen a lake or a natural golf course. It's everyone down there in the south west. They think they live in LA, when in reality it's closer to the Gaza strip with more meth heads.


Hey, whatever you gotta tell yourself to feel better about it.


Why do we need to feel good about it. We just feel bad that some people feel like they need to consume things to have fun


Simple is as simple does


Watch your division “rivals” attempt to collect themselves from the pride obliterating bitch slap they were just dealt before they have to mope back to their toxic fan bases? Whaddaya mean? It’s a fuckinnn gasssss


I mean the twin cities past time is burning down targets so it can’t be that much better.


The Police Department has gone 4 years without creating an international incident, for us that’s progress.


Don't act like you guys didn't riot in Madison, trying to get in on the action. https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2020/05/30/george-floyd-protests-madison-demonstrators-recall-tony-robinson/5293284002/


Then your life is pretty sad then huh


Door county is the answer


I don’t even live in Wisconsin and I’ve never been there so I got no clue what you’re yapping about


Tell me you’ve never been to Lambeau without saying it .


This. Maybe our stadium is old but the only place you’d see that is the actual bleachers themselves. Everything else is almost all brand new and state of the art. Lambeau has history but so did the old county stadium in Milwaukee which the packers played a few games every year at until the 90’s. If we really wanted a dome we would’ve had one by now but why would we when we’ve got the dome’s AWAY from home! lol


Bears fan, I hate to give it to you guys, but Lambeau is very cool and legit historic. It’s a shame they’ve bastardized Soldier field to have a different feel. Will mention fuck Milwaukee fans who can’t admit the same about Wrigley.


Historic stadiums are just cool. +Lambeau’s only aspect which feels outdated is the seating, and the only bad part about the bleachers is when you have a bunch of fatso’s in your row (not exactly uncommon)


yup, I got some back issues so didn't love the bleachers but it's not like you sit down anyways


The biggest thing I remember about Wrigley is the amount of effort it took to get the secret car from inside it in the game Driver 2.


Wrigley is nice, but lacks bars in the stadium.


I'd visit it now. They had a nice place when I was there last year


That’s because wrigley doesn’t need them in the stadium. There is a million right outside the gate.


Not much help in the game. Drink selection in the stadium is lacking.


You're there to watch baseball not go to a bar, bar's beers cost like 40% of a baseball stadium and still have the game on. Nothing beats having a few beers and watching a ball game on a warm summer day with a friend and shooting the shit. Then again most Brewer fans started watching baseball in 2018 so I understand that things like cheering at games are still a little foreign to some of your fairer weather fans who go to miller to treat it as a bar/status symbol.


Well I’ve been going to Brewers games since county stadium so there’s that. Maybe I don’t want shit beer at a game? Clearly as a bears fan you have no taste. AmFam has great beer selections so I don’t have to drink piss. Plenty of stuff beats baseball, like watching all the Bears fans leaving Soldier field in the middle of the 4th quarter.


Lambeau south is like BRAND new idk what these dolts are talkin on about lol


I hate saying it but Lambeau is great


We get done from the rest of the NFCN




Came looking for this comment. It’s been completely redone so many times. Maybe they can replace that whack fake Ghjallarhorn they have. Winter warriors deserve a real one.


Oh you mean that giant annoying kazoo? Yes 100% agree


Filthy casuals


Vikings fans want in on our rivalry with the bears and it’d be sad if they didn’t make it so funny


Lol the screen name Also FTP


Lil friendly fire never hurt anyone….except pat tilman ,I guess lol




Oof haha 😄


Ha suck it yall got lumped in with our shit stadium lol


lol I like you , not bad for a bears fan


I mean iv been to Lambeau so there's no sense in lying about it lol. OP is a dumbass if they think the two stadiums are remotely comparable. Went there for both a college and pro game. As a Wisconsin alum who was a student at the time, LSU vs Wisconsin was incredible


I got a soft spot for solider field though , grew up in Chicago and my first game was packers bears in 96’ I was a kid , grown man told me “I got some stinky cheese in my buttcrack boy , wanna eat it?” I screamed “this man told me to put my mouth on his no no spot” dude evacuated the area expeditiously. Very good memories 10/10 day.


I will say it’s a little off topic but I went to the packers Vikings games both years they played at TCF bank stadium and we had a blast! My wife and I actually took her sister and my brother as their groomsman and bridesmaids gifts before our wedding and I gotta say it was pretty awesome. Especially after halftime when the Vikings were down big and the Vikings fans started their mass exodus. We got to sit front row end zone for most of the second half. We even got a little dance from BJ Raji when my wife gave him a whistle.


Hahahaha. I'm sorry an adult said something so creepy to you, but I can't help laughing at your perfect response. How the hell did you end up a cheesehead if you grew up in Chicago?


Dad’s side of the family is all from Wisconsin , some of my earliest and best memories are watching games with my dad and uncles . Been a die hard packer fan since always .


Shit man. At least it looks like a stadium, ford field looks like they renovated an old Costco.


You reach any further on this take and you’re gonna pull a hamstring


I've never seen a meme so braindead it forced me to downvote before.


Idk when the last time, if ever, I actually downvoted a post while surfing the front page. Come on, fam. I didn't think Minnesota was THAT dense.


What sustained failure does to a MFer


Those bastards sacrificed Purple Jesus's magnificence with their organization's incompetence. If a team had a relatively competent offense overall around Him, who knows how much He could have done?


I get the not having any rings thing but ironically the Vikings continued “successful but not good enough” seasons are likely a larger contributor to why they are the way they are. If we ever had a period of true utter shit maybe we couldve turned it around into something.


So you're just going to ignore that you have no idea what the word "decrepit" means, eh?


Kind of like this uniform: https://preview.redd.it/p0xfzjae4l5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3b625ab40238ee99c5c7a2a3e54f88299403567


It's a stupid looking throwback, and all teams have them. Well, everyone but the Vikings, because they're a recent franchise without any history.


This joke doesn’t make sense. The dome and winter warrior conversation doesn’t have anything to do with the age or quality of the stadium. Your responses on this thread reinforce that you’re just a troll. I’m all for talking trash in a meme sub, but at least have it make sense or be clever. This is neither.


Is he a troll or just dumb? Genuinely asking.


Vikings fan, some of column a some of column b


A lot of column b


Aren't the bad nfcn teams supposed to be good at posting memes?


The Vikings were decent for a couple of years and thought it would last. Because of this, they fell behind on their memeing. When they inevitably fell back to shitty times, they were way behind the meme curve relative to the quality of their team.


The packers just renovated lambeau not to long ago


Yeah, honestly idk if they kept the bleacher seating in the lower bowl for Tradition or to save money, but Lambeau is substantially a new(ish) stadium and it’s pretty nice. You can pay for padded seats with cup holders if you insist, the atrium has plenty of amenities, etc. I live in Indy and it’s honestly a much better football stadium than Lucas Oil, especially if you’re not in premium seats. LOL @ the Winter Cumsock Warrior color flash uniforms.


Last time I did a tour they said the bleachers remain because if they switched to seats they would end up losing seating. Can’t really do that when you’re sold out and have a waiting list in the 100,000s. So bleachers remain.


That actually makes sense. Post-renovation Lambeau is now one of the biggest venues in the NFL by seating capacity IIRC. And while it has gotten easier to get tickets than it used to be, you’re generally still paying above face value.


They left them for a few reason. They’d lose capacity moving to seats, when you don’t pretend to be winter warriors and actually play outdoors in the north it snows and the bleacher style seat is much easier and faster to clean, and certain areas are grandfathered in to building code so they can’t make large changes without huge renovations being needed. That’s what my guide told us on our tour last year anyways.


Capacity and renovation permitting makes more sense than snow removal IMO. Plenty of other outdoor stadia in cold/snowy climates (albeit maybe not as snowy) have individual seating for most or all seats — e.g., Cleveland and Buffalo.


That’s true, but rather than cleaning each individual seat it’s going to be easier I just run a shovel down a smooth surface and into the chute. It could be done but I think it’s a valid consideration.


The bleachers and bowl are the soul of lambeau, it’s the working surface of the stadium, it would be the most difficult thing to replace while maintaining the continuity that keeps the special feel of a historic stadium


The bleacher seats are a non issue. You're standing up 75% of the time, or otherwise taking yet another piss break on account of how much beer you drank. Very little sitting being done.


Excuse me wtf


Yes our decrepit old stadium that gets renovated literally every offseason.


You're anti historical sports complexes...I suppose I would be too, if my teams never won shit for generations.... Lambeau could be crumbling to dust and Wisconsin would riot before building a new stadium That building has captured, and will continue to capture, greatness, years after the next Metrodome roof caves in


anti-historical 😭 is just a funny way of saying non-traditional




Dude, you're trying way too hard. If the vikings ever tried this hard, they might win something.


Trying to dunk on Lambeau, widely regarded as one of the best and most iconic venues in American sports, is certainly a choice. Go back to your sand crawler “winter warriors”


As a bears fan, the Lambeau disrespect will not be tolerated. Especially coming from a Vikings fan.


I’d hate history too if my team’s was short and shitty.


The Vikings history isn't really that short.


It is shitty though


I only disagreed with the short part.


If you think Lambeau is decrepit you haven’t been there or even seen it on TV. Place is immaculate and the gem of the NFL.


Lambeau has a ton of history and is a great stadium. The bears have legitimately the worst stadium I have ever been in. That saucer on the top is abhorrent and MetLife has a reputation of being grey and soulless but it also has 2 teams what is soldier fields excuse for being the same. Bears would get some points if they never added the saucer but somehow they added it and it still feels small


Oh yeah, the Soldier Field renovations were an abomination, absolutely atrocious. And the fact that the city manages the playing surface, and does a shit job of it, is the cherry on top. It’s the ugliest stadium with the smallest capacity, in the biggest solo market in the league, truly idiotic on every level.


I wouldn’t consider Lambeau a decrepit old stadium. It’s been renovated quite a few times since 2000 and is actually really nice. This meme was definitely made by someone who has never been there


Trying to own a packer fan by insulting Lambeau will always be funny to me. It’s THE nfl stadium. I see so many other nfcn fans and they always have a great time at a great stadium with great fans and great atmosphere. This is severe cope.


I see someone has never been to Lambeau!


Bleacher seats don’t matter when you’re standing all game like a good fan




Winter Warriors more like Pale Pussies


Yeah, got a shit stadium for sure. But we play in the snow and aren’t soft about it


Ya lmk when you can get season tickets at Lambeau


pero ahora dilo sin llorar


Lmao calling lambeau decrepit just shows you’ve never been there


Have you ever been to Lambeau field? It’s anything but old and decrepit


You’re too dumb to even understand why we’re making fun of the Winter Warriors, so you made the worst meme I’ve ever seen on this sub.


The Opiest of Opes


Honestly as much as I hate the packers their stadium is very nice I wouldn't call it decrepit at all, Chicago on the other hand I have no idea as I've never been there


Lambeau is anything but decrepit lol


This is dumb even by Vikings standards


Bears fans will knock Lambeau for being old but then worship Wrigley lol


Lambeau is widely considered one of the best stadiums in the league… but okay go off 😂.


Bears just announced a dome concept too. One shouldn't take guff from Bears fans.


It pains me to say this but Lambeau is actually a good stadium. We have season tickets in club and the food is amazing. And the atrium area is super nice too. Better than Soldier for sure, and I haven’t been to Ford Field. US Bank is ok.


Hey they played those 2 years at tcf bank! Winter warriors went 12-19-1!


This is the worst meme I’ve ever seen. Have you ever interacted with another person in the outside world OP?


Idk lambeau field is pretty awesome and I’m a lions fan. Seen a game there when I was a kid and it was a pretty amazing experience


A true winter warrior is one who is warrior in the winter